Ron Paul Liberty Report show

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Summary: Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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 Why President Trump Should Pardon Assange | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:27

There are many calls for President Trump to pardon Julian Assange. Ron Paul agrees that it would be a very good idea.

 Secession? Congressional Baseball? Favorite Founder? -- #AskRonPaul | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:39

You asked. Ron Paul answered. We hope you enjoy another edition of #AskRonPaul

 Weekly Update --- Congress Again Proves that the Business of Washington is War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:12

Dr. Paul on the resurgent war machine...

 Normal Life Postponed? Gates Says Maybe In 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:55

Why are the American people waiting on "experts" to tell them that it's OK to live a normal life again? The "experts" seem to just keep moving the goalposts. The more time that goes by, the further out the goalposts are moved. How did 15 days turn into this?

 Has The "Village" Failed The Children? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:10

Everyone knows how government policies implemented this year have caused suffering for adults and small businesses. But government policies have also negatively affected the young in so many ways as well. One-size-fits-all policies in a world of individuals runs contrary to the ideas of Liberty. It has produced the dire circumstances that we currently find ourselves in. Individual liberty is our only life vest.

 Great Reset: A Great Delusion, But More Of The Same | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:59

It is a hallmark of central planners to proclaim the paradise that they're going to create on Earth. Human freedom will be gone, of course, and the world will be set straight by the authorities and planners. 'You will own nothing, and be happy,' is the newest bottle for the old wine. As always, it's best not to get caught up in the latest sales pitch, but always embrace one's own freedom and liberty.

 Melinda Gates: 'We Hadn't Thought Through The Economic Impacts' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:18

Echoing arch-lockdowner Anthony Fauci, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's Melinda Gates has expressed some surprise in a recent New York Times article about the massive economic disaster that has followed the coronavirus outbreak. While she blames the pandemic rather than the government over-reaction to the pandemic for the economic destruction, her surprise that health policy has an economic impact underscores the total failure of the pro-lockdown elites. Also today: Canada vaccine passport, Russian vaccine warnings, Texas election lawsuit, and more...

 Pfizer Warning: Vaccine May Be Dangerous | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:44

As the US FDA is preparing to approve the Pfizer Covid vaccine for emergency use, the UK health authority has issued a warning that individuals with severe allergies should avoid the vaccine due to potential for serious reactions. In the UK, the health authority has also recommended that the vaccine "should only be carried out in facilities where resuscitation measures are available." With Americans divided on whether they want to get the vaccine, will this news push more to refuse? Also today, the US faces a lockdown-induced mental health crisis according to a recent Gallup survey. LA County sees outdoor dining ban overturned by superior court judge.

 Corona Vaccine: Sound Science Or Experimentation? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:42

Concerns are mounting about the competing Covid vaccinations, as the UK reports it may inject a cocktail of two different vaccines and the FDA warns of "severe adverse reactions' after dose two of the Pfizer vaccine. Polls suggest that Americans are not all eager to stand in line for the shot. Will they be forced? Also today: Are the hospitals really filling up? Respected Coronavirus Task Force Member warns against lockdowns. Heroes and villains in Chicago and Virginia. Texas Attorney General sues battleground states over last minute election changes.

 Weekly Update --- The Crack-Up is Coming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:12

Rejection of the dollar’s reserve currency status abroad and the crack-up at home will cause an economic meltdown worse than the Great Depression. The only way to avoid this fate is to spread the ideas of liberty among the people.

 Outdoor Dining? Forbidden! Indoor Big Box Shopping? Encouraged! Insanity! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:00

The cruel illogic of this latest round of Covid lockdowns has infuriated more and more Americans and exposed the corruption and hypocrisy of the "leaders." While outdoor dining is being forcibly shut down in places like California - with no "science" to back the move up - indoor shopping at big-box stores continues unabated. Small restaurants are going under by the thousands while the powerful and well-connected are reaping record profits. America is being pushed to the breaking point by hypocrite "do as I say not as I do" governors like California's Gavin Newsom and many more. This and more in today's Liberty Report...

 "Papers Please"...In America? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:34

'Stay home for Christmas'. Wear masks for the 'first 100 days' of the Biden Administration. Everyone to be issued vaccination cards and tracked in a CDC database. But, even with vaccines, UK medical officer says masks will have to be worn "for years." Authoritarianism is travelling at full-speed. The ideas of individual liberty are more important now than ever.

 Covid 19 Vaccines: Paving The Way For The Surveillance State | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:13

Like so many other "crises" that preceded it, the Covid-19 "pandemic" has provided fertile territory for the authoritarians who seize any opportunity to destroy freedom and liberty under the false claim of "keeping us safe." The PATRIOT Act passed after 9/11 was supposed to do the same thing: keep us safe by targeting the terrorists who wanted to kill us. But as we learned from Ed Snowden shortly afterward, it was a lie. The PATRIOT Act was designed to view us as the enemy, to be spied on, tracked, and harassed. The Covid "crisis" and coming vaccine will be the same. Will Americans resist? Also today, more Covid Hypocrites - from Austin to California. And an LA County mayor claims anyone without a mask is a "domestic terrorist."

 Fear & Profits: Government Lockdowns Fuel The Desire For Crony Vaccines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:37

The marriage between government & crony big business was on full display this year. The generation of big fear by the former was met with big profits for the latter. The widespread belief that government needs to "regulate" our social and economic lives provides the foundation for this poisonous marriage to thrive. Individual Liberty and free markets (without government interference) can perform the annulment, but they need to be desired first.

 The Fed's Financial Crisis Looms: Is Bitcoin The Answer? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:21

As the Fed counterfeits and counterfeits some more, the price of Bitcoin has hit record highs. A financial crisis looms as there is a great disconnect between economic reality and the financial fantasyland that The Fed has once again created. Today we discuss the terrible traps known as legal tender laws, crypto, and the dire necessity of separating government from money creation.


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