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 Welcome To The Midside - The NeverEnding Drought Edition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:47:46

The guys discuss the latest development in California's drought--well, Daniel rants about it. They also ponder what a day without women would really look like and review The Lego Batman Movie.

 You, Me, And BTC - Blockchain Could Solve A Massive Equity Problem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:42

This is episode 163 of You, Me, and BTC – your liberty and Bitcoin podcast! First up this week, we’ll investigate a convoluted story about phantom stock. A few years back, Dole Food’s CEO decided to go private by buying up all of his company’s publicly owned shares. Then months later, a court ruled that he didn’t pay a fair price for each share. This meant that he owed a few extra bucks per share to everyone who owned stock during the buyout. But as people started to submit claims for that extra cash, it turned out that they thought they owned more Dole shares than had ever existed. Similar equity ownership problems have plagued Wall Street for decades. So today, we’ll cover this story in detail and explain how blockchain assets can (and should) significantly improve the way we track who owns how much of what. Then later in the show, we’ll cover a fascinating security exploit that could affect even the most secure computers. People generally think that air-gapped machines can’t be compromised because they never connect to the internet. But researchers in Israel recently found that malware could cause systems to transmit sensitive information via the LEDs on their hard drives. This attack vector may not be the most efficient and can probably be avoided, but the idea is still enough to make us rethink traditional security measures. So we’ll dive into the details on the air. Check the list below for some of the specific stories we’ll cover! Dole Food Had Too Many Shares Malware Lets a Drone Steal Data by Watching a Computer’s Blinking LED Your hosts are Daniel Brown, Tim Baker, and John Stuart. Don’t forget to scroll down so you can keep up with our open tweet lines, vote in this week’s Bitcoin poll, and share your thoughts in the comments! Every click helps. If this Bitcoin podcast was interesting, entertaining, obnoxious, or anything else, use the share buttons to let others know that it exists. Or to support YMB more directly, subscribe on Patreon and earn perks. Tips appreciated: 1Kiy8x4pwMS7RQuH7xDeVcfqeup7gUTqA

 The Justin Mohr Show - How Much Bigger Will This Bubble Get In The Stock Market? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:05

The stock market continues to hit record highs and the Dow is nearing in on its next target, a 21,000 point DOW. How much more will the markets go up before the big crash? That’s something hard to predict but gold and silver have also been on the rise. Gold is up nearly 8% in 2017 and silver is up 13%. Gold and silver are still not anywhere close to their record highs from 2011. With I high risk stock market, gold and silver at this point, is incredibly cheap insurance! Also, unpiloted flying drone taxis are coming to Dubai this July! This technology is amazing and shows the private sector at work making life better for everyone. Here’s a link to the drone video mentioned on the show. and here’s the article:

 The Tim Preuss Podcast - Egotistical Environmentalists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:02

Tim and Ande spend the first portion of the podcast talking about climate change, and the outlandish notion that humans can not only know the optimal temperature for Earth, but also meet that temperature and hold it. The duo also chat about Sandusky, George Soros, and same sex marriage and religious liberty.

 The Ancap Barber Shop - Rothbard’s Natural Rights And Euthanasia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:43:26

Rothbard is one of Scott’s biggest political influence. Rothbard’s natural right theory is a fascinating topic that we discuss in this episode. Nature doesn’t give a fuck about your property rights. Is Scott abandoning anarcho-capitalism? We dig into the deontology vs. consequentialism debate. Which is bigger, Facebook or Reddit? Make sure to check out The LAVA Flow podcast! Next, we talk about how to mind map your life on paper to train your brain. Scott digs into his mind map to give an example of how to do this. On a tangent, what podcast would Scott listen to while having sex? Find out on this episode! Don’t forget to check out the Anarcho-Yakitalism podcast! What is ethical and not ethical in assisted death? Adam breaks this down for us, from suicide, euthanasia, and abortion. Adam talks about Britney Maynard, who killed herself through euthanasia and was very public about her process. Do we really own ourselves and our bodies? Voluntary euthanasia vs. non-voluntary euthanasia is an important distinction that Adam talks about. The case of Terry Schiavo is a good example of this topic and is discussed. Dave Hester wants to be left on life-support forever and be turned into a robot one day. Abortion is a tough subject for everyone. In some places, it is illegal to abort when the reason is birth abnormalities or defects. The hosts all give their opinion of whether or not abortion should be illegal. Dave starts mansplaining about why the father should have some rights to decide on an abortion as well. If you bring a child with severe abnormalities into the world, are you as a parent responsible for the child’s future suffering? Check out NerdLogik from Dave Hester. It will be coming out soon and will be breaking down pop culture and media in the DC and Marvel world. Also, make sure to check out the Voluntaryist comic book series.

 The Lectures Of Jay Stuart Snelson - Session 7 & 8 - Problem Solving | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:35:26

Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot overemphasize the importance of Einstein’s advice on problem solving; “the formulation of a problem is often more essential than its solution.” This is not an overstatement. A penetrating formulation of a difficult problem is an integral part of the solution. Problem solving and solution building are one subject. Without problems, there are no solutions to build.

 The Lectures Of Jay Stuart Snelson - Session 6 - Cause and Effect | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:10

Welcome to the continuation of Principles of Human Action. This seminar is designed to give you a maximum understanding of causality, causation, cause and effect, different ways of saying the same thing. So, when I say causality that’s shortcut for cause and effect. We’re going to give you a maximum understanding of causality with a minimum investment of your time.

 The Jason Stapleton Program - Why M Yiannopoulos Is Wrong For Conservatism And Bad ForLiberty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:19

A lot of people have asked me why I’ve never had Milo on my show. I get emails from people offering to make the connection or suggesting I should reach out. It generally involves some disclaimer about how they “don’t agree with everything he says” but how it would be “be a great interview and would get a lot of downloads.” Let me state for the record that I love ratings and increasing my following is of primary concern as we work to build a bigger megaphone for liberty but that doesn’t mean I’ll do anything to boost my numbers. Milo’s latest gaffe has cost him a 250,000 dollar book deal and untold numbers of speaking gigs. Since Milo makes his living preaching a provocative right-wing message to college kids his standard of living is about to go down. I’ve also just received word that he’s resigned from Breitbart News, his other source of revenue. It’s the trap many provocateurs fall into. They get headlines by making over the top statements about culture and politics but if they don’t hit ever higher forms of socially incorrect discourse their fall out of the news cycle. Today I want to talk with you about Milo’s recent comments about pedophilia and why he’s such a bad poster child for both conservatism and the liberty movement. It’s a jam packed show today. Listen now! Jason

 Liberty Entrepreneurs - Top 10 Ways To Effectively Communicate With Your Virtual Assistant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:40

So you’ve hired a new Virtual Assistant and it’s time to take your business to the next level. Delegating task, freeing up time and having someone to regularly brush ideas off of is a clear improvement. That said, just because you hire someone doesn’t mean that you will build an effective business relationship. Communication is the key. Keep the following tips in mind so that you create a work environment built on trust and respect with a team mentality.

 The Tatiana Show - IP Special | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:26:35

Tatiana talks IP with industry experts. - Jeffrey Tucker is Chief Liberty Officer and founder of, Director of Content for the Foundation for Economic Education, research fellow at the Acton Institute, policy adviser of the Heartland Institute, founder of the CryptoCurrency Conference, member of the editorial board of the Molinari Review, an advisor to the blockchain application builder Factom, a frequent contributor to Newsweek, and author of five books. He has written 150 introductions to books and many thousands of articles appearing in the scholarly and popular press. His new book is Bit by Bit: How P2P Is Freeing the World , with an introduction by Patrick Byrne of and a foreword by investor Roger Ver. - John Light is product marketer at Abra, co-founder of Bitseed, author of Bitcoin: Be Your Own Bank, free software advocate and contributor, and advisor to cryptocurrency startups and investors. He co-organized the Decentralized Web Summit in 2016, co-organized Blockstack Summit NYC in 2015, hosted the P2P Connects Us podcast, founded the Buttonwood SF bitcoin trading meetup in San Francisco, and is an avid reader and writer on the topics of peer-to-peer technology, philosophy, and culture. If you like this content, please send a tip with BTC to: 1444meJi7YjgQGNg3U8Z6qYZFA5cgz4Gmj More Info:

 The LAVA Spurt - Do Not Resist This Movie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:32

At Liberty Forum a couple of weeks ago there was a screening of the documentary “Do Not Resist.” You do not want to resist watching this important movie. This is the thirty-first episode of The LAVA Spurt, Do Not Resist This Movie. Do Not Resist This Movie At Liberty Forum there was a screening of the movie “Do Not Resist.” I knew going in that I would have a personal connection to this movie based solely on watching the trailer. The trailer has a couple of segments in it with a man named David Grossman, a former Lt. Colonel in the US Army. Col. Grossman was my Professor of Military Sciences at Arkansas State University. He was the head of the Army R.O.T.C. department there and, at the time, he was a huge influence in my life. I looked up to Col. Grossman as a mentor and someone I wanted to emulate. Now I look at him with pity and sadness. You definitely want to catch this movie. If you have an Amazon Prime subscription, the movie is available for free on Amazon Video. You can also download this movie from torrent sites like Pirate Bay. The movie opens up with protests in Furguson Missouri shortly after the shooting of Michael Brown. It shows the terror, the pain, and the sadness that the community was facing. It also shows the very draconian tactics of the police in Ferguson, from curfews to tear gas, from armored vehicles to full military combat equipment worn by the officers. If looked much more like something you would expect in a foreign country where American military forces are sweeping a city. It is not something you expect to see in America. And, once most of the smoke had cleared from that night of violence, two officers are walking away. One says to the other, “Have fun?” with a huge smile on his face. Then he says, “shield bump?” and bumps his buddies riot shield with his in a salute to victory. It is fucking disgusting to watch. The glee, the ecstasy, the sheer joy on this officer's face makes me ill.

 Economics Detective - Canada's Cartel Problem With Maxime Bernier | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:18

What follows is an edited transcript of my conversation with Maxime Bernier. If you like his ideas, I encourage you to go to his website to learn more about them. You’re listening to Economics Detective Radio. Before we start let me give a quick disclaimer that although today’s guest is a politician this show is nonpartisan and doesn’t endorse any particular candidate for office. My guest and I are also Canadian so we’ll be talking about some Canada-specific issues. I know I have an international audience but sometimes it’s fun to learn about what’s going on in other countries. So I hope you’ll listen nonetheless. And now on to the episode.

 Proven & Probable - Riverside Resources - 2017 Catalysts Are Coming To Fruition! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:57

Dr. John-Mark Staude the President and CEO of Riverside Resources sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss the catalysts that are coming to fruition in the first quarter of 2017. We will be addressing the virtues of the Project Generator business model. In addition, we cover the exciting details of the Glor and Cecilia Projects and JV Partner relationship with Antofagasta all located in Mexico. Riverside Resources is off to amazing start in 2017!

 The Freedom Report - Rand Paul Under Attack! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:20

Senator Rand Paul has come under increasing scrutiny in recent days for his confirmation vote of Senator Jeff Sessions to the position of Attorney General. Paul defended his vote for sessions in an interview with Kennedy on Fox Business thusly: "I think personal considerations; I've known him for a long time. I didn't like the way Democrats vilified and tried to create him into some sort of racist monster, which is not who he is. So the fact that they used character assassination, I didn't want to be associated with that. But I can tell people, libertarians across the country, that there is no stronger voice in the U.S. Senate for opposing militarization of the police, opposing the drug war, opposing the surveillance state. And so if people want to apply a purity test to me they're more than welcome, but I would suggest that maybe they spend some of their time on the other 99 less libertarian senators." Paul also recently argued against an investigation into the departure of president Donald Trump's national security advisor Michael Flynn, who was accused of lying to vice president Michael Flynn about the discussions Flynn had with a Russian ambassador about US sanctions. In an interview with Brian Kilmeade, Paul argued: "I think that might be excessive. It looks like the President has handled the situation, and unless there's some kind of other evidence of malfeasance, this sounds like something that was internal White House politics and it looks like the President's handled it." Very good reasoning there, but Paul took it one step further, angering many when he went on to say: "I just don't think it's useful to be doing investigation after investigation, particularly of your own party. We'll never even get started with doing the things we need to do, like repealing Obamacare, if we're spending our whole time having Republicans investigate Republicans. I think it makes no sense." Is Paul arguing for party over principle? All that and more on the Freedom Report podcast!

 Remso Republic - Jason Stapleton Vs the Media Mafia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:51

A new era in media and talk radio is occurring right before our eyes, and whoever controls our attention controls the narrative. At the tip of the spear is political commentator Jason Stapleton of the Jason Stapleton Program, who sets forth his vision of where culture and politics will clash and either promote freedom or tyranny in the years ahead. This is an episode you don't want to miss!


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