The Brooklyn Blast Furnace show

The Brooklyn Blast Furnace

Summary: The Brooklyn Blast Furnace is hosted by Jimmy Ferrari. Please take a minute to Download, Rate and Review the show. It is available on YouTube and all podcast platforms. Thank you for the support.

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 Ep. 177 - Bane 2.0 (Pt. 5/5)- Aaron Bedard Part 2 (Bane. Antagonize) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:14:36

My guest for the 5th and final part in the "Bane 2.0" series is part 2 with singer Aaron Bedard! We go right into the feedback we received from the first five part series, the emotions attached to watching the live stream of the final set, the upcoming documentary, and thoughts on the future. Then we nerd out over movies and directors; Stanley Kubrick, Ari Aster, William Friedkin and a bunch of other pastimes we enjoy. I could speak with Aaron for hours. There will absolutely be another episode with him in the future. I hope you enjoyed this second series focusing on one of my favorite bands. You're all appreciated. Respect.

 Ep. 176 - Bane 2.0 (Pt. 4/5) Stephen Fallis. (Former Tour Manager. At Both Ends Zine) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:12:38

The fourth part in the second Bane Series! My guest is Stephen Fallis. Former Tour Manager for Bane and creator of "At Both Ends" hardcore magazine. Besides the members themselves, he's probably seen the band live more than anyone. We get into his upbringing in the forest in Canada coming from a family of ranchers, where he only has one or two radio stations and television channels all the way into stories of him with Bane in South America. A kid who lived literally in the middle of nowhere to eventually tour all over the country and overseas with Bane and several other bands. From booking little hardcore shows to hopping in a van and traveling the world. We had an interesting, behind the scenes conversation from his beginnings through today. Great talking with him. I hope you enjoy this one. Bane Forever.

 Ep. 175 - Bane 2.0 (Pt. 3/5) - Nick Branigan (Bane. Close Call. Silent Drive. Hands & Knees) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:21

My guest for Part 3 in the "Bane 2.0" series is drummer Nick Branigan. He played drums on the "It All Comes Down To This" and "Give Blood" records. He toured the world for several years with "Bane". He was in the Boston hardcore band "Close Call", after "Bane", he joined "Silent Drive" and went on to create music in several different genres. His current band is "Hands And Knees" and has been with them for over eleven years. I know I state it often, but it's the truth... this was a lot of fun to do. Enjoy! Bane Forever.

 Ep. 174 - Bane 2.0 (Pt. 2/5)- Brendan "Stu" Maguire (Bane. Reach the Sky) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:36

My guest for Episode 174... Part 2 in the "Bane 2.0" series is bass player, Brendan "Stu" Maguire! Stu played and toured with "Bane" extensively and recorded the "World Series" 7" collection in 2009. We begin this episode speaking about his battle with pancreatic cancer. For what this man has gone and is going through, his positive attitude and fight is second to none. It's inspiring to say the least. We both called the first half hour or so of this conversation, "The Ailment Episode" since he tells his story, then I wasn't going to, but he wanted me to tell mine as well. Not that we're comparing, but my story doesn't even come close. We then go into his history, growing up, and his time in "Reach the Sky". I never met Stu in person and really hope that I do sooner than later. The man is an inspiration and my hat goes off to his amazingly supportive family. The final Bane set was released when a 20k goal was reached within 24 hours via GoFundMe set up by Sunny from Hate5six. Once the goal was reached, the last set streamed. But the goal has been raised to 50k to help him and his family get through this ordeal. So... if you can, please visit the link below and help. Thanks for your time Stu. I hope you all enjoy this episode. Respect.

 Ep. 173 - Bane 2.0 (Pt. 1/5) - Peter Chilton. (Bane. Silent Drive. Nova Motorcycles) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:26

"The Isolation Sessions" are over. The first five part "Bane Series" is over... but "Bane 2.0" has just begun. Get ready for another five part series with former members and people very closely associated with them. My first guest in the "Bane 2.0" series is bass player, Peter Chilton. He has played on every full length "Bane" record, toured the world several times over and is an enormous part of the band. He created the artwork for several "Bane" album covers along with dozens of other bands. He was also in the bands "Godflaw" and "Silent Drive". He currently is co-owner of "Nova Motorcycles", a custom motorcycle and repair shop. This was awesome to do. I hope you enjoy this one as well. Once again... Bane Forever.

 The Isolation Sessions: Vol. 18 - Phil Demmel. (Vio-Lence. BPMD. Ex: Machine Head. Torque) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:20

The Isolation Sessions: Volume 18!!! The last in this series that I did during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020. I close this out with the legendary Phil Demmel! Founder and guitarist of "Vio-Lence", "BPMD", ex "Machine Head", "Technocracy" and singer for "Torque". This was another one of those episodes that I never thought I'd ever have a chance to do. My teenage years (and still to this day), "Vio-Lence" was a big part of my soundtrack. We go right into the upcoming new "Vio-Lence" record. We talk about "BPMD", his side project with Bobby Blitz from "Overkill", Mike Portnoy from "Dream Theater" and Marc Menghi from "Metal Allegiance". Their debut record, "American Made" is available now. It's a record of 70's rock songs with a metal twist. We talk about his departure from "Machine Head" after a sixteen year run with them as well as him getting a text from Kerry King from "Slayer" asking him if we could fill in for Gary Holt for a few dates on their final leg of their final tour. Phil Rules. I hope you enjoy this.

 The Isolation Sessions: Vol. 17 - Joey Southside 2. (The Banner. Artist. Cerebros Podcast) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:38

The seventeenth in a series of podcasts during the Coronavirus pandemic. "The Isolation Sessions". It's been close to 150 episodes ago he was on the show the first time. My guest is Joey Stone... also known as Joey Southside. Singer for New Jersey Hardcore/Metal band "The Banner". He's also a ridiculous artist and co-host of the "Cerebros" Podcast with his brother Greg Stone, who was a guest on Episode 107. We talk about how he wanted to throw Jerry Seinfeld a beatin' one night... yeah, Jerry Seinfeld. We get into "The Banner" for a bit, we discuss his podcast which segways right into us nerding out over toys and cartoons from the 80's like two children. Joey rules, The Banner rules and so does is podcast and artwork. Good guy this Joey Southside. Support his ventures. He deserves it. Respect.

 Bonus Mini Episode - We Will Return After These Messages. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:41

Sometimes you just have to show appreciation for things. I'm not going to get long-winded describing this 15 minute mini episode. Please listen. You're all appreciated. Thank you for the continued (and growing) support. Respect.

 The Isolation Sessions: Vol. 16 - Bryan Harris. (Death Before Dishonor) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:16

The sixteenth in a series of podcasts during the Coronavirus pandemic. "The Isolation Sessions". My guest is Bryan Harris. Singer for Boston Hardcore band "Death Before Dishonor". I've been wanting to sit down and talk with Bryan for a while now. So, what better time than now while we can't even go to a show or even meet in person? We go back to the formation of the band, signing to "Bridge Nine Records", all of their records, line-up changes, and the future. The last time I saw "DBD" was at last year's "This Is Hardcore" Festival in Philly, and they were one of my favorite sets of the weekend. Great band, super cool guy. I hope to see them at a show sooner rather than later. As always, thank you for always listening. Support "Death Before Dishonor". Respect.

 The Isolation Sessions: Vol. 15 - Bane Series (Pt. 5/5) Bobby Mahoney. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:48

The fifteenth in a series of podcasts during the Coronavirus pandemic. "The Isolation Sessions". Part 5 of 5 in the "Bane Series". My guest is drummer Bobby Mahoney. He was also the drummer for "Reach the Sky". This episode concludes the "Bane" series. Definitely my personal favorite stretch of episodes so far. As with the previous episodes, we go into his history and what steered him into the direction of the hardcore scene. We go from his earliest bands who didn't release music, to an early band, "Black Belt", then into "Reach the Sky" who had a nice run of success, then into "Bane". His thoughts on that final tour, the last couple shows and of course, the final show at the Worcester Palladium. At this point, if you have listened to this series, by the end of this one, you'll get a good feeling about the future of "Bane" and what may or may not need to happen in order for them to play again. Bobby rules, so does "Bane" and whatever the future holds, I appreciate all they have done. I will forever hold those moments. Much respect and thank you all for your time and to everyone who has listened, I thank you as well. Respect.

 The Isolation Sessions: Vol. 14 - Bane Series (Pt. 4/5) Aaron Dalbec. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:27:16

The fourteenth in a series of podcasts during the Coronavirus pandemic. "The Isolation Sessions". Part 4 of 5 in the "Bane Series". My guest is founding member and guitarist Aaron Dalbec. He also plays guitar for "Only Crime" and bass for "Be Well", as well as former guitarist for "Converge". Aaron also owns and operates his own company, "Essex Coffee Roasters". We go into his history along with the early days of "Converge" then quickly go into the formation "Bane". Being he is a founding member, there's a lot. A dedicated 20 year run with a band that couldn't stop touring... until they did. I ask him all about the final show and the possibility of reforming. While they were still active, he played bass for a bit with "Only Crime" along with the singer for "Good Riddance" and "Creep Division". After "Bane" was over, it's apparent that Aaron has a drive and passion for creating music, so "Be Well" was formed. I wish his band and his coffee company nothing but success. It was great to speak with him. I hope you enjoy this one. Will "Bane" ever reform? We shall see.

 The Isolation Sessions: Vol. 13 - Bane Series (Pt. 3/5) Aaron Bedard. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:32:37

The thirteenth in a series of podcasts during the Coronavirus pandemic. "The Isolation Sessions". Part 3 of 5 in the "Bane Series". My guest is singer Aaron Bedard. He also sings for "Antagonize" who have 2 demos and a full length out now! Check it out, it rules! We go deep. We touch on movies we love, since we both have an appreciation film. We touch on his history growing up and his influences. I always love talking about the first bands people were in when they were kids, because usually they're over the top and cheesy, and Aaron's first bands are awesome! Then, of course we start talking about "Bane". As everyone already knows, they're one of my favorite bands and appreciate what they have done, their message and how they never cared what anyone thought. They did what they wanted to do. Aaron has a deep passion for the band to say the least. His response to my "will 'Bane' ever play again" question was both heartfelt and in an odd way, for me, was a bit of a relief. His honesty and in depth answers are second to none. We touch on "Antagonize" then quickly bounce back into more "Bane" talk and "Bane dreams". You'll understand when you listen. It was a pleasure and an honor to speak with him. Respect.

 The Isolation Sessions: Vol. 12 - Bane Series (Pt. 2/5) James Siboni. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:18

The twelfth in a series of podcasts during the Coronavirus pandemic. "The Isolation Sessions". Part 2 of 5 in the "Bane Series". My guest is bassist, James Siboni. He has also played bass for the bands "Loma Prieta" and "Faze". We discuss his upbringing and having parents as musicians, and his introduction to punk and hardcore. Then of course how he met, became friends with and started working with "Bane". I had never met or spoken James before we did this episode. But I will tell you, joining "Bane" for him was like a dream come true. A super nice guy with a passion for hardcore. He now lives in Florida and owns a record store, "Tiger Records". Support him. He deserves it. I'm glad we did this. I hope you enjoy this installment of the "Bane Series" as well. Respect.

 The Isolation Sessions: Vol. 11 - Bane Series (Pt. 1/5) Zach Jordan. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:40:28

The eleventh in a series of podcasts during the Coronavirus pandemic. "The Isolation Sessions". Part 1 of 5 in the "Bane Series". My guest is guitarist, Zach Jordan. He is also the singer for "Silent Drive". Zach and I have been trying for literally about two years to do an episode of the podcast. This was before the pandemic hit. We just never were able to line up our schedules and geography got in the way since he was constantly on the road with other bands. So, I figured I'd reach out to see if he was down to do one of "The Isolation Sessions". I must give him credit for coming up with the idea to do a "Bane Series" with all of the members after he caught wind that I was also trying to line up an episode with the other guitarist, Aaron Dalbec. This was the first podcast that he has done since "Bane" called it quits on June 18th, 2016. To my knowledge, nobody in the band has... until now. One of my all time favorite bands, and the nicest guys. A true Hardcore band. I hope you enjoy this series. These are some of my favorites that I've done so far. Respect.

 The Isolation Sessions: Vol. 10 - Mario & Kim Cangemi. (Upstate Records) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:21

The tenth in a series of podcasts during the Coronavirus pandemic. "The Isolation Sessions". My guests are Mario Cangemi and his wife Kim. Together they own and operate "Upstate Records". An independent hardcore and metal label based in Upstate, New York. They've been killin' it lately with an amazing roster of bands. Included on label are "These Streets", "Brick By Brick", "Smash Your Enemies", "Kings Never Die", "Leeway NYC", "Ante Up", "Gloves Off" and several others. Before the label was created, Mario was in several bands himself, from "Attica" to "Built For Battle", "Substance" and "Sour". I didn't know Kim was going to be on the show until it happened and it was awesome to get her perspective and see how a couple works together for a common goal. I enjoyed speaking with them. Enjoy!


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