AirWreckRadio Podcasts show

AirWreckRadio Podcasts

Summary: Plastic Cup Politics at its finest! Cory and Stacey discuss politics, news, culture, and philosophy through the eyes of two working class people.

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 S6E68 Kayakers do it Awkwardly! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:27

On this episode of AirWreckRadio Cory goes dancing and Stacey gets sick, but that doesn’t stop him from trying to do some kayak fishing! In the news this week, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Colorado baker/jerk who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. Also, Donald Trump pardoned Dinesh D’souza, who plead guilty to campaign finance fraud. Trump supporters think this is great, but we think it’s a signal from Trump that people who cheat and favor him can get away with whatever. Closing things up, Stacey watched some lady almost run over her own kid while dropping him off at school! Oh Boy! AirWreckRadio: Never Better! NEVER!!!

 S6E67 There’s Always a Riker! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:16

On this episode the boys start things off by lamenting over Starbucks being closed so that they can help ensure that their employees racial basis align with 21 century standards. We don’t think a single day is gonna fix anything, but it might be a start. In the News this week, the Popular-among-some re-launch of 80’s & 90’s TV Show, Roseanne has been canceled after the show’s star, and twitter non-sense proliferater, Roseanne Barr referred to an Obama adviser as being the offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes on twitter. Also, The U.S. Supreme Court chose not to hear a case seeking to overturn a California law which bans “conversion therapy,” a process which seeks to force children to be what they’re not so that their parents can feel like everything is the way an angry sky god wants it. Closing things up: The new Ghost Busters move wasn’t good, but it wasn’t that bad either! AirWreckRadio: A lot like that new Ghost Busters movie!

 S6E66 It’s Fun! For Your Soul! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:30

On this Episode of AirWreckRadio the boys start things off with their general banter before going to break! In the news this week: Life is super crazy, and so is probably whatever happened last week! Who can remember? Not me, but you can if you listen to the middle of this episode! Closing things up, the President of the United States of America gets told by the United States Supreme Court that he can’t do a thing, so you can bet he’s probably just gonna go on doing it. AirWreckRadio: No matter how much I write, the cursor just keeps blinking.

 S6E65 Radical Empathy is a Bullsh*t Phrase | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:15

This episode of AirWreckRadio is crazy late thanks to an unexpected two-hour update on Stacey’s computer! They say “better late than never,” but we’re not sure that applies to AirWreckRadio! In this episode: Stacey went to the Henrietta Memorial Day Parade, where he soot across the street from a lady who was totally lit on that parade patriotism! Then she congratulated the Boy Scouts by yelling out, “Boys should be in Boy Scouts, girls should be in Girl Scouts!” The troop leader, a woman, informed her that at least one of her Scouts is, in fact, a girl, causing this knees-and-elbows yokel to immediately change her tune. In the news this week: Hilary Clinton tells students at Yale to engage in “radical empathy,” a phrase that seems to have come fresh out of marketing, and seems to mean absolutely nothing. Also, what’s the value of being an “ally” if the individuals you ally yourself with refuse to accept your healthy critisism. Closing things up, the boy who accidentally started the Oragon wildfire last year has been ordered to pay a fine of $36 Million, while TransCanada got off with a $135k fine for the Keystone XL spill. Lastly, what are corporations doing with their tax-break windfall? It isn’t investing it in their employees or facilities, that’s for sure! AirWreckRadio: Never better!

 S6E64 Glass Bricks, Stone Houses! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:06

On this episode of AirWreckRadio the boys start things off by getting off track on a Thanksgiving-dinner level conversation about pan-handlers before getting back on track to learn why the oceans are salty! In the News this week, the 22nd shooting at a school in 2018 happened in Texas this day (5.19.18), and we have some feels about that. After that, it’s the rest of the news! Pat Davis is a democrat running for Congress in New Mexico using the campaign slogan, “F*ck the NRA”! Meanwhile, Michael Williams is also running for Congress out of Georgia on the “Deportation Bus,” platform. Not to let a crazy week go by without adding his own personal touch, the President of the United States of America referred to immigrants with the phrase “they’re not people, they’re animals.” In a bright moment, the senate voted to restore net neutrality, but the fight is far from over, with the House still needing to vote. Closing things up, Stacey tells a story from his past, and also a story about bumper-stickers! AirWreckRadio: This is not a test!

 S6E63 We’re Good (Except When We’re Not!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:24

This episode kicks things off with a special guest! US Attorney General, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III joins us in studio to help out with the Patreon Promo! If you believe that, we’ve also got a bridge you might be interested in! After that, the boys realize that they share a dislike for one of Rochester’s biggest annual events, the Lilac Festival. In the news this week: US Congress members are sleeping in their offices because they can’t afford apartments in, or around the D.C. area. Also, U.S. EPA Director Scott Pruitt is actually made of actual garbage, and the smell is so bad that even some Republicans are calling for his resignation! Oh Boy! AirWreckRadio: We’ve got some ocean-front property in Arizona, too!

 S6E62 Everybody’s Junk! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:39

This episode starts of with Stacey’s junky luck with machines! His dryer broke, so he’ll be spending some time at our underwriting business, The Clean-O-Rama laundromat! He sure won’t be getting their on his motorcycle, cause that’s broke too! In the news this week, Huey Lewis is losing his hearing, and John McCain is dying. Sen. McCain said that he couldn’t support Gina Haspel to head the CIA because of her stance on torture, and some classy White House aid said, “He’s dying anyway.” Pretty sweat move from the people who were all bent up about Michelle Wolf’s joke about eye-shadow. Closing things up, it’s our old fall-back: Bumper-Stickers! This week, “Nobody Cares About Your Stick-Figure Family,” and a black Punisher skull with a thin blue line. Yeesh. AirWreckRadio: About what you’d expect from a show funded by a laundromat!

 S6E61 The Nicest Lannister | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:20

This Episode of AirWreckRadio starts off with Stacey ruminating over the joys of lawn-mowing, and also the joys of seeing “The Avengers: Infinity War”! Don’t worry, there are no real spoilers. After that, Stacey and Cory re-hash a disagreement from last week’s show when Cory said “Trump single-handedly saved the West from North Korea!” He didn’t say that, but Stacey writes the WreckDown, so now he did! In the news this week: Huey Lewis. Not really, I was just going for a gag there, but it turns out Huey Lewis is actually in the news this week because he’s losing his hearing. That’s very sad news. He was a listener. Really in the news this week on our show: Rudy Giuliani is losing his mind just in time to be President Donald Trump’s lawyer! Enjoy! AirWreckRadio: There’s one joke too many in this WreckDown!

 …More Like “TrainWreckRadio”! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:20

This Episode is a lot of fun, mixed with a lot of, um… fun ups? Starting things off, a hardware causes the boys to start off headed towards the rocks! “Pop Roc”s that is! Stacey took his family to the coffee/cereal/comic bar from the last episode, while Cory’s family saw the new “Tomb Raider” movie! In the news this week, Michelle Wolf told some jokes about some liars, and some folks got upset about that. Turns out, some people are okay with horrible behavior, but not with people telling jokes about it. After that, Stacey tries to take a break, but Cory grabs the wheel, keeping us pointed right at the rocks! With North and South Korea talking again, Cory thinks maybe give President Trump credit where it’s due. Stacey doesn’t agree. Hilarity (or deliriousness) ensures and the boys plow right into the rocks just in time for the end of the show! It was live, it was fun, it was a train-wreck! AirWreckRadio: For the Empire! For the Lulz! Four plus two is six!

 Yacking Trix With Pop Roc | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:28

On this episode of AirWreckRadio the boys sit down with UPW Wrestler Jason Savior, who just happens to be one of the owners of the coolest comic shop in Rochester, Pop Roc! Co-owned by former WWE Superstar Colin Delaney, Pop Roc is more than your average comic book store. They offer a family friendly environment where you can sit down and order up your favorite locally roasted coffee, soda, or Monster Energy! While your enjoying your coffee and comics, you can also enjoy your favorite bowl of cereal, topped with your choice of, well, topping… Stacey is especially excited by the prospect of Cocoa Puffs with Whoppers! Pop Roc is located at 337 East Ave, Rochester, NY 14604, and if your into comics at all, you should check it out! Find them online at AirWreckRadio: We’re accidentally becoming a show about wrestlers!

 S6E58 Nerd_Up! (V3) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:54

On this episode of AirWreckRadio the boys take a break from the hustle and bustle of the daily news cycle to discuss their other passion: nerd stuff! It’s wall to wall science, sci-fi, and video games. First of, Stacey is listening to “Packing for Mars,” an investigation into the science of putting humans into space by Mary Roach. After that it’s time to talk some Star Trek. The boys close things up reminiscing over the good ol’ days of after school cartoons! It’s a real chill time! AirWreckRadio: This is a real bowl, spoon, and cereal kind of episode!

 S6E57 StaceWreckRadio: Episode 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:29

On this episode, an unforeseen circumstance forces Stacey to do an hour of radio without Cory! Oh No! How did he do? Well, he’s me, and I’m not sure. I think I did ok, but who am I to judge? Topics this week: Trump supporters are quick to look to the stock market, but what does that even mean when wage are stagnant? Also, some Republicans are pushing a bill to protect Robert Mueller in the event that President Trump tries to fire him. Also, also: It’s 4/20! Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer put forward a bill to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level. Him being a Democrat, and this being an election year, and Republicans currently in power, there is almost no chance of this bill going anywhere, but hey, it’s nice to see some signaling from the higher-ups in the Democratic Party. That sentence had a lot of comas in it, but whatevs! Closing things up: Scientists put human brains in mice, and now the mice are returning the favor! That can’t be true, but that’s how science headlines work! Oh! One more thing: There’s music in this episode, and it’s all real fun stuff by Nerdcore artist, MC Frontalot! AirWreckRadio: Now with 50% less hosts!

 S6E56 The Coffee Police | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:46

This episode starts of with a quick discussion about whether Austin Powers is a familily friendly movie for Stacey to watch with his kids. In the news this week, two men were arrested in Philadelphia for loitering in a Starbucks where they were waiting for a friend. Who gets arrested for loitering in a Starbucks? Black guys, that’s who. The arrests have caused a lot of protesting, the removal of the (dumb-ass) manager from that Starbucks, and Starbucks closing 8,000 of its stores on May 29th for sensitivity training to demonstrate to its employees, and customers, and everyone else, that racial discrimination will not be tolerated. Still, some people are boycotting Starbucks as if this dumb manager acted according to Starbucks’ corporate policy. He didn’t. Wrapping things up this week, the boys discuss some terrible science headlines! This week’s bad headline: “Diamonds Buried Within Rare Meteorites Reveal Existence of ‘Lost Planet’. This headline comes from, and while the story it covers is interesting, the headline is sensationalist garbage. We talk about that! AirWreckRadio: We Talk About That!

 S6E55 Rotten Ryan Runs Away | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:07

On this episode of AirWreckRadio, the boys seem to be asleep at the wheel! Starting things off, Stacey reveals a dark secret: His son has never seen Toy Story! GASP! Don’t worry, though. As soon as this was known it was remedied, and the boys have some banter about what it must be like to be a sentient letter block. In the news this week, Paul Ryan has announced that he will not run for re-election in 2018, either because the swamp is too gross even for him, or in order to prepare to run for the Presidency in 2020, a laughable notion. Also, the local newspaper, The Democrat & Chronicle has put together a list of people running to replace the late Louise Slaughter in the U.S. Congress. The Republican candidate is an absolute joke, though we wish he wasn’t. Closing things up, the boys run through some horrible science headlines and talk about the damage bad headlines can do to the public’s scientific awareness. AirWreckRadio: Trust us, we used to be better at this! #AirWreckRadio, #PaulRyan, #ToyStory, #Election2018, #ScienceLiteracy, #Rachael2018, #DrainTheSwamp, #CPaineMedia

 S6E54 Here Be Witches (and Over There Be Penguins!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:16

On This Episode of EricRadio the the boys start off by doing what everybody in America is doing right now: Bitching about the weather! Plus, Stacey’s dinner gets interrupted by a couple of sales people who want to talk his freezing ear off about their Lord and Savior, new windows! In the News this week, President Trump finally gets to live out his dream of killing somebody in NYC, where he lobbied against sprinkler systems for skyscrapers, then his skyscraper caught fire, resulting in the death of a man. He’s such a stable genius! After killing a man, he then went to Twitter to complain that the FBI raid of his lawyer’s office is part of an elaborate “witch hunt.” We think that if your gonna hang around with Death Eaters, you shouldn’t be surprised to find yourself on the road to Azkaban, but that’s just like, our opinion, man. Also in the News, 175 out of 192 Congressional Democrats and 0 of 237 Republicans have Cosponsored a real turkey of a bill! H.R. 5087 is affectionately a called “The Assult Weapons Ban of 2018,” and it is never going anywhere, but that hasn’t stopped many Pro-gun folks from getting all triggered up about this election-year virtue signal! Closing things up, 1.5 million penguins were discovered living on the Danger Islands when satellite imagery relieved a whole lot of penguin poo! Oh Boy! AirWreckRadio: That’s a lot of poo! #AirWreckRadio, #TrumpsterFire, #WitchHunt, #HR5087, #DangerIslandPenguins, #Satland, #IsItSpringYet, #StableGenius, #Rochester, #NewYork, #CPaineMedia


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