Summary: Pro athlete physical therapist and strength coach Jeff Cavaliere shows you workouts, exercises and nutrition plans to get you looking and moving like a professional athlete.

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  • Artist: Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS
  • Copyright: Sports Performance Factory 2017


 How to Fix Your Posture (NO MORE ROUNDED SHOULDERS!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 5:51

Fix more than just your posture by training like an athlete here One of the most common posture faults caused by lifting weights and working out is the rounded shoulder posture or hunchback. If you want to lift the most weight you can in your shoulder workouts then you will need to fix your posture first. In this video I show you a quick posture test you can do to assess how bad your posture really is without having to wait for the results. Simply stand up and let your arms hang at your sides. Notice where your thumbs are pointing. Are they pointing inward, towards each other or are they pointing straight ahead? If you answered the latter, then your shoulders are likely internally rotated and this bad posture is having an effect on you working out. To feel what correct posture for working out should feel like, slip a resistance band over your shoulders as I show you. This should immediately fix or correct the rounded shoulders or hunchback and make you feel much more upright. You can even do a few lifts or a complete workout wearing this band contraption so you can feel what your shoulders should feel like in proper alignment. In order to correct your posture and learn how to make permanent changes here you need to start using that same band to do band pull aparts. The band pull apart exercise is great for improving your posture because it trains the inter scapular muscles like the rhomboids and upper traps to retract the scapulae. It also externally rotates the arms and strengthens the muscles of the rotator cuff. The added strength will allow you to fix even the worst postures and reverse the effects of kyphosis. For a complete workout and training program that helps you build size and strength while paying attention to the smaller details like bad posture, be sure to head to and get the physical therapist created ATHLEAN-X Training System. Overlook nothing in your workouts and start doing the right exercises for not just posture, but for building serious athletic muscle. For more videos on how to fix your posture and ultimately how to lift more weight by fixing your posture, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at

 How to Eat for a Six Pack (YEAR ROUND!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 7:26

Get a day by day meal plan for getting year round abs here When trying to eat for a six pack, people get far too hung up in the details and wind up getting frustrated. If you want to get abs and keep them year round, you absolutely have to find a meal plan approach that you can actually stick to. Think about it, how many diets have you followed to get abs only to not be able to stay on it…and lose your six pack soon after? If you rely on carbohydrate restrictive eating plans, obsessive food measuring, macro overcomplication, etc you are just making your chances of getting ripped that much harder. In this video, I show you a simple eating technique that you can apply to any meal to ensure that you are on the right track. You divide your plate and fill it with proteins, fibrous carbs and starchy carbs (in amounts explained) while never steering away from the all important high quality incidental fats. Start off by occupying half of your plate with protein. You can choose whatever protein source you prefer the most whether it be chicken, steak, turkey, fish, lentils or any other vegetarian source if desired. You then decide the remaining half based on your given physique goals. If you are overtly overweight and need to start dropping a substantial amount of body fat, you definitely will want to not avoid carbs however you would choose mostly from fibrous sources. There are so many options to choose from but my favorite are zucchini and onions, broccoli rabe, braised carrots, and grilled asparagus to name a few. If you aren’t battling weight issues and instead are focused on building lean, ripped athletic muscle you would divide that remaining half with healthy sources of complex or starchy carbs. Again, my favorite here are sweet potatoes, pasta, and brown rice to name a few. The key to eating for a six pack (and keeping it) is choosing from foods that you actually like eating. There is no faster way to giving up on your goal of getting a six pack than by forcing yourself to eat foods you hate. Even worse, making your meal preparation a ten step process if likely to make you want to quit pretty quick as well. If you want to get a ripped six a pack year round without needing to be a trained chef to do it, I would highly recommend you check out and the ATHLEAN-X Training System. It includes the day by day X-factor meal plans to help you build muscle and burn fat at the same time. Get abs by eating a way that you can realistically eat year round. For more videos on how to get a six pack and what ab workouts you can do to help show them off, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 How to Get a Six Pack - ULTIMATE STEP BY STEP GUIDE!! | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 18:47

Get the truth on how to get a six pack (and get out of Ab "No Man's Land" Forever!) If you had a nickel for every video on youtube about how to get a six pack, you'd be sitting pretty right now. Then again, that doesn't say anything about the quality of the information in those how to get ab videos! For those reasons, I wanted to create the definitive guide on how to get a 6 pack regardless of the body fat level you're starting at. I'll take you step by step through a plan that will work for any level of bodyfat and also tell you what to ignore along the way. First and foremost, there are no shortcuts to six pack abs! I know, there are some that would try and convince you otherwise, however most people watching videos like this can see right through the phoniness. If you want to get abs, you absolutely have to dedicate yourself to the goal from both a nutrition and training perspective. The fatter you are to start, the longer your path will be. However, you can do it. We all have the same muscles that make up our six pack abs. Sure they can be slightly different in shape due to how the linea alba segments the rectus abdominus muscle, but they are there for the world to see if you follow a healthy eating plan and do the right ab exercises. In this video I start all the way up at the 30-40% body fat level and work down to the fine tuning of your abs that are already visible at 5-7%. Each level provides you with a picture of what the typical bodyfat looks like so you can compare how far you have to go to get your 6 pack. As you watch this step by step video on how to get abs, be sure to take note of the most important areas that you must address to get there. Be honest with your shortcomings and stop looking for shortcuts. It's the fastest way to get abs in the long run. Let's face it, everybody would love to have a set of rock hard cut abs and a flat stomach. The problem is, it takes work to get there. Start with this video though, and you will be well on your way to getting your abs to show and ultimately having a ripped 6 pack. For a complete program showing you the best ab exercises and workouts as well as a meal plan that helps you to lose body fat and uncover your abdominal muscles, be sure to head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. For more videos showing you how to get a six pack, as well as nutrition, supplementation and other workout tips be sure to subscribe to our channel on youtube at

 How to Get Big Arms - MUCH FASTER!! (Triceps and Biceps) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 8:20

How to Get Big Arms - Most guys that workout want to know how to get big arms. The problem is that they wind up doing hours of the wrong types of biceps exercises, the wrong biceps workouts, and sometimes even neglect just how important the triceps are to adding size to the arms. Well, in this video, I'm going to show you that it is possible to get big arms much faster by including a couple of the right biceps exercises and triceps exercises into your arm workouts. To begin with, in order to get the biceps to peak more you will want to work on the long head of the biceps since it is largely responsible for the biceps peak. The long head of the biceps can be stimulated more with biceps exercises that start with the arm in an extended position behind the body. You can do this with an incline biceps curl, but you won't be able to lift as much weight as you can on the biceps exercise that I show you here. Next you'll want to work on specific triceps exercises when trying to get much bigger arms a lot faster. Since the triceps muscle accounts for roughly two thirds of the mass of the arm you'll want to make sure you train them in every complete arm workout. The triceps exercise shown here will help you to get big arms much faster because it hits the long head of the triceps more - which makes up the bulk of the triceps muscle. By putting the triceps on a bigger stretch, you'll be able to handle more weight and get a stronger contraction - allowing you to get big arms much faster than with typical triceps workouts. How to Get Big Arms - MUCH FASTER!! (Triceps and Biceps) Once you start to see just how much you can lift on these arm exercises and the results you will start to see from doing them, you'll realize just how fast you can build big arms. This is most likely due to the fact that each of these exercises add size to the arms. The biceps drag curl adds height to the arms while the triceps extension exercise adds width to the triceps. For more great ways to get big arms make sure to check out the other arm workouts and biceps exercises and triceps exercises that we have here on our youtube channel at When you're ready to get not just big arms but six pack abs and a complete body like a pro athlete - be sure to head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Thanks for watching!

 How to Get Rid of MAN BOOBS (Chest Fat Fix!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 9:37

Get a complete workout program to lose embarrassing chest fat One of the most common and embarrassing areas that men can store fat is in their chest, as it shows up as man boobs. Nothing looks quite as bad as a set of undefined poorly developed pecs on a guy. That said, there are workouts, exercises and nutrition tips that can help you learn how to get rid of man boobs and lose the chest fat once and for all. In this video, I describe the difference between the hormonally caused gynecomastia and the much more common chest fat. In order to lose chest fat you have to first and foremost prioritize your eating. There is simply no way to burn chest fat if your diet and nutrition are lousy. No matter how many pushups or bench press reps you do, you will not be able to spot reduce the fat surrounding your chest. A good diet plan starts with one that you can actually stick with for the long term. It does you no good to follow a fad diet that helps you to temporarily lose fat, only to gain it back a month later and lose all the definition in your pecs that you were hoping for in the first place. The ATHLEAN-X factor meal plan is exactly the type of meal plan that helps you to burn chest fat and get rid of man boobs, that you can stay consistent with. Next, you can't ignore your chest workouts. Lots of guys fear that doing chest exercises will only make their already big chests look bigger. That couldn't be further from the truth. The fact of the matter is, muscle tissue is much more dense than fat tissue. This means, when it's developed, your chest muscles will be smaller and more defined than they would be if they remained simply as chest fat. Lets face it, nobody likes to have their man boobs made fun of, so it's worth it to learn how to get rid of them the right way. That said, if you are going to target your chest you need to follow a complete chest workout that hits your pectorals from all angles. Check out the chest workout featured on our channel by visiting this link For a complete workout program that hits your chest, triceps, back, shoulders and legs be sure to head to and start seeing how to lose chest fat fast while developing more overall athletic muscle. For more chest workouts and exercises to lose your man boobs and build a muscular chest be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 How to Squat Properly (MAJOR FORM FIX!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:49

Squat with proper form and see explosive leg growth! Learning how to squat properly is one of the most fundamental places to start if you're trying to make pain free gains in your legs. Proper squat form requires that you keep your head up, back angled slightly forward but straight, knees traveling outward as you descend, elbows tucked and chest out. Even with all of these tips and cues on how to squat properly, there is one major squat flaw that is still commonly performed. In this squat tutorial video I show you how to perform the squat exercise correctly by paying attention to the alignment of the hips in the transverse plane. Even when your feet are square and your chest is square to your feet, you can still mistakenly allow your hips to open up. This creates a rotational torsion on the pelvis. Though likely very small in absolute motion, this can lead to biomechanical changes in your squat that can cause hip, knee and back pain over time. It's important to learn how to squat properly and to learn proper squat form if you want to keep your gains coming while minimizing injuries to other joints. Form is an important part of any exercise, but it's critical when it comes to the squat, given the loads that are often involved in the lift. The same issue applies to the deadlift as well. In order to fix this squatting flaw you have to consciously contract your gluteus before every repetition of the squat. This will correct the alignment of the pelvis and make sure that your hips are not left open prior to the descent. It takes just an extra second per rep, but will pay large dividends to both your joint health as well as the gains you can see from your leg workouts. For more physical therapy based training tips compiled into one 90 day program (the same exact one used by today's top professional athletes), then head to and get your complete ATHLEAN-X Training System. For more leg workouts, leg exercises, and tips on how to improve your squat, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at

 How to get a BIGGER UPPER CHEST - The "Ultimate Chest Exercise" | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 7:10

More ways to get a bigger chest: Are you finding it hard to build a bigger upper chest? This is most likely because you are not using exercises that target how the chest actually works in your attempt to build it. The chest and the upper chest respond to more than just bench presses, pushups, dips and flys. In fact, in this video I'm going to show you a new way to train your chest to build it bigger and stronger with just a pair of dumbbells. This chest exercise might be considered the ultimate chest exercise by some since it targets the main functions of the chest muscle. I'm talking about horizontal adduction and adduction of the shoulder, combined with the normal pressing action that you are familiar with. By combining elements of the guillotine press, we are also able to more effectively target the upper chest specifically by bringing the dumbbells closer to the neck (without endangering the shoulders or your own safety with a barbell near your neck!) Learning how to get a bigger upper chest just takes a more scientific approach to your workouts. A true chest workout built around biomechanics will always win out over a chest workout that is based in bro science or the advice a local "weekend certification" personal trainer will give you. When you're ready to build more than just a bigger chest, then head over to and put the science back in strength for good. Target your shoulders, legs, biceps, back and arms along with your chest as you carve out an athletic physique from head to toe. For more than just the ultimate chest exercises and workouts be sure to check out our youtube channel at

 Lower Pec Punishing Exercise (NO MORE SAGGY CHEST!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 5:59

Sculpt an impressive chest in the next 90 days here… The pecs are actually separated into three distinct heads that divide the upper chest, lower chest and middle chest. The heads that accomplish this are the clavicular head at the top, the sternal head in the middle and the often overlooked abdominal head at the bottom of your chest. Through varying orientations of the upper arm, you can influence the fibers of each to a greater or lesser degree. In this video, I am going to show you how to better activate the lower chest by paying attention to the way you do your crossovers. Cable crossovers are a popular exercise for sculpting a better and bigger chest. It is common to see people grab the handles from down below and lift up and across their chest to try and build a better lower chest. The problem is, this defies the anatomy of the pectoralis major. In order to influence the lower chest more than the upper chest you would actually want to do the opposite and start with your arm high and bring it low. Here I demonstrate how the lower or abdominal portion of the pecs line up and how you can take advantage or their orientation to better activate them during adduction of the arm. Of course your pectorals contract all or none in the sternal portion of the pecs (the upper chest may actually have a slightly different contraction pattern due to the fact that it has a separate nerve innervation). That being said, because the upper arm position can be changed in all three dimensions, it is possible to provide some fibers with specific orientations, a better line of pull than others. To hit the lower portion of your chest more you want to set up a cable station in a high position. This can easily be performed at home without elaborate equipment by simply attaching a resistance band to a pullup bar. Whatever you choose, you want to grab hold of the band or cable handle with one hand and step away from the machine. Here you want to rotate your shoulder externally by taking an underhand grip on the handle and making sure to let your shoulder roll back and down. From here, you want to focus on the movement of the elbow as you try and bring it across your chest (into adduction) and head towards the top of your abdominals on that side. With the lower portion of the chest inserting into the aponeurosis of the abs and obliques you want to be sure to target this area as your end point or destination for your elbow if you want to get at that lower chest. Feel the strong contraction of the lower portion of your chest and return the handle to the starting position slowly. Be sure to emphasize the strength and quality of each contraction rather than the number of reps that you are performing if you want to see better results from this lower chest exercise and get better lower pecs. For a complete program on how to build an impressive middle, upper and lower chest while getting six pack abs and explosive legs, be sure to head to and learn how to start training like an athlete. Get the same exact program used by today’s top professional athletes from all major sports who want to get ripped, athletic bodies and perform at the top of their game. For more videos on chest workouts and how to build the upper chest, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 My 8 Biggest Workout & Nutrition Mistakes (DON’T MAKE THEM) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 15:40

Don’t make mistakes, make gains - Subscribe to this channel here - I have been working out long enough to have made plenty of workout and nutrition mistakes. I’m not ashamed to admit that. In this video however, I’m going to share the eight biggest workout and nutrition mistakes with you so that you can hopefully avoid making them yourself and can start seeing nothing but gains. They say the biggest mistake is not making one, but not learning from it when you do. I want to be sure you learn from each of these so I break them down one by one. Some of these mistakes deal with my nutrition while others deal with training and even mental mindset. 1. Dietary fat intake was too low - I actually started to see detrimental health effects from making this mistake at a young age. My eyes were intolerant to light and my skin was drier than the Sahara Desert. My gains had slowed to a crawl and my hormones were likely way off balance. If you find that you are lacking energy the first place you might want to look is to adding more healthy fats to your diet. 2. Substituted hard work for supplementation - This is something that shows how naive I was when it comes to training. Now don’t get me wrong, adding high quality supplementation to a solid nutrition plan and smart, hard training is the holy grail of lifting. It provides the greatest results. One plus one plus one does not equal three in this case, it equals ten. That said, you cannot think that supplements are going to undo the wrongs you are making if you simply won’t train hard or eat right. 3. Muscle Magazines - Don’t get me wrong. Muscle magazines were my source of education and inspiration for starting down this career path and love of lifting in the first place. That said, the models I was inspired by were not necessarily following the same supplement regimen I was! Be careful who you turn to for guidance. You may be making the same mistake I made, except this time online rather than via the pages of a magazine. 4. A to B rather than enjoying the pain of A to Z - If you want to build muscle as quickly as possible you must stop focusing on the rep as the currency of your workouts. Instead, focus only on the quality of the rep and you will start seeing much faster gains. It doesn’t matter what your goal is in your training at the moment. The quality of that rep has to match up with what you are trying to achieve and only then will your results be attainable. 5. Ignoring the value of Plant based nutrition - This is something that was again engendered in me at a young age. My mentors stressed starchy carbs and protein (because I was skinny and needed to put on weight). By neglecting the importance of plant based fibrous carbohydrates I was neglecting one of the most valuable sources of micronutrients needed to compliment and fill in the gaps of a complete nutrition plan. I got over my aversion to these foods and the gains were almost instant. 6. On the wrong side of the VOLUME / INTENSITY spectrum - This is one that can be summed up in one quick statement. You can either workout hard or you can workout long but you cannot do both. Opt for intensity over half assed volume any day and you will see much faster gains. 7. Exerphobia - The exercises that cause the greatest amount of trepidation before doing them are almost always the most beneficial. Don’t steer away from an exercise just because you know that it is harder to execute than a single joint exercise that you can do on a machine much more comfortably! 8. That said, every exercise is not right for every body. Some biomechanical differences between individuals can make one exercise perfect for

 Pullups vs Chinups: The BIG Differences!! | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 9:47

Maximize your benefits from both exercises with one program… The pullup and chinup are both tremendous upper body exercises that can help you add serious size to your back, but which one is better? This back exercise question can actually be easily answered if you get clear on your training goals. In this video, I pit the chin ups vs pull ups to help you decide which one (or both) are a must for your workouts. We have to start by identifying why both of these back and biceps exercises are great. They are affectionately known as the kings of the bodyweight exercises and some would argue best upper body exercise period, when weights are used. This is because they are both tremendous back and core stabilizers. Increase the strength and size of your back and you will no doubt be able to lift more on your deadlifts, squats, and cleans. Next, both the chinup and pullup can be a great barometer of your body composition. How so? While it is more difficult for heavier guys to perform these upper body pulling exercises than their lighter counterparts, it's not impossible. That is, unless you are carrying a great deal of body fat. If your size is coming from mostly lean muscle, even big guys can bang out chinups, pullups or even muscle ups. Understanding the differences between pullups and chinups or learning which one is better, requires an understanding of the contributions of the muscles that help you do them. The pullup is the more difficult version of the exercise because the biceps are minimized. When you have both the back and the biceps helping as you do in a chinup, you have more strength and the exercise becomes easier. The same can be said with pullups done with elbows forward. You increase the contribution of the brachialis muscle which makes that slight tweak easier than the traditional pullup. Try replicating the movements with dumbbells as I show you in the video. You'll feel how much weaker your biceps become when you place your arms out wide and in line with your body, as they would be in a regular pullup. Regardless of which exercise you attempt, you may not be strong enough to do either a pullup or a chin-up. If that is the case, be sure to follow the pullup progression shown here. Start with inverted rows to build up your pulling strength. Move onto the kneeling lat pulldown if you have access to a machine or just hang bands over a home pullup bar. Finally, get your body up to the bar using both negative only reps and isometric holds. Break out those assisted band pullups to finish off the progression to your full pullups. If you want to start looking like an athlete, then you're going to have to start doing both chinups and pullups. These upper body back and bicep builders are irreplaceable. To get a complete program that helps you to bang out rep after rep of each while building ripped athletic muscle be sure to head to to get your ATHLEAN-X Training System. For more back workout videos and tips on how to do more pullups instantly, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at WHAT TO DO IF YOU CAN’T DO ONE Building up to your first - Kneeling Lat Pulldowns, Inverted Rows, Eccentric Only, Isometric Holds, Band assisted- try to make 80% of your BW and have 5-6 second control over your eccentrics

 Shoulder Workout Tips for Size (HARDGAINER EDITION!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 6:34

Hardgainers become gainers here - Subscribe to this channel here - A shoulder workout for hardgainers must do more than just advise you to train heavy. Heavy lifting is important for hardgainers to begin to build muscle mass and size, however it isn’t the only key element of shoulder training. In this video, I’m going to show you how important it is to learn how to lift lighter on certain exercises and how to lift heavier on the right exercises, if you want to start adding serious size fast to your shoulders. Before even getting started however, one of the most effective shoulder workout tips I could give anyone (not just a skinny guy looking to add muscle) is to train shirtless. Now of course, this advise is best followed if you are training in the comfort of your own home gym! That said, many hardgainers find themselves in this exact situation because they feel self conscious about going to the gym and training in front of the much larger and more muscular guys. When you train without a shirt, you not only face your insecurities but you allow yourself a chance to watch your muscles as they work and use the visual feedback to more accurately focus your effort on the muscles you are actually trying to build. Let’s face it, if you are a beginner lifter or are not carrying large amounts of muscle you are likely not mastering the mind muscle connection with the muscles you are trying to develop. You don’t have the “feel” of what the muscle is supposed to feel like that you are training. Training shirtless allows you to watch the muscle contract and therefore tweak your form to enable a stronger contraction in the target muscles. When you do this, you will be surprised just how much quicker you can get that muscle to respond. Next, you will want to change the smaller, more targeted exercises (like the shoulder dumbbell side lateral raise) to lighten the weights that you are using in an attempt to feel more tension on the shoulders when performing them. This may mean that you need to put the ego lifting aside and stop being tempted to lift more weight than your muscles can handle simply because the guys around you are lifting bigger. Drop down and make the shoulder muscles do all of the work (using the one and a half rep style shown here) and you will feel an immediate difference. That said, heavy weight lifting is important for overloading the muscles of a hardgainer to build more muscle size and strength. Just be smart about the exercises you choose when doing so. To me, the standing military press is not the smartest or easiest way to get a hardgainer lacking the appropriate strength to get stronger. Likely, they are going to alter their form too much to accommodate a bar that has a fixed path rather than using a push press with dumbbells that allows for more natural biomechanics and freedom. The tips shown here are just a few of the best ways to build big shoulders with your shoulder workouts. The complete ATHLEAN-X Training System available at is a step by step 90 day program that will transform your entire body by training you like an athlete. For more shoulder workout videos and tips on how to get bigger shoulders and size, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

 Shoulder Workout in ONE Set (137 INTENSE REPS!!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:37

Are you training hard enough to see muscle gains? Make sure here... A good shoulder workout, or any workout for that matter, must have a high enough intensity in order for it to help you build muscle. In order to get big shoulders, you need to make sure your shoulder workout is pushing you to the limit...even if that limit is just one set! In this video I show you a one set shoulder workout that pushes the intensity envelope. Grab a pair of dumbbells and be prepared to work, regardless of how long it takes you to complete. I was able to get 137 reps using 35 pound dumbbells on the following seven muscle building shoulder exercises. DB Arnold Press DB Push Press DB High Pull DB 8's DB Shoulder Pressouts Mule Kicks Pike Pushups TOTAL SHOULDER WORKOUT REPS = 137 If you want to keep the pain coming, try and complete this workout for another round or two. Just be sure to not let your intensity fade. If you find that you can't lift the weights with the any worthwhile intensity, then it is best to stop the workout at that and let your shoulders grow bigger. Shoulder workouts like this are an extreme example of how you can either train hard or long, but you can't do both. By choosing the best shoulder exercises or even the exercises from the deltoid dozen video like I have, you can put together an incredible shoulder workout designed to help you get bigger delts fast. Top pro athletes from every sport are building bigger shoulders by trading in workout length for intensity with the ATHLEAN-X program. If you want to start getting bigger delts and a more ripped, athletic physique, then head to and check out more information about the workout program. For more shoulder workouts and exercises along with specific lifting techniques to get bigger side and rear delts, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at

 TOP 5 WORST EXERCISES (Stop Doing These!!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:31

Get your one way ticket from Snap City to Muscleville Any exercise can become the worst exercise if you perform it incorrectly. That said, certain exercises deserve the title of the "worst exercise ever" simply because of the low reward, high risk nature of it. In this video, I show 5 of the worst exercises for building muscle and what you can do instead. Each of the exercises listed in this video is included because of the high risk low reward that it offers. As a physical therapist and strength coach for professional athletes, I have to know where to draw the line between the two. If a quarterback or pitcher of mine wants to do max overhead snatches, I'm going to tell them it's a bad idea. Why? Because there are other ways to train upper body explosiveness without jeopardizing their career on one fatigued or poorly performed rep. The 5 worst exercises in this video are as follows: 1. Chest flies - I've covered before why this is here. People will swear that they love the stretch they get on their pecs by doing this exercise. If you claim you never heard that argument, then you haven't spent enough time in the gym. They also claim that the adduction at the end of the movement gives them an incredible contraction on their chest. They're half right. There is no extra stretch on the pecs but they do increase the likelihood of injuring their pec with increasing loads held out at arms length. See the 3D crossover as a smarter (and better) option that you can overload even more and still get the benefits of the end contraction. 2. Behind the neck shoulder presses - The problem with this exercise is that it is bad for the shoulders. It places the glenohumeral joint in an awkward position for pressing, which can lead to impingement. Pressing from the natural scapular plane is much more natural and will allow you to press more weight overhead in the long run, leading to bigger shoulders. 3. Upright Rows - I've already discussed just how bad this exercise is for the integrity and health of the rotator cuff muscles of the shoulder. What makes this shoulder exercise one of the worst is the position of the elbows and hands at the end of the movement. The exercise puts your shoulders into a provocative position for testing impingement. Instead, you want your elbows below your hands (as in the high pull) to still get the benefits of the abduction of the shoulders without the internal rotation. 4. Good Mornings - This is actually not a terrible exercise for your back as it loads the entire kinetic chain in a functional way. The problem is that most people don't have the necessary thoracic extension to pull it off with proper form. One slip up from here with the load positioned out in front of the body as it is, and you're likely to slip something else...a disc in your lower back. 5. Leg Extensions - This is a no brainer for me. This open chain leg exercise lacks any true function when compared to the numerous closed chain options you can be doing instead. Throw in the shear stresses, ACL tension, lack of hamstring co-contraction, and the imbalance of rectus to VMO firing and you've got a recipe for disaster. For safer (and better) exercise options it's time you start training like an athlete. Follow the program used by today's top pro athletes to build ripped athletic muscle while protecting their joints and becoming more resilient to injury. Get the ATHLEAN-X program at For more videos and tips to help you avoid the worst exercises and to get the best advice on training, nutrition and supplementation, be sure to subscribe to our channel at

 The TRUTH about Love Handles (How to Get Rid of Them!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 7:40

Lose the love handles and build ripped athletic muscle with ATHLEAN-X Love handles is a strange term since it's tough to find a man (or woman for that matter) who loves having them! It's used to describe the body fat that accumulates on the hips just above the pelvis. In order to get rid of love handles however, we first have to break down all the myths and misinformation that surrounds this area. In this Truth about Love Handles (How to Get Rid of Them) video I show you not only what causes them but also what you need to do to lose them! Losing your love handles can only occur with a two pronged attack. One must focus on your nutrition and making sure you shed your excess body fat and the other focuses in on using the right exercises for love handles. Interestingly, the external obliques are at the heart of this stubborn area of fat. That said, the best love handle exercises are going to be those that involve and target this muscle the way it's meant to be trained. I show you not only what not to do, but also what I feel is the best way to get rid of love handles through both exercises and nutrition. This exercise not only can not only be used to workout love handles but fits in nicely with any oblique workout that you are currently doing. Doing 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps on both sides is a good start. Make sure that when you are doing this exercise that you don't push too much with the arms but focus on making the abs and core do most of the work. For more exercises to help carve up that waistline of yours and shred those obliques, be sure to head to and get our 90 day workout and nutrition program. In just 90 days you should see a noticeable shift to a more ripped, athletic body and core. For more workout videos for your abs, obliques and love handles be sure to check out our channel here on youtube at or this workout in particular -‎

 Six Pack Abs (WHY YOU’LL NEVER HAVE THEM!!) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 7:07

Put the truth back in training here... If you are the type that thinks that six pack abs are gotten with shortcuts, sleeping pills and ancient secrets then I’ve got some bad news for you. You will be left looking for your answer (along with unicorns and leprechauns) and without a 6 pack. If you click from video to video hoping to find someone that is going to give you the magic formula for abs, and feel disappointed when you get the truth instead, then this is the video you might need to watch a few times. Here, I discuss the hard truth about getting abs. It all starts with the right mentality. If you think that your dream six pack is waiting for you inside a bottle, then you need to get your head out of that bottle and back in reality. There is nothing you are going to do that doesn’t require a dedication to good, solid nutrition and hard training that is going to give you the results you want (not legally anyway). If you want to get abs you will first and foremost have to start with a sound nutrition plan. Notice, I didn’t say a restrictive eating plan. No, you don’t have to narrow down your food choices to peas and carrots in order to get ripped abs. You can choose from thousands of healthy meal options (many of which you wouldn’t even feel as if they were bland or typical healthy food) and still get abs. You can’t keep trying to find the elusive answer to why you fail though. People often like to make the things they follow feel difficult so when they fail, they have an easier time explaining whey they did. If the answer were simple, and you still failed, you would feel like more of a failure for not accomplishing your goals. Well, when it comes to getting abs, you have to set your priorities on that goal. You can’t mix your priorities and think that devoting as much time and attention to your love of alcohol and hostess cupcakes to that of your training and think that you’re going to look the way you want to. Nope. If you want to get 6 pack abs, you have to commit to a routine of healthy eating, dedication to training and a suffocation of your desire to keep looking for the easy way around it. This type of shortcut doesn’t exist. If you want to get ripped athletic abs, and do so by putting the truth back in training, then you will want to start training hard and eating right like an athlete. You can get a complete step by step plan for doing so by heading to and getting the ATHLEAN-X Training System. For more videos on how to get abs and the right ab exercises to do to get your 6 pack showing when eating right, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at


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