AirWreckRadio Podcasts show

AirWreckRadio Podcasts

Summary: Plastic Cup Politics at its finest! Cory and Stacey discuss politics, news, culture, and philosophy through the eyes of two working class people.

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 S6E98 Is Brett Kavanaugh Beerchugger69? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:57

On this episode of AirWreckRadio Cory’s back! Yay! The show is funny again! That’s not to say that Stacey isn’t funny, it’s just hard to be funny talking about the news by yourself. The boys start things of talking about Grand Theft Auto Online, where Stacey was recently blown up by a random fratboy named Beerchugger69. The boys wonder where Beerchugger69’s parents went so wrong that their boy though that was a cool Xbox Live handle. In the news this week, Brett Kavanaugh still looks guilty AF of being a sex-monster, but that’s probably not gonna stop “republicans” on the Senate Judiciary Committee from confirming him to a live long seat on the nations highest court. How’s that for “family values”? Also in the news, Michigan’s most hurtfully-corrupted bureaucratic agency, the Department of Environmental Quality, has approved a plan to allow Nestlé Corp. to pump nearly twice as much water from public sources into tiny plastic bottles as they we previously allowed. This decision comes in the face of tremendous voter outrage, with over 80,000 comments against the proposal vs. 75 in favor on the DEQ public forum website. The Department of Environmental Quality, you might remember, is the same agency that insists it did nothing wrong when it allowed the Republican-led state government to poison the entire population of the city of Flint, Michigan to save $50k in the State’s budget for 2015. That decision has since cost the country nearly $400 million, and the crisis still looms large. In our opinion, the DEQ should be gutted, and its staff should be replaced by people who think that the Department of Environmental Quality should operate in such a way that ensures environmental quality, but what do we know? Lastly, the ESA released a photo taken by the Rosetta probe shortly before the probe’s hard landing on comet p67/Churyumov–Gerasimenko back in 2016. The mission was almost a complete success, with the probe traveling for a decade through the solar system in a complex orbit around several planets before it could catch up to, then orbit, then land on the comet, but that doesn’t stop Fox News from insulting the mission in their coverage of the photo. The photo, by the way, is awesome, and we are the first human beings in history to be able to look at a comet from its own surface. AirWreckRadio: Special thanks to the @ScienceOnTop podcast for teaching Stacey how to say “Churyumov–Gerasimenko”

 S6E97 What’s Eating Emmet Brown? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:35

On this episode of AirWreckRadio Stacey goes it alone, again! He starts us off on a tangent about the one glaring issue with the plot of Back to the Future III that nobody is talking about! That issue? The plot is driven by the assumption that there is no gasoline in 1885, which is almost true, except for the full tank of gas in the DeLorean that Dr. Brown was in when he was sent back to 1885. That car is there separate from the one Doc and Marty are tinkering around with throughout the movie. In more serious matters, Judge Kavannaugh and his accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, faced questioning in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. Republicans did there questioning through a female proxy, Rachel Mitchell, so that they wouldn’t have to be seen themselves bullying an alleged sexual assault survivor so close to election time. Ms. Mitchell is a sexual abuse prosecutor, which, in Stacey’s opinion, is a bad look. Also in the news, Coca-Cola is looking to get into the marijuana industry as sales of it’s 132 year old product line slag. Though in favor of marijuana legalization, Stacey shares his reticence over Old Capital gaining early entry advantages into this new market. He also questions whether or not we really need to put canabanoids into every single product where they might fit. It’s early days for legal weed, and much data crunching is sure to come. AirWreckRadio: You got the right one, Baby!

 S6E96 Remember Flint? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:00

On this episode of AirWreckRadio the boys take a day off! Here to stand in for them is their past-selves! Way back in 2016, Cory and Stacey had tried to re-brand AirWreckRadio as The Model Citizen Project, and during that time, they covered the Flint water crisis in Flint Michigan. Remember that? It’s still going on. Cool. This episode is that coverage. Join us on our most bogus journey to a time when there was an adult in the White House and Governor Rich Snyder (R) (Mi) was at the center of one of the worst, most expensive, and most easily avoidable infrastructure disasters in history, all to save a paltry $50k of the State’s budget. Way to job Governor Snyder. Way to job. AirWreckRadio: We’ve never poisoned an entire city!

 S6E95 Don’t Call it a Milkshake! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:46

On this episode of AirWreckRadio the boys kick things off talking about how Stacey feels he was bamboozled by scotch maker Glenffidich, who sold him a bill of goods along with three tiny pours of Glenffidich 12, 15, and 18. In the News this week, America’s most household-named adult film star says some outright funny stuff about America’s most household-named tabloid celebrity! Also in the news, Dane County Supervisor Shelia Stubbs had the police called on her while canvasing for her campaign on Aug. 7. Why? Because she’s black, and some racist ignoramus doesn’t think people like her belong in his community. This happens a lot, and it really doesn’t look good on anybody. Also, also in the news: Speaking of white people looking bad, Ralph Taylor runs an insurance company in Washington State where he has been attempting to qualify his business for Disadvantaged Business Status, a program designed to help people of color and women-owned businesses. The trouble is, Taylor is whiter than President Trump’s Klan rallies, and he’s got the DNA test to prove it. Now, he’s suing the state because he thinks 4% Sub-Saharan DNA makes him disadvantaged. We think maybe something else in his life has made him disadvantaged, but his insurance company probably shouldn’t get any aide because of it. Closing things up, it looks like Captain Cook’s famous ship, The Endeavorerer, may have been located of the coast of Rhode Island, where it was scuttled during the American Revolution. Now the battle is on to see what country gets to keep it. It was used to “discover” Australia, it was built by the British, and it was found by Americans, and all three say it should be theirs. The British claim, however, is exceedingly ironic, and the British Empire has been notorious for keeping other culture’s artifacts against the will of those cultures. AirWreckRadio: It’s not Eric Radio!

 S6E95 Nothing Says You Did It Like P45 Saying You Didn’t! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:19

This episode of AirWreckRadio starts of following an age-old tradition: Epic Technical Failure! But the boys won’t let a little thing like a broken soundboard stop them from providing mediocre newsfotainment to the masses! In the News this week, a white guy who was a 17 year old rich white kid with a reputation for binge drinking in 1980, back when sexual assault was almost completely ignored has been credibly accused of attempted rape. Hard to believe, right? Now, 38 years later that rich white kid is trying to be America’s Next Top Justice. But we should all take it easy, because President Trump says Brett Kavanaugh didn’t do it, and President Trump would never not lie about something like that. Republican’s say even if it did happen, it was so long ago it shouldn’t matter, but what SHOULD matter is that if it did happen, Brett Kavanaugh has perjured himself before the Senate, and should therefore be inelligible for consideration for a seat on the nation’s top court. Closing things up, Stacey saw a bumpersticker that made him laugh out loud! Either Stacey or the driver of that creepy van is showing a lot of hubris, and only time will tell! This and more on another technical-failure wrought episode of AirWreckRadio! AIrWreckRadio: The President probably wouldn’t like this show!

 S6E93 That One-Man Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:13

On this episode Stacey is all alone! He starts things of by breaking the radio station, which is how you want to start things when you’re all alone. Once it’s clear that the show is still working, he continues the tradition of complaining about the school district’s Transportation Department, and their absolute vacuum of common sense. What’d they do now? They moved his daughter’s pick-up time up 10 minutes without notifying parents! Awesome. When Stacey’s wife called the Transportation department they explained that the children should be waiting “a couple minutes early, anyway,” but Stacey is not convinced that “a couple minutes” equates to 10 minutes. In the news this week: Thursday was New York’s Democratic Primary, an it was a doosey! While there were some disapointments (Gov. Cuomo held off progressive challenger Cynthia Nixon, and Zephyr Teachout did not win her bid for Attourney General) there was also plenty of reason to celebrate! Of the 8 so-called democrats who caucus with the republican in the NY State Senate, 6 of them were defeated by young progressives, who can expect to preform well in November’s general election, perhaps tugging New York in a more progressive, less corporate cow-tailing direction for the first time in decades. Closing things up, schools across the Rochester area have begun providing free pads and tampons to their students, which is great, but with each fancy dispenser costing over $350, Stacey does wonder, why not just make the supplies available without the dispensers? Stacey also learns in the story that 42% of New York students come from low-income homes, and he wonders what that says about our State. AirWreckRadio: If it’s radio, we’ll wreck it!

 S6E92: Shaken! And Stirred! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:52

This week on AirWreckRadio the boys start things off two different ways! Cory starts us off by being late, and Stacey starts us of by being on time! Listen as Stacey fails repeatedly to use his own soundboard while also not knowing the address of the show’s underwriter! Once Cory shows up, it becomes clear that the stranger in the hallway outside of the studio is a guest whom Stacey didn’t know we were having! Who is that guest? None other than the Fan in the Red Shirt from the RochesterFreeRadio event last week! Chaos! In the news this week: The media is still all a-swoon over the anonymous op-ed published in the New York Times about what a special daycare the American taxpayer is currently funding in the form of the Trump White House. Meanwhile, all of the presidents nannies are scurrying to demonstrate their loyalty by calling each other cowards and unloyal. It’s a real “squint-show”! The Boys wrap things up by teasing a story they didn’t have time to get to about how schools are spending thousands on feminine hygiene products. The boys think it absurd that a product that 51% of the human population needs is considered a product at all, and not just a service for which we all chip in. We promise to cover this story on the next episode of AirWreckRadio! AirWreckRadio: Oh brother!

 S6E91 Have You Met You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:20

On this sweet, sweet episode of AirWreckRadio the boys start off by sharing their back-to-school woes as both of the boys are parents of school-age kids, and Stacey has started his first class since Y2k! The boys question why their daughters have to catch the bus before 7am, when LITERALLY ALL OF THE SCIENCE on adolescent development shows that kids preform better when they start their days later. Is the system setting them up to fail? We think so, but we suspect that it is more a matter of incompetence than malice. In the news this week: Brett Kavanaugh senate hearings are going exactly as expected. Democrats are asking some important questions, some pertinent questions, and some show-boating questions, while republicans bury their heads in the sand, and Mr. Kavanaugh equivocates, stalls, and uses some very telling language. America the boned. Hey, speaking of being boned: The New York Times published an anonymously written op-ed which claims to have been written by somebody inside the Trump White House. The topic of the piece? Don’t worry everybody, there are some adults in the White House who make sure that when the President throws his peas on the kitchen floor, they all get picked up and the airplane goes in the hanger. What a relief, right? Meanwhile our special boy is definitely taking this news exactly as the writer of the piece probably suspected. Who is the anonymous writer? Our guess is everyone’s least favorite platinum-topped evangelical cyborg M1-K3 Pence, who stands to gain quite a lot if the 25th Amendment gets invoked and our special boy finds himself removed from office. Lastly, Stacey is reading Tara Westover’s book “Educated.” The Book is about Dr. Westover’s childhood, where she was the yongest of seven children, raised by devout, and utterly ignorant Mormon father and mother. Her Father runs a scrapyard while occasionally taking on contract work, while her mother is a midwife and herbalist. Her parents never let her go to school, and never visited a doctor, or even a hospital. At 17, Tara decides she wants to attend college like two of her brothers had. She first attends BYU, and then goes on to attend Cambrige, where she eventually earns her PhD. The book hit Stacey a little close to home at times, though, I think we all know, the only Doctorate he’ll ever hold is a Doctorate Pepper! AirWreckRadio: All the news, none of the snooze!

 S6E90 A Cacophony of Chaos! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:48

On this episode of AirWreckRadio Stacey starts us off by apologizing to a listener he nearly met during the RochesterFreeRadio benefit concert held over the weekend. While he was at the benefit, Stacey noticed that the radio station has really upped its t-shirt and hats game, so… GO TO ROCHESTERFREERADIO.COM AND GET. THAT. MERCH! In the news this week, Nike has chosen Colin Kaepernick as their star of the 30th anniversary of the “Just Do It” campaign. For those who don’t recall (looking at you Jeff Sessions) Kaepernick is the NFL player who started the trend of taking a knee during the National Anthem in order to protest police brutality and systemic racism. In response to Nike’s choice, thousands of Papa Johns-eating, Keurigless dummies are burning their very expensive shoes and athletic wear. Sure, Nike’s use of slave labor is one thing, but supporting an athlete who uses his position to raise awareness about a very real issue that effects a large portion of the population? Stay in your lane Nike! Also in the news, the boys share their thoughts on the passing of Senator John McCain, who, despite his well-known dislike of President Trump, still managed to vote in line with the Trump agenda nearly 85% of the time, was anti-marriage equality, anti-prison reform, and anti-legal marijuana during his entire 36 year political career. Also, also in the news, Bob Woodward of Watergate fame, has published a new book called “Fear: Trump in the White House,” which chronicles many of the nasty rumors we’ve all heard in the news about what a big baby our current president is, and how his staff needs to take special care around our special boy. Lastly, Stacey visited a brand-new, modern McDonalds and oh boy: it sucked! It was a completely unorganized disaster that seemed designed to cause confusion. If it was, it did. Tune in to hear about it! AirWreckRadio: Listen why not!?

 S6E89 It’s Not the Economy, it’s the Stupid! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:08

On this episode of AirWreckRadio the boys kick things off by consulting Stacey’s “Huckster’s Guide to Pan-Handling” for some tips on how to vary up our pleas for people to go to and give to our Patreon! Variety! Also, Stacey introduces a new “Previously on AirWreckRadio” bit which will now play before the theme each episode. In the news this week: The boys jump into their Wayback Machine to a time long, long ago (last week) when President Trump was on Fox & Fiends whining about how if he got impeached, everybody would be very poor. Looking at the facts of that statement, we learn that the Median Household Income in America is about $60k/year. That sounds ok, until you realize that income inequality, which we know is a thing, pulls that number up significantly, and what that means is that the majority of American households earn significantly less than $60k/year. To illustrate the point, the boys consult for their recent story about how Jeff Bezos makes $28k every 9 seconds, while most of his employees make that over the course of a single year. Meanwhile, President Trump is scrapping a 3% pay raise for federal employees, despite all the economic winning he consistently lies to us about. Taking these stories to the greater economy, the boys really dig into what income inequality really means for the vast majority of Americans, many of whom seem to be suffering from a “nobody deserves a raise, except me” syndrome. Also in the news, President Trump’s ethics lawyer’s wife recently paid a $2,500 fine for smuggling contraband to a 20-something inmate whom she was having an affair with. Got Swamp? All this and more on another economic episode of AirWreckRadio! AirWreckRadio: Not your father’s podcast!(…unless you’re one of our kids.)

 S6E88 It’s Only Pizza! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:24

On this episode of AirWreckRadio, the boys kick things off by pumping the up-coming live event at I-Square in Irondequoit Saturday, September 1st from 12-6 something! After they get that out of the way, they take a little time to congratulate Jeff Bezzos for being the richest man in the world, even though he got that way by stealing from his employees, and U.S. taxpayers! In the news this week: “Papa” John Schnatter has started a website called “” after being kicked, more-or-less, out of the company he founded because of his racism and troubling remarks about why his dumpy pizzas aren’t selling during football season. Seriously folks, it’s pathetic what this clown’s homepage has to say about how we’re all suffering from a lack of terrible pizza because of politics. Also in the news, President Trump says Google is filtering news coverage of him unfairly. It’s not, but that’s what the President chooses to believe, and now his people are looking into filtering what searches the American People, who are guaranteed the right of Free Speech, can make using search engines like Google. Probably, he spent some time on the toilet Googling himself and was surprised to see that not everyone agrees with Fox News. Closing this thing up: Stacey saw a bumper-sticker that read, “My dog is a Republican.” The boys wonder if that qualifies as animal abuse, as well as whether dogs have the capacity to think politically at all. For that matter, if you have that sticker, do you have the capacity to think critically? All this and more on another “meh” episode of AirWreckRadio! AirWreckRadio: Our favorite cheese is nacho concern!

 S6E87 Gilding the Sasquatch! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:18

On this episode of AirWreckRadio, Stacey kicks things of by dropping a cinder-block on his foot! Awesome! Also, the boys discuss their cognitive dissonance over the fact that they were sad when Weasly Snipes went to jail, but were quite happy about Paul Manafort also going to jail. Speaking of Paul Manafort, both he and President Trump’s former personal attorney, James Comey will be doing some serious jail time, at least until the Rat-King in Chief pardons one or both of them, since they are both going to jail for things they did in his name. Also, Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III has finally come right out and said that as long as he is in charge of the Justice Department, DoJ will not be politicized. While we don’t much care for Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III, we can at least respect his scruples in this one matter. Also in the news: Animal Rights activists are celebrating a big, fake victory this week as Barnum’s Animial Crackers will no longer feature pictures of caged zoo animals on the packaging! Instead, these cartoon animals will now appear free to roam the Savannah. Also, also: There is now solid evidence that ancient hominids definitely got freaky with other, unrelated species of humans! Bow chicka-bow-wow! Closing things up this week: President Gilded Sasquatch was on Fox & Friends, where he claimed that if he ever got impeached, everybody would be very poor. Of course, this merely demonstrates the fact that he has no idea what it’s like to be a median American household making the American median household income of less than $60k/year, which we’ve all been making for nearly 30 years now. AirWreckRadio: We’re here to be your shoulder woodchucks!

 S6E86 Headline News Badminton! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:16

On this episode of AirWreckRadio the boys have some catching up to do! After taking Friday of to dick-around and talk about Star Trek, the world has turned and much news has happened. Stacey starts things off by imploring everybody to dump their Accuweather apps because he read a book about what a garbage-person the CEO of Accuweather, Berry Myers is! Seriously, this dude is a real piece of it! He wants to charge people for the weather information that we already pay for with our tax dollars. The book is “The Coming Storm,” by Michael Lewis, it’s two hours long, and it’s available for free on audible. Listen to it! In The News this week: Pro-Putin Paul Manafort has been found guilty of eight out-of eighteen of the charges levied against him in the Mueller investigation, which is probably enough to put him away for a while, or at least until his super-corrupt boss pardons him. Also, CNN does some shoddy reporting in an effort to discredit a study commissioned by the Koch Brother’s think tank, the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, which found that while “medicare-for-all” style healthcare would cost nearly $32 trillion over the next 10 years, that would still be $2 trillion less than what the American people can be expected to pay for the garbage, market-based “healthcare” we have now. Also, also in The News: President Trump is forced to cancel his masturbatory military parade as its estimated costs exceed the price of a single F/A-18 Super Hornet, and Russia has lost a nuclear powered missile somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, and they kinda what to find it. We wonder: Why would you power a missile that way? Seems real expensive for something which will ultimately just explode. Closing things up: As legal weed spreads, we wonder what, if anything, lawmakers should do to curb the proliferation of ads for dispensaries and their products. AirWreckRadio: Was that last sentence a question or a statement?

 S6E85 That Star Trek Episode! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:44

On this Episode of AirWreckRadio the boys kick things off by deciding that The News sucks, and they should just talk about Star Trek instead! Guess what? THEY DO THAT!!! With The Omarosa tapes, the Manifort trial, and the general feeling up ill-will in The News, Cory and Stacey take time to recognize the people who are keeping Trek alive! From podcasts like the #GreatestGen to MammaryAlpha, we take a moment to give thanks to the people who enable our escapism, but we also take time to recognize that when you search for MammaryAlpha on Stitcher, you get… um… not what you were looking for… In The News this week: Who cares! Sir Patrick Stewart is reprising his role as Captain Jean Luc Picard, of the United Federation of Planets, and the boys #Nerd_Up over that, and what it could mean for the upcoming Star Trek series about just that! Also in The News, the French have decided that their men just can’t hold their bladders, and so they’re installing a hundred bazillion new garbage-can-shaped urinals around town. Seems like 100% of Parisians will be paying for something 49% of them might use because of irresponsibility. Meanwhile, women in France still have to foot the bill for feminine hygiene products? We don’t talk about that, but it still seems like a good tact to take. Lastly: What’s up with those Star Trek Discovery Klingons? Why is their loaf so weird, and what are the show runners going to do to ret-con this situation? All this, and maybe (much?) more on this exciting episode of AirWreckRadio!!! AirWreckRadio: Oh, F*ck it!

 S6E84 Something Scab Adjacent! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:35

On this episode of AirWreckRadio Stacey goes camping! Again! And this time he and his family had a horrible time! Not great! Tune it to find out why Buttermilk Falls State Park in Ithaca, New York gets two big thumbs down from the StaceFam! In the news this week: That Indiana Carrier factory that Donald Trump “saved” 20 months ago is suffering from terrible morale as employees who feel betrayed by their company and are becoming disinclined to continue to work 60 hours a week, 6 days a week of mandatory overtime for a company that recently fired half of them and may yet move operations to Mexico. Also this week: ran an article about how the cannabinoids in marijuana can help people suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease, which is great! Tune in to hear Stacey struggle to say “endocannabinoids” and also to find out what photo the folks at Inverse chose to represent Inflammatory Bowel Disease! Closing things up this week: Why do we measure milk in gallons and soda in liters? We don’t know. That’s just an honest question. If you know the answer, tweet it to @SpacelyCogs and @CPaineRun! AirWreckRadio: Open up your mind, man!


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