Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Radio detectives, mystery, murder, double crossers, and hard boiled action.


 Gregory Hood – Black Museum. ep2, 460610 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:26

Enjoying a meal at his favorite seafood place, Gregory shares the beginnings of his latest tale with announcer, Harry Bartell. The tame table ttalk turns to trouble. The suave man about town meets with Tim Brady. An eccentric religious relic carries the curse that its owner will face death. Mr. Markham joins the merry throng with a promise of yet another deadly relic. The collection of grisly artifacts is turning out to be a regular black museum. The murderous conversation produces a dame, Mrs. Markham. Where are the contrasts of life and death, love and murder all heading? A warning, a close call with death, and an unfolding melodrama that makes Gregory suddenly think he’s unpopular with someone. Does a twist of plot mean the end of Gregory Hood? Not this soon in the series, but Gregory has the answer. All he needs is to find a certain Spanish dancer.

 Tales of the Texas Rangers – Open and Shut. ep12, 500923 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:38

Connie Meston reports a murder at her ranch that gets the attention of the Texas Rangers. Talking to her dad, Jase learns about a love interest, Brady. The case seems to be an open and shut robbery that went awry. It doesn’t take long though, for Jase to see that all the clues, and motive don’t match up. Circumstantial evidence is enough to hold Jose Morales for the charges for now. Detailed investigation of the stories of the players raise flags of doubt for the rangers. Comopelling evidence places Morales at the scene, but his reason for the crime is thin. What about Brady? Will anything be forthcoming when Jase questions his mom? The local law continues to build their case against Morales, and aren’t considering any other suspects. Meanwhile, Jase builds a trap to filter out the lies, and catch a killer. Will his plan work, or will the killer keep weaving a convincing web of lies? Will the killer be smart enough to fool the forensics lab? Maybe, or maybe not, but the pressure is on, and the killer might lose their nerve before Jase is finished with the case.

 Dragnet – The Big Try. ep266, 540921 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:06

Similar to an earlier show, but a different production. Homicide Detail. Friday hears a confession from a youth of 18 who claims to have killed a man. The teen admits running over a man in his truck. The kid stole the truck after a stay in the hospital. Friday is able to verify the details of the kid’s story. Although some key evidence doesn’t quite match. Out of the blue, a witness steps forward with an account of the hit and run. He claims the vehicle was a car, not a truck, but some of the missing pieces begin to fall into place. It doesn’t take much after that to bring in the killer.

 Box 13 – extra extra ep5, 480919 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:41

Box Thirteen. September 19, 1948. Program #5. Mutual net origination, Mayfair syndication. “Extra, Extra”. Commercials added locally. A young newsboy hires Dan to get his father out of jail. Alan Ladd, Sylvia Picker, Rudy Schrager (composer, conductor), Vern Carstensen (production supervisor). 27:01. Audio condition: Very good to excellent. Otherwise complete. J. David Golden

 Tales of the Texas Rangers – Candy Man. ep11, 500916 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:35

Paul Abbot is a petty thief, and is at the mercy of his cellmate, and ruthless killer. The first timer is close to getting out, and putting his brush with crime behind him, but the killer has a way of forcing him to help with escape plans. The jail break goes down, and a trail of robberies, and mischief are left in their wake. The fujitives somehow manage to lay low, and keep a step ahead of the law. One signature piece of evidence that the Texas Rangers have to go on is the sweet tooth of John. Will Paul outlive his usefulness to the desperate killer? The rangers are certain that Paul has been an unwilling participant in the breakout, and subsequent crimes. Will they be able to protect the petty thief from harm? Hot on the trail, Jase is sure where it’s going to lead. Taking to horseback to ride across the prairie, the hideout, and the gunfight that ensues is something close to an old school gunfight from the old west. Xtand by for action and adventure as the rangers close the net around the killer, and stop the trail of robbery and murders.

 Dragnet – The Big Cut. ep265, 540914 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:11

A jewelry store has been robbed, and the theif has escaped. It’s Joe Friday’s job to find him. Friday, and partner Frank Smith question the store employees, and look for clues. Fingerprints, and stains that prove to be blood. More interviews with suspects, and a tip from another of the police departments gives Friday a good trail to follow. An ex-con with stolen goods takes Friday further down the trail of stolen goods. A trail that leads to their man. Joe Friday gathers hard evidence along the way that will seal the fate of the robber.

 Dragnet -The Big Daughter. ep317, 550913 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:06

Working the narcotics department, Joe Friday has a troubleing case, he has to stop a man who is selling heroine out of his home. With partner, Frank Smith, Joe Friday responds to a phone call by an informant. In the typical suburban neighborhood, it soon becomes apparrant that a girl is being neglected as she is caught in the dirty business of the drug trade. It doesn’t take long to confront, and arrest the doped up parents, then the story takes time to develop, to show the listener the dangers, and reality of the depth that some people let drugs control their lives. The tragedy of jail time for the crime is one thing, but leaving their underage daughters without parents to care for them is on another level. The mom realizes it too late, but will her cooperation at the last minute help her case? As the story develops, dad is the user, and mom is the facilitator. They are both in jail, but the kids have yet to turn up. Where could they be? Following in her parents footsteps?

 Sam Spade – Lazarus Caper. 480912 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:40

It’s time to dictate another report to his secretary, Effie Perine, and Sam is dead on his feet. Acting as an insurance investigator, Sam talks to a dead man, or at he’s legally dead after being declared missing for over 7 years. Lazarus had embezzled over $25k to support his hot, young bride, then settled down in Mexico to wait out his 7 years. At the Blue Bottle Tavern, Sam gets the story from Emma Lazarus-Wilhelm. Sam is onto her gold digging ways, but is he prepared for twists in the story that could bring danger his way? A body shows up, but instead of a thump on the head, Sam ends up drugged from a hypodermic needle. The clock is ticking as Sam fights to overcome the affects of the drug in his system. Will he live long enough and beat the 3 hour time limit placed on him? He needs to prove that Lazarus is who he claims to be, and that the alleged suicide is actually murder. With the cops notified, Sam sets up a trap for a killer.

 Tales of the Texas Rangers – Dead or Alive. ep10, 500909 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Audio quality is excellent, close your eyes, listen, and feel as though you’re right in the middle of the action. An explosion in Galveston has emergency workers dealing with helping the survivors, and trying to find those who are still missing. More than 200 are layed out, and yet to be identified as we join the Texas Rangers in helping the grieving family members locate their loved ones. Vance Young is a safe cracker, and a man the rangers had been looking for, now he’s counted among the dead. With the body burned beyond recognition, can the cops take the word of the grieving wife? Accidents like this one are ideal for a criminal looking to disappear, and sure enough, soon afterward a rash of safe cracking goes down. Fingerprints are wiped, and the intruder is careful to avoid cameras and witnesses. Is there any elements the rangers can use to identify their robber? A profile is gathered that’s a match for the dead Vance Young. It’s off to investigate the last known where abouts of Vance, and to track down his missing widow. Lilian’s steps are retraced, and details emerge that the dead man was actually her brother. Her grief was real, but the cover up seals the knowledge that Vance is still out there, and on the run. A trail is found that leads to a cabin on a lake. Texas Rangers gather, and draw the net tighter. Will Vance slip through their fingers at the last moment? A canoe chases after a motor boat in the dark and… well, just enjoy the final suspenseful moments as the manhunt ends.

 Dragnet – The Big Trunk. ep264, 540907 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:02

On Homacide detail, Joe Friday investigates the murder of a wife. His first mission is to find the body of the missing woman. Frank Smith joins Joe as he makes the rounds to interview witnesses. The couple in love have a problem. He wants to marry a woman who is still pending her divorce. Words are spoken that indicate a motive for a murder. Friday and Smith find a steemer trunk with the body inside, but there’s still more qquestioning to do. Using every technology he can, lab work, coroner reports, hand writing analysis, and more, Friday sorts through all the clues surrounding the trunk. Where did it come from? There’s evidence that it might involve a sailor. Plod along through police procedure, listen to the suspects tell their stories, until the bad guy is brought to light.

 Tales of the Texas Rangers – Play for Keeps. ep9, 500902 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:08

Walton is a known racketeer, and the sheriff is sure he’s up to no good. The trouble is that there isn’t any evidence the the lawman can haul him in on. A scuffle breaks out, the sheriff is shot, and the deputy shows his colors when he works to help cover up the murder, and look the other way. The Texas Rangers look into the unsolved crime. Ignoring the ambiguous reports of the deputy, Jase Pierson starts from square one, and investigates the crime scene. He astutely reads the forensic evidence, and such things as tragectories of the bullets that killed the sheriff. It’s easy to piece together how the scuffle led to the killing, and that the body was moved from the scene. Questioning the widow, Walton is mentioned as having a motive. Jase smells a rat, and does some discrete snooping without the deputy tagging along at every turn. Results from lab work is all it takes for the ranger to make his move. Has Walton pulled his last crime? There’s a confrontation, and the finks rat each other out. Gunshots, and a chase on horseback are part of the trap to bring down the bad guys.

 Boston Blackie – Reynolds And The Stolen Goods. 480901 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:52

Blackie shops for jewelry, but it’s all way too expensive. The clerk has a special deal. A necklace worth $10000 that he’ll let go for just 10 cents. Hey, it’s not hot or anything is it? The clerk backs down after he realizes the wrong person gave the password. Being Boston Blacki makes it all the worse. When the clerk is killed, Blackie shares what he knows with Inspector Farraday. Before the clerk died, he left a letter that tells all. Now it’s a matter of who finds it first. As it turns out, the letter has been destroyed, but Blackie has a plan to lure the bad guys out of hiding. For people not familiar with Blackie’s background, he’s a reformed jewel theif and safe cracker. Which is the reason Farraday is so gruff with him, and often blames him for crimes. Sometimes it takes a thief to catch a theif, and Blackie is about to take a few of them down.

 Dragnet – The Big Fellow. ep315, 550830 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:09

A teletype warns of a couple hold up men heading to the city, it’s up to Joe Friday to catch them. Working the Robbery detail with partner Frank Smith, Joe Friday gets the word on the Martin brothers. It doesn’t take long for robberies to pop up with the methods that point to the Martin brothers. Witnesses and informants give information. The trail leads from one shady character to another. Through the typical plodding police routine as the cops deal with the underside of society, the vicious crooks are rounded up and taken to justice.

 Sherlock Holmes – The Cardboard Box. ep87, 430827 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:19

Audio is good, although it goes from a bit staticky at the beginning, to fading to worse by the end. Responding to inspector Lastraud, Sherlock Holmes and Watson are on the case. His powers of deduction round out details as he speaks with the lady of the house. A card board box holds the things of the dead master of the house. A piece of string, brown paper, and even the box itself holds some interest to Holmes. Earrings indicate an important clue about who sent the package. From the items with the box, Holmes is confident he knows the name of who sent it. Now in Liverpool, our sleuths seek more information. Where’s Mr Browner? What happened on Tuesday? The maid reports on the whereabouts and happenings in the house. Something bad happened. You can tell because of the ominous and dark transition musical transition. OK, the clues help too. Watson wants to chase after the dangerous criminal. We can’t have him out and about. Holmes on the other hand, has other ideas, and a better solution. Stay tuned as Watson fills us all in during the epilog.

 Tales of the Texas Rangers – The Open Range. ep8, 500826 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

Stories based on fact, only the names, dates and places have been changed. On the range, a rancher and his son find signs that rustlers could be at work. How old fashioned. They don’t do that any more… do they? A confrontation. Gunshots. and the rancher falls dead. The sheriff immediately calls on the skills of the Texas Rangers. Clues are found at the crime scene. Though unregistered, the alert goes out to watch for the Butler brand. The search takes a few days, and suspicious cow hands are spotted. What will questioning them find? A paper trail where a check was written for the stolen cattle, but it leads to a forger. Evidence is thin, and circumstantial, but Jase goes out on that thin ice. Rival rancher, Vic Mauran is the target of the rangers, based on a left handed clue. The hunch pays off, and the clues snowball. Taking to horseback, and doing some old fashioned tracking, the rangers close in. It turns into a car chase on the road, complete with the blast of machine gun fire.


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