Ron Paul Liberty Report show

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Summary: Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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 Rigging The Election: Can They Unilaterally Cancel Presidential Debates? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:15

The Commission on Presidential Debates unilaterally - they claim - decided that there can be no more presidential debates in person so the next one must be "virtual." The Trump camp cried "foul," claiming that precautions can be taken to make it "safe." Is a unilateral cancellation of a presidential debate in the heat of an election a form of rigging the vote? Also today, the slow - but successful - slog through the courts to defeat tyrannical rule in the name of fighting a virus. We keep going on your donations. A $50 donation to The Ron Paul Institute will get you a copy of Ron Paul's new mini-book "The End of Unearned Opulence." For a $100 donation, Dr. Paul will sign it for you. Please go to

 Lock Her Up? New Declassified Documents Tie Hillary To 'Russiagate' Plot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:23

Yesterday's declassification of then-CIA Director John Brennan's hand-written notes on Hillary Clinton's alleged invention of a Trump-Russia scandal to distract from her own private email server scandal is an explosive development in the four year "Russiagate" scandal. So why is the mainstream media, which obsessed over "Russiagate" for four years, suddenly silent? Also on today's program: Fmr. FBI officer calls Trump "biological terrorist." And NY and CA Governors lose their marbles. We keep going on your donations. A $50 donation to The Ron Paul Institute will get you a copy of Ron Paul's new mini-book "The End of Unearned Opulence." For a $100 donation, Dr. Paul will sign it for you. Please go to

 Trump: 'Don't Let Covid Dominate Your Life!' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:36

President Trump returned to the White House from a weekend stay in the hospital after experiencing Covid symptoms. In a dramatic moment, before entering the building he took off his mask and told Americans to stop being so afraid of Covid that it dominates your life. The president's detractors - and virtually the entire mainstream media - had their heads explode. Has the President finally seen through the political manipulation of the Covid public health crisis?

 Weekly Update --- Trump and Biden Squabble While America Burns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:38

The real national security threat was not mentioned.

 Fauci: 'Hunker Down Again!' Top Scientists: 'No Way!' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:08

As Fauci warns Americans that they need to 'hunker down' again to avoid viruses, a group of top scientists and epidemiologists have released a detailed plan to get over the covid crisis while actually preserving lives. Also today: the economic costs of the shutdown continue to devastate and...victory in Michigan against a tyrant? Get your copy of Ron Paul's new mini-book with a donation to the Ron Paul Institute. More information here:

 Bretton Woods: The Tragic Circumstances Persist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:10

America, the federal republic & America, the global empire. Two distinct Americas. The first was marked by individual liberty, sound money, free markets and a foreign policy of non-intervention. The latter is marked by dependence on government, fiat money, dominance of government and politically-connected business, and endless war. Sound money fueled America's rise. Federal Reserve counterfeiting is hastening its decline.

 CDC To America: 'Cancel Traditional Thanksgiving!' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:40

The Centers for Disease Control have released a "helpful" set of guidelines for upcoming holidays. Celebrating Halloween or Thanksgiving as we did in the "old normal" is out of the question. Consider a "virtual" Thanksgiving, they recommend. Also today, CNN tells us there is NO RETURN to normal, and if you want to return you may be mentally ill. Also - Why is CIA Director Haspel blocking declassification of documents critical to understanding "Russiagate"? Also, as discussed on today's program, get your copy of Dr. Paul's BRAND NEW mini-book, "The End of Unearned Opulence" with a $50 donation to the Ron Paul Institute. For a $100 donation, Dr. Paul will hand-sign it. This is a LIMITED TIME offer! Go to:

 'Shut Up, Man!' Dissecting The Trump-Biden Circus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

Last night's presidential debate was more like a food fight than a serious discussion of policies. Moderator Chris Wallace lost control early on and seemed to bring his biases with him to the event. Underneath all the rudeness and screaming, however, a few important points and distinctions can be made. In today's Liberty Report we will do our best to bring those distinctions to light.

 What We WON'T Hear In Tonight's Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:45

Thrilla in Manila? Hardly. Tonight's presidential debate has many hanging at the edge of their seats, but it's not because they are interested in a serious philosophical discussion about the direction of the United States, a country clearly in crisis. Will Biden show up? Will Trump bring his bombast? How many punches will fly? But the debate will be marked more by what is NOT said by the candidates. Also today, Fauci and CDC Director Redfield declare war on Dr. Scott Atlas.

 Weekly Update --- Question 'The Science'? Go To Gulag! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:17

Ron Paul on why we must question...

 CDC Comes Clean: New Fatality Rate Is A Shocker! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:39

The Centers for Disease Control have come out with a new estimate of the Covid infection fatality ratio and the numbers will shock you. No wonder the Florida governor has said "enough is enough" and decided to open his state up completely. We are told to trust the CDC, so why is the mainstream media ignoring this very important news? Is this still about a disease...or is it politics? Please keep the Ron Paul Liberty Report on-air and bringing the truth by making a tax-deductible contribution to the Ron Paul Institute:

 Can You Boost Your Immune System? With Dr. Joseph Mercola | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:13

In a recent interview Dr. Fauci revealed that he takes multiple vitamin supplements to help boost his immune system and fend off disease. Dr. Joseph Mercola joins today's Liberty Report to explain how we might be able to also provide our bodies with additional protections against diseases with such vitamins and natural immune boosters.

 Covid Whistleblowers Expose Narrative As 'Total Fraud' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:41

Two insiders have recently emerged to give a shocking view behind the scenes of the ongoing Covid narrative. A former chief science officer at pharma giant Pfizer and a former official at the CDC have both come forward with shocking tales of fraud and falsification. Also today, US support for a Covid vaccine continues to plummet based on recent polls. More good news out of Pennsylvania. Dementia deaths. And more...

 Texas GOP To Gov. Abbott: 'Don't Mess With Texas!' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:09

In a rare - perhaps even unprecedented - move, the Executive Committee of the Texas Republican party has passed a resolution condemning Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott for continuing to keep Texas partially closed down while picking and choosing which businesses can open and which cannot. Governor Abbott is facing an increasing rebellion in his own party, especially as the coronavirus numbers in Texas continue to plummet. Also in today's program, the CDC flip-flops again, this time on whether coronavirus is airborne. Can we trust a single thing they say?

 Weekly Update --- The War on Assange is a War on Truth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:06

Truth is treason in an empire of lies.


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