Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Radio detectives, mystery, murder, double crossers, and hard boiled action.


 Nero Wolfe (CBC) Cordially Invited To Meet Death. ep6, 820220 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:53

In the past, Nero had turned down the job offered him by Mrs Jurvis Horrix to play detective at a party. Today she has a more serious reason for calling on his services. It’s her business to arrange parties, but someone has it out to ruin her. Does it have to do with one of her parties, or clients? A woman who might possibly have sent the disturbing letters is gathered to Nero’s office. Miss Nickols seems to have something to hide, and the woman seems to not be able to get along with Nero’s cook . Fritz. Are there others who might have a motive for sending the letters? The matter of blackmail deepens when doctor Brady, and Mrs Horrix brother are found to play parts in the scandal over the death by complications from tetnis. And what about that pet orangutang? The whole matter seems to have flummoxed even the great Nero Wolfe. Is it time to just be rid of the whole affair? Especially when his client just died from tetnis? Inspector Kramer is in Nero’s office, responding to worries of murder by the brother. Thinking it through again, Archie may have hit on an important clue. The case suddenly erupts anew when Kraemer thinks Nero has been withholding evidence. Enraged by the accusation by the police, Nero leaves no clue uninvestigated as he tracks down the source of the tainted iodine used to bandage a cut. He and Archie are in a race to find a killer, before more people fall victim. Don’t worry, there’s still the usual dramatic reveal in Nero’s office to air all the dirty laundry.

 Sherlock Holmes – The Cardboard Box. ep87, 430827 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:19

Audio is good, although it goes from a bit staticky at the beginning, to fading to worse by the end. Responding to inspector Lastraud, Sherlock Holmes and Watson are on the case. His powers of deduction round out details as he speaks with the lady of the house. A card board box holds the things of the dead master of the house. A piece of string, brown paper, and even the box itself holds some interest to Holmes. Earrings indicate an important clue about who sent the package. From the items with the box, Holmes is confident he knows the name of who sent it. Now in Liverpool, our sleuths seek more information. Where’s Mr Browner? What happened on Tuesday? The maid reports on the whereabouts and happenings in the house. Something bad happened. You can tell because of the ominous and dark transition musical transition. OK, the clues help too. Watson wants to chase after the dangerous criminal. We can’t have him out and about. Holmes on the other hand, has other ideas, and a better solution. Stay tuned as Watson fills us all in during the epilog.

 Philip Marlowe – The Sword Of Cebu. ep77, 500328 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:20

An offer to double cross a client shows at Marlowe’s door, but its against a client who Philip hasn’t heard from in years. As if on cue, the wild haired mysterious man flees, and the phone rings. Henry Pound, the client in question wants Marlowe to retrieve a sword for him. Going on a clue, Marlowe visits a dame, but what does the blonde know about the sword? For now, all Marlowe gets is attitude, dead ends, and a thump on the head. Waking up to a helpful beach comber, and a body, the heat is on to find the sheath that goes along with the sword. Piecing them together forms a pattern that spells out a message… or does it? Racing off to find the sheath, and a lot of danger, Marlowe uncovers secrets about the sword, the real message, and the real business his exotic client is involved in.

 The Adventures of Sam Spade – The Cloak and Dagger Caper. ep231, 510119 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:08

Enjoying an evening with a cozy cloak and dagger novel, Sam’s quiet night is interrupted by an exotic dame from the middle East. When Shall,mar drops dead in Sam’s apartment from poisoning, it has all the trappings of a story out of a novel. When he reports it to the cops. will they see it that way? Taking his only piece of identification to the streets, Sam comes up empty at the carnival attractions, and the Turkish bath. The ancient medallion proves to be a legitimate artifact, and the trail leads to a night club. Who else knows about the secret society, and the meaning of the symbols on the medallion? All the ingredients for a first class cloak and dagger tale come clashing together. The deadly mix is ripe to blow up in Sam’s hands. Clues begin to make sense to Sam, and his bad guy soon shows himself. The cloaks and daggers are soon thwarted by Sam’s good old technique of turning the tables with a fist fight. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Sam Spade on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00BDR8A9M,B006421JJY,1570196451,1932806229"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Nero Wolfe (CBC) Christmas Party. ep5, 820213 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:52

Preparing for the upcoming Christmas party, Archie and Nero have conflicting ideas on socializing. Archie parts ways to have a festive time, and the drinks flow from a bar tender dressed up in a Santa costume. The festivity continues with the announcement of wedding plans. Things are going too well, isn’t it about time for a corpse to make the scene? Can the doors be locked in time to keep the deadly Santa from fleeing the building? Cops are soon on hand, and the clues of the crime are reviewed. Who had motive, and access to the poison that was used? Was Santa the killer, or just a hired man to mix up the drinks, for someone else? Back in the office, Archie learns… Let’s just say that Santa’s padding wasn’t fake… and he discovers a secret about where Nero was. What other observations does Nero have about the happenings at the party? Can he catch a killer before he has the embarrassment of confessing his secrets to inspector Kramer? Some body at the party may have seen through Nero’s involvement as Santa. What do they want in trying to leverage a little blackmail against him? Does Miss Kwon know who the killer is? Is Kraemer smarter than Archie figured in finding clues? Will Nero have what he needs to bring the case to a rapid close? The cast of suspects are rounded up, and Nero confronts each with the facts in the case. By the time Kraemer shows up, Nero wraps up the big reveal. Stand by for plenty of plot twists as Nero kicks the lid off the crime.

 Philip Marlowe – The Deep Shadow. ep76, 500321 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:23

A frazzled groom worries about his missing bride. If this is only a matter of cold feet, he can go elsewhere. Marlowe don’t play that game. Seeing merit to the case, the chase is on. At the swanky nightclub, the Blue Chip, A co-worker sends Marlowe to her apartment building where the bride also lives. Who’s the gal in the dark shades,. and a Southern accent? Laying out some bribe money for the landlady, the trail stays warm. What sort of ,mess has the missing bride gotten herself into? Cops investigate a murder, and Marlowe finds himself in danger of having some of the charges fall on him unless his client is willing to talk to the investigators. Racing into danger, and calling in all his slim favors with the cops, Marlowe kicks the lid off the mystery. Stay tuned for Marlowe to get to the bottom of the scandal f blackmail, and explain all the twists.

 The Adventures of Sam Spade – The Red Star Caper. ep230, 510112 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:53

Has Sam had it with detective work? What would he do if he decided to quit? He reports on his latest caper, and the lecture of foreign correspondents he attended that started it all. Boring… until the gunshots rang out. In flashback, Sam recounts earlier events that led to his job at the affair to be a body guard. Who wanted Syrus Manning dead? The correspondent had been working in China, and other communist countries. Sam may not be the best body guard, but he has a handle on the aftermath at the crime scene. The confusing trail takes Sam to a dame at a hotel, and yet another dead reporter. Not waiting for the path to grow cold, Sam relies on informants, and finds himself at the waterfront where a thump on the head awaits him. When all else seems to fail, what’s Sam to do? Check out the dame, of course. Might there be more trouble in Sam’s future? Thugs, fist fights, gunshots, thumps on the head? Naturally, but his answers for the mystery also are in store for him. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Sam Spade on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00BDR8A9M,B006421JJY,1570196451,1932806229"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";

 Nero Wolfe (CBC) Counterfeit For Murder. ep3, 820130 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:18

An aging broad, Hattie, needs the services of Nero Wolfe. Archie is inclined to give her the brush off, but when a dame, 30 years younger comes around he is a bit more lenient. Hey, he and Nero aren’t totally heartless, when the old dame nearly gets run down by a car, they take her in to hear her story. Will the package she found lead to a reward, or trouble? Investigating the counterfeit bills, Archie goes to Hattie’s place, only to have a corpse complicate the matter. Time to get the cops involved, as well as the men from the Treasury department. Hattie proves to be cantankerous enough to barricade herself into her house. Can Archie sweet talk her into cooperation? What’s the tie between the counterfeit bills and the corpse? Archie is convinced Hattie is innocent of murder. As Archie drags the reluctant Nero into the mess, the case is reviewed, and more characters emerge who play a part in the drama. Certain that one of the newcomers to his doorstep is the killer, Nero prepares to interrogate them to figure out which one it is. Has Nero figured it out? Get ready for the big reveal as Nero calls all the suspects, and police to his office.

 Box 13 – Death Is A Doll. 490313. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:21

The latest request that comes into box 13 is for help with a case of voodoo. The normally practical minded Dan isn’t discounting any possibilities as he heads out for Louisiana for his next adventure. As Dan investigates, everyone downplays the witchcraft angle, it’s just ridiculous, superstition, nothing of real substance, right? Dan at least gives it credit for being a mental issue. Why would a normally healthy man suddenly suffer as his client has been, and losing weight? Can Dan apply some mind over matter techniques, and bring the suffering man back around? With each opponent to the idea that voodoo might actually have some affect, Dan keeps working the mental health angle. That if a person believes a thing strong enough, it can begin to take over as though the imaginary is a reality to that person. Still, will it take more than just being a good cheerleader and psychoanalyst to rescue the man from a self imposed fate? The curse put on the man only gives him a short time to live. Can Dan find the cure that will break the curse, and snap the man out of it? The clock is ticking, and soon there’s just one day left. The mind is a strange thing sometimes, but in this case, Dan’s style of psychotherapy is just the thing the doctor… er… witch doctor? ordered, so to speak.

 The Adventures of Sam Spade – The Biddle Riddle Caper. ep229, 510105 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:52

A phone call sends Sam to a radio station, and his next case. A radio show has an innovative idea for a crime and mystery show, involving real interviews for listeners to engage in the detective work. A nice gimmick, but Sam is called on to track down the killer behind the real crime. Shady characters a large sum of money, a torrid divorce case, and that’s just the beginning for Sam. Tracing the trail, Sam begins with dance hall dame, Rosalee, and ends up with a dead Jimmy Biddle, radio personality. A tape recorded message holds a confession, and a suicide note. The gimmicks and radio practical jokes spiral out of control when gunshots keep Sam hopping. Shake downs, blackmail, and crossing paths with the wrong people means disaster, but Sam is no victim. He finds clues in the tape recorded message, and its all he needs to face off with the real killer. Sam reports on the fists that fly as he concludes his report with Effie.

 Nero Wolfe CBC – Before I Die. ep2, 820123 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:09

Audio quality is excellent. The king of the black market doesn’t take no for an answer, so Archie Goodwin isn’t taking any chances when he’s invited to go for a ride in the big black Cadillac. Concern for his detective friend, Nero finds himself inviting the mobster to the office to discuss the situation. Nero won’t be a part to illegal doings, but turns the case over to Archie to help with the blackmail trouble. The matter is particularly troublesome, since the blackmailer is his own daughter, Violet. Who is Beulah Page then? Finding Beulah in her university dorm, Archie is the first to learn of the marriage proposal. The giddy couple are whisked away for Nero to entertain them over dinner. Later, Nero learns more about the embittered Violet, and the abuses she claims have come at the hand of her father. Archie picks up where Nero left off with Violet. Will his flirtatious ways get her softened up? Danger and gunplay is in store for Archie. Bodies pile up, and the case seems firmly in the hands of the cops. That doesn’t mean the case is over. Rival racketeers could present a deadly danger to both Archie and Nero. Even so, they still need to protect Miss Page. Nero comes clean with Beulah, as much as he can, about her real father, and the large sum of money she has coming. Working with the cops, there’s still some crime to mop up, finding the mastermind behind the blackmail, and protecting the interest of the innocent Beulah in the world of thugs who want her money.

 Box 13 – Hunt And Peck. ep29, 490306 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:53

When you need help, write to Box 13, care of the Star Times. Today a condemned man writes to Dan Holiday to investigate the facts of his case. What can Dan do for the man on death row? He has been tried, and run through the legal system, and the legal system can’t be wrong! Can it? wink, wink. Dan himself doesn’t see any hope, and only has 34 hours to dig something up. It’s times like these that makes Dan regret having that ad for Box 13, but he’s always up for a good challenge. The clock is ticking, and Dan accounts for the time as he reviews the court records. Evidence is against the man, Martin Kirby. When Dan Interviews the cops, it sheds no new light, and the suspicions with the police is that he is guilty as charged. According to the court record,Kirby was the only suspect, and Dan grasps for any hint of another, or flaws in the way things add up against the doomed man. All Dan has to go on is a typed note that the case is hinged on, and the shadow of a doubt. Time is short, and the clues are scarce, so Dan hits them hard. He’s playing for high stakes, and all he has is a bluff, but the pressure is on. After taking a bullet for the case, Dan is sure of the real killer, but he still doesn’t have evidence that he can use. The case is closed with the cops, but Dan’s friend on the force is beginning to see the light. Still playing his hunches, Dan has only the slim evidence of that typewritten note, and some scant forensics evidence related to it, and appealing to the conscience of the killer. Things come down to the wire and there’s one more twist that helps Dan out.

 The Adventures of Sam Spade – The Prodigal Panda Caper. ep228, 501229 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:17

When Sam reports his last caper to his secretary, Effie Perine gets confused at the word prodigal. It all starts when Sam finds a sleeping boy, reading a pulp fiction detective magazine. Full of dames with strangely painted eyebrows, and tough guys with guns. The cops don’t believe Robbie’s story, but fill Sam in on what the kid told them about his brother. Taking his payment in jelly beans, Sam follows up on leads involving the stuffed panda in the department store. Matters take a serious turn when a woman on an escalator is discovered to be connected to a corpse. Sam’s trail of the panda leads to another encounter with the dragon lady, and his weekly thump on the head. The idea of a hot panda racket doesn’t sit well with the cops. What does it all mean, the connection between a man in a checkered jacket, the dragon lady, and the missing panda? Important clues send Sam on the trail of a hot, red, convertible. The panda’s secret could be worth $50k, but Sam learns the real, explosive secret of the panda.

 Nero Wolfe – Disguise For Murder. ep1, 820115 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:23

Cynthia Brown has a story to tell Archie about her friend, Doris who was killed. A man who is at a party in Nero’s office is the one Cynthia is accusing. Archie mingles, and as he identifies the man, a scream shatters the air. A corpse at a party has a way of breaking it up. With Inspector Kraemer on hand, Archie and Nero review the details of where people were, and when they were there. How was it done? What’s the motive? Guests at the party are questioned. The invasion of police authority has Nero especially disgruntled, but a clue to how Cynthia Brown fits . into the crime becomes a little more clear. Newspaper reporters soon descend when word gets out of the high profile guests, and the events in the famous residence of Nero Wolfe. Nero and Archie discuss how trustworthy the story that Cynthia told might be. The killer is still being held with the guests, and Nero thinks he knows how to flush him out. Complications and danger set in for Archie, and the killer seems to have his own trap to shake off the investigators. The tables get turned and the killers disguise is exposed.

 Sam Spade – The 25-12345679 Caper. ep226, 501215 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:07

A night out for pizza turns into the latest adventure for Sam. Tony is the concertina player on a ferry boat, and tells Sam about being attacked. Is there a homicidal maniac on the loose? Common ground is found between Sam, and the doctor who comes to tend to the injured Tony. Sam and the doc take a ferry ride in the foggy night to retrace the events Tony described. A body is found, and Sam links it to Tony, but hazards wait for Sam, and he finds himself tossed overboard. Managing to stay afloat, and fighting affects of hypothermia, Sam is pulled from the water just in time. His soaked condition doesn’t stop him, and Sam resumes his investigation. A name has been turned up, Boris Targaminski. Dangers keep coming for Sam, and he finds himself in the hands of the FBI. Secrets pour out, and a spy ring is at the center of the mystery. A coded message could reveal the contact. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "retrootr-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Sam Spade on Amazon"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00BDR8A9M,B006421JJY,1570196451,1932806229"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "d044d97d5e71edb0df9497c070c428e8";


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