Legion of Substitute Podcasters show

Legion of Substitute Podcasters

Summary: Join Darren, Travis, Michael Jim and Paul as They take you through Legion history!

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  • Artist: Legion of Substitute Podcasters
  • Copyright: Copyright © Legion of Substitute Podcasters 2022


 Episode 56 – The Devil’s Almost Dozen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:43:35

At last, the preeminent Legion villains make their debut. Darren, Matt, Scott and Paul dive into Adventure Comics #352, as we meet the Fatal Five! Validus sounds just like Solomon Grundy on the Super Friends as far as we’re concerned, so sit back and listen to the first part of their battle with “It”! Also discussed: Breaking news about Paul Levitz and his Adventure Comics Annual debut, and a detailed discussion of Superman: Secret Origin #2, from elsewhere in the timestream!

 Episode 55 – Trick or Treat – Top 5 Legion Costumes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:17:59

With Hallowe’en coming up, it’s perfect timing for the Legion to do battle with Evillo in Tartarus! Darren, Scott, Matt and Paul take a look at this story, and then continue the Hallowe’en celebration by looking at their Top 5 Legion Costumes. As if all of that wasn’t scary enough, listen closely for the appearance of a dead Legionnaire!

 Episode 54 – A Missterious Sirprize | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:00

What, so Quentin Tarantino is the only one who’s allowed to misspell a title? In this episode, Darren, Matt, Scott and Paul take a look at Adventure Comics #350, where we meet new Legionnaires Sir Prize and Miss Terious. We also get a new villain, Prince Evillo. Also discussed in this episode, Adventure Comics #3, and the Secret Origin of Paul’s dollar bin haul.

 Episode 53 – Daddy Issues | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:45:21

Paul, Darren, Matt and Scott discuss the first appearance of Universo, as they travel through time and space to see 5 Legionnaires meet terrible fates. What is Universo’s secret, and who is the young boy that helps the Legion? Also, listeners attempt to Stump The Subs and the guys answer some questions from the mailbag. All this and the 1966 Saturday Morning Cartoon lineup!

 Episode 52 – One Year Later | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:05:29

Happy Anniversary! The Subs celebrate a year of podcasting about the Legion! Listener feedback, Stump The Subs, the first appearance of Dr Regulus, and the guys dig in to discuss their top 5 Legion Villains. Who will be the biggest villain? Listen in to find out!

 Episode 51 – Flash of Genius: A Conversation with Francis Manapul | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:53:18

In this episode, Matt, Darren, Scott and Paul have a lengthy conversation with former Legion/current Adventure Comics/upcoming Flash artist Francis Manapul.  Francis talks about his career, his work on the Legion, working with different writing styles, how best to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse, and, yes, the meaning of life.

 Episode 50 – Shooting for the Stars with a Stumpstravaganza! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:37:37

Once upon a time a 13 year old comics fan drew his own comic books, and sent them to an editor. One day the editor bought his stories, and a legend was born. 43 years later, his dream was realized, as the Legion of Substitute Podcasters dedicated their 50th episode to that young boy, his first Legion story and the characters he created. A new era begins, as the guys talk about Jim Shooter, and Murray takes on Darren in a Stumpstravaganza!

 Episode 49 – 30th Century Caged Heat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:45:04

In this episode, Computo strikes again! Well, not in the story, but he does battle our intrepid subs as they make their way through The Super Stalag of Space and The Execution of Matter Eater Lad in Adventure Comics 344 and 345. Darren recaps the events of last week’s Dragon Con. Meanwhile, Paul battles something far more insidious… a crying baby! The guys also tackle the latest in Legion news including the new writer on the Legion: some guy named Levitz! Then, finally, their flickering foe defeated, they play a little Stump the Subs… OR DO THEY?!? Cue the scary music, and listen to the end of the Edmond Hamilton Era! Strap yourselves in and feel the cheese!

 Episode 48 – The Luck O’ The Legion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:41:03

In this episode, Matt, Darren, Scott and Paul review Adventure Comics 342 and 343. In these issues, Star Boy becomes the Legionnaire who killed, Color Kid gets a cameo, the Super Pets, complete with Comet the Super Horse, and newly anointed Super-LOLCat, Streaky. Then, we take a front row seat as Scott stays up WAY past his bedtime to introduce The Luck Lords. All this, the announcement of a new Stump The Subs contest, Darren’s planning and preparation for Dragon-Con and some Listener Feedback.

 Episode 47- Computo The Conqueror | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:45

In this episode, Darren, Matt, Scott and Paul discuss the two-part Computo story, Scott and Paul recount their Toronto Fan Expo adventures and take a look at the life of artist Curt Swan. Thrill to the woofer-eyes of Computo, laugh at Brainiac 5’s clever quips, and cry as Triplicate Girl becomes Duo Damsel. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, it’ll become a part of you, and you’ll love it more than Cats (the play, not your own cats, you should love them just fine on their own).

 Episode 46 – Menace of the Super Babies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:51:58

In this episode, Darren, Matt, Scott and Paul review Adventure Comics 338 and 339. The Legion battles the Time Trapper at last! After all this waiting, we learn that the Time Trapper was Snidely Whiplash in this timeline. We also meet Glorith, who will become a much more important character later on. Then it’s on to the Menace of Beast Boy, with more space animal escapes than you can poke a Durlan Poking Stick at. All this, and another attempt to Stump The Subs!

 Episode 45 – Back From The Future! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:48:21

Finally, the time bubble lands in the 20th Century, reuniting the Timelost Subs with their families and friends, just in time for Klordny Week. There are, however, subtle changes in the timeline. In this continuity, Paul now has a daughter, Darren has a new computer, Matt has a new case of Con Crud, and Scott is drinking beer instead of scotch! Despite all of these changes, the Subs discuss the Chicago Comicon, the Secret Origin of Fortress Lad, Adventure Comics #1, the art of Francis Manapul (and Agnes Garbowska!), The Weddings that Wrecked the Legion, from Adventure Comics #337, and where to find us on The Twitter! All this AND we officially welcome a new Legionnaire into the fold! Special Thanks to The Legion Wiki for the information on Klordny.

 Episode 44 – StarFINGerrrr | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:14:53

In this episode, Starfinger strikes! It’s a Legion 2-parter from Adventure Comics 336-337, in which the Legion meets a foe that is more than just a “third rate nuisance”. Starfinger strikes, and everyone is afraid very afraid! Also in this episode, the first installment of “Substitute Theatre” as the timelost Subs make their way home.

 Episode 43 – Proteans, Insects and Psychos, Oh My! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:41:14

In this episode, the Subs are lost in the timestream. It’s almost as though this episode were recorded prior to Legion of 3 Worlds, San Diego Comicon and the birth of Paul’s daughter. You’d think he’d remember something like that! The guys tackle the Unknown Legionnaire, from Adventure Comics #334, The Insect Queen, from Superboy #124, and then, just when you thought the episode was over, or at least Paul did, they give you The Sacrifice of Kid Psycho, from Superboy #125. All this and a Stump the Subs submitted by Glen Quagmire! Will he beat the timelost Subs? Listen in and find out!

 Episode 42: Life, The Universe, and Legion of Three Worlds #5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:14:47

It’s a full house as Darren, Matt, Scott and Paul are joined by Matthew Elmslie (Teenagers From The Future, and The Legion Abstract) and Pete Van Den Eng, to discuss Legion of 3 Worlds #5. It’s here, and Paul won’t be a dad for another couple of days. We take a look at all of the characters, dig into the easter eggs, and all the minutia, and speculate a little bit on what comes next.


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