The Alecia Lawrence Show |I Live To Inspire | What Is Motivation| Inspiring Words | Define Motivation show

The Alecia Lawrence Show |I Live To Inspire | What Is Motivation| Inspiring Words | Define Motivation

Summary: Alecia Lawrence is a speaker, trainer, seminar leader and Super Awesome Magic Creator from Many episodes focus on easy to implement techniques for achieving success, words of motivation and insights. Subscribe below for instant motivation to keep you living inspired to have your best life. Send your questions and feedback to Contact(at) or visit

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  • Artist: Alecia Lawrence
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2012 - 2014 Alecia Lawrence - Super Awesome Magic Creator


 Don’t Get Stuck With Discouragement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:58

Learned an awesome inspiring message from listening to an interview with Anthony Vincent. Anthony has over 7 million views to on YouTube to one video on his YouTube channel. Check out Anthony's awesome video. Some say he is lucky however Anthony sees things differently and based his success on creativity and consistency. Along the way you may feel discouraged and its how you handle the discouragement on the bad days which really highlights the strength of your character. If you can manage to follow through with you daily plan of action towards your goals despite how bad you day is then you have found the key to creating momentum towards your goals. That's the power behind getting things done on the bad days. Its alright if you slipped here or slipped there as long you take consistent action, even if its completing one thing towards your goal for the day. Its like putting fire into the engine which helps fuel you to do more the next day. The most important point to consistently keep in mind is that you can never just mentally give up on anything you are doing. For example, you started out with a great idea which makes you feel good and excited and as time passes, you get discouraged and you think this just sucks and then you eventually give up on taking action. You gave up on following through with your commitment of change. You have to push that discouragement out of your head and keep reconnecting to that source of inspiration and hold onto it for dear life. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 The Best Kept Secret in Having Big Achievements | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:37

Don't you just wish you were in on the secret? Especially a secret about having more big achievements in your life. You might be thinking,what's wrong with me? Why are there so few big achievements in my life. Well this one thing can be a part of the equation to you creating your own big achievement. THINKING BIG PRECEDES BIG ACHIEVEMENT High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation. You'll always hit what you aim for in the long run. So why not aim high? Have the courage to follow your dreams. It's the first step towards attaining your destiny. If you can dream it, you can do it. If you don't have a dream,how are you going to make it come true? In order to succeed beyond your wildest expectations, you need some wild expectations.   The real question is... Why not aim high? What have you got to loose? I heard this first from Jack Canfield where he said it cost you the same amount of energy to dream a small dream as it does to dream a big dream. It really doesn't take anything off you to dream big and its a requirement to succeed beyond your wildest expectations. Its time to set a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). The type of goal you can only achieve by becoming a different person, a more successful person. If you have heart palpitations just thinking about thinking of a wild expectation or a BHAG then you can try this on for size. Break your BHAG down into a medium goal/milestone and a small goal/milestone. Its like have three levels to the same goal and you will grow as your goal grows. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Your Custom Fitted Brain Tip For Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:31

The magic of making you own life using this custom fitted brain tip requires you to have some understanding of the brain and the 4 stages of competence. I promise not to bore you to tears and make this as easy to absorb as possible. Apparently there are 4 stages to competence Unconsciously Incompetent - You don't understand or know how to do something and you don't recognize it as a deficit in your life. Consciously Incompetent - You don't know how to do something and recognize that you can do it. Consciously Competent - You understand and know how to do something however demonstrating the skill requires concentration. Unconsciously Competent - The skill has become second nature and you can do it on auto pilot.   We all really want to be hanging out and partying in stage 3 which is otherwise known as being hyper-aware. Being hyper-aware is about being extremely focused or conscious. Unfortunately we spend 95% of our time in stage four being Unconsciously Competent and only 5% of our time in stage three being consciously competent. Its challenging to be in stage 3 the majority of times however its where we are at out most productive. Stage three is where you are actually making your own life instead of unconsciously competently going through life. You can custom fit stage three of being competent in your life by choosing how much of your time will be used daily on being consciously competent. There are two ways I use so far to ensure I spend as much time as possible partying in stage 3. The first is to commit a specific amount of my time for the day towards full on, flat out, leave me alone, turn off he phone, disturb me and you are dead focus session. I find my sweet spot for my focus sessions before I get distracted is between 35 mins to 45 mins with a 10min break in between each session. I know if I want to have 4 hours of my day focused, I need to complete six 40min focus sessions. During these focus session you are working on one task without distraction. You can learn more about focus sessions by visiting this site on the pomodoro technique. You can also access the free app I use on my computer to time my focus and break sessions here ate focus booster. The second technique I use to spend as much time in stage 3 is called a 'Daily Did Sheet'. You complete this sheet with everything you have done for the day, all the coffee and bathroom breaks, meetings, lunch, snack... everything. It really opens your eyes to how you unconsciously competently use your time daily. Being more aware of how you use your time will help you to plan to use your time wisely for the next day. To get ahead of the game on your goals, targets or whatever you are creating, the best tip is to stay in stage 3 and make your own life by being consciously competent Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 A Up Close And Personal Look At Procrastination | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:44

Procrastination has so many layers and another one was revealed to me recently. Contrary to me believing procrastination is a delay mechanism used to satisfy my inner perfectionist... I learned procrastination is also the manifestation of resistance. Resistance can be seen as a lying, cheating, sneaky, no good, son of a gun who whispers sweet nothings in your ears to get its way. We must tackle resistance head on. There are two questions to ask to help you root out resistance towards complete a task. 1 - What am I scared of? 2- What am I hiding from? These questions forces you be aware of resistance and push forward in completing that major task or assignment. Now you understand why resistance is so sneaky. The other layer which was revealed to me is procrastination is based on instant gratification. "The professional arms himself with patience and gives himself twice as long as he first thinks -- War Of Art." If you think something is going to take a day, give yourself 2 or 3 days to do it. Set yourself up for success "Resistance outwits the amateur and it uses the amateurs own enthusiasm to defeat him -- War Of Art." Indeed, we always underestimate how much time it would take you to complete a task... blinded by our own enthusiasm. That's why I say resistance is a sneaky, conniving, son of a gun. The sad thing about resistance is it cannot be touched, seen or heard but you sure can feel it. The professional understands delayed gratification while the amateur wants instant gratification. The amateur believes he must overcome the fear and do the work while the professional knows that fear will always be there. As I always say, feel the fear and do it anyway. The real question is... are you focused on instant gratification or delayed gratification? Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 A Life Changing Choice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:27

You may feel there is no other option, that your back is against the wall and there is only one choice. The awesome thing is there is always a solution, you always have a choice, the ball is always in your court. Its up to you to be aware and pick the choose what honors you. THERE IS ALWAYS ANOTHER CHOICE You don't have to buy from anyone. You don't have to work at any particular job. You don't have to participate in any given relationship. You can choose. You alone steer the course you choose in the direction of where you want to be today, tomorrow or in any distant time to come. You hold the tiller. You can decide to alter the course of your life at any time. No one can ever take that away from you. You can decide what you want and go after it. It's always your next move. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 May The Force Be With You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:28

There is a recognizable force that makes a different in your daily life. You can easily empty a room if you don't have the force with you. What is the force? We are talking about being positive. Are you the type of person who people view as positive. I found proof based on research from the Mayo Clinic on the health benefits of being positive. You can extend your life, resist the common cold, reduce depression and reduce your risk of cardio vascular disease. Lets not forget to mention the psychological and physical well-being one has from being positive. Its time to declare the zone around you a positive zone, plus you will enjoy the health benefits. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Oh Well Maybe Next Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:48

Will there be a next time? Should we accept defeat? You can go after your goals with a different perspective. The name of the game is really persistence. I saw this quote the other day "I'd rather have a life of  'oh wells', than a life of what ifs". Which would you rather have? I am thinking your are with me on team 'oh wells' I hereby officially crown the master, the guru, the undisputed captain of team 'oh well'... Are you ready? Well I am flattered you think its me, however its Thomas Edison. Than man had some major courage to keep going, he had some major persistence. I actually have no issues with what ifs. I believe a what is is the start of an 'oh well'. I see what ifs like pieces of a jig saw puzzle. If you ever tried putting together a jig saw puzzle. You pick up a piece and attempt to make it fit somewhere. Like what if I put this here, would that work? Nope, 'oh well'. Like what if I put it there, would that work? Nope, 'oh well'. You know the puzzle piece has to go somewhere in the puzzle, you are just not sure where or even if its needed because someone mixed 2 boxes on another puzzle with yours. We are trained in school to be perfectionists, to get everything right from the start. We get rewarded for passing grades and those who constantly try  and fall just below the grade don't receive that approval. How about we get rewarded for making progress instead of perfection which is unattainable. Perfection is an unrealistic ideal based on individual beliefs. Being celebrated for progress rewards everyone wherever they are in the process. The challenge is to change your what ifs into 'oh wells'. However there are a few things stopping us. Fear and comfort. Lets tackle fear first... We fear what people will think, what might happen and what might not happen. Richard Branson is another master of ''oh wells''. He approaches his business with the mentality of 'Screw it, just do it' He isn't afraid of failing. You won't know if your don't do it. You can't win if you don't play. How about leaving fear behind and getting hard concrete evidence on if your what if will work or not. On the other hand there is comfort. You are comfortable where you are and not willing to experience any discomfort even if you know it will lead to something better. Despite the discomfort, change can only be achieve if you want it bad enough. It can be as simple a investing some time to research and learn how to change your situation. Choosing what you think will work best in your situation and testing it out. If it doesn't work out. 'oh well', you can choose something different. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Let The Rampage Begin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:46

Time stood still and triggered a rampage. Honestly, you look like you need to experience a good rampage in your life. I mean a rampage of gratitude. Sometimes we skip the point of gratitude and complain about our day. Its the small insignificant things which we overlook that can break your precious day. The real question is , are these things really insignificant or have we tuned them out as automatic, as always being there just because of your geographic location. Just that thought alone should put you in a space of gratitude. What are you grateful for? Love Peace and bliss Alecia

 Down And Out Scarred For Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:15

How can you recover when life throws you a knockout punch, leaving you hurt and scarred. Every winner has scars. Every winner bounces back up when they get knocked out. There is no way to completely eliminate the punches life throws at you. There is a way to not allow these punches to take control of your life. EVERY WINNER HAS SCARS Life is made up of a series of experiences. Each one will make you stronger, even though it may be hard for you to realize it at the time.Life is your classroom in which you're being tested, tried, and passed. Always try to stay in the midst of life and activity.  Don't isolate yourself from the action. Your character develops itself in the stream of life. The setbacks and hardships you endure actually help you in your march forward to success.  The world was built to develop your character.   Life expects you to make progress in reasonable time.  That's why those elementary school chairs are so small. You know how hard it is to see the value of an experience because you are so caught up in the whirlwind emotions of the moment.   Just take a look back at your own life and you will see moments of your worst trial creating the springboard for your greatest triumph.   That's just the way things happen in life however. something better or a better experience has no other option but to present itself on the heels of a less than positive experience.   What if you were to have the perspective that good things must happen and whatever trial you are experiencing right now is temporary?   You have a choice to be a victim in your life or a victor. Which do you choose? The benefits of being a victor are the permanent lessons you learned for a less than positive experience which leads you to new beginnings.   What if you approached every setback and hardship with enthusiasm, knowing you can only get better and improve from there? The most fun on a roller coaster happens on the way down.   What if the purpose of every failure is to make you stronger? Life will never disappoint in delivering ups and downs served sunny side up on a golden platter   The one constant is YOU and how you choose to handle what life serves you. The one thing you can depend on in life is you.   Love Peace and Bliss   Alecia

 Killer Strategies For Winning Against All Odds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:42

Stephen Sutton is the authority on winning against all odds. He is thriving and smiling even though the cards are heavily stacked against him. He canceled his lifetime membership to the "victim club" and did a complete 360 on how he lives his life. Stephen, for all intents and purposes had a normal childhood. He was involved in sports, loved drumming and wanted to become a doctor. At 15 he was struck by cancer which lead to surgery and chemo. His doctors thought the cancer was in remission when they found a lump behind his leg. Stephen did the whole surgery and treatment thing one more time and went into remission again. The cancer returned a third time and its at this point the doctors delivered the news, diagnosing Stephens disease as incurable. While listening to Stephens story, I lost count of how many times he had surgery and went into treatment. He has no idea how much longer he has to live especially since he has not taken the initiative to ask his doctors this question. Honestly, would you want to know? Here is a video of Stephen telling his story in great detail. Despite everything he has gone through with his disease, he is still thriving and smiling more than ever. Stephen learned early on after his diagnosis, a positive attitude leads to positive outcomes. He doesn't feel sorry for himself or his circumstances and doesn't expect you pity. Instead of measuring time in terms of life, he measures time by his achievements. He measures time by how much he is making a difference, which is a way more valuable  and better way to measure time. Here is what Jason Manford, a British Comedian had to say about Stephens point of view on measuring time. A little over a year ago Stephen compiled a wish list of 46 things he wanted to do and so far has completed the following: Set a world record for drumming Hosted a charity dinner Trending on Twitter Became a public speaker Went crowd surfing Got a tattoo Went skydiving Played the drum in front of a large crowd of 90,000 people and a TV audience of 200 million The real question is do you have to rely on tragedy to remind you to have a good time? Heck no... As Stephen says, "Life is for living". Use this time you have in your bank account as positively and productively as possible. Stephen now raises money to help make teens more comfortable when going through cancer treatment. He has raised over 316 million sterling pound to date. His biggest lesson is, its not the cancer that defines who he is, its how he reacts to the cancer. This lesson is applicable to any area of your life. Bad things are going to happen, crap happens in life which is a reality we cannot avoid. Its how we react to the crap that counts. Stephen has won many awards for being an inspiration and motivation to teens and people around the world. However, all the awards don't matter to Stephen. What matters to him is his ability to give back, his ability to be a contribution to the world. The best way to help yourself is to help others. He views his first diagnosis of cancer as a good thing. It gave him a huge kick in the backside and taught him not to take anything for granted in life. Stephen is on a mission to motivate others who have more time than him to make a difference in the world. What can you do today to make a difference in someone else life? Love Peace and Bliss Alecia You can find Stephens Fund Raising Page Check out Stephens Story here

 The All Time Hands Down Best Story EVER | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:21

The best story ever can be yours if your truly want it to be. You may look at other peoples lives and think that's not possible for me. What if it is possible? What of you could write your own story? When writing your story it cane be a phrase or a paragraph. Keep it to less than 2 pages, 1 page is actually better. The power of writing your own story takes the power of words to the next level. The act of writing it down has planted a seed in your brain and gives your brain the mission of matching your reality to what you have on paper. I will share with you the various ways to go about writing your own story. With all of these techniques you have to carve out some time from your busy day to write. This is time well spent investing in your future.   The first technique I learned is from Frank Kern, an amazing online marketer who made 27 million dollars in 1 hour. What??? I know...   He spoke about creating your ideal day. Frank's guideline is if you were told your day will stay exactly the same for the rest of your life, like a permanent ground hog day and money is not an issue. What would you do? Who would you want to have around you? What would your day look like?   Here is the video with Frank explaining how to go about writing your ideal day. Watch from 55:52 to 1:25:46 of this video. There is some colorful use of swear words in this video. Armed with the answers to the above questions, you can now write out your entire ideal day in great detail. You might need a couple of days to complete the exercise of writing your ideal day. The second version of this exercise is to write your ideal day everyday for 30 days. Obviously, this version of your ideal day is more concise, and should fit on one page. As you write your ideal day everyday you can tweak it until you get it perfect, until it feels good, until you read it and it just brings a smile to your face. The 3rd way to go about writing your ideal day is based of a process by Dan S. Kennedy. With Dan's version you develop a clear detailed picture of what your life would look like. How would you live if you had that magic number for your monthly income. Would you have a second home, a big vacation twice a year, own a bed and breakfast? How would you use your time? Once you have complete clarity of your ideal day then its time to reverse engineer for success :). While keeping your ideal day in mind look back and identify the obstacles you may face and look for ways to remove them. Then construct a yearly, monthly and weekly plan with targets and benchmarks. Do a litmus test by asking if your current choices are moving you towards your ideal day based on your plan and targets. Personally I like writing out and tweaking my ideal day everyday for 30 days. I do this using pen and paper because it ingrains the ideas of your ideal day better in your brain. As a result of this activity I found I am much more focused in my daily activity towards my goals, my dreams or whatever I am creating. I took it to another level my using a voice recorder to record my ideal day. I really got myself in the mood and got really excited before starting the recording. In addition to the writing out of my ideal day I also listened to the recording constantly. What's the benefit of doing all of this? Well Frank Kern found what he wrote 2 to 3 years later and realized he was living his ideal day. What have you got to lose when writing out your ideal day? Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Something Has Got To Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:34

Sometimes things are not changing in your life and you wonder why? The clue may lie in your environment. Who or what are you surrounding yourself with? I made a conscious decision more than a year ago to change my environment. I realized early in the game the importance of your environment in creating the life you desire. YOU ARE YOUR ENVIRONMENT Always be mindful that you're a product of your environment. So choose an environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of your environment. Are the things around you helping you toward your success, or are they holding you back? The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide that you're not going to stay where you are. You're not a captive of your environment. If you don't like where you are, you can make some changes. You're not planted permanently in the ground like a tree. Don't say, "You would, if you could," start saying, "You will, because you can." When you become a part of anything it becomes a part of you. I started my own business recently and as much as I love my friends and family, they honestly have no clue about doing business online. What did I do? 1st - I got myself the best coach I could find. 2nd - I joined groups for entrepreneurs. 3rd - I got two awesome accountability partners. I created this environment to move me along faster to my success. You too can do this for anything your are building or creating in your life. How much you need a supportive environment is dependent on the strength of your focus and willpower. However, the most important and first step is to decide. You no longer need to be a captive of your environment with the Internet around, its easy to find a supportive environment. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 A Disturbing Tale Of Two Bicycles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:41

Can both sides of this story be right? There are many worrying details on each side of this story which gives us pause to examine the possibilities and choices in our own lives. Like two ships passing in the night, these two bicycles passed each other on the street. One side was representing youth and the other side the elderly. Does one have more opportunity than the other? Is one at the end and the other at the beginning? I take a look at the possibilities surrounding the story youth and the elderly.  There are insights in the power of a story and how having one can change your life. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia P.S. Here is the podcast about the young man's life that was changed because Dr. Paul Bragg gave him a new story.  CAUTION: This Is An Awesome Life Changing Story

 Bring Out The Violin My Laptop Died | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:29

I learned the biggest lesson the day my computer died. As much as the siren song of rage against the computer technician called to me. I was able to pull myself back from the brink and keep focused on the best outcome. This saga with my laptop... que the violin... has been ongoing for over 2 months. With a combined 12 hours on the phone with customer service. I value my time so its a no brainer when something is off with my laptop.... ... the desire to spend anymore of my time on the phone with customer service is drastically reduced as long as I can record and send my podcast out to you. Honestly... if only I could get a refund for the time spent on the phone with them. Don't we all wish that was possible. I got the blue screen of death one of the biggest days in my business... the launch of my first product. Its OK, there were no tears, no hysterical laughter or depression although a half bottle of champagne from the launch party, mysteriously did not survive... sadly. Why do this podcast today? I thought it would be great to share one of my real life experiences and the things I struggle with when it comes to living consciously and know that everything that happens is the part of a greater good. The other main message is of deep heartfelt appreciation as things could have definitely been worst. Are you able to find that place of appreciation when faced with challenges? I understand how difficult it may be and you will definitely find this message valuable. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia P.S. Please note not computer technician or customer service agent were hurt in the recording of this podcast :)

 Blueprint For Making Your Everyday Life Amazing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:18

Flatulent (gass-passing) cat and pink hair is not required to make your everyday routine life amazing. It just takes a different perspective to see how remarkable your ordinary life can truly be. Susan's book "Remarkably Ordinary: 20 Reflections on Living Intentionally Right Where You Are" can be described as a blueprint which reveals the shiny gems of wisdom held in your ordinary life. Its about finding the extra ordinary in the ordinary experiences that make up our daily lives. People all over the world are no different. We face the same things daily, rising gas prices, poor weather conditions or food with high calorie content that we love so much. For this reason you will find you can easily relate to Susan's Book. The message from the book is your life is more extraordinary than you realize. You have probably down played what's happening in your life due to a an underlying belief that you need golden spoons or bright lights.  You have far more to offer to the world through your experiences than you ever imagined due to the influence you wield in our own circles. You are an expert on your own life with unique things you can teach others. You might feel like you life is on autopilot and its difficult to live intentionally. Susan shares three tips on how to make an ordinary life extra ordinary. Living Intentionally Daily Self Assessment/Reflection What can do differently next time? What can I learn from this situation? How can I share what I have learned with someone else? One of the ways you can share what you have learned from your self assessment is to take a look at how Susan writes her life story in Remarkably Ordinary and follow her lead as a template.  You can even start off simpler by sharing it with your circle of friends. You tend to undervalue the events you have in your life. Just remember that where ever you are in life you are not alone. People are people, we share the same passions, dreams, insecurities and desires. Its the one commonality we have no matter where we are in the world. Its not one experience that makes us who we are, its a sequence of events. As difficult as it was for Susan to select 1 favorite story out of the 20, she did give additional insights on some of the stories. As I read the book there are a few stories which stood out for me. My fave chapters are 'Creating Happiness' which teaches a philosophy I live by daily. 'Paws and Guffaws' is about Susan's beloved cat and a must read if you want to find out why she hid her credit card from her cat. This chapter about Mocha held the most laugh out loud moments. I also loved 'Toilet Paper' which highlights the importance o of gratitude and appreciation for the little things. 'The Bouquet' really teaches there is more to people than meets the eyes. There are so many stories with wonderful messages peppered with several laugh out loud moments. Susan's book shows you a different perspective for life. "Remarkably Ordinary: 20 Reflections on Living Intentionally Right Where You Are" empowers you to live intentionally and gives you a new more fulfilling appreciation for life. Its hard for Susan as a former high school teacher to not give homework. However, this is the kind of homework that teaches you how to live more productively and intentionally within the next 24 hours.Living Intentionally Homework for impact and change within the next 24hrs. Look at what is happening to you today right now. Write down one good thing that is happening. Ask the question 'How can I help someone become better through my experience with this good?' Can I say this has worked well for me, can I recommend this to you? Write down one bad thing that is also happening. Ask the question 'How can I make this bad thing good?' Can I advise someone, can I warn them? Tell them not to do things this way. It was awesome to share this message from Susan with you on how to make your ordinary life extraordinary


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