1: Three of Nine Lives Used With BASE Jumper Jimmy Pouchert

The Bucket List Life with Kenyon Salo show

Summary: “It’s ok to regret the things in life that you have done, but don’t look back and regret the things you haven’t done.  Go out and do them now!” - Jimmy Pouchert The Bucket List Life Podcast #1 - Jimmy Pouchert What kind of thoughts or visions pop into your head when you hear someone talk about BASE Jumping? (BASE is an acronym that stands for Building, Antenna, Span or Earth) Unless you have experience in the sport, you can only imagine what it might be like to hurl yourself off an object, free fall for what must feel like an eternity and then miraculously save your own life by pulling your single parachute only seconds from hitting the ground.  But how many of us actually think about the process involved in becoming a BASE Jumper?  Do we all consider the hundreds of sky dives required for the experience, the skill, the technique and the equipment involved in a BASE Jump?  And what is there to be said about the courage and mindset of a person that is passionate about this adrenaline pumping and deadly sport? On the premiere episode of The Bucket List Life Podcast, Founder and Checklist Destroyer, Kenyon Salo, dives right into the topic of BASE Jumping and along with his very first podcast guest, answers all of these questions and more. Throughout Kenyon’s amazing life of extreme sports, travel and adventure, he has met and befriended some of the most extraordinary individuals that truly embody the Bucket List Lifestyle.  In todays podcast, Kenyon has the pleasure of sharing, with all of you, a casual conversation with one of those inspiring individuals. Long time friend, mentor, fellow BASE jumper and industry expert, Jimmy Pouchert. Jimmy is co-owner of Apex BASE (industry leader in manufacturing BASE Jumping equipment, known not only for the superior equipment, but also their exemplary standards in ethics, educations and safety) and was a member of the sponsored Free Flying team Structure Fire.  He’s been involved in skydiving and BASE Jumping for more than 20 years, has over 5,500 sky dives and 1,500 BASE Jumps.  With his enthusiasm and absolute passion for this amazing sport, Jimmy and his wife Marta have taught more people about BASE jumping and safety than any other instructors in the world. Highlights of their conversation: 3:30 - Kenyon recalls the very first time he met Jimmy at a World Freefall Convention in Quincy, Illinois and how he was gifted a coach jump with the legendary Structure Fire Flyer. Jimmy talks about the synchronistic road that led him into the sky diving world. 6:45 - Jimmy defines his bucket list by asking the question, “What would you most regret in your life having not done?” 9:00 - Kenyon and Jimmy discover a very similar path that led them to start skydiving that involves quitting school, car crashes and dreams of being a snowboard bum on Breckenridge. 17:30 - Jimmy recalls Kenyon’s 6th BASE Jump out at Moab and tells him to check his ego at the door by asking him one vital and basic question with regards to his ability to save his own life. 24:30 - Jimmy talks about that BASE Jump in Moab when time stood still and he broke his back. 28:45 - Kenyon and Jimmy discuss the Bucket List Life, how everyone’s bucket list is different, and the importance of having something in life you are passionate about, going after your dreams and checking off items on your list. 31:30 - They shares some of stories of adventures in travelling around the world and the interesting and eclectic people they have the opportunity to meet and bond with in a profound way through the sport of BASE jumping. 35:45 - Jimmy talks about the people that he’s met in his travels that are willing to throw themselves off of an object and save themselves with a parachute.  He dispels the BASE Jumper stereotype myth and explains how his friends around the world really do come from all different walks of life. A common trait they share are their zest for life, open hearts and love of the party.