Podcast - She Did It Her Way show

Podcast - She Did It Her Way

Summary: If you’re looking for a women’s perspective on starting or growing a company, look no further than She Did It Her Way. Every week we talk with a successful female entrepreneur who share the ups and downs of their journey to creating their own business. In the She Did It Her Way podcast, Amanda Boleyn is on a mission to help more women succeed and break into the entrepreneurial world. Back in May of 2012, Amanda took a leap of faith and left Corporate America to go out on her own and explore the world as a Solopreneur. Life has never been the same since. Since then she's worked with over 10,000 individuals shifting mindset and changing behaviors through sales training and leadership development programs, primarily in call centers. Amanda has worked with clients including AT&T, Intel, JP Morgan, Weight Watchers, and Goodcity Chicago. Now she is bringing her passion for helping female entrepreneurs to you with a podcast dedicated to featuring savvy, female business entrepreneurs from across the globe. These badass women share their insights and stories so others can do it their way too. She Did It Her Way is packed with the advice, tools, and examples that you need to design a business that reflects your unique style. Learn how to create a thriving business whether it be online or offline with marketing, product creation, and mindset training designed just for you the female entrepreneur. It’s time to build a life and a business that you can be proud of. Named as one of the "The 12 Best Podcasts For Entrepreneurs” by Forbes magazine this podcast will give you the boost of inspiration and practical advice you need to go out and build your business your way! Click subscribe to get a new podcast every Monday.

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  • Artist: Amanda Boleyn: Business Consultant, Sales Trainer, and Leadership Development Speaker


 SDH 106: How to Create Solutions with Kristi Zuhlke | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/53172.mp3

Have you noticed a problem that needs to be solved? Are you the one that needs to solve this problem? Maybe you discovered this need at your corporate job, and realized that your journey is elsewhere and your purpose is greater? Today's guest, Kristi Zuhlke, was working at Procter and Gamble when she realized that market research data should be easier to find and navigate. She took the leap to create the technology, KnowledgeHound, that would fix this problem in corporate America.

 SDH105: Find Your Value a Candid Conversation With Giovanna Silvestre | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/52942.mp3

Are you confused with life? Sometimes your world gets flipped upside down, a job gone wrong, an end to a relationship, and you feel as if you've hit rock bottom. Maybe you feel like you're not good enough and have nothing of value to offer? You may even feel like this confusion is a bad thing. But it's the opposite. Your confusion means that you are on the path to self discovery. You are on the path to find your value. Today's guest, Giovanna Silvestre, has used her confusion at a low point to create a blog Confused Girl in The City which grew into an empowering fashion line for women inspired by images of healing crystals. In this episode you will... Learn how Giovanna created a fashion line without a fashion degree Discover the importance of gratitude Embrace your "warrior princess" Enable your creative side that may be repressed Hear about the process behind starting a clothing line Identify the journey of self discovery through a blog RESOURCES: She Did it Her Way Podcast She Did it Her Way Twitter Confused Girl LA Twitter Confused Girl LA Pinterest Confused Girl LA Instagram Confused Girl Facebook Confused Girl website Confused Girl Ambassador Program "Seat of the Soul" by Gary Zukav "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle INSIGHTS: “I started to realize that there was so much more to who I am and my purpose in life, than what I had been living.” -Giovanna Silvestre “I had no idea what I was going to do. I was going to give back to the world and I was here to do something great, I felt that.”-Giovanna Silvestre “The way in which I was doing life didn’t work anymore and I felt completely lost”-Giovanna Silvestre “After I was at my version of rock bottom, I was able to really build my life from that point because I no longer cared what other people thought of me. I felt like I didn’t have anything so why do I care what everyone thinks? Now I can do what I want.”-Giovanna Silvestre “We all have a little warrior princess inside us.”-Giovanna Silvestre “I meditated so I had more mind control, because before my mind controlled me.”-Giovanna Silvestre “One day I woke up and nothing had changed in my life but I had this joy energy running through my body, and I felt what it was like to feel gratitude for the first time in my life.”-Giovanna Silvestre “Joy really doesn’t come from the outside. It’s an inside job.”-Giovanna Silvestre “I had this quote on my wall and it said ‘It’s not about seeking new landscape but it’s about having new eyes.”-Giovanna Silvestre “We have two choices in life: I could be a coward or I can be brave. So let’s choose bravery, even though I don’t feel brave I’m going to choose that.”-Giovanna Silvestre “When your whole world shatters choosing to be courageous, choosing you and what’s good for you, that’s really where your character is tested and where you build.”-Giovanna Silvestre “I really believe in living an intention based life.”-Giovanna Silvestre “ I knew how bad it feels to feel like you’re not worth anything and have no value, so I was like whatever I create I wanted it to give value to other women.”-Giovanna Silvestre “I felt like this was my intention in life, to help people see their own value.”-Giovanna Silvestre “It’s almost like when a seed is in the ground and it’s about to start growing... It has to push up through the ground.”-Giovanna Silvestre “Just because you start something and it’s a great idea, don’t think that you’re not going to get resistance because the resistance is the whole part of the process.”-Giovanna Silvestre “Social media is not an overnight thing. It’s something that takes a lot of time and effort.”-Giovanna Silvestre “When you think nothing is happening, sometimes everything is happening.”-Giovanna Silvestre “Why is being confused looked upon as negative?”-Giovanna Silvestre

 SDH104: Be A Part of Something Bigger Than Yourself with Heather Hartnett | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/52715.mp3

Are you ready to take the leap and startup a company? You may not have an idea yet, but you want to be in an ecosystem that is full of ideas. Maybe when you surround yourself with people creating ideas, it may just spark an idea of your own? Perhaps, you have two passions you want to contribute to the ecosystem but you don’t know which one to follow? You don’t have to choose just one. You can combine your passions and be involved in one, or maybe all stages of starting up a company. Today’s guest, Heather Hartnett, married her passions of startup and technology, to philanthropy. Heather is the CEO and founding member of venture studio,Human Ventures,where she combines her passions by investing in people who, she is confident, will bring a sustainable method to positive change. Let’s talk tech. Tune in! In this episode you will... Discover what a venture studio is Learn what the “future founder pipeline” is Explore the importance of informal networks for company growth Realize it’s possible to “marry” two career paths into one Understand the “myth of the big idea” Recognize why you need to know your own “personal risk tolerance" RESOURCES: She Did it Her Way Podcast She Did it Her Way Twitter She Did it Her Way Facebook Heather Hartnett Twitter Heather Hartnett Linkedin Human Ventures David Lynch Foundation INSIGHTS: “Part of what really makes or breaks a company in the early days, is a strong network.”-Heather Hartnett “If I don’t have an idea yet, that I know I want to start myself, how can I surround myself with people who are starting ideas and maybe it will start something? I kind of fell into the venture world at that point.”-Heather Hartnett “Whatever stage you are in the company, then determines what leverage you have to bring on talent.”-Heather Hartnett “In New York there is this whole opportunity for new growth. Because people have been in the fashion industry for twenty years and they don’t know how to approach tech.”-Heather Hartnett “Everyday you have to be a little out of your comfort zone or you’re not growing.”-Heather Hartnett “You have to be learning as you’re convincing other people to come along for the ride with you.”-Heather Hartnett

 SDH103: Selling Authenticity with Lauren Kelp | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/52497.mp3

Are you over constantly feeling the pressure of perfection? As women we sometimes feel the need to live up to this picture perfect image of a family, a relationship, a business. However, that image isn't real. You are real and life is messy. Today's guest Lauren Kelp, founder of Lauren Kelp and tablemakers, helps women with thoughtful living minus the pressure of being perfect. As a digital diva, she helps bring back the authenticity online with not only topics of thoughtful living, but also cocktails, entertainment and food. She brings this atmosphere to life in the community with her tablemaker dinners. Tune in! In this episode, you will.. Hear how her brand has evolved & changed Understand what an online "troll" is, including Lauren's own personal experience with one Look at thoughtful living holistically Discover the importance of setting boundaries Identify the transition from a "about me" blog to a website with contributors Uncover how to match your brand with partnering brands & when it doesn't work RESOURCES: She Did it Her Way Podcast She Did it Her Way Twitter She Did it Her Way Facebook Lauren Kelp Twitter Lauren Kelp Instagram Lauren Kelp.com Tablemakers Kendall-Jackson Crate and Barrel Michters 10% Happier Podcast "To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee "Franny and Zooey" by J.D. Salinger "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert Magic Lessons Podcast INSIGHTS: “The brand has evolved because I have evolved, and I think what I am interested in and care about has also evolved.”- Lauren Kelp “When you’re talking about thoughtful living, for me it’s an attitude. If I really break down what does that attitude encompass, it’s not just food and it’s not just entertaining it’s so much more. It’s a perspective on life.”-Lauren Kelp “Especially for women, there’s so much freaking pressure, pressure to be perfect have that great job with the great relationship with that well-trained job, with the family plan. It gets a little ridiculous after a while because it’s not sustainable.”-Lauren Kelp “I think there is power in community and power in talking about things.”-Lauren Kelp “I like to look at a brand as a personality, so if it doesn't jive with the personality then it’s not going to make sense.”-Lauren Kelp “Life is messy and things get out of whack, so I think if you hold onto one healthy habit, mine is meditating, the others seem to fall in line easier.”-Lauren Kelp

 SDH102: Venture Into Your Passion, A Candid Conversation with Jessica Peltz | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/52161.mp3

Do you have a lack of passion and energy that is barely getting you through your 9-5 job? Maybe you're tired and ready to venture into a new field, but you fear not having the familiar office you've known for years and the idea of an unstable paycheck sits you right back down in your corporate seat? There's a way to find that missing passion and energy. There's a way to be the boss of your own life, your own professional career. And it starts with the L-E-A-P! Today's guest, Jessica Peltz, worked a full-time corporate job and followed her passion of start ups on the side. Impressive right? She took the leap and eventually found her niche in the startup field as a partner to KBS Ventures, where she follows her passion of helping startups secure their first customers. Get technical and tune in! In this episode, you will… Learn about the "sink" or "swim" mentality with Venture capital (VC) and startup Improve "future proofing" your career Identify the importance of "unconditional love" and "like" with investor, founder and CEO in the early startup stage Uncover nuances and corrections in the market Obtain the basics of VC Know what kind of startups Jessica invests in RESOURCES: She Did it Her Way Podcast She Did it Her Way Twitter She Did it Her Way Facebook Jessica Peltz Twitter Jessica Peltz Linkedin Jessica Peltz KBS website Novalia "Zero to One: Notes on Startups or How to Build The Future" by Peter Thiel INSIGHTS: “I really saw this vision of connecting brands and startups, and the need to really bridge that gap.”-Jessica Peltz “I was feeling really uninspired, but at the same time I was in this nice cushy job that was “stable” and paid the bills; I just wasn’t excited about things as much as I was with the energy and passion I saw working with entrepreneurs.”-Jessica Peltz “Working with founders, they just see the world differently. They’re wearing a pair of goggles that sees things as inefficient, broken and obsessively wants to fix it.”-Jessica Peltz “Every day is a work day and no day is a work day.”-Jessica Peltz “I believe the future of media, marketing and advertising, is through technology partnerships.”-Jessica Peltz “The power of relationships is almost the number one thing I learned throughout my entire business career.”-Jessica Peltz “The CMO of tomorrow is the data nerd of today.” -Jessica Peltz “Not every business should raise venture capital. In fact, most businesses shouldn’t raise venture capital.”-Jessica Peltz “Run lean, don’t raise more cash than you need to, focus on the real unit economics of your business. Focus on getting to profitability, don’t worry about “growth at all costs” really worry about building the business metrics.”-Jessica Peltz “Part of being a good leader is being able to recognize your deficiencies and build a really strong team around you.”-Jessica Peltz “If you’re taking money from an investor, it’s like a marriage. You can’t fire an investor. You’re stuck with them.”-Jessica Peltz “As an investor, you have to genuinely enjoy helping other people succeed and helping other people build their business. And that’s not something you can learn.”-Jessica Peltz “Thinking about things that are creating entirely new markets, that have the power to change behavior, is wild.”-Jessica Peltz

 SDH101: Energize Your Life, with Dr. Judith Wright | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/51663.mp3

SDH101: Energize Your Life, with Dr. Judith Wright

 SDH100: Optimize Your Business With Holly Cardew | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/50400.mp3

Is the entrepreneur, that has lived inside of you since you were young, calling out to you? Maybe you are taking those first baby steps towards the leap, or maybe you have even taken the leap and are having a shaky land. Sometimes the land isn't quite what we expect and we have to face the word we fear so much that we stay in the comfort of our unsatisfying corporate job, Failure. It's time to take the lead up, leap and land, no matter if you face some minor bumps that some may call failure. Because you can reach success and you will reach success. Today's guests, the CEO & Founder of pixc, Holly Cardew hit some bumps in the road with prior business ventures, but she finally found her own way to optimize her business and reach success. Did I mention she did this all without a business degree? Tune in to follow her entrepreneurial journey and find ways to optimize your own journey. In this episode, you will… Understand the importance of surrounding yourself with good people Discover the business strategies behind Holly's e-commerce site Value breaking up projects into smaller components Enhance your business with Holly's efficiency tricks & aha moments Identify the hardships of working in business without a business degree Tune in and get ready to talk tech! RESOURCES: She Did it Her Way Podcast She Did it Her Way Twitter She Did it Her Way Facebook pixc Holly's Twitter pixc Twitter pixc Facebook upwork sites.google.com launchrock buffer asana Trello "Extreme Revenue Growth" by Victor Cheng INSIGHTS: “I've always been an entrepreneur. I opened my Ebay account when I was fourteen years old and I was selling online.”-Holly Cardew "I've always wanted to be able to provide something to people that's of value, without ripping people off."-Holly Cardew "What freaks me out is having to go to a job."-Holly Cardew "I genuinely enjoy building technology, figuring things out and working in ecommerece."-Holly Cardew "I'm such a curious person. Even though it didn't really work, I'm like 'why didn't it work? How can I make this work?."-Holly Cardew "Curiosity really keeps me going."-Holly Cardew "It's a bit like an Uber model where we have designers on demand."-Holly Cardew "I haven't had corporate experience. I've had advisors around me and I've had to learn along the way."-Holly Cardew "Everyone puts culture at the end of their to-do list. I instill culture since day 1."-Holly Cardew "Building a company is like snakes and ladders. Sometimes you get to go on the ladder and go straight to the top, sometimes you land on the snake and slide all the way back to the beginning."-Holly Cardew

 SDH099: From Lost to Found a candid conversation with Rachel Adams | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/49841.mp3

SDH099: From Lost to Found a candid conversation with Rachel Adams

 SDH098: Invest In Your Mission | A Conversation with Renee DiResta | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/48732.mp3

Maybe you’re ready to start your own startup, but are unsure how the funding process works, or even where to start? Today’s guest Renee DiResta, shares her journey from programmer at JP Morgan, to quantitative trader on Wall Street, when there were only 3 women on the trading desk, and eventually as a part of the founding team for a startup called Haven. In this episode, you will… Learn how to network effectively and find partners with similar visions Realize the importance of founders that inspire confidence Understand how the funding process works in the beginning stages of a startup Uncover the power of storytelling Identify the two sides of marketing

 SDH097: Branding Your Purpose A Conversation with Maya Elious | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/49829.mp3

Are you finally ready to get paid for following your passion? Are you sick and tired of the looming anxiety and stress from trying to find a balance between your side hustle and "real" corporate job? Maybe you second guess taking the leap because your parents or friends have taken the traditional corporate path and you fear creating your own path, being your own boss, & branding your own purpose. Tune in to today’s episode to hear how boss branding coach Maya Elious , went from dropping out of college in pursuit of her passion for design to coaching women with finding clarity on their purpose, aligning them with their brand and helping them create a strategy to share their story. It's time to find your own clarity within your business purpose, so listen in! In this episode, you will… Learn why the key to get better is research-podcasts, webinars etc. Understand the importance of a target audience Acquire steps & questions you can ask to find your purpose Discover the benefits of an online business Value your life experiences and how they play a role in your story **RESOURCES:** She Did it Her Way Podcast She Did it Her Way Twitter She Did it Her Way Facebook Maya Elious Twitter Maya Elious Facebook The Finance Bar Fix My Life Google Drive "Emotional Intelligence 2.0:" by Travis Bradberry Asana **INSIGHTS:** “We are always evolving and we never really know what direction we’re supposed to go in until we start taking those initial steps.”- Maya Elious “My ‘what’ or product or service that I offer might change, but I’m always going to have the same why.”- Maya Elious "The way that I like to break down branding is into: messaging, strategy, and presentation.”- Maya Elious “People are going to try to devalue you, and if you don’t stick to your standards and stick to your values, you’re going to get played.” -Maya Elious “In order to really have a successful business you really have to invest in your personal development.”- Maya Elious “You really have to understand yourself before you can make genuine connections with the people you are meant to serve.”- Maya Elious “No matter how many times I fall i’m not going to ultimately fail because I am going to get back up and keep going.”- Maya Elious

 SDH096: Filling in the Gap with Something You Love with Megan O'Connor | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/48733.mp3

Have you identified a gap in a market that aligns with your passion? Are you ready to fill that gap, take the leap, and land? Are you a Type A person, unsure how to deal with the transition from having a predictable work schedule to an anything can happen at any moment schedule? Do you wonder how to get venture capitalist as interested in your product or service as much as you are? How do you even start up a start up?! Tune in to today’s episode to hear how Megan O’Connor, CEO & Co-Founder of Clark Virtual Tutors, identified a need in the market and helped create a solution for other educating entrepreneurs. Find out how Megan went from sales at The Economist, to selling her own service with passion. In this episode, you will… Discover how to identify your purpose in the market Value the importance of extensive research to assist with the leap process Obtain a trick for being fearless in a meeting where stakes are high Reform your time management schedule from terms of months and years, to days in the startup world Feel empowered to dress like yourself, and in turn gain killer confidence

 SDH095: Stay True to Your Story | A conversation with Kelly and Andra from With Grace and Gold | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/49539.mp3

Do you work full-time and are unsatisfied with what you do? Are you struggling to find your place in the work place? Maybe you started your side gig as a creative outlet and realized it's really your passion. Are you gravitating toward it? Ready to take the leap, and share your story? Today's guests, the daring designers and best friends, Kelly Zugay and Andra Barkey share their story of the leap and how they go beyond branding to help other female entrepreneurs tell their stories with their branding business With Grace and Gold. Tune in to hear the story behind a business rooted in faith, friendship, and a shared passion for serving women in business. In this episode, you will… Strengthen partnerships with project management systems Uncover conversations you may have to have with your family or self to take the leap Identify how to set goals for a buffer budget once taking the leap Acquire the confidence to strengthen your business Value your businesses unique story Tune in and get ready to share your story!

 SDH094: Do What You Love. Love What You Do. | A conversation with Kristi Ross | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/48728.mp3

Kristi Ross, fierce, financial Boss, joins us today to share her journey. The journey begins with her lead up, to her leap that she took only 3 years out of college as a CFO, and ends with her land as Co-CEO, President, and Co-founder of TastyTrade and, the online financial network, Dough. Prepare to be in the best financial fitness shape of your life, with Kristi’s finance resources and killer confidence advice. Kristi did not start out by doing what she loved, and loving what she did. She worked in accounting because it was the easiest path to something she was good at. Sound familiar? However, Kristi used her skill as an opportunity to gain exposure to other companies in the financial market. In a short amount of time, the exposure awakened her to where she truly wanted to be. Tune in to learn the process behind Kristi’s feared leap into a male dominated industry to follow her passion. In this episode, you will… -Learn how to combine content and technology to make your product, service, or message more powerful -Build a female voice in male dominated industries (so, most industries included here Lady Bosses) -Know how to determine what opportunity to go after and Rosses opportunity process -Acquire the tools & knowledge to invest yourself in a smart way on an online platform -Identify your method that helps you get through the day -Ready to gain a confidence boost needed to take the opportunities waiting for you, and DO WHAT YOU LOVE, LOVE WHAT YOU DO? Tune in!

 SDH 093: Amplify Your Abundance | A candid conversation with Bri & Thais | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/48731.mp3

Have you been taught the logical, practical ways of "life" from your parents, especially regarding money, that just doesn't work for you? Do you find yourself trying to ignore the voice that never fails to appear in the back of your mind, when making a financial decision? The voice that you feel is so powerful, that whispers 'you can't afford it,' leading you to an automated process of self-doubt? You may feel like all you have ever known about the "right" path to money, isn't the right path for you. It just doesn't seem like your version of what is true, yet you suffer because it's supposed to get better, right? It's time to do what you need. In the words of one of this episode's lady bosses, (YES, DOUBLE the boss wisdom) "It's not selfish. It's a requirement for you to be the late worker and the ambitious bad ass woman that you were born to be." -Thais Today’s guests, and networking goddesses Bri and Thais, of The Amplify Collective, share their rich insight on a new perspective of viewing money, collaboration and the abundance growth that comes with. Be a part of the candid conversation where we look beyond just the perks of entrepreneurship and dig deep. Tune in and become your own boss! In this episode, you will.. Uncover how "competitors" turned into collaborators Transform your money story Realize the power of reaffirmation Learn how to give the voice in the back of your head space to exist Master miracle moments “Miracles can occur. Possibilities are possible. You can make quantum leaps. Money doesn't have to limit us; we limit ourselves. ” -Thais

 SDH092: Bringing Your Vision to Life | A conversation with Julie Hightower | File Type: Unknown | Duration: Unknown
Unknown file type. Enclosure URL IS: - http://audio.simplecast.com/48500.mp3

Are you waiting for the “perfect” time to go off on your own? Maybe you make up stories and get caught up with the self? You may lack confidence because you don’t have a degree to backup your passion, but girl are you passionate about it and good at it. You have a vision. You must fulfill your vision’s purpose.. Your purpose. You must bring yourself to life.. By bringing your vision to life. Today’s guest, and host of A Better Day with Julie, Julie Hightower created and fulfilled her vision by never giving up. She had a goal, didn’t take her mind off of it and told the obstacles to move out of her way. Be a part of the lady boss conversation where we get real and talk about making sacrifices, manifesting visions, and the power of a woman’s intuition. Tune in and become your own boss! In this episode, you will.. Realize the benefits of using research outlets that are similar to your passion Strengthen your entrepreneurial goal with a written vision plan Improve getting your business off of the ground by being consistent Understand the importance of following your female intuition Acquire tips for making your own show **TALK LIKE A LADY BOSS:** “I honestly did not have the perfect palette or perfect scenario to get started, but I said ‘you know what, why not?’ There is never going to be a perfect time to start it, so why not?” -Julie Hightower “I studied what I wanted to really be. I looked at the successful people that were doing thing that I wanted to do.” -Julie Hightower “You can’t be selected without rejection..I got “nos” but the “yeses” out weighed the nos.” -Julie Hightower “I was making an investment with time, money sacrifices, resources, so I wanted to capitalize as best as I could.. I put myself on a budget.” -Julie Hightower “Whatever you believe in, it manifests.” -Julie Hightower “You can’t get ready when you get there. You gotta be preparing right now.” -Julie Hightower “I don’t have time to have a bad day.” -Julie Hightower “When you put the faith with the action and the action matches the faith, there is nothing that can stop you.” -Julie Hightower


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