The Alecia Lawrence Show |I Live To Inspire | What Is Motivation| Inspiring Words | Define Motivation show

The Alecia Lawrence Show |I Live To Inspire | What Is Motivation| Inspiring Words | Define Motivation

Summary: Alecia Lawrence is a speaker, trainer, seminar leader and Super Awesome Magic Creator from Many episodes focus on easy to implement techniques for achieving success, words of motivation and insights. Subscribe below for instant motivation to keep you living inspired to have your best life. Send your questions and feedback to Contact(at) or visit

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  • Artist: Alecia Lawrence
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2012 - 2014 Alecia Lawrence - Super Awesome Magic Creator


 Flip The Mind Switch And Turn Dream To Reality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:25

We have been looking a the power of the mind for the last few days and a few times the word visualization has been thrown around. This word visualization was made popular by the book The Secret. You might have tried the whole visualization thing and had no success. Before you completely write off visualization I would like you to remain open and check out this visualization experiment. Ingredients For The Visualization Experiment 1 - Australian Psychologist Alan Richardson 3 - Groups of basketball players tested on their ability to free throw Group 1 - Physically practiced their free throw everyday for 20 mins Group 2 - Visualized the free throw and no real practice was allowed Group 3 - Did not practice or visualize. The Results The group that did nothing which was group 3 showed no improvement. Group 2 who only visualized improved by 23% Group 1 who only practiced their free throws improved by 24% What have you got to say about those results? There was only a 1% difference between the group who only visualized and the ones who only practiced. What are the possibilities if they had a 4th group who did both the practice and visualized? Now I know some of you might be wondering how is that possible to see improvement with only visualizing. Do you want the scientific response or just my response? OK, I am going to give you both. The scientific response from a physiologist called Edmund Jacobsen revealed when a person consistently visualized a certain physical skill they develops muscle memory which helps the individual when they physically engage in activity. Ready for my response? Who cares how it works, just do it. End of story. I dug around to find more amazing stories of people using the power of their mind and found the story of Major James Nesbeth who was a prisoner of war for 7 years in North Vietnam. He was imprisoned in a cage that was approximately 4 1/2 feet high and 5 feet long. He saw no one and talked to no one for almost the entire time he was imprisoned. He credits visualization for keeping his mind active and also keeping his sanity. He would play a game of golf everyday in his mind on his favorite green, literally a full 18 hole game. During these games he saw the trees, smelt the freshly cut grass, heard birds signing. He even created different weather conditions to play in like windy days, hot summer days and overcast days. He narrowed in his thought and actually felt each and every step he would go through when playing golf. He did this seven days a week, for 4 hours each day for seven years playing a full 18 holes. Here is the crazy part of the story. When major Nesbeth was released, he found he had cut 20 strokes off his golfing average without having touched a golf club in 7 years. He used the power of his mind to transcend his physical situation. The man was in a 4 by 5 cage for seven years. What part of your life are you allowing to cage you in? How can you use the power of your mind to transcend your physical situation like Major Nesbeth? The key to visualization is to feel it like its real. Weak thinking begets weak results. Strengthen your thinking with visualization Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Keys To Industrial Strength Mind Power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:43

Wouldn't you like to know how to have Industrial Strength mind power so you too can push though any blocks and achieve your goals or targets with ease. Yep, that's something I would like to know too, so I went to the source and found Laura Bonilla. Laura shared in detail what she went though during her over 15 hour swim across the English Channel. Honestly, this woman has some industrial strength mind power and came out smiling on the other end. I have used her experience crossing to draw direct parallels to your own experience with going after a major goal. The similarities between her crossing the channel and going after your goal is must closer than you think plus you will definitely get some additional insights on you can have industrial strength mind power. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Lean And Mean No Excuses Mind Machine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:02

You can allow your mind to stop you from moving forward or, to encourage you to take the next step. Its all in the way you use your mind to your advantage. Its either you allow your self to may excuses for why the change your seek in your life can't happen or suck it up, make a choice and take action because, you have an abundance of possibilities at your disposal. Each possibility opens the door to millions more possibilities. LOOK AT THINGS AS THEY CAN BE Your range of available choices right now has no limits. The only limits you have are in your mind. You’ve got it in you to succeed. Just make up your mind and stick with it. You weren’t born with any limits on your powers or any set limits to your capacity. At any moment, you have more possibilities than you can act upon. Imagine your possibilities and your vision expands. Capture your dreams in your mind and your life becomes full. Reach out and touch the limits of your being in your mind. If you think you can, you can. The only limits you have are in your mind. If you think you can, you are right. If you think you can't, you are right as well. Allison Streeter world record holder for the most swims across the English channel thinks she can no matter if she is told its impossible. You can learn more about Allison here, Monster Sized Mind Power Secret While some people have completely removed the word impossible from their vocabulary, some choose to swicth it up and say 'I'm Possible' and yes, you are possible. For whatever you think you can't do, I have two words for you... 'Stop It'. You have imposed a limitation on yourself just by thinking you can't. No Arms, No Legs, No Excuse Lets take a look at Kyle Maynard. He is a young man born with stumps for arms and legs. A congenital amputees who climbed Mt Kilimanjaro. He also plays football and has 36 varsity wins as a wrestler. With the climb up Mt Kilimanjaro he wanted to demonstrate to people around the world that no obstacle is too great to be conquered with an active, no-barriers lifestyle and mindset. Maynard's goal is to help people overcome their perceived limitations. He rose above what others would perceive as a physical limitation and achieve an amazing feat. What's your excuse? Love Peace and BLiss Alecia

 Monster Sized Mind Power Secret | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:31

At times I wonder about the key to really tapping into mind power. What does it really take to move though those mental blocks? There is more to this than mental conditioning. I recently watched a YouTube video talking about Allison Streeter, a long distance open ocean swimmer. I was fascinated my her story and achievements which all stem from mind power. Allison Streeter is know as "The Queen Of The Channel" She has 43 solo crossings of the English channel, one triple crossing which means she swam from England to France to England and back to France. She also completed 3 double channel crossings. You might mistake this woman for a machine especially when you look at all the world records she hold. She holds the title of crossing the English channel more than anyone in history.Here is the formula behind her success of crossing the channel so many times. She says its 10% physical and 90% mental... that's a whole lotta mental power to cross the channel. She believes you can do more than you think you can and I agree. We all have the potential to exceed our wildest expectations. How does she really keep going? What is her focus? According to Allison, when she is in the water she focuses on the next arm stroke. Just like working towards your goal, you focus on the next thing to do to ensure continued success on your journey. She really loves taking up challenges especially when people say it can't be done. This attitude may be responsible for all her world records. Allison says "I have a really good ability to concentrate. In the channel, you can't think too far ahead or you get overwhelmed. I just take each hour as it comes." Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Your Personal Crystal Ball To See Future | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:43

Sometimes you wish you had your own crystal ball so you can see your future. Well, I have news for you... you already have a crystal ball of sorts which gives great clues of what you life will look like in the future. Your habits will determine your future. Habits aren't bad or good, they just are. They are  just like seeds which aren't good or bad... they are just seeds. When you plant a seed, you don't know if you are going to get a bush when you wanted a fruit tree. Unless you got the seeds from someone who has acres and acres of beautiful fruit trees, then you know you stand a good chance of getting the same. Its the same with habits. Are you habits of the variety which will lead to great achievement and success? I am sure you are saying, "OK Alecia. where can I find these so called success habits?" Good question, just identify someone who has achieved what you want to change in your life and find out what habits they credit for their success. Identifying the success habit is half the battle, the other half is taking action. How much more different would your life look if you added a new habit. If you wanted to write a book and you got into the habit of writing 300 words per day everyday no matter what. After just 10 months you would have 90,000 words and that's a pretty decent book. How would that make you feel, having a 90,000 word manuscript. I am sure that will make you feel pretty good. It boils down to one thing... success is the sum of small efforts. This is your journey and guess what? You are the one calling the shots. If you feel like someone else is calling the shots in your life, its because you allowed them to and there is nothing wrong with that as long as its something you want. There are certain habits that are more entrenched and are harder to change than others. It might not be easy to change these habits however, the results you will achieve are well worth the effort. Although resistance to change might be lurking in the shadows, just keep focused and take consistent action daily to develop the new habit which will help you live your best life. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Stuck Between Trouble And Problems | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:33

You may feel stuck between trouble and problems with all the difficulty you face in everyday life. However, every single difficulty has a hidden gem in the form of opportunity and its up to you to you to find the gem, to find the opportunity. I understand it can be a challenge at times however its worth the effort. IN THE MIDDLE OF DIFFICULTY LIES OPPORTUNITY You can not have success without dealing with problems. Look for your opportunity in every difficulty instead of being paralyzed at the thought of difficulty in every opportunity. Each new experience brings with it the seed of your success. Even your current difficulties have within them opportunity. Welcome your problems as opportunities. Each moment is your greatest challenge and the best thing that ever happened to you. The more difficult your problem, the greater the challenge in working it out. When it's dark enough, you can see the stars.   Welcome your problems as an opportunity. There is the chance to gain new insights, learn something new, change something or make improvements. With that kind of approach to your problems, your life has only one choice and that's to get better. As a matter of fact, go after your problems with enthusiasm. I remember working in the office, we had a Xerox printer we called Big Daddy. It was viewed as a major problem, with all the issues it had printing. I really enjoyed working out the problems with the printer. I would be on the phone with customer service trouble shooting. I knew the printer inside out. The only thing out of my scope was software issues and replacing parts. Once I had returned from vacation and for over 2 weeks prior to my arrival, I was told Big Daddy was out of commission. I smiled to myself because I knew people didn't take the opportunity to know Big Daddy any further than refilling the paper tray. Its the same deal with any difficulty you face. Have you looked at it from every angle to find the opportunity, to find its hidden gem? Its time to move from the paralysis one faces when presented with the difficulty one might encounter within an opportunity. You have the potential to rise above anything life throws your way and that's called resilience. Look at how hard it is to get rid of a weed and if the area is left unmaintained for a long period of time, the weed pops back up again. You have the same potential, just tap into it and use it to move you forward to your best life. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Like Rambo I Punched His Lights Out | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:45

I tend to power through like Rambo when faced with resistance. A take no prisoners approach to ensure consistent action taken towards success. I put my foot down and say this is happening regardless. Its time for resistance to stop tempting and distracting me from taking daily action towards my success Some of you may not be comfy with my approach. I am all for the peaceful amicable approach and called on a friend, Victoria Melchor for some additional insight. She is a soon to be an official NLP Practitioner who shared a 5 step, yep 5 step process on her blog  for handling resistance.  While I would really prefer to punch resistance in the face and I by no means am a violent person. Victoria suggests, its best to make friends with the negative voice. Today we are focused on that lying, no good, son of a gun called resistance.... Oh, I am suppose to be nice. Sorry resistance... my bad. We know resistance holds us back from taking action. Just like my experience I shared with you yesterday of the thoughts resistance threw at me to paralyze me from taking action. You can click here to check out Your Ticket To Roaring Flames Of Achievement Victoria's perspective is, the voice of resistance in its own warped, weird way is trying to protect us. Isn't anything that ties to protect us our friend. OMG, I just punched my friend in the face. I feel so bad... not really :)  Its like a love, hate relationship between myself and resistance. Victoria teaches us to address and transform our negative thoughts. Resistance is operating on old data, old experiences from the past. We need to update that part of our subconscious representing resistance. This is where the 5 steps Victoria shared on her blog comes in and you can check out the full blog here Parts Integration NLP Pattern Here is the parts integration NLP pattern Victoria shared on her blog.  Follow these 5 easy steps in order to forge a deal between that part of you that is subconsciously trying to protect you in its own way, and that part of you that is like “umm… excuse me, I ROCK!”. Start out by identifying the two conflicting thoughts: in this case, “I cannot accomplish” and “I accomplish”. You may want to address these thoughts from a detached and non-judgmental perspective. Take note of any feelings or additional thoughts that may come up.  Determine the desired positive outcome of each of the two conflicting thoughts: ask yourself “how is this thought protecting me?”  Have both thoughts “talk” to one another: if these thoughts were people, what would they talk about? Do they understand each other? Do they understand what kinds of setbacks their conflict is causing you?  Reach an agreement: continue the conversation by asking both thoughts what it would look like to cooperate with one another.  What is each thought willing to do to allow the other thought to serve the purpose of protecting you?  Thank yourself: be friendly to yourself, remember to be non-judgmental and kind. The 5 step process is an awesome way to bring the voice of resistance around on you side and if all else fails you can do what I do and punch his lights out Rambo Style :) Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Your Ticket To Roaring Flames Of Achievement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:42

There is a spark or possibility within each of us, when fanned turns into roaring flames of achievement. What are you doing with your spark? Are you allowing it to whither and die or are you fanning it with positive influences. There are many other factors to consider when fanning your inner spark. The first of which is trusting yourself. Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement. --Foster C. McClellan Do you trust yourself? Have you truly given yourself the chance to succeed? Most times we come up with this amazing insight or idea that will add value and change our lives. Then you end up shooting yourself in the foot before you even give yourself the opportunity to succeed. Its really about keeping our agreements and the most important agreement to be kept is the one you make with yourself. How many times have you made that agreement with yourself at the beginning of the new year with all those exciting new years resolution and not followed through? Some even throw in the towel the first week. Based on the statistics I found on ... 75% of people keep their resolution for the week, 71% for two weeks, 64% for 1 month, 46% past 6months. Of that 46% only 8% are successful in actually achieving their new years resolution. In other words, only 8% of people keep the agreement they made with themselves at the beginning of the year. Then you wonder why there so few people who are successful. There is a spark of possibility in each and everyone of us. Are you fanning the that spark by feeding it with positive influences while taking action towards your goals. Each and every person has the potential to be way more than you think you can be. Its all about the right environment like a seed will grow in the most fertile soil, so your spark will turn into roaring flames of achievement when surrounded by the most positive of influences. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 This Really Pushed My Buttons | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:57

There aren't many things I allow to push my buttons however with this is one I am allowing an exception. What are you allowing to push your buttons, to light your fire, to give you the drive to fight everyday for success? If you want success, then something has to be pushing your buttons. Is it the driving need to change your current situation? Is it the new shiny object your heart desires? Or, is it a better life for you and your family? The story below really highlights the whole concept of what you are allowing to push your buttons towards success. This is a story of two brothers. One was a drug addict and a drunker who frequently beat up his family. The other one was a very successful businessman who was respected in society and had a wonderful family. Some people wanted to find out why two brothers from the same parents, brought up in the same environment, could be so different. The first one was asked, "How come you do what you do? You are a drug addict, a drunk, and you beat your family. What motivates you?" He said, "My father." They asked, "What about your father?" The reply was, "My father was a drug addict, a drunk and he beat his family. What do you expect me to be? That is what I am." They went to the brother who was doing everything right and asked him the same question. "How come you are doing everything right? What is your source of motivation?" And guess what he said? "My father. When I was a little boy, I used to see my dad drunk and doing all the wrong things. I made up my mind that that is not what I wanted to be." This story has so many powerful messages and it shows anything can be used to push your buttons, to motivate you for success. Your background or your circumstances do not make you or define who you are. You have a choice and you always had a choice of where you want to be in life. If you want a different result in your life then, there is only one thing you can do and, that's changing yourself or your actions. Honestly, there is no escaping this one requirement of change. The only way to kick-start a change by making a choice. Say your car is old, run down and on its last legs. You are working hard to buy a new car. Which thought is pushing your buttons more towards success? Is it the inconvenience and distress of having an old card that's falling apart and, you need your car for work. If the car doesn't get you to where you are going you don't get paid for the day. Or, is the thought a hassle free new car where you are confident you will always make it to work and you aren't visiting the mechanic more than your favorite coffee shop. Both angles are valid forms of motivation. The key point is to take action and use as your driving force either what you are going through now or what you will have in the future when you achieve your goal. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 An Unusual Source For Riches | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:12

Everyone wants to know the latest source of riches and how to harness it into their pockets and bank accounts. What you may not realize is these riches are much closer than  you think. RICHES LIE WITHIN YOU Wealth without enjoyment is little consolation.  Your real riches in life are riches of the head and heart.  Satisfaction comes when you appreciate what you have. While success is getting what you want, true happiness is wanting what you get. It's not how much you have, but how much you enjoy that truly matters.  Riches lie within you, not in your material possessions. There is a difference between being happy where you are and accepting where you are. The driving force behind you going after your goals, your target or whatever you are creating is how you think you will feel when you get there. The truth is if you are not happy where you are right now, you aren't going to be much happier when you get there. Just by being happy you can increase your productivity by 30%. Check out my show on happiness, where I go into more detail about how to be happier in your life starting today. Click here to listen to 'This Could Be Killing Your Happiness'. You will also find out how to access one of my free programs on creating more happiness in your life. Life is about enjoying what truly matters and just being happier no matter your current situation gives you the advantage in achieving your goals because you will be more productive and the journey will definitely be more fun. Love Peace and Bliss Alecis

 Like A Bad Horror Flick You Looked Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:51

You might feel like your are stuck in a bad horror flick when you are separated from your cell phone for a period of time. There is that burning need to know what's going on, to have information at your finger tips. OK, its confession time, Are you shackled to your phone? You jump at every beep or buzz. You are distracted if you are not able to check the news or message the beep brings. I just recently saw a YouTube video called 'Look Up' which shares a very eye opening perspective on smart phones ans the information age. You can check out the video below. The video talks about having so many friends online and yet you still feel lonely. Its like you are slave to information. Being alone is not the problem when you are using your devices. Its about being productive and present like read a book, paint a picture or doing some exercise. Instead of being reserved and a recluse, you need to make the most of today by being awake, attentive and productive. There is emphasis in the video on you enjoying the special moments in life more when your face is not plastered in your phone. Its really about giving life attention. When you are too busy looking down, you don't see the chances you miss. You are encouraged to look up from your phone, shut down the display as we have a finite number of days on earth so live life today. When the end comes, you won't be in regret because all your attention was held by a little invention. Personally, I am not a big fan of phones. Probably I was traumatized because of my last job however, no amount of peer pressure can convince me to keep my cell phone one. Actually, anyone who is a true friend know exactly how to find me easily because I definitely not hiding. It funny the shock I see on people's faces when I say I don't turn on my cell phone and I don't know my cellphone number. Why do I have a cell phone... good question. Its just a big expensive mp3 player for my guided meditations and an awesome alarm clock. I have turned all my notifications off when I connect to WiFi especially since I too found myself being a slave to the beep. Yep... definitely had to nip the notifications in the bud. Have you ever disconnected from your devices like your phone, laptop and computer for a day or a week. I know some of you are having heart palpitations just at the mere thought. Let me hasten to say its not as bad as you think. Its one of the things Jack Canfield suggests when having a rest day to just lock off the phone and the computer. By doing so you have completely commuted to your relaxation. The world will keep turning when you disconnect and you will return refreshed and ready to take everything one. My coach actually did that for two weeks, to the family up into the mountains and left all their devices at home. Oh my, I know what you are thinking, what did they do during that time. Well they read books, made journal entries, had long heartfelt conversations and, played board games... all those things which have been around way longer than your oldest smart phone and people back then did just fine with those options for having a good time. Why can't you? Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Believing This Defies Common Sense | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:33

What do you believe? When focused on changing you life with a goal or target you may get caught up in what you want. Or, how badly you want this goal to be your new reality. I was in a similar spot when my facilitator asked me, 'What are you creating?'. My response was. 'I really want to build my own business successfully'. Then he followed up with another question which stopped me dead in my tracks.   Before we get into the question I would like you to hold in your mind something you are working towards and how much you want it to be your new reality... how much you want that change in your life. OK, Here is the question, 'Would you rather want it or have it?' Ammmm that's kinda like a no brainer, of course I would rather have it. The word 'want' refers to lack. Whatever you think you want, just replace the word with lack. Yep, it doesn't feel too good when you use the word lack. Its really important to claim your target, your goal to the world as complete. To some it may look like just semantics. OK, let me put it this way, your subconscious is not going to see the urgency of supporting you in achieving your goals or targets if you use words like want or waiting. Declare what you are creating as complete. Its not just about saying the words, its also about believing the words. Language is so important and when you believe it to the core, then your goal has no choice but to happen. Instead of saying 'I want', say 'I am creating' or 'I am building' or the mantra I am currently running right now, 'I am so excited to be living in Bali for the next 3 months.' See you in Bali  :-D Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Pack Up And Leave Frustration Behind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:40

Right this minute you may be experiencing some frustration at not gaining the momentum you want towards achieving your goals, your target or whatever you are creating. I have been through the same thing at various points in my life and wondered about a solution. Although the solution may not be something you naturally gravitate however, its something super successful people do. The bottom line is, if you want to above normal success in your life, you have to take an above normal approach. SUCCESSFUL ACTION IS CUMULATIVE IN RESULTS Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Many people take the first step and then stop. Yet, with every additional step you take, you enhance immensely the value of your first step. All masters of success are chiefly distinguished by their power of adding a second, a third, and perhaps a forth step in a continuous line. There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession is the rule of life. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly, endures. Do not despise the bottom rings in your ascent to greatness. This is a great reminder of success being a sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. The focus here is the consistency in taking action today's your goals... its doesn't speak of taking action when you feel like it, when the time is perfect, when the mood is right. The key to success is taking action day in and day out. Take a look at your goals, your target or whatever you are creating and ask the question, 'Am I taking action daily?'. Dan S. Kennedy is a best selling author multiple times and has a slew of books on the market. He credits his success to making the commitment to writing daily, regardless of what he has going on, regardless of whether he wanted to or not. He even wrote on the morning of his mother's funeral, not because he wanted to but because he knew if he could write on this day, he could write on any day. Richard Branson also says something similar as the key to his success. He does work when he doesn't feel like it. One of the hardest thing to do is to start. Once you have mastered starting whatever needs to be done especially if you don't feel like it, is to commit to doing this one task for ten min. When the 10 min is up... check in and see if you can do another 10 mins and continue this cycle and before you know it you may have done 4 hours or just 30 min. The key is you have taken action. The power behind taking action day in and day out is the compounded effect on your success from the cumulative sum of all you daily efforts. One of the things which may be holding you back from taking daily action is instant gratification. We live in a world where everything is geared towards instant gratification. Imagine how much stronger and longer lasting your gratification will be if you achieved your goal, that target. Achieving your target or goals puts you on a high  and gives you momentum to achieve more. Why give in to instant gratification which takes you away from taking daily action towards a goal which is not achieved will make you feel distressed? Successful people are willing to take several steps and not stopping until they have achieved their goals. Its like an endurance race.... persistence and consistency are rewarded with success. You are your biggest competition. What can you do today that will make you better than you were yesterday? There are simple things you can do towards taking action towards your goal daily such as reading a book related to the topic or researching information. This in itself helps to keep you informed and keeps your goal or target at the forefront of your mind. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 The Heroes And Villans Behind Cause And Effect | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:47

When you look at your life and all the less than positive results that pop up... What do you do? Do you go into 'Villan' mode complaining and blaming some else for you misfortune. What are your first thoughts? Do you make excuses like 'Its my bosses fault', or ' The candy hypnotized me, unwrapped itself and flew into my mouth and before I knew it, it was gone'. or the cat ate my homework'. I am sure you have pulled the cat or dog ate my homework line. Making excuses don't put you in a space of power or control over what happens in your life. You are in essence giving your power away. On the other hand, when you look at the less than positive results in your life... Are you reflective? Do you go into 'Hero' mode and ask the following questions? What could I have done differently? How could I have handled this better? What can I learn from that experience? A reflective thought patter puts you in a space of power, in a space of control over what happens in your life. More importantly, it puts you in a position to do things differently. Doing things differently is the key to getting different results. Its not going to be easy all the time however, it will be rewarding when you get the results you have been working so hard towards. Everything in life has opposites... Black/White, Up/Down, Left/Right. The same holds true for your life... Cause/Effect, Power/Weakness, Responsibility/Blaming. I like being on the side of being the cause of what happens in my life, to stand in my power and go after my goals or targets. I am willing to take responsibility for everything that happens to me, no matter how hard it may be. Which side are you on? Let me be clear this has nothing to do with aggression or being power hungry. This has to do with my life being the way I want it to be. Its about taking responsibility plus the change doesn't have to be dramatic. The change can be a series of small changes that all add up to the experience you want to have in life Love Peace and Bliss Alecia

 Get The Edge By Exploiting This One Thing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:33

The one thing that gives you the edge to success is knowledge. The challenge is retaining said knowledge. Using this one technique can put ahead of the pack by helping you keep more of what you have learned. Just like you, my time is precious and I am always using various techniques to absorb knowledge faster and thereby give me a better edge for success. This all came about from the following quote.. We Learn...10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, 50% of what we see and hear, 70% of what we discuss, 80% of what we experience, 95% of what we teach others. - William Glasser I would have love to see where writing fit into how we learn. We retain more when write by hand over typing. The key question is, 'What type of information are you exposing yourself to daily?' What are you reading, listening to, watching on TV, discussing or experiencing? What percentage of your learning is directly related to your goals? If you are not seeing the momentum you want towards your targets, your goals or whatever you are creating then you really need to take a look at the information you are surrounding yourself with. The difference between you and another successful person is they know something you don't know. That's the bottom-line... its all about knowledge. Its really worth your time to examine the type of information you are surrounding yourself with. I really went in-depth with a couple of techniques I use to put me on the cutting edge of acquiring knowledge strategically and with minimal effort. What you focus on expands and its almost like you need a one track mind to your goals especially with all the distractions around us... welcomed or un-welcomed distractions. One tool I use is my focus journal. I write my goals three times per day in my focus journal which reminds me constantly on what I am creating in my life and ingrains it in my subconscious. I was also recently introduced to an expanded version of my focus strategy which includes writing my goal as an affirmation with an end date. This technique is taught by Brian Tracy. Regardless of which technique you use, the most important this is you are focused. Love Peace and Bliss Alecia


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