Summary: Pro athlete physical therapist and strength coach Jeff Cavaliere shows you workouts, exercises and nutrition plans to get you looking and moving like a professional athlete.

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  • Artist: Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS
  • Copyright: Sports Performance Factory 2017


 "3 Sets of 12" is KILLING Your Gains!! | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 8:24

Build a ripped, athletic body - Subscribe to this channel here - Performing 3 sets of 12 reps for the exercises your workout is likely killing your gains. Now, don’t get me wrong…I actually like the 10-12 rep range when it comes to building muscle and when the goal is muscle hypertrophy. The problem is, the focus is misdirected as it often times gets put on the number of reps and not the quality of the reps or the time it takes you to perform them. Let me explain. The genesis of the whole 10-12 rep recommendation for muscle growth actually came from the time under tension that that number of reps would equate to if you performed them with the right tempo. If you did an explosive one second up on the concentric portion of the lift and a slow eccentric lowering of 3 seconds on the way down (another way to increase the tension on the working muscle) then you would be at 4 seconds per rep which would equate to 40-48 seconds of tension in that set. Research shows that crossing the threshold of 45 seconds is important, and when paired with a high intensity effort which brings you to failure beyond this point can lead to more impressive muscle gains. What winds up happening however is that we don’t perform our reps at this speed and we end up performing them much faster. As you can see in this set of dumbbell incline bench press performed by Jesse, he finishes the set in just 26 seconds. But that is lost on most people that lift weights and train and instead they focus on the number of reps and doing anything they can to reach that goal number to determine whether or not their set was a success or conducive to new growth. Big mistake. If you were performing a set and noticed after completing three perfectly performed reps that there was no way you were going to be able to maintain that form for the entire set of 12 reps so you shortened your range of motion, that would be a critical mistake. What you wind up with is sub maximal reps at every point in along the way to twelve as explained in the video. Instead, you would want to accept the fact that you were not going to be able to make it and just do as many reps as you could until reaching failure. Each one would be performed as hard and with as most effort as you could generate. If the number wound up falling drastically short of the twelve that you set out to do you could always drop the weight on the subsequent sets to get you back into that range. If you picked a weight that happened to be too light and didn’t take you close to failure, you would want to continue to rep out no matter how many reps it took to eventually get you to failure and then adjust the weights up on a subsequent set. Alternatively you could stop the set at 12 reps if you knew you were far too light on the weights and consider it a warmup set and then adjust the weights up and start again. Either way, the point is not to focus on the number of the reps since after all, your muscles can’t count they can only feel tension. If you are skirting tension in an effort to reach a magic number I can guarantee you are shortchanging the amount of muscle that you can ultimately build in your workouts. Focus always on finding ways to direct more tension to the muscles that you are trying to grow instead of avoiding it and you will be much happier with your overall results. If you are looking for a complete workout and nutrition program that never takes the easy way out but delivers much more powerful results than those that do, head to and get your ATHLEAN-X Training System. See why when you train at a high intensity your workouts don’t have to be long to be effective. Start building muscle and making much faster ga

 Brutal Triceps Workout (SORE IN 6 MINUTES!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:38

Build a ripped, athletic body - Subscribe to this channel here - If your triceps workout is not making your triceps feel sore after working them, there is a possibility that you aren’t training them hard enough. The sore in 6 series continues with a brutal tricep workout that is designed to push your muscles to the limit in just 6 minutes. By using the right tricep exercises at the right time, you will see just how much more effective you can be making your workouts. This one starts with two sets of dumbbells and an adjustable bench. You will put the bench on an incline and pick up the lighter of the two pairs of dumbbells. In general, this weight should be half of what you usually use for a 10-12 rep set of lying dumbbell tricep extensions. To kick this off you will be performing the lying tricep extension, except this time from an incline. The incline allows you to safely protect your shoulder from too much elevation, if you are someone that experiences shoulder pain and discomfort. This tricep exercise is going to be performed in “21” style, with the first seven reps being done in the top of the range of motion, the second seven reps in the bottom of the range, and the final seven performed through the full range. Make sure to slow down the eccentric contraction on the full reps to really stress the long head of the triceps and overload the tension you deliver to the muscle. Once done, immediately transition to be face down on the same incline bench and grab the same pair of dumbbells just used. This time you will be performing a triceps dumbbell extension. Aim to keep the upper arm behind the body the whole time to maximize the shortening of the tricep muscle. If you can no longer perform reps during this one minute period, try to simply lock out the arms and hold them for the remaining time. Next grab the heavier set of dumbbells and lower the bench to a flat position. Lay back and perform the bench press / eccentric lowering tricep extension. The positive portion of the lift is used to assist your triceps in getting the weights into positoin for the next eccentric repetition only. Do as many as you can until your triceps can no longer safely control the weight. This whole circuit is then repeated one more time for a total duration of 6 minutes for this tricep workout. Remember, this is a brutally intense routine and is one that you do not want to do every time you workout your triceps. In fact, this is meant to be a plateau buster to shock your muscles into soreness without being a regular workout. All of the Sore in 6 workouts are to be looked at and treated that way. If you are looking for a step by step workout plan that tells you when to push the pedal for more intensity and when to dial it back a bit to prioritize recovery so you can build as much muscle as is naturally possible, head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Meal plans and workouts are all included every day for 90 days to get you in your best shape ever by training like an athlete. For more videos on how to build bigger triceps and workouts for your triceps you can do at home or at the gym be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 Ab Workout with Dumbbells (CHISELED ABS!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 5:35

Get rock hard abs here - Subscribe to this channel here - Do you ever do your ab workouts with dumbbells? If not, then you could be missing out on a great way to etch in those deeper, more chiseled looking abs by not training your abdominals with enough resistance. Weighted ab workouts, like this one with dumbbells, can provide a great way to overload your abs and help get you out of the core training rut you might find yourself right now. To perform this ab workout, you will need a couple of sets of dumbbells. Start with a set that will be challenging for you to complete the ten reps required of you in each exercise, without it being too heavy that you cannot perform the moves in good form. Once you have identified this weight, drop down by five pounds each time and choose 3 more sets of dumbbells. You should have a total of 4 pairs of weights. Note, if your starting weight is such that you cannot select four pairs of dumbbells that is ok. You can complete your final sets using just your bodyweight. To begin, sit down and grab the heaviest pair of dumbbells. Perform a weighted Russian Twist with both dumbbells crossing over to one side and then the other. The key is to keep your abs tight and your core engaged to prevent overrotation or uncontrolled rotation. This is one of the most important functions of the abs and one that is sure to be tested by this first exercise. Complete 10 reps to each side and immediately move onto the next exercise in the workout. Next is the weighted Otis Up. In this ab exercise, you will lie flat on your back with the dumbbells extended overhead as if doing a bench press. In one move, you will sit up and keep the weights directed at the ceiling the entire time. Once you reach the full sit-up, slowly lower yourself back down to the floor with your abs eccentrically contracting to control the descent. Perform 10 reps of this move and proceed immediately to the next exercise in the workout. Next up is the single arm dumbbell rollout. This is a great exercise that challenges your abs eccentrically once again. Rest on one forearm and hold the dumbbell with the opposite hand. Roll the dumbbell away from you as you work to keep your abs tight and engaged the whole way out. Perform ten reps on each arm and proceed to the final exercise in this ab workout. Finally, wrap up this ab workout with dumbbells by getting into position to perform a one arm renegade row. In the pushup position and with a dumbbell in each hand, row each arm ten times making sure not to over rotate your torso as you pull the weight up. Perform on both sides. This is just the first round of this brutal ab workout however. From here, keep your rest to a minimum and grab the next set of dumbbells in line and repeat. See if you can make it to the end of this ab workout with dumbbells without needing to rest. For more ab workouts and over one hundred and five ab exercises to keep your abs constantly guessing, be sure to visit and check out the complete ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start training your abs like an athlete and see how much faster results can come by doing so. For more ab workout videos and exercises for abs that you can do at home, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 7 Minute Ab Workout (6 PACK PROMISE!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 11:56

Get in your best shape ever - Subscribe to this channel here - The biggest mistake people make when they do their ab workout is they spend too much time doing it. Spending any more than 10 minutes training your abs is a colossal error since it is extremely unnecessary in order to see results. Your abs respond best to hard, intense exercises done for a short period of time but done consistently over the course of many days. In this video, I’m going to show you a 7 minute ab workout that proves all you need is intensity and not length for good abs. This entire ab workout can be done on the floor without any equipment at all. It is going to cover all of the major functions of the ab muscles and incorporate other muscles of the core as well such as the obliques. The key is that you are going to move from one exercise to the next without resting. You earn one 30 second rest at the midpoint of the workout but that is it. If you keep the exercises moving you never give your abs a chance to breathe, so to speak. You apply the intensity and then step on the gas throughout the rest of the workout. This allows the workout to stay difficult even if the individual ab exercises themselves are not the most challenging that you have performed. This one starts with a bottom up movement (that also tends to incorporate a lot of rotation as well) and this is the figure 8. For the figure 8, you are literally doing what it says and moving your legs in the shape of an 8 laying on its side. This forces you to not blend two of the more challenging movement patterns into one exercise but does so when you are freshest and most capable of doing it uncompromised. Next you move onto the long leg windshield wipers. If this is too difficult for you, you can shorten the moment arm and bend the legs rather than keeping them straight. This essentially lightens the load felt by the abs and allows you to perform the exercise if the long leg variation is too difficult to maintain for the entire 60 seconds. This moves onto the twisting piston exercise. This is a plank variation but much more effective because of the dynamic nature of it. You not only have to have the strength to stabilize your body to avoid excessive movement here, but the plyometric aspect of the mini jumps, turns your core into a shock absorber as well and allows it to be much more functional at the same time. Finally, a well deserved 30 second rest break. Come out of the break and go right into the Starfish Crunch. This one is no joke! Keep both your arms and legs out wide as you perform this six pack exercise and twist to one side as you come up. This will be both a midrange and top down rotational movement, with the added benefit of hitting the oblique muscles as well. Finally, finish with 2 minutes of rotational ab circles. This one is the easiest to perform, but since we saved it for last in the ab workout, will feel much more difficult (and effective). Make sure you give this complete ab workout a try and see how much more you can do in just 7 minutes if you are applying your ab training principles properly. For a complete workout program and meal plan that includes this exact ab shuffle workout feature, be sure to head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Train your abs like a pro athlete and see how much stronger and more ripped they can become in the process. For more ab workouts and ab exercise videos, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 6 Muscle Gaining Mistakes (SLOW OR NO GROWTH!!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 14:00

Gain muscle fast by training like an athlete here… When it comes to gaining muscle, it’s not just about the workouts and exercises that you do but how you do them. In this video, I cover this and many other muscle gaining mistakes that could be holding you back from building the mass you should be from your workouts. You don’t even have to be a beginner to benefit from this video, as many advanced lifters can still be making many of these mistakes. The first big workout or muscle gaining mistake is to overtrain. Now despite what you may have been told, overtraining is a very real thing that befalls many lifters during their attempts to build muscle mass fast. They fall for the concept of more is better not realizing that if they are going to attempt to lift without the assistance of ped’s then their capacity to recover will be limited. With a healthy respect for one’s ability to recover from hard workouts, you can carefully walk the line between overtraining and not overtraining and use that to build as much muscle as you can naturally. That said, the next mistake is even more rampant than the first and that is under training. Simply attending a gym does not grant you the right to build muscle. You actually have to put in the work when you are there if you want to see appreciable muscle gains. Many people will hit the gym and never bring enough intensity to their training to see their muscles grow and grow quickly. In fact, once you master the balance between over and under training you will see that it is actually not that difficult to tip in your favor. By trading in workout length for intensity you will be able to build muscle mass while working out less. Your increased exercise and workout intensity will lead to faster muscle growth and more time to allow your body to recover and grow back strong. Speaking of strong, no solid physique is built without becoming strong on your foundation exercises like the bench press, deadlift and squat. That said, many people who struggle to gain muscle are often the same people who skip out on doing these exercises. There is a valid reason for it. These exercises can be intimidating to those who lack the strength and technique to perform them. Opting for easier versions however like concentration curls and pushups is not the answer long term. Start performing these exercises and build your confidence with them and you will see your muscles build and grow as well. Nutritionally, eating either too few calories or not enough nutrient dense calories will derail your pursuit of more muscle. Nutrition is and always will be a very important part of the equation. If you want to gain muscle you need to have your diet plan and meal plans in place to support your new muscle growth. Stop thinking that just because you are getting in enough calories that you have the goods to grow muscle. You may not. If you don’t have enough quality, nutrient dense calories coming in you will find it almost impossible to gain muscle fast or at all. For a complete workout and nutrition program that helps you to gain muscle by training like an athlete, head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. For more videos on how to build muscle fast and how not to be a skinny hardgainer, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 5 Reasons to Take Supplements (AND WHEN YOU NEVER SHOULD!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:08

Highest quality supplements. Used by today’s top professional athletes. One of the most common questions asked is whether someone needs to take supplements in order to build muscle and see results. It is a good question and one that has two completely different answers depending on the person asking it. In this video, I explain to you 5 reasons you need to take supplements and when you never should take them. If you can’t deal with brutal honesty however, I would advise you not to watch, as some feelings may be hurt. To determine whether or not you are a candidate for supplementation you have to start with your experience level and current condition. If you are just starting out and are relegated to lifting 5 pound dumbbells for most of your exercises, you are likely not ready for supplements. You can gain far more benefits focusing on building up your strength and foundation while learning proper form and the best way to train than with stuffing your face with supplements. The same can be said if you have allowed your diet and nutrition to put you grossly overweight. Supplements are not your savior. You first must figure out how to rededicate yourself to your nutrition so that you can lose enough weight to make supplements a viable part of the discussion once again to take you and your results to the next level. Next you have to ask yourself if you are motivated enough to take supplements. Some people view supplementation as a way to be lax with the rest of their fitness and nutrition plan. They figure that as long as they are taking the supplements that they don’t have to worry much about everything else. Couldn’t be further from the truth. On the other hand, sometimes the act of supplementing makes you much more accountable for the rest of your actions. In this case, it can be a great advantage to helping you stay on track. If stress is a big part of your life, be it from your work or family, supplements can become even more necessary to help keep you on track and combat that. We all know that proper nutrition and fueling can go a long way towards helping your body fight fatigue and breakdown. If stress is heavy in your life then you would particularly want to look into supplements to help keep you healthy and consistent with your nutrition in the face of schedule disruption. Finally, ask yourself if you think that you can get all the benefits of supplements from food alone. If you think so, I can tell you in most cases you are wrong. For instance, there is simply no practical way to get as much creatine as you would need to experience its benefits from food alone. I said practical. Sure, you may be able to do it in theory, but when you consider the roadblocks that I present to you in the video you quickly realize this won’t work. For a complete supplement and nutrition line that is tested and trusted by today’s top professional athletes, be sure to head to and get your Rx Supplement bundle. Feel what a difference supplementation can make and see first hand how it can take your results to the next level. For more videos on bodybuilding supplements and if you need to take supplements to build muscle be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 5 Minute Home Fat Burning Workout (FRANTIC FAT LOSS!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 7:00

Get maximally shredded here - Subscribe to this channel here - There are those that don’t believe a 5 minute fat burning workout without equipment can be very effective for fat loss. Then there are those that will try this home fat burning workout and be convinced they were wrong. In this video I give you a bodyweight routine that consists of just 3 exercises that, when performed at a high intensity level, will help you to start getting rid of body fat at a much faster clip. The key to the effectiveness of this workout is the effort. As you will quickly see, each of the exercises in this routine would be classified as traditional body fat burning exercises. They are all very effective for improving your conditioning while helping you to burn calories in your training. That said, when they are performed at a low intensity and done in more of cruising through your workout fashion, then they are not nearly as effective as they can be. So how do you do this workout then? It’s actually quite simple to execute just difficult to make it all the way through. You start with the simple mountain climber and ratchet up the intensity level immensely to move your legs as fast as humanly possible for 30 seconds. Now I realize that not everyone will be able to move at the same pace. That is fine. The key is that you are moving as fast as you can move. This will likely be an eye opener and you will see how quickly you were likely not moving as fast as you could on this exercise. Next you perform 20 seconds without resting, of a side kick through. This exercise will help develop the muscles of your core while improving the stability of your shoulders. Of course, when done at the much more rapid pace demonstrated here, you will be able to ramp up the fat loss benefits of the move as well. As soon as you are done with this you move into the last exercise in the sequence which is a squat burpee. The traditional burpee exercise is one that is known for its ability to burn fat and improve conditioning. That said, it can be a bit slow and drawn out. Not a great fit for this 5 minute fat burning workout routine for that reason. Instead, you can ante up the intensity of the exercise while shortening the range of motion by performing the squat burpee instead. As soon as you complete this last move you will get a brief 10 seconds rest. Then, immediately cycle back to the mountain climbers and do them for 10 seconds, follow that with 30 seconds of the side kick through and finish with 20 seconds of the squat burpee. Rest 20 seconds and then do anther round, this time doing each of the three exercises for whatever time period you have yet to do them for. Take a 30 second rest and finish up with 20 seconds of each move without rest to end this 5 minute fat burning workout. As you’ll see, it doesn’t take long to get in an effective workout but you have to be willing to work for it. We pull no punches with ATHLEAN-X, and we always shoot straight with you. That said, we know how to get results faster than most because of this. If you are ready to work hard but get results for your hard efforts, head to and get the MAX SHRED fat burning workout. For more home fat loss workout routines and the best exercises for fat loss, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 Best Back Workout Video Ever (HIT EVERY MUSCLE!!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 11:10

Build a complete back with this workout - It won’t take long for you to see why I’m calling this the best back workout video ever. In fact, I’m putting the science back in strength in this one to show you not only how important it is to train every major muscle in your back but to not neglect some of the most commonly ignored muscles. With back exercise examples for how to attack each area, you’ll feel more prepared than ever to hit your next back workout with a new appreciation for back training. To start, it is important to break down the back into different zones. The most commonly focused on area is the lats. The lats are a large muscle group that get trained in every popular back workout. They can be hit with exercises like pullups, lat pulldowns, etc. Any exercise that adducts your arm and brings it into your sides is a good candidate for helping you build bigger lats. That said, you may feel a bigger stretch on the lats by performing an underhand version of the pulldown. As you can see, the anatomy of the lats explains how a larger stretch can be felt on them if you allow your elbow to travel in front of and away from your body. When doing a traditional lat pulldown the elbow stays in line with the torso which prevents the degree of stretch you feel in the alternative grip. The teres major is a muscle that assists the function of the lats. This muscle is also important for filling out the thickness of the back by sitting just above the latissimus dorsi. You can train this muscle more specifically by widening your grip during a lat pulldown. Keep your hands as far apart on the pulldown bar as you can and you will feel the extra focus being driven towards the teres major. The traps are by far one of the most extensive and largest muscles of your back. With fibers in the upper traps running in one direction and those in the lower traps running in a different direction, you can preferentially accentuate the work of each area by changing the position of the angle of pull. A good traps exercise therefore must position the arm at an angle while the lower traps can be hit nicely on the inverted y exercise. The rotator cuff and lower back are no less important to complete back development. See the best back exercises for hitting these areas and start not only building a bigger back but making sure that yours stays healthy for a long time. For a complete back workout that helps you to not only build a bigger, thicker, wider back but ensures that yours stays injury free forever, head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Use the same exact workouts that top professional athletes use to stay injury free and dominate on the field. For more back workout videos and how to get a wider lats, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 8 Best Bodyweight Exercises Ever (HIT EVERY MUSCLE!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 8:50

Build muscle with just your bodyweight (no equipment at all) here! With so many bodyweight exercises to choose from, picking the 8 best was certainly a challenge. That said, in this video I show you the 8 best bodyweight exercises you can do and how you can cover all the major muscles in your body with them. Most bodyweight workout routines are nothing more than glorified aerobics that cost you lean muscle while doing them. This doesn’t have to be the case. If you choose the right exercises and follow the proper progressions and regressions, bodyweight training can be just as effective at building muscle as any other workout. The 8 bodyweight exercises that were chosen are as follows: 1. Pullups - The pullup is one of the best back exercises you can do, even if you have access to a gym. Should you want a challenging alternative, I show you how to mix up your grip and perform the Commando Pullup for an even more intense back exercise with the added benefit of working your forearms and biceps. 2. Chin Up Knee Up - This exercise hits the biceps and abs equally hard as it breaks down the chinup into two parts. If you’re looking to get more out of your bodyweight exercises you have to put more in them. This is a perfect combination movement that helps you to kill two muscles with one move. 3. Slick Floor Bridge Curls - This posterior chain exercise hammers your glutes and hamstrings and happens to be one of the most intense bodyweight leg exercises you can do for this area. In fact, this exercise is as challenging as most weighted glute/ham exercises you’d have at your disposal if you were training in a gym. 4. Levitation Squats - Time to hit your quads with this awesome lower body no equipment exercise. By positioning your leg behind your body you make it easier to perform this single leg killer without having your balance be your limiting factor (as it may be during the pistol squat). Be sure to keep your back foot raised off the ground to keep the work on the front leg only. 5. Divebomber Pushups - You knew there would have to be a pushup variation in this list of 8 best bodyweight exercises in order to hit your chest. That said, this dive-bomber version hits your chest, shoulders and triceps equally hard at different points in the range of motion. Add the one and a half rep style for an even more advanced challenge. 6. Mule Kicks - This is a perfect bodyweight conditioning exercise that also puts an overload on your shoulders. Think of it as a closed chain plyometric bodyweight shoulder exercise that crushes your stamina at the same time. Sound fun? 7. Kickthrough Burpees - On this channel, we train like athletes. There may be no more athletic version of the burpee than this one, and that is why I love it. This is yet another bodyweight only movement that will challenge your upper body, lower body and core while pelting away at your ability to breathe. 8. Front Lever - Finally, the challenging front lever exercise lands the last spot on the 8 best bodyweight exercise list. Don’t worry if you can’t do it yet, you will. Just work your way up to it using a resistance band if needed. Want to become a bodyweight workout beast? Then look no further than the number one muscle building bodyweight workout plan ATHLEAN XERO. Without using a single piece of equipment, start building ripped, athletic muscle in just 6 weeks. You can find the program at along with our other workout programs. For more bodyweight exercises and workouts without equipment, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 Best Ab Workout Tip Ever (WORKS INSTANTLY!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 4:35

Get more out of every ab exercise and workout you do here There are millions of ab workouts and ab exercise combinations that you can do to help you get six pack abs. That said, if you aren’t doing your ab exercises the way I’m showing you in this video, you could be leaving a lot of potential results on the table. In this ab workout video, I show you the number one tip for getting six pack abs from your training. Of course, thinking that you can ignore your nutrition and have this work is a big mistake. Remember, abs are made in the gym and revealed in the kitchen. So, what makes this tip so effective? First of all, this works in any ab workout. You can opt to do your ab workouts at home or at the gym and this will work equally well either place. This also helps to improve the quality of the abdominal muscle that you do develop. Too many people worry about simply getting through an ab exercise without worrying about what muscles are doing the work to get you there. If you want to see faster results from your ab workouts you have to learn how to contract your abs on every rep of every ab exercise. I show you how to apply this to two of the most popular home ab exercises around, the crunch and reverse crunch. Performing the exercise correctly technically does not mean that you performed it as effectively as you could have. In the example of the crunch, I show you how simply lifting your shoulder blades off the ground and keeping a posterior tilt is technically considered a proper rep. However, if you want to make the abs do much more work and in turn develop much better six pack abs, you will have to forcefully contract your abdominals on every rep. You cannot coast your way through an ab workout if you want it to deliver serious results. In order to get ripped 6 pack abs at home or at the gym you need to worry about the quality of every rep you perform. An ab workout cannot even truly be called a good abs workout if you don’t follow this advice. If you want to get a ripped six pack for summer, then it’s time you start performing your ab workouts with more intensity. Try this ab work out tip I show you the next time you work your abs and then head to to get the full ATHLEAN-X Training System. Train like an athlete from head to toe and build ripped, athletic muscle like the pros. For more ab workout videos and the best ab exercises for getting a six pack, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 Aamir Khan’s Body Transformation (THE TRUTH!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:57

Your transformation starts here - Subscribe to this channel here - Aamir Khan is a famous Bollywood actor who is making waves for the incredible body transformation he made to go from fit to fat to fit again in just months for his movie Dangal. In one of the most stunning body makeovers in film history, Khan went from 155 pounds to 215 at a body fat of 38 percent and then dropped back down to 158 pounds and 9.3 percent body fat. In this video, I’m going to cover the real key behind this transformation and what you need to realize before you attempt to make the same rapid change. The first thing you must notice about this is that Aamir was fit before he made this movie. He walked around at a steady 150 pounds and by all standards was in very good shape. He already had the discipline instilled him to conduct a healthy lifestyle where he regularly worked out and ate right. The real struggle, as he put it, was in putting on the weight not necessarily taking it off. That is not consistent with what those who struggle with weight really battle. Rather than struggling to put it on, those with weight issues have a major difficulty trying to get rid of the excess body fat. This is for two reasons. One is as already alluded to, they do not possess the consistency of a regular gym habit or good eating habits. Second, they are metabolically at a disadvantage having spent many years either yo-yoing with their weight or simply staying overweight throughout the time period. When this happens, your body reacts by lowering your insulin resistance and you have a tough time mobilizing body fat for fat burning. If you are more muscular on the other hand and in good shape, your insulin sensitivity is higher (lower insulin resistance) and you have a much easier time dropping weight when attempted. That said, the Aamir Khan body transformation is not consistent with the more realistic transformation that needs to be made by the many that are overweight and have been for quite some time. That is not to take away from what he accomplished. It is an exercise in dedication for someone to do what he did in order to lose the amount of weight he did while not dropping his hard earned muscle. Two things you can take away from this that are very important as well. The first is the value of having a plan. This weight loss was very well choreographed from the beginning. Every step of this weight gain and loss was done knowing the course for how it was to take place from the start until the last pound was lost. The next thing was the level of accountability that was in place as well. In normal situations, you are not being held accountable for your weight gain or weight loss. Not the case here with Aamir. He had a major motion picture deal hinging on the fact that he had to lose the weight or the movie could not be written. In fact, because of this, he requested that the weight gain scenes be filmed first so he would have to lose the body fat in order to finish out the movie. For a complete training and nutrition program that both holds you accountable and also gives you all of your meals and workouts in a step by step plan, be sure to head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. If you want to look like an athlete, you’ve got to train like an athlete and now you can with this day by day plan. For more videos on workout transformations and before and after weight loss stories, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 Bigger Wider Shoulders in 14 DAYS (With 1 DUMBBELL!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:17

It's time to get Bigger, Wider Shoulders - Did you know that bigger, wider shoulders is one of the muscle groups listed at the top of the list when Men's Health Magazine polled women to see what turned them on the most in guys? Shocked me. I thought abs, and arms would easily top those...but they didn't. The reason why is because a set of powerful explosive shoulders frames your entire physique and lets people know that you're in shape and strong without having to say a word. All that said, the problem that most guys face when trying to get big shoulders is that they feel as if the only way to get them is by doing countless reps of heavy military presses. This isn't the only way. In fact, using one of the most popular shoulder exercises but also one of the most incorrectly performed, you can start adding size to your shoulders in as little as 14 days! The ability to get bigger shoulders and add muscle mass to your shoulders in 14 days comes from the principle of muscle overload. By incorporating the cheat side lateral exercise you can add significant weight to the exercise and as a result, size to your shoulders much more quickly. The trick is to not swing the weight up, but make sure that you muscle it up. From the top of the movement, you want to be sure that you slowly lower the weight down, concentrating on the eccentric part of the exercise to ensure that the deltoid is getting the brunt of the work. Continue to perform as many reps as you can until failure and incorporate this technique into your shoulder workout each time you perform it. You actually can see a difference in your shoulder size after even just one of these workouts. Not from actual shoulder muscle growth but more from the lingering pump that you will experience (not very common when doing shoulder workouts!) by training the muscles the right way. For more techniques to help you add not just more size to your shoulders but to every other muscle in your body, be sure to head over to and get the 90 day ATHLEAN-X Training System. You will see how making changes to familiar shoulder exercises can lead to all new results that you see from your shoulder training and workouts. For more videos on how to train like an athlete and build bigger shoulders like Dwight Howard, be sure to head over to

 Best Home Ab Workout (NO EQUIPMENT - ANY LEVEL!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:23

Get abs like an athlete with ATHLEAN-X here... Home ab workouts are one of the best ways to assist in getting six pack abs. Of course, it starts with a solid nutrition plan to shed the fat that may be overlying the abs. From there however, you need to have an ab workout that is convenient enough to be done anywhere without requiring equipment. This home ab workout is one that can be done with absolutely no equipment and at any ability level. How is that? Because this ab workout uses x-tinction programming. With x-tinction programming you can make any ab exercise challenging regardless of your ab strength. The workout shown in this home abs workout are as follows: - Two down One Ups for 45 seconds with extinction at 45 seconds - Figure 8’s for 60 seconds with extinction at 60 seconds - 21 Crunch for 12 reps with extinction at 12 reps REST 30 SECONDS AND CONTINUE - Scissor V Ups for 45 seconds with extinction at 45 seconds - Hip Touch Planks x 15 each side with extinction at 15 each side - Russian V Tuck Twists x 16 reps each side with extinction at 8 reps This particular home ab workout follows the A-X six pack progression. This takes you through all of your home ab exercises in a specific sequence. You want to perform your lower ab exercises when your strength is freshest since these movements are generally the most challenging. Perform this ab workout circuit following the instructions provided in the video and start using it 5-6 times per week for best results. As noted already, you have to be sure your nutrition is in check if you want to see the results of your new six pack stomach. For a complete step by step meal plan to help you get ripped, six pack abs head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Get daily ab workouts that change all the time so you never do the same one twice. For more ab workouts and killer ab exercise videos, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 Bicep Workout (SORE IN 6 MINUTES!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 7:38

Build your body with science here - Subscribe to this channel here - If you are the type that does not get sore from your bicep workout, then you need to see this. The sore in 6 minutes series continues with the biceps workout edition. With just one bicep exercise, I’m going to show you how to train your arms hard enough to elicit post workout muscle soreness regardless of how difficult it is for you to do it right now. The biceps exercise used in this workout is the incline variable curl. Choose a dumbbell that represents your 10 rep max on incline bicep curls and perform 5 reps. The key is to lower the dumbbell to a count of 3 seconds and raise it to a count of 1 second. This equals 4 seconds per rep. With each 5 reps completed you should be taking up 20 seconds of time. As soon as you are finished with the incline curl for five reps you sit up and perform 5 seated dumbbell curls using the same tempo and focus on the eccentric contraction. Finally, without resting, lean forward on the bench and perform a leaning drag curl to focus the effort on the contracted range of the bicep curl. Finish with five reps once again. Now, with little to no rest, put down the dumbbells and pick up the next set which should be five pounds less than the ones you were just using. Repeat the entire sequence for the second minute of the workout. Continue dropping five pounds on the dumbbell weight and performing the same three variations of the incline curl until you have completed five minutes of work. Now comes the icing on the cake. Go back to the original dumbbell weight that you were curling with and pick them up once again. This time you are going to be performing eccentric only repetitions. You can do this by sitting up at the end of the bench and hammer curling the weights to your thighs. From here, act as if you are getting ready to lift the dumbbells up to your chest to begin a set of bench press. This means, use your knees to hike the weights up into position. Instead of pressing them from here however you are going to let them drop down as you lean back into the incline bicep curl position. Continue performing these reps for the entire final minute if you are able to. If biceps workout soreness is something that you don’t normally feel, I can guarantee you that this is not going to be a problem after this workout. Now, this is just one way to elicit soreness in your biceps during a workout. There are others that can be done equally effectively and, as you know, it is not a requirement for results depending on what the goal of your training is at the moment. If you are looking for a workout program that puts the science back in strength to help you to build not just big biceps but an entirely muscular and athletic body, be sure to head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start training smarter and the way your body was designed to train and you will be shocked at how much more quickly your muscles will respond. For more bicep workouts and exercises for your biceps to get them bigger, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 Bruce Lee Workout (INCLUDES DRAGON FLAG!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 13:30

Train like an athlete...workout like Bruce Lee here! Perhaps nobody symbolizes the word athlete more than Bruce Lee. With his legendary workout routines and feats of strength, Bruce Lee has become an inspirational workout icon and someone we all can learn how to workout from. In this video, I'm going to cover the 5 main principles of Bruce Lee's workout and diet routine as well as show you some of his favorite exercises. The first principle of Bruce Lee workouts was using muscle tension to your advantage. With total body tension, Lee was able to create more core and abs stability which allowed him to be more powerful from head to toe. Perhaps his most amazing display of this was his fingertip pushups (shown in this video). Next, the iso tension principle was one he incorporated after completing a set of an exercise. For example, following his finger tip pushups, Bruce Lee would attempt to contract all of the muscles involved in that exercise in order to extend the time under tension and develop mind muscle control. The ideal time to use this is for 10 seconds after completing a set, and it's exactly where he included this in his weightlifting routine. Third, Lee believed that you should never attempt to lift a weight that you couldn't actually lift with your own muscles. Momentum is not the fastest way to building more ripped muscle. He proved this with his barbell curl and launch exercise where he was able to show off his strength and control in his workout routine. Next, we can't talk about a Bruce Lee workout without mentioning his ab workout. Known for his dragon flag exercise, Bruce Lee used this demanding core exercise to carve out ripped six pack abs. If you want your own set of Bruce Lee six pack abs though, you're going to have to start training your core more often...daily. I'll show you how to build up to the dragon flag even if you aren't able to hold one right now. Finally, no Bruce Lee workout video is complete without addressing what he felt was one of the most important workout principles...recovery. He believed that you grew away from the gym and not in it. With attention to a good diet, proper sleep, protein supplementation and rest days...Bruce Lee was able to accelerate his muscle growth and stay ripped year round. If you want to start training like the ultimate athlete, then you should head to and get the workout program being used by today's top professional athletes (and guys that want to look and move like them) For more ab exercises and workout routines like Bruce Lee's, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at


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