Summary: Pro athlete physical therapist and strength coach Jeff Cavaliere shows you workouts, exercises and nutrition plans to get you looking and moving like a professional athlete.

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  • Artist: Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS
  • Copyright: Sports Performance Factory 2017


 The Official Bench Press Check List (AVOID MISTAKES!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:35

Train like an athlete step by step - Subscribe to this channel here - The bench press is one of the most classic powerlifting lifts you can add to your chest workout. That said, it is one of the most complex simply because there are so many places in the lift that you can go wrong. In this video, I created a check list to give your helpful reference for each of the most important places in the lift that you will want to get right so you can increase your gains and keep your joints safe in the process. As a physical therapist, one of my biggest concerns will always be the long term safety of a movement as well as the risk to reward ratio of performing the lift. In the case of the bench press, this is one of the most fundamental power moves that all athletes and novice lifters should master. There are plenty of things that can go wrong however, and the joints like the shoulders, wrists, elbows and even your back can become vulnerable if you don’t get it right. The first thing you need to note is where you are going to be doing the bench press in the first place. Ideally, you’ll have access to a power rack that you can set up a bench in and have the appropriate pins in place to catch the bar should you fail. If doing it here, you will also want to put the clips on the ends of the bar for added safety. If you are training at home however, the clips might be best left off the bar just in case you get stuck under the bar and need a way to dump the weights to get out from under it. Next the alignment of the bar in the rack and the bench on the bar is crucial to setting up a good lift. Simple enough, but make sure that everything is centered before laying back on the bench. Next look up at the bar and ensure that your eyes are at the same height as the bar itself. This will set you up for a good liftoff from the rack. Along the same lines, you want to be sure that your bar holders are not too high or too low. If you arms are fully extended as you reach up for the bar then you are set too high and will have no leverage when it comes to lifting the bar out of its resting position. Next focus on the position of your feet and your chest before initiating the liftoff. Your feet need to be under your knees in order to be able to contract the glutes during the movement and add to your pushing power on the bench press. If they are too far out in front of you, much of your pushing power will be lost before you even begin. Likewise your chest must be arched. This establishes a stable base of your shoulder blades pushing down and into the bench, which will act as a counterforce for the bar as you press it in the opposite direction. Lift the bar and tighten the abs as you lower it down to the chest. The bar path is crtiical. Make sure it is traveling down and forward and not just straight down. This will be more easily accomplished by keeping your elbows tucked closer to your sides, about 75 degrees away. At the end of your set, fully straighten the elbows and then slowly allow the bar to travel backwards towards the catches. From here, lower the bar once it has engaged the rack and you’re done. A perfectly executed bench press set. Let the chest gains begin, and let the healthy shoulders and joints continue! If you are looking for a complete training system that puts the science back in strength to help you get the most out of every lift while keeping the latest in sports medicine at the forefront of your workouts to ensure your gym longevity, head to and get your ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start training like an athlete so you can look like an athlete in the next 90 days and beyond. For more chest workouts and videos on how to

 The IMPOSSIBLE Pullup (Can You Do ONE?) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 4:22

Workout with challenges for the next 90 days here… The pullup is, without a doubt, the king of the upper body exercises. It can help you to build mass on the lats and is easy to perform anywhere, even if you don't have access to a pullup bar. Well, the pull up exercise just got harder! In this pullup challenge, I show you a pull up variation that will require you have equal parts strength and muscle endurance to complete. The 2 minute pullup is one intense variation that is going to have you laughing at all the so-called pullup records out there after attempting just one. To perform the 2 minute pullup challenge you simply perform just one rep of a classic pull up exercise. The catch is that it has to take you 1 minute to pull yourself up to the bar (finishing with your chin over the bar) and then 1 minute to slowly lower yourself down. If you can't complete the rep in one minute, see how long it does take you to do it. If, for instance, you can do it in 30 seconds...then see if you can lower in the same amount of time. After you get stronger, you'll be able to slowly increase the time you can hold on each portion of the lift over time. You can put this pullup variation into any pull up workout. Even if you're someone who has wondered how to do more pullups (we have a video dedicated to that already on our channel), you'll be amazed at how quickly you can improve on this hardest pullup challenge. For a complete workout program that is based on challenges to get you to push yourself to a whole new level, be sure to check out the ATHLEAN-X Training System at and see what pro athletes are using to break records in and out of the weight room. For more videos on how to do more pull ups, and the best ways to add mass to your upper body while still staying sure to subscribe to our channel at

 What OVERTRAINING Looks Like! (YES IT'S REAL) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:22

Don't let overtraining slow the muscle gains you should be seeing Ask 10 guys in the gym what they think about overtraining and 5 will probably tell you it doesn't exist and the other 5 will be right! Overtraining is a very real problem for the natural lifter not aided by performance enhancing drugs. In fact, your body has a limited capacity for recovery (even when getting optimal sleep and nutrition) and therefore training volume must be respected. The concept of overtraining revolves around establishing the minimum effective dose to elicit a change in your muscles. Going beyond this dose (or volume) begins to invite muscle damage or a depletion in your body's reserves needed to fuel your recovery. That said, undertraining (the opposite of workout overtraining) can also be a problem. This comes when the workout intensity is lacking and not enough of a stimulus is provided to the muscles to cause them to have to change. The secret to a successful plateau free lifting experience is to be able to identify the symptoms of overtraining and then modify your exercise or bodybuilding workouts to eliminate the volumes causing the overtraining. Those that are experiencing signs of overtraining or are constantly over working their muscles will become more irritable, will feel more fatigued, might have a higher resting heart rate, and see all strength and size gains come to a halt. Other channels on youtube have addressed the concept of overtraining but perhaps not from the same shoes as many of the guys that are watching the videos and seeking out the information. For a detailed workout and nutrition program that provides the natural lifter with a blueprint for muscle stimulation without annihilation, therefore promoting plateau free gains from day 1 to day sure to check out the ATHLEAN-X program at For more videos on proper training volume, supplements, muscle recovery and avoiding overtraining with short sure to subscribe to our channel on youtube at

 WORST Shoulder Exercise (WATCH IT TEAR A SHOULDER MUSCLE!!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 5:00

Build bigger shoulders without destroying your joints! Building bigger shoulders can often come at a price if you choose the wrong shoulder exercises. In this video, I show you one of the absolute worst shoulder exercises you can do to build your shoulders. It includes an actual demonstration of how the rotator cuff can become impinged by simply placing the bar in the wrong position on a shoulder press. The biggest mistake people can make is to confuse the fact that they don't get pain from a shoulder exercise with that making it a good exercise for your shoulders. Couldn't be further from the truth. The fact is, 90 percent of all shoulder injuries come as a result of overuse and chronic breakdown. There are very few acute injuries that come from doing one single rep. Doing the same bad exercise over and over, rep after rep, workout after workout is the recipe for almost all shoulder injuries. In past videos I've talked about how bad the upright row is for your shoulders as well. It makes naming the worst exercise a bit tough. The problem is, there are a lot of bad shoulder exercises. Perhaps more than any other joint, due to the high degree of mobility it has with a low degree of stability. If you want to build big shoulders you need to do the right exercises that won't cause you to breakdown. We all know, being injured prevents you from training and that won't help you to add size to your shoulder muscles. For a complete workout program relied on by top professional athletes to get not just bigger wider shoulders but an overall ripped athletic physique, be sure to head to and get your 90 day ATHLEAN-X Training System. For more shoulder tips and exercise videos as well as shoulder workouts that you can try at home be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at

 10 Minute Home Fat Burning Workout (NO EQUIPMENT KILLER!!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:21

Burn fat and build muscle in 6 weeks with no equipment at all… So you don’t think it’s possible to get a killer fat burning workout done in 10 minutes? Prepare to change your mind. This high intensity home fat burning workout can be performed with absolutely no equipment and in very little space. In fact, with just one exercise serving as the base of each of the exercises in this fat burn workout, you’ll see that it is pretty straight forward as well. The goal of this fat burning home workout is to perform burpees of escalating difficulty every minute on the minute for up to 10 minutes. Each minute you need to complete 12 reps. Whatever time is remaining at the end of those 12 reps can be rest that is earned beyond the 1 minute that you receive as part of the workout. So, if you complete all twelve squat thrusts in 30 seconds, you get to rest one minute and thirty seconds before starting the squat thrust burpees. This home fat burning workout is perfect for those who have always wondered how to burn fat fast but were stuck in the mindset of thinking that traditional steady state cardio was the answer. In fact, because of the involvement of multiple muscle groups that this workout provides over plain treadmill walking or running, you can expect to burn more calories per minute than you would otherwise. Give it your best for these 10 minutes and you’ll see that your energy expenditure and caloric burn can be significant. Here is the complete breakdown of the home fat burning workout in this video: Can you last all 10 minutes? Minute 1: Squat Thrusts x 12 Minute 2: Squat Thrust Jax Burpees x 12 Minute 3: Squat Thrust Squat Burpees x 12 Minute 4: Classic Chest to Ground Burpees x 12 Minute 5: Single Leg Mountain Climber Burpee x 6 each leg Minute 6: Side Kickthrough Burpees x 12 Minute 7: Chop and Hop Single Leg Burpees x 6 each leg Minute 8: Angry Mule Burpees x 12 Minute 9: Triple Skyfall x 12 Minute 10: 1 Arm Get Up Burpees x 6 each arm Most home fat burning workouts fall short in their benefit to your ability to build muscle at the same time. They turn into glorified aerobic programs. Even some of the most popular workout programs on the market ignore the golden rule of muscle adaptive response. Do nothing but cardio workouts and think you are going to build muscle? That is the definition of insanity. Instead, if you integrate multiple muscle groups into the exercises that you’re doing…and you choose exercises that are a bit more anaerobic in nature, you will allow your body to burn fat and calories without training it to become detrained. The ATHLEAN XERO bodyweight program available at allows you to build muscle and burn fat at the same time using workouts that push you to your limits. For more home fat loss workouts and exercises to burn fat at home, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 8 Best Dumbbell Exercises Ever (HIT EVERY MUSCLE!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 9:45

Build a ripped athletic body with just a few dumbbells Dumbbells are definitely one of the best form of workout equipment due to their ability to be used in small spaces and their high degree of athletic carryover. With their three dimensional freedom, dumbbells allow you to workout in all planes of motion and require a great deal of core strength and stability to use them properly. That said, choosing the best dumbbell exercises ever can be quite a challenge since there are so many to choose from. In this video, I picked the 8 best exercises with dumbbells and give you a reason why each has earned its spot. To begin, lets take a look at the best dumbbell exercises. They are: Dumbbell Curl and Press Crush Grip Goblet Squats Thrusters Farmers Carries One Arm DB Incline Bench Press DB Pullovers Swings Tripod Dumbbell Rows Each of these exercises require either just a single dumbbell or two dumbbells. They were chosen given their ability to work multiple muscle groups in one dumbbell only workout. The more muscles you can train in one workout the quicker your training session will be and the more impact you can have on your body in a shorter period of time. Dumbbell only workouts can be incredibly challenging. In fact, some people think that you can’t effectively train your legs with db’s since you aren’t able to load up the weight high enough. That’s not true at all. You can choose exercises that you load with even 100lb dumbbells and perform on a single leg and you are sure to be pushing yourself to your limits. The same can be said for dumbbell chest workouts and dumbbell back and arm workouts. The fact that you aren’t using a barbell does not sacrifice the quality or effectiveness of the training session. That said, you cannot continue to lift light dumbbells and think that you are going to get a great enough workout. Even if you are training at home, aim to lift the heaviest dumbbells that you can lift if you want to build muscle in your workouts. If you are looking for a complete workout program that uses just a few dumbbells, a bench, a pullup bar and a resistance band then head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. By using equipment like dumbbells in your workouts, you’re training your body to move and look like an athlete. For more dumbbell workouts and exercises you can do with dumbbells for your chest, arms and shoulders be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 4 Popular Diet Tips - YOU SHOULD NEVER FOLLOW!! | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 8:03

Get a step by step diet plan that will get you ripped year round here… Everywhere you turn, people give out diet tips and advice for how to lose fat or build muscle fast. The problem is, most of that advice is terrible and will not help you to get to your goal any faster. As a matter of fact, many popular diet tips will do exactly the opposite of what they are supposed to be helping you to do. In this video, I cover four of the most popular diet and meal plan tips that need to be buried right here and now. Right off the bat, some will have you believe that eating fat makes you fat. That can’t be further from the truth. Eating fat, COULD make you fat if you eat in excess of your daily caloric maintenance levels just as eating too many carbs and protein can as well. The simple act of eating a fat molecule will not cause it to be stored as body fat in your body. In fact, nutritional fats are a necessary part of a healthy diet plan, with fat making up a portion of the surrounding layer of nearly every cell in your body. Next diet myth that needs to die is the concept that eating after 6PM at night is somehow going to make you fat. Again, it comes down to where you are at in your daily caloric intake in relation to your maintenance levels. If you are 800 calories below your daily caloric maintenance intake, eating these calories at 7 or 8 or even 10PM is not going to adversely affect you in your pursuit of getting a ripped six pack. The fact of the matter is, you are still at or below your level to maintain your current level of body fat and simply shifting the time at which you consume these calories does not change their thermal effect. That said, eating your meals too infrequently throughout the day can wreak havoc on your blood sugar levels. Having wildly unstable levels of blood sugar can lead to severe alterations in mood, focus and most importantly cravings. When you allow your cravings to build too significantly, you often find yourself in a position where you will grab foods that don’t align themselves with your healthy eating approach needed to get ripped and stay ripped as you build muscle. The next popular eating and diet tip that is dispensed all too often these days is the concept that you cannot build muscle if you are following a vegan or vegetarian meal plan. Why? There are plenty of protein options available to those following a meat and dairy free meal plan including quinoa, chick peas, and even pea protein powders that enable vegans to get adequate protein without having to follow a meat based eating plan. The total amount of protein needed to build new muscle is still a hotly debated topic however it has been shown to vary from individual to individual and could be far less than what you may have been told previously. Finally, there is a mistaken belief by some that taking supplements and fat burners will get you ripped. That is simply not the case if you refuse to also take your daily diet plan seriously. If you think that you can eat like garbage the whole day and simply pop a supplement and get lean, ripped abs you are wrong. That said, someone that is committed to eating healthy and then supplements their diet plan with workout and nutrition supplements is often able to get much faster results than those that don’t. A lot of the success of workout supplements has to do with their ability to help you remain consistent with your nutrition plan and stay accountable to it. Starting your day with a supplement that you are financially invested in will help you to be emotionally invested in the goals you set forth for getting ripped and muscular that you set when you initially purchased the supplement. The consistency that supplements provide

 How to Stretch Your Chest (AND HOW NOT TO!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 9:17

Build a ripped, muscular chest with this complete workout Every chest workout should be balanced out with some chest stretching to be sure we don’t leave ourselves too tight. When the pecs get tight (both pec major and pec minor) we wind up causing imbalances in our shoulder girdles that often lead to injuries down the road. In this video, I show you how to stretch your chest so that you keep your pec muscles loose and less vulnerable to injury. To begin with, the pec major is a fan shaped muscle that has two portions; the sternal and clavicular areas. The sternal area of the pectoralis major runs from the sternum to a point on your humerus in your upper arm. The role of this muscle is to horizontally adduct your arm as you complete a bench press or cable crossover movement. The problem is, when this muscle is tight, we will also see an internal rotation at the shoulder that will develop. This excessive internal rotation is enough to throw your shoulder joint into a position more likely to experience impingement. To stretch the pec major we have to be sure we retract our scapula and keep the head of the humerus positioned back in the shoulder joint. We want to try and avoid stretching our pecs by holding onto the corner of a door frame and leaning through the door. This can create an overload on the structures in the anterior shoulder capsule which can do damage over time. Instead, you want to position yourself in a door frame with your humerus anchored and supported against the frame. You want to lean forward just slightly and pinch your shoulder blades behind you. Turn your head away and down to increase the pull on the clavicular fibers of the pec major. To get the pec minor muscle on stretch you want to be sure you reverse the actions of the muscle. The major actions of the pec minor are to tilt the scapula forward, rotate it downward and protract the shoulder blade forward. Once again, you use the doorway to slide your arm up the jamb and aim for the exact opposite motions just listed. This will help you to upwardly rotate the scapula and retract it while tipping it back towards vertical. If you want to maintain injury free shoulders when lifting weights you are going to have to learn how to stretch your chest and pecs properly. This video shows you two stretches that you can do for your pecs to make sure they stay loose and therefore prevents you from developing imbalances in your upper body. Most of the show muscles like the chest, lats, and arms will act to internally rotate the shoulder and contribute to the problem. If you can learn how to stretch your chest the right way however you can go a long way towards preventing this from happening. For a complete workout program that shows you how to train like an athlete and overlook nothing in your training, be sure to head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. If you are already dealing with joint aches and pains in your training, you will want to check out the MECHAN-X joint recovery formula offered on the site as well. For more videos on how to stretch, including quad stretches, shoulder stretches and how to stretch your mid back be sure to subscribe to our channel on youtube at

 How to Look Bigger in 3 Weeks (TARGET THIS!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 4:23

Make faster gains with this - Subscribe to this channel here - There are things you can do to look bigger fast, by actually making your muscles bigger and not just sizing down your wardrobe to tighter fitting clothes. The key is to target the right muscles and learn how to hit them harder by changing just a few of the ways you do your exercises. In this video, I show you how to get bigger traps with two exercises, while at the same time, help you to avoid one of the common pitfalls of trap exercises along the way. In an effort to get a bigger looking upper body, guys will train their traps. The problem is, often times this has the exact opposite effect they were looking for as it tends to narrow down their shoulders and give them a steeper slope instead of broadening out the shoulder girdle. The end result is that they end up looking smaller and narrower rather than bigger and wider. This can be avoided however by making sure to not just work your shoulders, but figure out a way that you can train the delts along with the traps to give you a wide look. This is often ironically, something that we will do inadvertently as we do dumbbell side lateral raises for our shoulders. We will involve the traps too much. On this exercise, it takes away from the focus that the exercise should provide to the middle delts. Here however, you are wanting to get the delts to be involved as they help to support the efforts of the traps (which are predominantly responsible for executing the exercise). The two exercises shown are a standard dumbbell shoulder shrug and a new exercise which is essentially a hybrid between a hgih pull and a bent over row. First the dumbbell shrug is modified to get your arms away from your body a bit and to bend your elbows so that you are instantly activating the deltoids as well as the traps. With just this one change, one that Dwayne Johnson adopts in his training, you are effectively hitting the delts much more than with the narrower grip dumbbell shrug affords you. You can actually see the greater involvement of the delts when performed in this manner. Second, we move onto the newer exercise creation for your upper back and traps. This one is a hybrid row and high pull that will hit your traps, rhomboids, lats and delts. Once again, here you are integrating multiple muscle groups together at the same time and allowing you to lift more weight in the process. When applying the heavier weights with the combined delt and trap activation, you create the illusion you are looking for without compromising the width gained from working the delts. Faster results can be achieved when training the traps because of the higher tissue density of androgen receptors in these muscles. If you train them hard and you train them right, you will see in just a few weeks, noticeable differences in the size of your traps because of this physiologic layout. For more workouts that will help you to build muscle and see noticeable changes in your physique much more quickly, be sure to head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start training like an athlete and build the body of one. Impressive traps that stand at attention, bigger wider shoulders, and a complete set of ripped abs and powerful legs. For more workouts on how to get bigger traps and workouts to look bigger, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 Brutal Six Pack Abs Workout (6 MINUTES OF PAIN!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 11:34

Get unlimited ab workouts at the click of a button in the AX System... Six pack abs are made from the combination of two things; a locked in nutrition plan and killer ab workouts that push you past your point of comfort. Just like any other muscle group, it’s hard to expect good results if you aren’t willing to increase the intensity of your workouts. In this video, I show you a brutal six pack abs workout that you can do in just a little over 6 minutes, without needing any equipment at all. With just 6 ab exercises and very little space on the floor, you can do each of the moves in this abs workout and be well on your way to getting an impressive six pack. It’s important to note that the ab exercises shown here follow what I call the six pack progression. By including movements that target the lower abs, bottom up rotation, midrange, top down, obliques, and top down rotation you can get a complete abs workout done in just minutes. You certainly don’t have to train your abs for hours on end each week if you want to get a six pack. All you need to do is follow the right type of ab exercises and do them with adequate intensity to really get your abs to start showing. The best part about this particular six pack workout is that you can do it at home. With no equipment required at all, the ab exercises in this workout are a great option for even the most advanced trainees. Like all of the workouts available from ATHLEAN-X, don’t worry if you cannot perform this particular one because of the difficulty level. We scale all of the exercises and provide you with alternate ab exercises that you can do by giving you multiple levels of ability to select from. Both beginner ab workouts and advanced ab workouts are available at the click of a button. This home six pack abs workout is comprised of ab exercises such as one down two ups, 90/90 crunches, twisting pistons, starfish crunches and more. By simply stringing the ab exercises together in this workout in a specific sequence to target your ab strengths and weaknesses in a specific way, I’m able to help you get much more from every ab workout you do. For a complete program that will help you to get a ripped six pack while building athletic muscle from head to toe, be sure to head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. See exactly what to eat and what workouts to do to build ripped athletic muscle in just 90 days. For more ab workout videos that you can do at home, as well as what to eat to get a ripped six pack fast be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 5 Minute Home Fat Burning Workout (FRANTIC FAT LOSS!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 7:00

Get maximally shredded here - Subscribe to this channel here - There are those that don’t believe a 5 minute fat burning workout without equipment can be very effective for fat loss. Then there are those that will try this home fat burning workout and be convinced they were wrong. In this video I give you a bodyweight routine that consists of just 3 exercises that, when performed at a high intensity level, will help you to start getting rid of body fat at a much faster clip. The key to the effectiveness of this workout is the effort. As you will quickly see, each of the exercises in this routine would be classified as traditional body fat burning exercises. They are all very effective for improving your conditioning while helping you to burn calories in your training. That said, when they are performed at a low intensity and done in more of cruising through your workout fashion, then they are not nearly as effective as they can be. So how do you do this workout then? It’s actually quite simple to execute just difficult to make it all the way through. You start with the simple mountain climber and ratchet up the intensity level immensely to move your legs as fast as humanly possible for 30 seconds. Now I realize that not everyone will be able to move at the same pace. That is fine. The key is that you are moving as fast as you can move. This will likely be an eye opener and you will see how quickly you were likely not moving as fast as you could on this exercise. Next you perform 20 seconds without resting, of a side kick through. This exercise will help develop the muscles of your core while improving the stability of your shoulders. Of course, when done at the much more rapid pace demonstrated here, you will be able to ramp up the fat loss benefits of the move as well. As soon as you are done with this you move into the last exercise in the sequence which is a squat burpee. The traditional burpee exercise is one that is known for its ability to burn fat and improve conditioning. That said, it can be a bit slow and drawn out. Not a great fit for this 5 minute fat burning workout routine for that reason. Instead, you can ante up the intensity of the exercise while shortening the range of motion by performing the squat burpee instead. As soon as you complete this last move you will get a brief 10 seconds rest. Then, immediately cycle back to the mountain climbers and do them for 10 seconds, follow that with 30 seconds of the side kick through and finish with 20 seconds of the squat burpee. Rest 20 seconds and then do anther round, this time doing each of the three exercises for whatever time period you have yet to do them for. Take a 30 second rest and finish up with 20 seconds of each move without rest to end this 5 minute fat burning workout. As you’ll see, it doesn’t take long to get in an effective workout but you have to be willing to work for it. We pull no punches with ATHLEAN-X, and we always shoot straight with you. That said, we know how to get results faster than most because of this. If you are ready to work hard but get results for your hard efforts, head to and get the MAX SHRED fat burning workout. For more home fat loss workout routines and the best exercises for fat loss, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 Bicep Workout (SORE IN 6 MINUTES!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 7:38

Build your body with science here - Subscribe to this channel here - If you are the type that does not get sore from your bicep workout, then you need to see this. The sore in 6 minutes series continues with the biceps workout edition. With just one bicep exercise, I’m going to show you how to train your arms hard enough to elicit post workout muscle soreness regardless of how difficult it is for you to do it right now. The biceps exercise used in this workout is the incline variable curl. Choose a dumbbell that represents your 10 rep max on incline bicep curls and perform 5 reps. The key is to lower the dumbbell to a count of 3 seconds and raise it to a count of 1 second. This equals 4 seconds per rep. With each 5 reps completed you should be taking up 20 seconds of time. As soon as you are finished with the incline curl for five reps you sit up and perform 5 seated dumbbell curls using the same tempo and focus on the eccentric contraction. Finally, without resting, lean forward on the bench and perform a leaning drag curl to focus the effort on the contracted range of the bicep curl. Finish with five reps once again. Now, with little to no rest, put down the dumbbells and pick up the next set which should be five pounds less than the ones you were just using. Repeat the entire sequence for the second minute of the workout. Continue dropping five pounds on the dumbbell weight and performing the same three variations of the incline curl until you have completed five minutes of work. Now comes the icing on the cake. Go back to the original dumbbell weight that you were curling with and pick them up once again. This time you are going to be performing eccentric only repetitions. You can do this by sitting up at the end of the bench and hammer curling the weights to your thighs. From here, act as if you are getting ready to lift the dumbbells up to your chest to begin a set of bench press. This means, use your knees to hike the weights up into position. Instead of pressing them from here however you are going to let them drop down as you lean back into the incline bicep curl position. Continue performing these reps for the entire final minute if you are able to. If biceps workout soreness is something that you don’t normally feel, I can guarantee you that this is not going to be a problem after this workout. Now, this is just one way to elicit soreness in your biceps during a workout. There are others that can be done equally effectively and, as you know, it is not a requirement for results depending on what the goal of your training is at the moment. If you are looking for a workout program that puts the science back in strength to help you to build not just big biceps but an entirely muscular and athletic body, be sure to head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start training smarter and the way your body was designed to train and you will be shocked at how much more quickly your muscles will respond. For more bicep workouts and exercises for your biceps to get them bigger, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at


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