AirWreckRadio Podcasts show

AirWreckRadio Podcasts

Summary: Plastic Cup Politics at its finest! Cory and Stacey discuss politics, news, culture, and philosophy through the eyes of two working class people.

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 S7E28 It Butters Both Sides! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:55

When a workplace disaster requires that Cory work late, it’s up to Stacey to carry the show! Luckily, Stacey had something to talk about this week! What’s that you ask? Why, he went through the tortuous task of taking the New York State Hunter Safety Course! Oh boring! On top of being boring, he was subjected to an old white guy rant and rave about Cuomo this and Democrats that for two whole days. Join in on the fun and hear all about it on this episode of AirWreckRadio! AirWreckRadio: To infinity, and beyond!

 S7E27 SCIENCE!!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:05

On this episode of AirWreckRadio the boys say “Umpf politics!” That’s right, there’s more to the world than the fact that the International Right is giving the whole globe a literal crash course in subverting humanist optimism. It’s true, and we have science to thank for it! From bees who can count, to fish that can recognize their own reflections, to fancy new potatoes, and success in the face of failure from the ESA, this episode gets around! Oh, did I mention diet pills for mosquitoes? ‘Cause that’s a thing. Let us know what you think @SpacelyCogs and @CPaineRun on twitter, or use the #AirWreckRadio ! AirWreckRadio: When the going gets tough, the tough get science!

 S726 The High Lock Yacht Club! (Universal Basic Income) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:55

On this episode of AirWreckRadio the boys change things up a bit! Stacey’s favorite physicist, Brian Cox, was on “The Joe Rogan Experience” this week, and so naturally, Joe brought up Universal Basic Income. Stacey and Cory can’t figure out quite why Mr. Rogan brought UBI up to a physicist, but he did. In doing so, Joe expressed his concern that if you gave people $1,000 per month, then people would stop working, and would not feel fulfillment in life. We call bullsplit! Join us as we tackle this subject using an article from Forbes as our stand in for Joe Rogan! AirWreckRadio: “You are not your f*cking job!”

 S7E25 Precious Little Eggs! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:15

Ok folks, we’re just gonna come right out with it: This episode has some audio issues. There was a problem in the studio, and we’re live on the air, so we couldn’t really address it. If it’s too much for you, you can skip ahead to about the 20 minute mark, and it’s all better after that. Kicking things off: The MAGA crowd has begun bombarding the radio station’s Facebook page because we play “Democracy Now!”, and the notion that most people think differently from them is just intolerable. In the news: Individual #1 has lost the fight over his stupid wall, and has agreed to stop making Americans suffer for it. The federal government is open, after 35 days of breath holding, and lawmakers are keen to make a deal. President Trump, however, will likely still have to resort, once again, to hostage taking because nobody wants to pay for his silly wall. Border security is one thing, but a very expensive boondoggle to sooth one man’s precious ego, and stoke his supporter’s sense of entitlement is another thing entirely. Oh, and Roger Stone was arrested, but Sarah Sanders says it’s nothing to do with Trump, and she’d never tell a lie. Closing things up, Boeing had a successful test flight of their new “flying car,” which is more of a quadricopter than a car, but it’s still pretty cool. We at AirWreckRadio look forward to the day when all of the richest people in the cities no longer have to commute in 2 dimensions with the rest of the lowly humans make them rich. Really, they deserve better. AirWreckRadio: We’re getting too old for this sh*t!

 S7E24 New Bit, Same as the Ol’ Bit! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:24

On this episode of AirWreckRadio the boys kick things off doing what many Americans are doing this week: complaining about the weather! Here in Rochester, NY we got hammered by a weekend snowstorm, and it caused all sorts of problems! In the news: Do you know how much a trillion is? You must have some idea, but it’s probably way off! For example: a trillion seconds is equal to nearly 32,000 years! Holy $hi+! In the real news: The United States Supreme Court decided on Tuesday to allow the President’s stupid bad on transgender people serving in the American Military while the case is being heard. This doesn’t really do much because of some other cases being heard right now, but it does strongly signal how this wack-a-do Supreme Court will decide these cases going forward. Also in the News: That same Supreme Court has said that it will hear a case concerning NYC’s very, very strict laws which make it nearly impossible for gun-owners in the city to transport their guns legally. The boys agree that the law may be overly restrictive, but wish it was a more representative, less bigoted court hearing this case. Closing things up, there was a Super-duper, Warrior Blood, Wolf-Blood, Bad-Ass Blood Moon eclipse on Monday, and while the eclipse’s name might be over-the-top and stupid, the fact that a meteor struck the moon during the event, and was caught on camera, is super-duper rad! AirWreckRadio: You deserve so much better!

 S7E23 Who Wants to Eat a Millionaire! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:07

On this episode of AirWreckRadio the boys kick things off with some speculation about the plot of the newly revealed Ghostbusters sequel, Ghostbusters III, which looks like it will completely ignore the 2016 all-female reboot in order to provide fan service to the internet’s most vocal, and most toxic, group of haters: white dudes. In the news: Speaking of toxic white dudes, has anybody seen Mitch McConnell? With America’s longest federal shutdown in history still going, you’d expect to be able to find the Senate Majority Leader, but when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went looking for him with a deal that has the votes to pass, she came up empty handed. See, McConnell has a hidden office in the capital (really), and you need a Marauder’s Map to find it. Being an unabashed coward, Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell is now the person most responsible for the ongoing shutdown, and he has no problem hiding away from scary democrats. Closing things up: If you think Mr. McConnell is too busy hiding from his responsibilities to get in front of cameras and complain about democrats, think again! Democrats have introduced new anti-corruption legislation, and Mitch McConnell has a real issue with not being able to be as corrupt as possible. The legislative package, known as HR 1, has three main ideas at its core: reforming campaign finance, strengthening the government’s ethics laws, and expanding voting rights, and those are three things that republicans just can’t have if they want to maintain their power. AirWreckRadio: More like Bitch McConnell!

 S7E22 What the Trump!? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:06

On this episode the boys ponder some serious Star Trek questions concerning Data’s evil brother Lore’s evil butt! In the news this week: President Trump had a pretty rough weekend. The New York Times published a story about how the FBI had to open an investigation into whether or not the sitting United States President was, in-fact, a Russian asset. That investigation is currently ongoing. Following that story, The Washington Post reported that President Trump has “gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Russian President Vladi­mir Putin,” including confiscating notes taken by translators and demanding silence from all present at these meetings. Mr. Trump then went to Twitter to declare that he “couldn’t care less” who knew what was said between himself and Russia’s top oligarch. He also tweeted that “[He has] been FAR tougher on Russia than Obama, Bush or Clinton. Maybe tougher than any other President.” Later that same day The President accused Democrates of “Having fun and not even talking.” Making matters worse for His Sourpuss: nobody, it seems, is giving Mr. Trump credit for staying in Washington and throwing his little Twitter-tantrums during his shutdown. Why he deserves credit for overseeing the 3rd shutdown of his 2 year presidency is anybody’s guess. Topping off the weekend, the White House was host to the Clemson Tigers, who won the National College Football Championship game last week. However, because Donald Trump is so proud of his shutdown over his silly wall, there was nobody to cook for the 75 players at the White House. Trump’s solution? Order 1,000 Cheeseburgers from various fast food restaurants and stack them on silver platters for 75 hungry, adult, top-tier athletes. Very Stable. Very Genius. Very embarrassing. Closing things up: While America is fast asleep at the Global Wheel, China is seizing the opportunity to seize some space! The Chinese Space Agency recently landed a craft on the moon to test the viability of growing cotton and potatoes. On the moon! They plan to do the same on Mars! This is great for science, but stellar property rights enforcement is going to require some strong international institutional faith, and that’s the sort of thing which is currently being denigrated on a global scale by Right-Wing isolationist ding-bats with corporate backing. So, that kinda stinks. AirWreckRadio: Zoiks!

 S7E21 Nobody Puts A.O.C. in a Corner! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:04

On this episode of AirWreckRadio, the boys kick things of lamenting over the fact that there are no good taco restarunts in Rochester. To add insult to injury, there aren’t even enough Taco Bells. Perhaps because of this, Stacey had some McFood today, and now has the “I-ate-garbage” sleapies. In the news: America’s master deal maker, President Donald Trump brought candy to a meeting with congressional leaders, and when that wasn’t enough to sell them on his demand for $5.7 billion to build his dumb-ass wall, he walked out, saying “Bye bye.” Because that’s how adults talk. Meanwhile, small minds among the media on the right are frustrated that the rest of the country won’t get mad at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for dancing that one time when she was a private citizen. Also in the news: Even though federal employees aren’t getting payed because of Trump’s shutdown, they are still receiving pay-stubs. Also, many farmers across the country are struggling to make ends meet, because farmers depend heavily on federal loans in order to purchase the things they need to keep their farms operating. This comes on top of the loss of revenue due to our very stable genius’s trade war, which has been an absolute disaster for farmers, as well as for everyone else. Closing things up: Tumblr has made a serious mistake, and now is trying super-hard to make it worse. AirWreckRadio: That’s all, folks!

 S7E20 The Monkey-Fighting Wah-Wah! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:35

On this episode of AirWreckRadio, Stacey kicks things off talking about an absolutely ridiculous country song he heard recently. What song? “Redneck Crazy” by Tyler Farr! The song is about a man who learns that his girlfriend is cheating on him, and that sucks. Rather than approaching the situation like an adult, however, the character in the song instead commits several property crimes and harasses a woman, while also drinking and driving, and definitely intending to assault a person. While we at AirWreckRadio understand that it’s only entertainment, we also know that people identify with the music they listen to, and this song, like Carrie Underwood’s “Before He Cheats,” sets a very low bar for what is appropriate behavior for people in a relationship. In the news: Newly elected Congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib made history when she was sworn into office last week… and then she kept right on swearing! Oh no! A lady said a dirty word, and she’s not even a white lady! You can imagine how Fox News reacted to this “Lady Locker-Room Talk.” Also in the news, the 116th Congress is the most diverse congress ever, and that’s great! Democrats elected a rainbow of people, men and women, into office. Republicans, on the other hand, elected an almost entirely mono-chromatic slew of white men. Hey Republicans, you need diversity if you want a seat in the future. Closing things up, the federal government remains partially shut down because Donald Trump insists on getting $5 billion to pay for a wall that we don’t need, and nobody even wanted until he started insisting that we do need it. Unfortunately, this little Trumpy-tantrum is costing thousands of federal employees their paychecks. Don’t worry though, the White House promises that your tax returns will be on time. This White House promises a lot though, and it remains unclear how Trump intends to keep this promise considering that the IRS is part of the shutdown, and is currently about 70,000 employees short of actually being able to process the tax returns of 175 million Americans. AirWreckRadio: We’re just a couple of monkey-fighting monkey-fighters!

 S7E19 Arizonans the Barbarians! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:39

On this episode of AirWreckRadio the boys kick off the New Year with an AWR tradition: technical difficulties! Once that is taken care of, it’s business as usual as the boys share their lame, adult-life, New Years Eve stories! In the news: some Arizonans are getting stupid about self-driving cars! From slashing tires, to driving recklessly, to brandishing guns at the back-up drivers of these cars, the Luddites and NIMBYs are out in force, spewing their outrage over the inevitable march of technological progress. While we think these folks are correct to assume that self-driving cars are a threat to the economic stability of low-skill labors, as well as every other kind of worker, we also recognize that there is no stopping the probably-beneficial promulgation of these vehicles, and we definitely think that brandishing guns in public because you mad at robot cars should come with more than a warning. But you know what? It’s Arizona, and there is a reason these cars are being tested there. Closing things up, the United States Strategic Command welcomed the New Year by offering a completely unnecessary threat to the world in the form of a Tweet which said, “#TimesSquare tradition rings in the #NewYear by dropping the big ball…if ever needed, we are #ready to drop something much, much bigger #Deterrence #Assurance #CombatReadyForce #PeaceIsOurProfession.” Much like Arizonans aiming guns at self-driving cars, we think StratCom should probably not be offering casual threats during times of celebration via Twitter. It’s just not a good look. Also, war is their profession. Not peace. AirWreckRadio: Peace!

 S7E18 Does Baby Want a Wall? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:41

It’s the Holiday Season! Oh Boy! Starting things off, Stacey watched a bunch of Christmas movies he’s never seen before, including “A Christmas Story,” and “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” which has a lot in common with the 1st episode of “The Simpsons,” even though “Christmas Vacation” and “Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire” were released just 16 days apart. In the news, Pwesident Twump is throwing a Trumpy-tantrum over his boarder-wall funding, which he is not going to get, so thousands of government employees are going to go through the holidays without paychecks. Meanwhile, some of his slack-jawed followers have taken to GoFundMe to raise millions to pay for the stupid wall. Unfortunately, that’s just not how government funding works, so even if they did raise $5,000,000,000 for the wall, that’s not where it would go. Also, I thought Mexico was going to pay for the wall? Closing things up: Who’s boat is that boat?

 S7E17 Na’Doy! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:32

On this episode of AirWreckRadio, the boys are in the Holiday Spirit! Kicking things off, Stacey had his math final, and then on the way home after the test, he got “Christmas Shoes-Rolled” by the local Country music station, and was transformed into a weepy mess! In the news, Stacey got Cory the gift of the Ducktales and Darkwing Duck theme songs, and Cory got Stacey the gift of a totally rad D&D campaign! In the real news, It turns out that the Russians even sunk as low as to use Pokemon Go in their 2016 election interference campaign. Also in the news, our blabbermouth President was lampooned, once again, on Saturday Night Live, and it must have really hurt his feelings, because he through a silly little Twitter-tantrum about how Saturday Night Live should be a crime. Poor fella. Also, also in the news, Space X wants to build a new, global internet system. Lastly in the news, Tucker Carlson is an idiot full of opinions which are completely devoid of facts. Closing things up, Russia unveiled a state of the art robot at a robotics expo. It was very impressive in its ability to dance like Ellen and also hold conversations. The world marveled briefly at this impressive feat of engineering. Then it was relieved that the robot was actually a man in a robot suit. Really? Really. AirWreckRadio: Really!

 S7E16 Unaffordable At Any Income! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:05

On this episode of AirWreckRadio the boys start things off talking about their recent lifestyle changes! Stacey leased a new F-150, and Cory got a new artificial Christmas tree! If you don’t know why those two separate things are a big deal, then you should go to and check out our back catalog! In the news: Bomb threats are the new black, so obviously we should ban all emails everywhere. Join Stacey and Cory as they link arms and skip along together down Analogy Way! It’s a real fun trip into Dark Town. Also in the news, Twitter is a marvel of the modern world! Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen is going to jail for 3 years for perjury and defrauding America! That’s real funny because, almost exactly 3 years ago, on December 19th, 2015, he Tweeted “@HillaryClinton, when you go to prison for defrauding America and perjury, your room and board will be free.” The irony is something you could dress a cocktail with! Also, also in the news: Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer sat down wit Individual #1, and Individual #1 made a #2 right in his high chair. The boys have a slight difference of opinion about the optics of the occasion, but they both enjoyed the show. Lastly in the news: The Trump team went to a Climate Change meeting to push Big Coal, and it was re-F-ing-diculous. It’s infuriating, and it’s what’s going on. You should be pissed, and so are we! Closing things up, our favorite podcast’s hosts, @BenjaminAhr and @CutForTime have recently had one of their life-long fantasies partially fulfilled! We’re so happy for them! Tune in to find out what that means! AirWreckRadio: We try not to do the bad behaviors, and you can too!

 S7E15 Yes Stacey!? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:23

On this Episode of AirWreckRadio Stacey builds a Cory-bot! In the news, former New York City Mayor, and current Snidely Whiplash level villain, Rudy Giuliani sent out a Tweet about how inconvenient it is that his criminal buddy, Donald J. Trump, keeps having his vacations ruined by his past. Unfortunately for Giuliani, in his Tweet he inadvertently created link to an un-owned domain name. Un-owned, that is, until some anonymous hero saw what Giuliani had done and bought the domain name… which now goes to a site that reads “Donald J. Trump is a traitor to our country.” It’s fantastic! Rather than taking his lumps, Giuliani doubled-down exclaiming in another tweet that, “Twitter allowed someone to invade my text with a disgusting anti-President message!” He also went on to rant about Time Magazine before crossing his arms and pooping right into his pants. Poor fella. Also in the news, the self-proclaimed Neo-Nazi who ran his car into a crowd of counter-protesters at the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” gathering last year is going to die in prison for his crime. Seriously, how does anybody not know that Nazi’s are the enemy. It’s like proclaiming that your joining the Evil Horde. Idiot. AirWreckRadio: Now with 50% more robots!

 S7E14 Despicable Christmas! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:21

On this episode of AirWreckRadio the boys talk a little about the new Netflix holiday special, “Big Trouble in Little Cristmas!” In the movie, Snake Plissken-Claus is waylayed by two generic white kids, who’s dad died heroically, and who’s mom tries, but it’s hard to be a widow in late stage capitalism. After the siblings stow-away on Ego, the Planet Claus’ slay, all hell breaks loose and Santa loses his hat. That would be it for Christmas, but luckily, Santa has Minions™… er, elves. Over-all, it’s an ok Christmas movie, but it doesn’t really do anything new for the genre. In the news, a Southern State is having a hard time determining the results of the 2018 midterms, can you believe it? In South Carolina, Republicans appear to have been up to all sorts of grossness in the States heavily-gerrymandered 9th Congressional District. The examples of fraudulent behavior are so blatant that even the 4 Republicans on the State’s 9 person Board of Elections have refused to verify the results. When you have to cheat so hard, in such a gerrymandered district, that even other Republicans are like, “this seems illegitimate,” it may be time to reconsider your agenda. Hey! Speaking of despicable Republican behavior, Republican’s in Wisconsin have passed a sweeping set of legislation designed to limit incoming Democratic Governor, Tony Evers’ Gubernatorial power. Ironically, these Republicans claim that this has been necessary for a long time, but they didn’t see fit to do it until their guy, Scott Walker, was on the way out. To add insult to injury, the Wisconsin Republicans did the deed in the most despicable way they could: they held a special, cloak-and-dagger session under cover of night. Closing things up, The Church of Satan, hot off their successful suit against The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, has won the right to put up a statue in the Illinois Capital Veranda along-side a nativity scene, in honor of Christmas, and a menorah, in honor of Hanukkah. The Statue features a Woman’s hand holding an apple and a snake wrapped around her arm. While it sounds pretty metal, we’re not sure what Eve really has to do with the Holiday Season. AirWreckRadio: Hey, we’re reasonable guys. But we’ve just been experiencing some very unreasonable things!


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