The Alecia Lawrence Show |I Live To Inspire | What Is Motivation| Inspiring Words | Define Motivation show

The Alecia Lawrence Show |I Live To Inspire | What Is Motivation| Inspiring Words | Define Motivation

Summary: Alecia Lawrence is a speaker, trainer, seminar leader and Super Awesome Magic Creator from Many episodes focus on easy to implement techniques for achieving success, words of motivation and insights. Subscribe below for instant motivation to keep you living inspired to have your best life. Send your questions and feedback to Contact(at) or visit

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  • Artist: Alecia Lawrence
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2012 - 2014 Alecia Lawrence - Super Awesome Magic Creator


 Take 4381 Lights Camera ACTION | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:05

What if you could guarantee success in life just by showing up? It might sound too good to be true however that depends on which side you take. There is lots of power in showing up because that puts you in a place of advantage compared to everyone else who decided to take the back seat on their goals, their dreams, their desires. Action is rewarded by success. The lack of taking action towards your goal today doesn't mean the same has to be held true for tomorrow. ACTION IS REQUIRED IF YOU WANT TO BE SUCCESSFUL The only way to start to improve your life is to start. Once you're sure you're on the right road there is no need to plan your journey too far ahead. Don't burden yourself with doubts and fears as to the obstacles that may bar your progress. You can only take one step at a time. You don't need to know all the answers in advance. Just maintain a clear idea of the goal you want to reach and the answers will come in their own time. If you can get up the courage to begin, you'll have the courage to succeed. It's the job you never start that takes the longest to finish. Go after what you want and you'll get it. Eighty percent of success is showing up. The true question is what way can you show up for your dreams, your goals, your desires today? Sometimes we feel we need all the answers just to make the next step.   I heard a story of a woman who had the vision to start an orphanage and had no clue how to go about it. However she was very passionate with her vision and shared it with everyone she met.   Eventually she met someone who helps people to open up orphanages in developing countries for a living. With the help of that person she was able to see her vision come through.   When it comes to anything, the hardest part is to start and the second hardest part is to finish. The grease between the wheels per say is action.   What action can you take today to grease the wheels to your success?   Love Peace and Bliss Alecia   Click here for the video version of this podcast.

 Discover The Cure For Fear Of Failure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:19

Imagine your life without paralysis by the fear of failure. What would you be able to accomplish and how much closer would you be to living your dreams. We allow ourselves to be sabotaged by the fear of failure. Yes, I said sabotage. Fear has its place in our life and in our world as a way to protect us from danger. However, there are some fears that are irrational like the fear of failure. Its had to find one super successful person who has not failed at something. They will tell you that its the reality of life. The difference is they don't allow that fear of failure to stop them. I use to be paralyzed by the fear of failure. I would self sabotage... If I don't do anything then I can't fail. I shared the drastic measures I went through to get over my fear of failure. OK, you don't have to take the same drastic measures I did, you can take a simpler route. Just feel the fear and do it anyway. Take fear along for the ride. When you listen to some famous actress or singer openly mention they go through fear before walking out on stage or performing. The magic is they feel the fear and do it anyway. They took fear along for the ride and you can do the same too. We spend lots of time worrying about the outcome and our thoughts are way more dramatic than reality itself. There are only 3 options when it comes to fear of failure. Take Action and leave fear behind Take Action and take fear for the ride of its life Take action and just do it. You may notice the one constant is taking action. And if you fail... that's fine... learn from it and move one. How many top performing artist have 100% of their songs become a number 1 hit. How many of them have released album after album before having a hit. I recently heard 1 super successful entrepreneur said he failed 95% of the times with things he did for his business while his success and millions only came for 5%. So you failed big deal. Failing and going for it again is way better than failing and giving up. Its your dreams, they are worth fighting for. Never give up and live your best life everyday. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia P.S. Let me know below int he comments how you are handling fear of failure.

 A Personal Message From Me To You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:31

Discover the awesomeness that lies within. Sometimes you just need a reminder that you are enough. There is nothing that needs to be added or taken away, there is nothing to be fixed, there is nothing to be repaired. You are the complete package of awesome goodness. You came into this world with everything you need. How do I know this? I have seen people rise above all odds in life when they become aware of their awesomeness. That is all that's required. When you truly recognize and embrace your awesomeness. You can live your dreams now. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Super Hot Tip On Making It Happen Gauranteed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:35

The more you try to make things happen in your life, the farther away the your goal seems to be. What if you had access to a super hot guarantee to making things happen in your life as fast and as slow as you would like. Its all about taking action, daily consistent action. A Mountain Is Climbed One Step At A Time Everyone who got where they are had to begin where they were. Your opportunity for success is right in front of you. To attain success or to reach your goal, don't worry about having all the answers in advance. You just need to have a clear idea of your goal and move toward it. Don't procrastinate when faced with a difficult problem. Break your problems into parts and handle one part at a time. Develop a tendency toward action. You can make something happen today. Break your big plan for success into small steps and take the first step right away. Success starts with a first step. You have always heard me say the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. We all get caught up in knowing exactly what we need to do from start to finish. The most important thing to focus on is your next step. Its like driving at night from point A to B. You can only see as far as the headlights and not the entire journey. The more you drive along, the more road will be revealed. Driving along is just like taking action, taking next step towards your goals, your targets , your dreams. The more action you take, the closer you get and the more clarity you will receive. The key is to just focus on taking the next step towards your dreams, your goals or whatever you are creating. Before you know it you will be at the end of the journey bursting with excitement about your accomplishment and ready to start you next journey. Just like driving a car you may not be able to see the entire journey however, you are totally sure you will get there. How sure are you about living your dreams or achieving your goals? Take action today even if its one thing. Just take action. Click here to see the video version of this podcast. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia  

 Insider Secret To Ensure Anything Is Possible | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:53

You may feel like there is no way anything is possible. Well I can almost guarantee if you were living in the 1800's and did time travel to today, you would be in total shock because almost 95% of the things we enjoy today as normal convenience wasn't thought as possible back then. OK, so you think there is no way anything is possible for you. In that case I share info from the one of the wisest and richest man ever on earth... King Solomon. He says the lazy man says "There is no game to roast", but the diligent man sees precious wealth in the land. Translation: The lazy man sees lack of opportunity through his own belief systems. The diligent man see precious wealth int he land. I shared a story about a real estate agent who heard this verse from King Solomon and literally put it to test in his life. There was a piece of property that everyone in and out of his agency wrote off not fit for sale. The issue with the property was all the restrictive building codes in the area. This real estate agent focused on the possibility of legally meeting all the building codes while selling that piece of land for a profit. He visited the land weekly, walked on it, sat and looked at it, opened himself up to all the possibilities. It took him about a month before he stumbled upon a possibility. Acting on the possibility he was able to sell the land and make 1 million dollars profit. The same land all the real estate agents marked as impossible to sell. Do you think this real estate agent believe anything is possible? The real estate agent was diligent in his approach to selling the land and was rewarded for his diligence. What rewards would you reap if you were more diligent in your approach to the challenges and trials you face in life? What belief system do you need to change to trip your opportunity generator switch. I have spent years studying belief systems and how to re-program them. If you are interested in an easy to implement system which can help you change your belief system and instantly open you up to the possibilities, visit for more details. I learned this King Solomon verse from Mark Hoverson who said this verse helped him at a time when the world was experiencing a financial crash. You saw some companies survive, you saw some companies flourish and you saw others crash. Why? What made the companies that flourish different from the ones that crash? The difference is the companies who flourished saw the precious wealth in the land. They were able to rise above the belief system around the financial crash in the world. They are able to identify the precious wealth in the land.They believed anything is possible. There are thousand, actually millions of infinite possibilities around us every day. Its up to you to remain open and aware to see the precious wealth in the land and believe anything is possible. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia P.S. let me know below in the comments some of the grate things that have happened in your life because you believed anything is possible.    

 Discover The Secret Of What Is Motivation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:46

What is motivation may be one of your unanswered questions. How to get motivation? How to keep motivated? What to do if you have lost motivation? I am not talking about losing your mind, I am talking about when you have lost motivation. The Official definition of the word motivation by our friend Google is - A reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way. Motivation is also the desire or willingness to do something; enthusiasm. If you were to really break it down and trace the roots of the word motivation. You would find it comes from the Latin word motivus, a form of movere which means to move. The bottom line it is anything that moves people to perform. Some of the motivating factors you will find are fear, money, recognition, peer pressure and self-esteem. The list is endless. In essence, motivation is really boiled down to a motive to take action. The question is are you motivated? The difference between motivation and UN-motivation is all around movement. No, not bowel movement... maybe, I digress :) Are you moving towards your goal or target or are you moving away? I was reading this book, the No BS Guide To Time Management by Dan S Kennedy. I really needed this book to give me the edge towards achieving my targets. The No BS Guide mentioned successful people set goals and super successful people measure their goals daily. This definitely adds another dimension to the question, what is motivation? I have always heard one should have measurable goals. How else are you to know you achieved it if its not measurable? The kicker is measuring your goals daily... wow, that's definitely a game changer. The purpose of measuring daily is it keeps you focused and lets you know if you need to be more motivated towards your goals or target. You will see clearly if you need to take more action or a different type of action. This is a key component for successful athletes. They know their numbers. What's your number? How can you make your goal or target measurable? By measuring your goals daily you will see if you are making progress towards your goals or if your are moving away from your goal. Some of you and I know who you are because I was once there too might be saying... Alecia, I sort of like lost my motivation. Well this is your lucky day because I am here to help you peel back the layers and look at what is motivation? Motivation is just like a muscle, you have to practice it everyday. Sometimes you just have to do something when you don't feel like it and after awhile when you get into it your motivation will kick in. Here is a cool trick. If there is a task you need to get done and you are not feeling motivated. Commit to fully focusing on that task for 10 mins. You wait longer in lines at the bank and supermarkets. You can focus for 10 mins. At the end of the 10 mins ask yourself if you can do another 10 mins. This is procrastinators paradise :) working in 10 min segments. You will find either you kick started your motivation or you are really not feeling it. There are many things you can use to motivate yourself. When you think about what is motivation, you think of it in relation to achieving a goal or target. What you use as your motive to take action can be big or small. Sometimes you have external motivating factors to help you take action in completing an unpleasant task. Some people use less than positive factors to motivate them like fear. That is another ball game and if that strategy works for you, then more power to you. Your Partner In Motivation Love Peace and Bliss Alecia                   P.S. Let me know your thoughts on what is motivation below in the comments.                          

 Worlds Leading Poodle Wrangler Laughs In The Face Of Impossible | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:17

Why in the world would someone cross out the word impossible from their dictionary? That's the question Brian G. Johnson answered today about this photo he had posted on his Facebook page.Brian understands the power words have in ones life. He is a successful entrepreneur who takes his business seriously and is not as serious about himself. He shared the 3 focus points by which he lives his life which are to help others achieve their goals and dreams online, to have fun and to make money. Covering those three areas has allowed Brian to live a fulfilling life. We also too a deep dive into the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people and positive information. Brian dropped some awesome golden nuggets and shared one thing you could do in the next 24 hours so you too can laugh in the face of impossible. Please note no Poodles were hurt in the recording of the podcast :) Love Peace and Bliss Alecia P.S. Let me know what you are doing to laugh in the face of impossible below in the comments.

 Follow The Path Of Others A Quicker Way To Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:42

Have you ever wondered about a quicker way to success. The secret is to 'Follow The Path Of Others'. Follow The Path Of Others To Success You can learn from other people to make up for your lack of experience in any area of life.  Be open and receptive to the people around you. They have things to teach you. Take advantage of the people that have made the journey ahead of you. Try to pick the right role models. Don't look for people that make you feel good or entertain you. Look for people that can help you. Role models are more than people you like and admire. The key is to look for people that will help you to be more successful. You can learn from the mistakes of others. You can learn different approaches to overcoming challenges. Learning "what not to do" is as important as learning "what to do." If you want to be the best at whatever you want to achieve in life. If you really want a quicker way to success, the secret sauce is to find someone who has done it before. Once I learned about this 'secret sauce', it been my key to faster success I have lost count of how many coaches I have had for the last few years. People seem surprised I have achieved so many changes in my life so fast. I have to give some of the credit to my coaches... the 'secret sauce' to my success. You might respond... Alecia, Coaches cost money My response is ... How much time do you have to waste trying to figure it out on your own? How badly do you want to win? How much do you want a quicker way to success? The combination of right coach and your desire to win is like having success on steroids. Sign me up :) Currently I have 3 coach/mentor /facilitator. Sam Crowley has coached me on many topics. The main topic he coaches is why you are able to hear my voice today. Yes, he is my podcast coach. I would venture to say he is one of the best out there. He also has an awesome motivational podcast called 'Everyday is Saturday'. You can learn more about Sam at where everyday is Saturday. Jarrad Hewett is who I like to address as my spiritual facilitator. He was a wonderful message of Self Love and Empowerment plus a whole collection of frequency tracks which I listen to to daily. You can find Jarrad and his awesomeness on If you want to have a zen like attitude all day like I do, jump onto Jarrad's mailing list for free instant to access my favorite frequency track 'Evolution of the Soul". This 2 min frequency track is packed with awesome goodness to have you starting out your day right. Alex Jeffreys is my business coach who has helped me to navigate the deep waters of building an online business. All the activities I have had online over the past couple of years only felt like a business the moment I stepped into Alex's Inner Circle.You can learn more about Alex at where they market with you not to you. You don't know everything and you are not expected to know everything. The most important thing is to have access to someone who knows more than you. Take not the only difference between you and a successful person is they know something you don't know. You are almost guaranteed a quicker way to success by having them share with you their knowledge. The rest is up to you to take action. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia P.S.You can check out the video version of this episode here P.P.S Let me know in the comments what tips and tricks you are using to carve a quicker way to success.  

 This Could Be Your Biggest Regret | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:41

Whats your biggest regret or do you suffer from regretasysis? Yep, I made up a new word (I think). We usually have more regrets as we get older and wiser. We usually have more regrets as we get older and wiser. I an sure you have heard the quote, "hind sight is 20/20" or something like that. We regret people, actions and choices from our past. My focus on your biggest regret was inspired by Oprah sharing her biggest regret now that she has turned 60. "I think the hardest part of aging really is recognizing the time that you wasted and the things that you worried about that really didn't matter. That's really the hardest part, that's really the only regret that I have." Oprah Winfrey You may look back in regret on all the wasted time in your past and all the possibilities if you had used your time wisely. Actually, what type of life would be living today if you had used your time wisely. You may share the same biggest regret as Oprah however, you must realize the past is locked up, throw away the keys, gone. There is nothing you can do to change the past. What you can do and change is the future. Changing the future starts by making the best choices now. Contrary to popular belief, its not too late. Its never too late and if you hold that belief then you are limiting the infinite possibilities that are available to you. Spoiler Alert: You are limiting yourself when you think you can and when you think you can't. To cover all angles I usually add 'Or something Better' when I think about what I can do. Saying 'Or something better' Let your mind kn ow there are infinite possibilities to achieving way more than you thought you could. The awesome news is whatever you wanted to do in the past doesn't have to look the way you wanted it to. Its cool for your goal or dream to look a bit different. Its OK for ideas and thoughts to change or as I like to say... evolve. Leave your biggest regret in the past and all the other regrets as well and focus on what you can do now. You can't effectively drive a car while looking in the rear view mirror. If you do, you end up missing out on amazing opportunities. What Oprah loved about being 60 is being able to be free to be and do what you want. "The absolute best part is being able to be free to be and do whatever you want. There's nothing better than that, she explained. "You can be and do whatever you want to, thanks to exercise and hair color. Hair color — the greatest invention of all time for women. Thank you, Miss Clairol." Oprah Winfrey Why do we have to wait till we are older to be free to do whatever you want. You can start now. Yes I understand you may not want to be seen as a disappointment to your friends, family and loved ones. Here is my beef. Your life is life a major motion picture and guess who is the star? Yep... That's you my friend and sometimes you live your life like you are an extra on a movie set.OK, there is nothing wrong with taking advice from people. At the end of your day, you need to live your life and be free to do whatever you want. Exercise Time... Get pen and paper. draw a huge T. on the left hand side of the page list all your objections on why you can't be free. On the left hand side turn all those objections into opportunities. If for example your objection is I don't have enough time. Then the opportunity is you will schedule time to do whatever it is you want to do. Following through with this simple exercise of turning your obstacles into opportunities will put you well on the way to be free. The ladies of The Talk brought up some very good points in the below video. They had a bit of fun while really diving into what they believed is the hardest part about aging. Sometimes there is that feeling of time wasted as you get older The closer you get to the end of your life you see how precious moments are Regrets are something that cannot be fixed.

 Bucket List for Dying Dog With 22 Items Checked Off | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:36

Before you kick the bucket you must complete a bucket list and the earlier you start the better. This is a touching story of Riina Cooke and her beloved boxer Romeo Riina got the bad news that Romeo was diagnosed with inoperable bone cancer in his back leg. After a few days of crying and being depressed she snapped out of it and focused on creating lots of special moments with Romeo by putting together a bucket list. Romeo's Bucket List Getting a pawicure Riding in a police car Riding in a fire truck Feasting on a steak Dinner Breakfast in bed with Mum Drank a beer in a pub with Dad Went on a date with another boxer There were many more items on Romeos list. Sadly, he was put down on March 16 because he was in so much pain. Lessons Learned From Riina and Romeo's Bucket List Instead of focusing on the negative, focus on the positive Romeo got a great send off Riina found a happier way to grieve Don't wait until the end to do things on your list Its nice to have a bucket list however I take a brief look at why I prefer having and Impossible List. For more info on the differences between an impossible list and a bucket list you can go here to listen to Mission impossible: A Game Of Roulette Life is about creating special moments. I encourage you to commit to creating these special moments on a regular basis. What of the whole purpose of life is o have fun? Check out this awesome video created by Romeo's Mum and Dad. Que the Kleenex You can also jump on Facebook to see additional photos and videos of Romeo on his Fan Page  Romeo The Boxers Facebook Fan Page Love Peace and Bliss Alecia P.S. What's on your Bucket List or Your Impossible List. Let me know below in the comments.    

 The Keys To Obliterating Obstacles To Your Dreams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:31

An Amazing Story with key insights on obliterating obstacles. Yes, that may be a bold statement however, this is a reality that can be true for you. What are you allowing to stop you from creating the life of your dreams? What are you allowing to stop you from obliterating obstacles? I use the word allow because it really is your choice if an obstacle stops you. Take lessons from the ants... they always find a way and you could too. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia P.S. Share with us how you are obliterating obstacles below in the comments

 Abracadabra BOOOM Thats Magic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:15

While checking my junk mail I saw a question that made me pause. 'What if your life was in flow?' Sometimes we have those days where everything just magically falls into place. What if everyday no matter what's going on could be a magical experience.... now thats magic. Yep, I am sharing this info with you for free. This is my gift to you so you can have many of those magical days, those days when everything is in complete flow. All it takes are these 4 simple steps which I share in this episode or dare I say this magical episode. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia P.S.What experience have you had recently which had you thinking.... thats magic. Share you experience with synchronicity that have happened in your life below in the comments.

 So Many Things To Do So Little Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:57

There is so little time left as the day comes to an end and you glance over the to-do list. It seems as if you haven't put a dent in reducing the list although you have out in a full days work. Then you go home and worry about all the in-completes on the list and how much list will be tomorrow by the time you get into work. Oh how you wish there was that magic button that you could press and get everything instantly done. I will take a dozen of those buttons please :). Until someone creates that button, I share with you in this episode the next best thing when you feel there is so little time in the day to do it all. Along with how you can free your mind of those in-completes on you list. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia P.S. Share with us what you are doing to better handle your daily list when their is so little time below in the comments

 You May Be Onto Something There | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:41

How many times have you squashed an amazing idea and kicked yourself when someone else acts on the same idea. I can relate because that has happened me you. Learn how you can use your ideas to change your reality. Also get insights on what you can do when you take action on an idea and it didn't work out. The solution to failed ideas is surprisingly simple. You have got to listen to this podcast now before your squash another idea. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Hey You Pencil Head | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:59

What... did I hurt your feelings? I am sorry... well actually I am not. In this episode I share why calling you a pencil head is actually a compliment. I am sure when you are done listening to this you will be inspired, motivated and not look at the phrase "You pencil head" the same way. The whole hoorah about the secret double life of a pencil was actually inspired by a post from Paulo Coelho. I am sure I typed his name better than I said it. Ouch. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia


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