Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Radio detectives, mystery, murder, double crossers, and hard boiled action.


 Dragnet – The Big Talk. ep292, 550322 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:18

Robbery detail, Friday and Smith are on the case of a robbery at a jeweler. As the two partners share a smoke, they talk about the details of the case. A convention was in town, drinking was going on, and one of the salesmen at the jewelers convention tells of a couple disgruntled buyers. The salesman wasn’t robbed of personal valuables, just his showcase of goods. Next, the hotel bartender is interviewed, and a few holes in the salesman’s story emerge. Friday does some poking around the hotel staff, and questions the bell hops. The cabbie even holds some info that puts the salesman in a bad light. The man comes clean, but his false story is to cover up the fact that he was hanging out with a woman, who wasn’t his wife. He tells the real story of how she drugged him and took his showcase of goods. The cover up was out of fear of his jealous wife more than anything. The search for the gal is on. As Friday closes in,, the woman remains elusive, but turns out to be the wife of an ex-con. It seems that he has been training her for the life of crime, but isn’t happy that she was dumbe enough to get caught.

 Crime Club – Dead Man’s Control. ep17, 470320 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:25

hhAfter the phone rings for the request, the doorbell shortly rings as the listener is invited to hear the latest tale of mystery, and murder. Inspector McGee recieves a report from a woman claiming her husband is murdered. On the scene, more information is forthcoming. I’ts over the matter of the Kingston diamond. Who are the suspects, what was the murder weapon? Inspector McGee gathers the details, and finds the diamond ring with the huge stone in it. At this early stage, even the much younger bride isn’t out of suspicion. Behind the scenes, we find the young bride, Katherine, making a phone call to a man, and there’s a covert meeting. Just how shady are they, what role do they play in the murder? They are clearly an item, and had been resentful of the dead husband, but is their motive enough to have done the deed? McGee isn’t fooled in the least, and phone records give him plenty of characters to tie into the case. McGee’s partner, a fan of the society pages, recognizes the picture of the young Mrs Kingston as a young lady who was involved years earlier in another similar case of recieving an inheritance from an older dead husband. A rival of the young bride, Ann, is questioned, and verifies some of the unfaithful marital relationships. Might she also be a suspect? The three players get together and argue over who told the cops their secrets, and they cast blame on each other for the murder. Meanwhile, the cops dig up more background. Another murder is uncovered, but how is it related to the earlier one? Inspector McGee knows, and sends instructions for his suspects to be gathered together as he calls in for a little more hard evidence to prove his story. In typical mystery story drama, the finger is put on the suspects as the cops unravel the story and make the killer squirm.

 Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons – The Case Of The Strange Display. 440316 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:29

As two women are out shopping, they discover that one of the window displays has a murdered body in it. It turns out that one of the ladies boyfriend is the window dresser, and goes into hiding as the main suspect. She tells her story to Mr Keen and we find out the details of the overbearing, and rude boss. The boyfriend had good motive to want to kill him, but so do many others. The dead man was prone to hitting on the ladies, belittling his employees, and in general just being a jerk to those around him. Listen in and gather clues with Mr Keen. Figuring out who the real killer is will lure the missing man out of hiding, but the case better be a good one, since the cops want to pin the murder on him.

 Dragnet – Big Signet. ep162, 520731 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:36

Robbery detail. A pair of aarmed robbers hold up a restaurant. One gets away, but the other is shot. Frank Smith joins Joe Friday on the smoggy day as they catch up on visiting relatives, and the details of the robbery. What’s the condition of the injured criminal? Phone calls are made, and interviews are begun. Crooks are rounded up. The restaurant owners are questioned, looking for any remote detaiil to link the missing robber to the crime. A tall man with a loud voice, ordering folks around. Maybe the worst part for the victims is the theft of a signet ring, a family heirloom. Mug shots are left with Mr. and Mrs. Reiner, and the investigation continues. Informants may be of help, but the cops deliver more mug shots to the victims. Though they remark over the looks of the criminal faces, none of them seem to be their robber. The promising case ends with Joe and Frank feeling further from a solution. When the diamond signet ring shows up in the sale of a car, the case takes on new traction. Joe connects with Las Vegas police to close in on their man. A known associate claims to not be involved, and going sstraight. Joe believes him. Will the old felon help set up the robber on the run?

 Richard Diamond – Louis Dixon Case. ep126, 520314 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Richard has a paying customer, and when he shows up at the address, he’s greeted by a hot blonde. It’s a case of blackmail, and Fred wants the person stalking his wife to be stopped. Louis Dixon is the man, and Richard sets out to locate him. What can be learned from Walt, Richard’s policeman friend? Is there an informant who might dig up some dirt? Richard gets the report on what’s happening at the craps games, and penny arcades. Still no leads on Dixon. Louis manages to turn up, but the bad news is that he’s the latest corpse to cross paths with Walt. To find a killer, Richard keeps up his search for Louis to see what clues pop up. With all leads coming to a dead end, Richard comes full circle. What will he find there? The Killer, of course. Then a musical evening with his best gal Hellen.

 Box 13 – Death Is A Doll. ep30, 490313 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:21

The latest request that comes into box 13 is for help with a case of voodoo. The normally practical minded Dan isn’t discounting any possibilities as he heads out for Louisiana for his next adventure. As Dan investigates, everyone downplays the witchcraft angle, it’s just ridiculous, superstition, nothing of real substance, right? Dan at least gives it credit for being a mental issue. Why would a normally healthy man suddenly suffer as his client has been, and losing weight? Can Dan apply some mind over matter techniques, and bring the suffering man back around? With each opponent to the idea that voodoo might actually have some affect, Dan keeps working the mental health angle. That if a person believes a thing strong enough, it can begin to take over as though the imaginary is a reality to that person. Still, will it take more than just being a good cheerleader and psychoanalyst to rescue the man from a self imposed fate? The curse put on the man only gives him a short time to live. Can Dan find the cure that will break the curse, and snap the man out of it? The clock is ticking, and soon there’s just one day left. The mind is a strange thing sometimes, but in this case, Dan’s style of psychotherapy is just the thing the doctor… er… witch doctor? ordered, so to speak.

 Richard Diamond – Butcher Shop. ep86, 510309 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Angelino Giuseppi is a butcher, who tells Richard Diamond about being roughed up by a protection racket in town. As a favor to his friend, Richard hires on as an assistant butcher to catch the tough guys and catch them at their own game. Richard is a hit with the clientelle, but will he be the one who is the hit with the extortionists? Get ready for some head thumping fun. The latest round of beatings is enough to convince Angellino to pay up. Richard is ready to take the matter to his friends down at the police station. What can Walt tell him about Red and Carl, the thugs in question? They have pretty impressive backgrounds with the legal system. All it does is give Richard direction to vent a little of his fury, and he goes to have a show down with the big boss behind the racket, and does his own head thumping. A trip to an abandoned warehouse is called for, and a trap is planned for the two thugs. Guns come out, but Richard proves he can handle the situation. It turns into a stealthy and deadly case of cat and mouse. Will the hunter become the hunted? When the cops arrive, who will they find as the last man standing?

 Dragnet – The Big Father. ep290, 550308 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:31

A gentleman is in the police station to give the details of the burglary. Joe and Frank hit the streets, and interview people in the neighborhood. The people aren’t very attentive, and are prone to make assumptions that deliverymen really are deliverymen. How oblivious, and trusting, just the thing that burglars thrive on. Eventually, facts emerge that are of use, but after some injuries occur. Amid the trusting souls who seem so clueless to any forces of evil in the universe, and especially in their neck of the woods, a culprit has been tracked down. Joe Friday confronts a woman who tells about her criminal husband, then has her dreams shattered yet again when she learns the latest from the cops. The only redeeming thing she has to say is that at least the crook is devoted to his daughter. Though the guy is a crook, he’s a thoughtful father, and will be present at his daughter’s birthday party. The cops pick him up, but will they be heartless enough to disappoint the little girl? It’s not her fault she has an unfit father.

 Casey, Crime Photographer – The Bad Little Babe. ep330, 500302 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:24

As Casey tries to relax with a mystery novel, he recieves a disturbing phone call warning of a murder. Is it just a prank? Casey plays it safe and alerts the cops. Will he actually need the level of police protection that the cops lavish on him? The roaring machine gun fire provides the answer to that. In the Blue Note Casey, Ethylbert, and Ann all discuss the attempt to mow Casey down. Who was the dame who tipped Casey off? What was her motive? Has her good deed cost her life? It’s not difficult to trace the connections to a gangster who has it out for Casey. In the Blue Note Ethylbert and Ann help Casey decide what his next steps will be to get the goods on Kirby, the gangster who is trying to kill him. A hot tip pulls him away, but is Casey rushing right into an ambush? Why is one of Kirby’s henchmen lending a hand to help ?Casey? Backstabbers, traitors, reversals, jealousy, and intrigue. Who’s on who’s side here? The twisting plot keeps you wondering all the way to the end. Don’t worry, Casey survives to visit the Blue Note once more, and he explains it all to Ann and Ethylbert.

 Dragnet – The Big Set-Up. ep289, 550301 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:45

Narcotics detail, Joe Friday has to find the source of the steady flow of drugs into the city. The story begins in the interview room where Friday and Smith talk with a young man who has been picked up in possession of marijuana. Of course it isn’t his, but Friday doesn’t believe it. Unfortunately, there’s nothing more to be learned, so Joe and Frank track down other sources of information. Word from the street comes in about a big shipment. Who is involved? How can the cops nab them? The best way is for Friday to go undercover and join them. Since all the informants are playing it tight lipped, Joe begins to set up his cover as an out of town buyer. It pays off, and Friday is to make contact to make a deal. Things begin to take a bad turn when, although Joe has Frank stand by to close in, the drug dealer recognizes Joe. Uh-oh. Time to act fast before somebody gets hurt. Fortunately, Frank swoops in, and the drugs and dealers are taken in. As big as these fish are, will they turn on the man who supplies them?

 Dragnet – The Big Want. ep341, 560228 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:48

Audio is good, but a bit weakk. Joe Friday and Frank Smith have been called on to pick up a criminal wanted by the police in another city. The identity of the crook is known, and leads are given. The cops make the rounds to try to find their man. From one witness to another, the hunt heats up to the point of gunshots. It’s only a matter of time as the noose closes around the cop killer. More gunplay breaks out before the desperate man faces a show down with Joe Friday.

 Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – The Archeologist. ep38, 500224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:32

When an archaeologist has disappeared, Johnny is called on to go see what happened. Miss Lambert is he sister of the missing man, and she describes her concerns to Johnny. She was with him when artifacts were uncovered, and the thought is that her brother Bruce stole some undeclared relics. With a few clues to go on, Johnny soon finds that he isn’t the only one on this trail. As Johnny ponders over holes in the story he has been fed, he confronts a gunman. Secrets are revealed, and when the lies are exposed, the body count kicks in. Bruce is located, and Johnny tries to make sense of the story. Can he protect the archaeologist? Will the body count rise? Where will this twisted plot lead to? Gunplay is sure to explode, but there’s more than just artifacts in this smuggling operation. Narcotics.

 Big Town – The Charity Killers. 490222 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:35

A charity racket is running in town, but it isn’t what you might think. A racketeer approaches two little old ladies, with his ideas of extortion, and seperating them from their money. Instead, they pull a fast one on him, and we learn that the biddies are the ones behind the charity racket in town. Steve Wilson, and Lauralai Kilburn are hot on the trail, and know about the ladies. They have a set up in mind, and lay a trap with the help of a theatrical friend. Though Steve only hopes for an incriminating reaction out of his charity racketeers, he is unaware of the murder they committed earlier. Will he be sending Lauralai into a deadly situation when she goes calling on the two old ladies? Lauralai spots something unusual with the charity list the old ladies show her, but they also detect something unusual with her cover story. By the time Steve shows up, his plans have all the makings of going all wrong. Will his sting operation scam the scammers, or will it only add to their growing body count? Steve is handy at dealing with the big bruisers, and the tough guys, but has he met his match at the business end of the pistol packing old mama? It’ll take some finesse to outsmart these ruthless old swindlers.

 Let George Do It – Journey Into Hate. ep122, 490221 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:06

A woman is worried over her sister. The details are just vague enough to entice George Valentine into learning more about her case. When Brooksie learns the woman is in Honolulu, she is certainly eager to go. On arrival to the islands, the crew is met by the missing sister’s husband, who indicates that the searching sister is a dead ringer for her missing sister. As George and his client meet with the husband, a benefactor on the island, he promises to show them around. He also holds a secret related to the missing sister. She has become paranoid, and the husband believes that this woman’s visit is the thing to pull the sister out of her slump. There’s a cold greeting from the nurse of the mad woman. Though the setting may be in a paradice, George is ready to go for his gun, and is creeped out by the whole set up. Besides the wierd screams in the night, a hurricaine seems to be blowing in. Just when things are getting intense, George’s gun is missing, he suspects their host, Marcel to be up to something. Things are reaching their suspenseful boiling point. Those wierd jungle cries, the hurricaine, the grumpy nurse, and George is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery… the audio stops. Darn! I hate when that happens. If somebody out there has a complete copy of the show, just drop me a line. use the comment area, or the contact form on my Contact page.

 Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – The Gravedigger’s Spades. ep37, 500217 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:09

Johnny has to keep a couple from killing themselves to collect on their insurance policy. Arriving at the farm in New England, Johnny finds the ill kept place, and a sample of Northern hospitality. Though the weather outside is cold and wintery, the heat in the farm house is turned up, and the old couple seem as happy as can be, or at least in their own way. What makes them want to commit suicide? They have their reasons for wanting to leave a legacy, which Johnny doesn’t judge their idea, only the part about killing themselves. Something isn’t sitting well with Johnny, and it isn’t over the potential payout for his insurance company. There’s something fishy about their story. There’s a bump in the night, a girl screams, and the insurance papers that need signing are gone. Who could be in the house besides Johnny and the old couple? With the blowing blizzard outside it shouldn’t be as hard to figure out as it is. Secrets and skeletons come exploding out of closets. Dangerous dames with guns, and deadly snakes. Definitely a tangled mess of murder for our hero to unravel.


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