The Bucket List Life with Kenyon Salo show

The Bucket List Life with Kenyon Salo

Summary: We are on a mission to help you create experiences, share these stories with others and live the most fulfilled life you may ever imagine. You will gain immediate tools, tips, and life insights from these powerful stories, introspective conversations and 'life-tested' trainings that are shared through The Bucket List Life. As we constantly learn from others, help those in need and experience the world around us, we are then able to link arms with each other and become a greater community. We are all collectively changing the world and sharing in life's experiences. Join us to create more, share more and live more.

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 6: The Story We Tell Ourselves Determines Our Life with Giles Fabris | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:53

“It’s not what happens to us that determines our life.  It’s the story we tell ourselves about what happens to us that determines our life.” - Giles Fabris The Bucket List Life Podcast Episode #6 - Giles Fabris ( Our perception of the world around us is entirely the result of the attitude and emotions that we choose to feel at the time or reflect on.  In all of our unique and individual experiences, we have the choice of how to react or respond to each situation. We have the choice to let our challenges destroy us or to find the lesson and to grow each and every day.  We have the choice to start remembering the events in our life in a new light and to start telling ourselves a better story. Everyday we are writing a script for our own full length movie. Our next guest, in The Bucket List Life Podcast episode #6, is the master author of his own positive and inspiring life script. Giles Fabris is an avid Adventurer who embodies The Bucket List Lifestyle. Once a British National Champion Skydiver and now an accomplished Paraglider with over 700 flights, Giles really knows how to embrace life in the moment.  After facing the life threatening experience of being held hostage at gunpoint, and the challenging road to recovery after breaking his back in a car accident, he chooses to see the silver linings in his life and chapter after chapter, he writes his own best seller. Highlights of their podcast conversation: 6:30     Giles recognizes that when you truly feel drawn to manifest something in your life it helps to research and find out as much as you possibly can about that thing.  “Get your goals in front of you every single day.” 20:15   With over 9,000 skydives, Giles shares the story of the car accident that ended his skydiving career.  With a broken back and long road to recovery, Giles found the inspiration for his next amazing adventure while lying in bed, in recovery at the hospital.  He chose to stay positive, be grateful for what he had and start writing the next chapter of his life, which led him to move to America and paragliding. 29:30   After discussing how people that experience a similar situation can choose to react to that situation in completely different ways, Giles shares the extraordinary story of the time he was kidnapped, held hostage at gunpoint and managed to escape.  He acknowledges that we are all human, all the same and we have the same choice to tell ourselves a positive story about our experience or a negative one.  “Life is too short.  We haven’t got time for the BS story.  Make a choice to tell yourself a better story!” 40:00   We shouldn’t have to wait for a traumatic life threatening or altering experience for us to grasp life fully.  Giles recommends the following five life rules: 1) Make the time to spend at least 1 hour a day doing something you passionately love. 2) Make the choice to start telling yourself a better story! Rewrite your script if you have to. 3) Surround yourself with good loving and supportive people. 4) Life is short and precious.  The older we get the faster it goes.  Embrace it today! 5) Be cool!  …. go back to #1 and repeat. 49:00   Giles shares his bucket list item:  to race a motorcycle 260mph on the Bonneville Salt Flatts, and to take Kenyon scuba diving. 53:25   After wishing the world well, Giles leaves us with the thought that we are all similar, we are all human and we all have the same choices in life.  Choose to be positive and tell yourself a good story. So many awesome nuggets of wisdom, inspiring stories and life changing take aways from this Bucket List Life podcast.  The overall message being that everyday we choose how we want to experience our lives. If you are unhappy with any area of your life, be mindful of your internal dialogue and make the choice to start telling yourself a different more positive story.

 5: Laughing Through Life with Comedian Ron Ferguson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:22

“If you can get out there and do even just a little of what you love everyday, your life will be exponentially enriched!” - Ron Ferguson The Bucket List Life Podcast #5 - Ron Ferguson ( we laugh we are letting go of stress and pain, building our immune system and resolving conflict in our lives.  Laughter is powerful and contagious and when we share it we create intimacy, bonds and friendships.  The ability to make others laugh is every bit a gift as it is a skill and talent.  Today on The Bucket List Life we are so excited to share some big laughs and funny stories with an up and coming Comedy Club Headliner and Kenyon’s comedic mentor and skydiving friend, Ron Ferguson. Ron has been making people laugh his entire life but stepped onto the comedy stage at the age of 26 in 2001, at the famous Denver Comedy Works.   With over 1,000 skydives, Ron decided to combine his two passions and record his hilarious act while under a canopy at 12,000 feet.  The result was his rip roaring funny Youtube video series, Canopy Comedy.  Coming from a humble background and working his way to the top, Ron really knows the power of comedy and how to make a crowd laugh.  Above all Ron understands the importance of pursuing your dreams and supporting those around you in pursuit of theirs. When you can laugh out loud every day and do even just a little of the things you love, you are living The Bucket List Life. Highlights from their podcast conversation: 4:30     Ron reminisces about way back when he started making others laugh and get paid for it, when he was in grade 2!!  Ron admits to being very shy and introverted as a teenager.  Somewhat of a loner who pretty much kept to himself.  Comedy for him was a coping mechanism that made him more social, got him dates and kept him out of trouble with the teachers. 13:00   Ron talks about how he got fired from Denver Comedy Works before he was ever hired there to do Stand Up Comedy! Dealing with the pressure of having to make people laugh every 15 seconds is a real art form.  Comedy is a skill that is developed like everything else.  When you have an idea or a funny thought, write it down immediately, because you’ll never remember it later. 30:15   To be successful at anything in life or if you want to try something new, just get out there and surround yourself with that environment of what it is you want.  Talk to others that inspire you and do what you want to do.  Be around what you want.  Ron shares an item off his bucket list.  Racing Motorcycles!! 39:00   Ron affirms that self doubt and second guessing ourselves is completely normal.  Even the professionals have an off day and feel insecure about their performance.  We are all human and always our worst critic.  In life, as on the stage, we are constantly being heckled and the best way to respond to hecklers is to acknowledge their comment but not to accept their energy and just throw it back at them. 47:00   Nobody succeeds overnight in life.  Perseverance is key and it’s important to keep pushing towards your goals, even when it seems like you might not be going anywhere. 50:00   Ron really wants us to understand the importance of supporting others around us that are trying to succeed as well.  Your support encourages others to believe in themselves and at times that could make all the difference in the world.  Support and celebrate each other! There you have it!  The fifth episode of The Bucket List Life Podcast was such a fun and informative laugh fest full of great stories and advice from one of the funniest guys you will ever meet!  The overall take away being that life is meant to be lived laughing, smiling, surrounded by supportive friends and family and doing the things you love.  This is The Bucket List Life!  And remember to, ABF!!  Always Be Funny! Resources and References From This Episode:

 4: Achieving Balance in Your Life with Highliner Josh Beaudoin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:10

“If you put patience, practice and passion into anything, you will be good at it.”  The Bucket List Life Podcast Ep. #4 -   Josh Beaudoin ( is the sport of balancing on a length of webbing strung up between two anchor points.  There are many different aspects to slacklining and as the sport develops, the number of different skills and ways you can challenge yourself on the slack line expand as well. The overall idea, for those of us that are unfamiliar to the sport, is to clear your mind, find your stillness and control within, breathe, overcome your fear and concentrate on being present and taking one step forward at a time.  Slacklining is the perfect metaphor for life, The Bucket List Life. In this fourth episode of The Bucket List Life Podcast, Kenyon is taking life metaphors to a whole new level.  The parallels between practicing the sport of Slacklining and living The Bucket List Life are profound and insightful.  This podcast is going to get you all fired up about learning to walk all over again.  Kenyon is excited to introduce you to one of the masters in the world of Slacklining.  In today’s podcast, Kenyon walks the line with his good friend and slack mentor, Josh Beaudoin. Having grown up in the last frontier of Wasilla, Alaska, till he was 20 years old, Josh was constantly surrounded by freedom, wide open spaces and an abundance of wildlife in the natural environment.  To say the least, Josh is a down to earth, fully grounded and connected individual with an open mind and heart.  His masterful talent on a slackline is only succeeded by his ability and passion to teach it with a full understanding of the meditational art of movement and that how you slack is how you live. Now 32 years old, Josh has introduced and instructed over 50,000 students, from kindergarten to adult, into this new and quickly growing physical endeavor. Josh has many nuggets of slack wisdom to share that directly relate to living The Bucket List Life. Highlights from their conversation: 6:45     At a local climbing gym, Josh originally introduced Kenyon to the sport of Slacklining less than a year ago, by inviting him over to try it out. Josh confesses that one of his goals in life is “to engage with everyone he meets, ask them about their goals and what they are doing here on earth”.  He admits that inviting others to try the slack line is a really great way to make new friends. 8:15     Josh says that as a kid he was passionate about the outdoors, fishing and wrestling.  Having placed 2nd at a state competition in his senior year, Josh learned that it’s not always about winning and you can fail at something and still have a great time.  “Failure is every bit a part of success!” He credits his wrestling skill to his ability to manage and manipulate the slack line today. 12:15   Josh found the sport of Slacklining back in 2006 and acknowledges that “You are never on the wrong path in life because it’s the wrong path that you were on that helped you get on the path you are on today.”   14:00   Slacklining is different for everyone.  Whether you want to just have fun, compete or cross train, Slacklining helps us to self reflect on the emotions that over come us.  It helps us to breathe and manage our fear, panic and excitement. 16:00   Slacklining Metaphor for life:  “You have to be completely in the moment.  It’s not about what’s in front of you or a couple steps back.  It’s about being present and taking that step now.  And when you take care of the now, the future will always be set.” 37:00   Josh affirms that you don’t even have to try out a slack line to live a Slack Life.  The Slack Life is all about caring for others, being free with your actions, asking questions, being able to take no for an answer, doing what you love and taking that first step towards your goals.  It’s always about the journey,

 3: Surviving The Trenches in Life with Army Ranger Zach Carbo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:12

“Do, or do not.  There is no try.  If you really want to do something in your life, you will find a way, no excuses.” - Zach Carbo The Bucket List Life Podcast #3 - Zach Carbo You know those kinds of people that like to get outside and take on challenges that will induce a heart attack for the average person?  The kind of person that is always pushing themselves and constantly redefining their personal limits? The type of person that is uncomfortable and restless in their comfort zone? With an attitude of “can do”, this is the kind of person that inspires us by showing, not telling, what happens when you are truly living your life guided by your passion and driven to fulfill your dreams.  This is the kind of person the lives The Bucket List Life. This is the third episode of The Bucket List Life Podcast and the guests on these podcasts are often ordinary everyday people you would meet at the grocery store that have lived extraordinary lives.  They all have the most amazing stories to tell that almost everyone can relate to on some level.  Stories that have a deep and meaningful impact and lesson to share.  Today Kenyon is excited to talk with a relatively new friend but instantaneous brother in flight and forever in life, Zach Carbo. Living in the Pacific Northwest, Zach is an avid outdoor adventurist, extreme athlete and active Sergeant in the US Military.  Among his many favorite past times, Zach likes to skydive, BASE jump, speedfly, ski, mountaineer, trail run, SUP and spend time with his wife, son and two dogs.  He has successfully balanced a life full of adventure, physical challenges, service for his country and home life as a dedicated husband and father.  Being passionate about his lifestyle and a real people person, Zach enjoys blogging about his adventures and has a real gift in taking us along for the ride. Highlights from their conversation: 3:45    Kenyon talks about how they originally met on Facebook and then met in person when Zach invited Kenyon into his home while he was on The Bucket List Life Tour back in May, 2014. 6:30    Kenyon talks about his second thoughts after having deviated from his “just say yes” rule, while visiting Zach, and the end result.  “Hey, you wanna catch a fish?” Their adventure at Pike Place Market. 11:15  Zach talks about his current position in the military as Sergeant First Class. 14:00  Zach takes us back to his childhood, growing up as a Latchkey kid and what he would do to treat his foot after stepping on a rusty nail? 18:00  Kenyon reflects on what the kids of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s learned from the lack of safety and paranoid parental protection in their environment. 19:00  What was the deciding factor for Zach to go into the military.  Zach shares some fascinating stories and experiences of his deployments over seas. 26:15  Kenyon wants to know about the things Zach couldn’t wait to do when his deployment was up.  Zach describes how he manifested the most amazing adventures traveling around the world to Europe, New Zealand, Australia, BASE jumping and  sightseeing. 30:45   Zach describes what motivates him to get out, travel and do all these adventures as his “calling”.  When you have a deep desire and dream to make these things happen, you will find a way.  To quote the great master Yoda, “Do, or do not.  There is no try.” 33:00  Kenyon confirms that working in a high risk career and lifestyle makes completing a bucket list even more important, because you never know if we’ll be here tomorrow. 34:45  Zach talks about one of his greatest inspirations who had a real zest for life and truly lived every day like it was his last. 37:15  Kenyon points out once again that although we all believe we will end up in the rocking chair, none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.  Start checking off your list today. Say “Yes” to learning.  Say “Yes” to letting others help you.  By letting others assist you in what ever way they can or offer,

 2: Answers to Time, Location and Financial Freedom with Michael O’Neal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:12

“To live The Bucket List Life is to seize opportunities when they are right in front of you!” - Michael O’Neal The Bucket List Life Podcast Ep. #2 - Michael O’Neal It’s a popular belief that everyone comes into our lives to inspire us, help us or t...

 1: Three of Nine Lives Used With BASE Jumper Jimmy Pouchert | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:44

“It’s ok to regret the things in life that you have done, but don’t look back and regret the things you haven’t done.  Go out and do them now!” - Jimmy Pouchert The Bucket List Life Podcast #1 - Jimmy Pouchert What kind of thoughts or visions pop into your head when you hear someone talk about BASE Jumping? (BASE is an acronym that stands for Building, Antenna, Span or Earth) Unless you have experience in the sport, you can only imagine what it might be like to hurl yourself off an object, free fall for what must feel like an eternity and then miraculously save your own life by pulling your single parachute only seconds from hitting the ground.  But how many of us actually think about the process involved in becoming a BASE Jumper?  Do we all consider the hundreds of sky dives required for the experience, the skill, the technique and the equipment involved in a BASE Jump?  And what is there to be said about the courage and mindset of a person that is passionate about this adrenaline pumping and deadly sport? On the premiere episode of The Bucket List Life Podcast, Founder and Checklist Destroyer, Kenyon Salo, dives right into the topic of BASE Jumping and along with his very first podcast guest, answers all of these questions and more. Throughout Kenyon’s amazing life of extreme sports, travel and adventure, he has met and befriended some of the most extraordinary individuals that truly embody the Bucket List Lifestyle.  In todays podcast, Kenyon has the pleasure of sharing, with all of you, a casual conversation with one of those inspiring individuals. Long time friend, mentor, fellow BASE jumper and industry expert, Jimmy Pouchert. Jimmy is co-owner of Apex BASE (industry leader in manufacturing BASE Jumping equipment, known not only for the superior equipment, but also their exemplary standards in ethics, educations and safety) and was a member of the sponsored Free Flying team Structure Fire.  He’s been involved in skydiving and BASE Jumping for more than 20 years, has over 5,500 sky dives and 1,500 BASE Jumps.  With his enthusiasm and absolute passion for this amazing sport, Jimmy and his wife Marta have taught more people about BASE jumping and safety than any other instructors in the world. Highlights of their conversation: 3:30 - Kenyon recalls the very first time he met Jimmy at a World Freefall Convention in Quincy, Illinois and how he was gifted a coach jump with the legendary Structure Fire Flyer. Jimmy talks about the synchronistic road that led him into the sky diving world. 6:45 - Jimmy defines his bucket list by asking the question, “What would you most regret in your life having not done?” 9:00 - Kenyon and Jimmy discover a very similar path that led them to start skydiving that involves quitting school, car crashes and dreams of being a snowboard bum on Breckenridge. 17:30 - Jimmy recalls Kenyon’s 6th BASE Jump out at Moab and tells him to check his ego at the door by asking him one vital and basic question with regards to his ability to save his own life. 24:30 - Jimmy talks about that BASE Jump in Moab when time stood still and he broke his back. 28:45 - Kenyon and Jimmy discuss the Bucket List Life, how everyone’s bucket list is different, and the importance of having something in life you are passionate about, going after your dreams and checking off items on your list. 31:30 - They shares some of stories of adventures in travelling around the world and the interesting and eclectic people they have the opportunity to meet and bond with in a profound way through the sport of BASE jumping. 35:45 - Jimmy talks about the people that he’s met in his travels that are willing to throw themselves off of an object and save themselves with a parachute.  He dispels the BASE Jumper stereotype myth and explains how his friends around the world really do come from all different walks of life. A common trait they share are their zest for life, open hearts and love of the party.


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