The Strategic Living Podcast with Brian Holmes show

The Strategic Living Podcast with Brian Holmes

Summary: This podcast is designed to help you achieve personal healing, discover your strategic purpose, and lead with maximum impact. In it, Brian Holmes offers a mix of training, interviews, and other relevant content each week that will challenge you to grow your personal and leadership potential.

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 #252: Aaron Walker’s View From The Top | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It has been a long time since we've had my good friend, Aaron Walker, on the podcast, so we were thrilled to do another interview with him today! Aaron has an incredible heart, he is an incredible leader, and he shares incredible wisdom he has learned from his own life experience and from overcoming a devastating tragedy. Every time I talk with Aaron, I'm left feeling inspired, encouraged, and challenged. He is completely authentic and savvy, and yes - you can be both. I'm honored to share this conversation with Aaron with you today, and know you will have a better week for taking the time to listen.

 #251: Monday Mastery – The Push/Pull Effect | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to our video blog and Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader Podcast with Brian Holmes! Each Monday, we provide a video & podcast audio segment designed to encourage, motivate, challenge, and develop you as a leader and influencer. [youtube id="ugbhvlADUsg"] I'm sure you have mentors in life who are positioned in places, or who have accomplished objectives you aspire to. I'm also certain you have people who look up to you and want to go or do similar places and objectives as you have. The important thing to remember is not everyone is helping you get where you need to be. As others are pulling you in the direction you need to go, it is also your responsibility to push others and inspire them to reach their goals and dreams. Listen in for more on the push/pull effect. Watch the video or download and listen to our audio file as well. Join us every Monday for a new Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader podcast, and every Thursday for a new in-depth episode. SUBSCRIBE TODAY for our weekly updates, and share these videos with your friends and associates by using the social media buttons below.

 #250: Calling All Influencers! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I'm excited to share again what we've created for you - the emerging leaders, business owners, church leaders, solo-preneurs, artists, and ANYONE who desire to take their life, business, and leadership to the next level. We've launched our second season of the Strategic Influencers Mastermind group! Many of you are familiar with the concept and function of a mastermind group, though others of you may not be. I'm going to share the vision, concept, value, and practical functions of the mastermind. Today we'll answer: What is a mastermind group? Where did the idea come from? What does a mastermind do? How can it benefit you and your business? Why should every aspiring leader be a part of a mastermind program? And so much more Let's get right into discussing The Strategic Influencers Mastermind: Next Level Collaboration for Emerging Leaders.

 #249: Monday Mastery – Environment Really Matters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to our video blog and Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader Podcast with Brian Holmes! Each Monday, we provide a video & podcast audio segment designed to encourage, motivate, challenge, and develop you as a leader and influencer. [youtube id="GffcZqtGKSs"] We are absolutely affected by our environment and our surroundings. Not only relationships, but attitudes, events, culture - those things we're immersed in on a regular basis. If we are in a negative environment, we will eventually become worn down or negative ourselves. Tune in to hear how we can identify our environments and position ourselves in areas we need to be. Watch the video or download and listen to our audio file as well. Join us every Monday for a new Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader podcast, and every Thursday for a new in-depth episode. SUBSCRIBE TODAY for our weekly updates, and share these videos with your friends and associates by using the social media buttons below.

 #248: The Invaluable Investment of Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As leaders, we are compelled to serve others. We always pour personal investments into other people. That said, however, we must remember we cannot give what we do not have, and serving while on empty creates incredible challenges for us personally. Leadership burnout is a real problem! Whether you're the CEO, a pastor, or a solo-preneur, taking care of YOU is paramount to the success of your leadership calling. But how can you make sure your account stays full? Why should Me-Time and We-Time be a priority in your life? Today, we're talking about One of the Best Investments A Leader Can Make: 10 Reasons Why "Me" Time & "We" Time Are Vitally Important.

 #247: Monday Mastery – The Relationship Law of Averages | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to our video blog and Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader Podcast with Brian Holmes! Each Monday, we provide a video & podcast audio segment designed to encourage, motivate, challenge, and develop you as a leader and influencer. [youtube id="1PIejj80tec"] Jim Rohn says you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Another saying goes "a rising tide raises all ships." There is a law of averages according to our relationships! Quality, not quantity, in our connection and our relationships, is what spurs us on to our next levels in life. It is not only about who we spend time with, but what those people are thinking, doing, and practicing in their own lives. The same is true of us, and what we're able to contribute to the people we surround ourselves with. Watch the video or download and listen to our audio file as well. Join us every Monday for a new Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader podcast, and every Thursday for a new in-depth episode. SUBSCRIBE TODAY for our weekly updates, and share these videos with your friends and associates by using the social media buttons below.

 #246: When Victory Is The Only Option | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We are creatures of comfort, craving the familiar and "normal". We unconsciously defend - even rationalize - our positions and attitudes as a way of avoiding exposure or risk. Most times, however, you have to leave safety and security behind and risk everything to commit your life and future to your unknown destiny.

 #245: Monday Mastery – The Investment Mindset | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to our video blog and Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader Podcast with Brian Holmes! Each Monday, we provide a video & podcast audio segment designed to encourage, motivate, challenge, and develop you as a leader and influencer. [youtube id="56jGYMFXmjw"] Most people consider the "cost", and everything they encounter is a consumable. What would happen if we shifted our mindset to an investment rather than a cost, and began to reap the returns from what we're investing in? This is a critical and crucial shift in how we view how we can improve our influence and impact. Listen in and see if you agree. Watch the video or download and listen to our audio file as well. Join us every Monday for a new Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader podcast, and every Thursday for a new in-depth episode. SUBSCRIBE TODAY for our weekly updates, and share these videos with your friends and associates by using the social media buttons below.

 #244: 7 Tough-Love Truths About Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It's been said one is lucky (and even blessed) if in their lifetime they have a handful of true friends. As you and I grow in life, and pursue the things the Father has for us, we will find not everyone is willing to go where you are going. I want to share with you a little more about my journey the last few years, and how along the way, it has been necessary to evaluate relationships, and make adjustments in order to continue our progress. In this episode I'll revisit 7 Tough-Love Truths About Relationships.

 #243: Monday Mastery – Dominate Your Day (in TWO Hours!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to our video blog and Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader Podcast with Brian Holmes! Each Monday, we provide a video & podcast audio segment designed to encourage, motivate, challenge, and develop you as a leader and influencer. [youtube id="XYQsCuShfLg"] Most people I know rush through their mornings and spend the rest of their day trying to catch up, or find themselves having spent their whole day feeling behind. If you put this simple play into practice, however, you can change your whole WEEK (month, year...) simply by tweaking your morning. Listen in today as we talk about how to dominate your ENTIRE day, in two hours time! Watch the video or download and listen to our audio file as well. Join us every Monday for a new Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader podcast, and every Thursday for a new in-depth episode. SUBSCRIBE TODAY for our weekly updates, and share these videos with your friends and associates by using the social media buttons below.

 #242: Reading Between The Lines Of Leadership | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

You’ve heard it said many times, “Readers are leaders” This is absolutely true, however, leading is about more than just filling your head with a lot of stuff; it is about learning, and most importantly, implementing what you learn. My guest today exemplifies what this looks like in every way! Jeff and I met earlier this year at a Ray Edwards event, and became fast friends. He is a wonderful leader, and has a beautiful heart. Most notably, he is making a HUGE impact in our world. I am incredibly excited to revisit his interview on the program. Let’s go right now to my exclusive interview with Jeff Brown.

 #241: Monday Mastery – The Double Minded Dilemma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to our video blog and Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader Podcast with Brian Holmes! Each Monday, we provide a video & podcast audio segment designed to encourage, motivate, challenge, and develop you as a leader and influencer. [youtube id="Q3dUSOSDRbg"] When we see what we want or even need to do, sometimes our head says yes but it is disconnected from our heart and we're not sure we can do what we really want or need. Doubt leads to hesitation. Hesitation leads to failure. Failure creates shame and condemnation. Simply said, double mindedness leads to failure and shame! Let's switch this around to thinking clearly and propelling us to success. Watch the video or download and listen to our audio file as well. Join us every Monday for a new Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader podcast, and every Thursday for a new in-depth episode. SUBSCRIBE TODAY for our weekly updates, and share these videos with your friends and associates by using the social media buttons below.

 #240: Breaking Free From The Addiction Of Approval | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hi. My name is Brian Holmes, and I am a recovering people pleaser. Before you get your feathers ruffled, I'm willing to bet you're one, too! Why do so many of us struggle with pleasing others and gaining their approval? What motivates us to say yes when we know we shouldn't? Is it possible to break free from people-pleasing and performance-based approval? In this episode, we'll revisit an issue that seemed to resonate with so many of you and answer these questions and more as we talk about The Plague of People Pleasing and How You Can Break Free.

 #239: Monday Mastery – Deflection = Defeat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to our video blog and Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader Podcast with Brian Holmes! Each Monday, we provide a video & podcast audio segment designed to encourage, motivate, challenge, and develop you as a leader and influencer. [youtube id="NOasPw2GtVg"] Have you ever known anyone who, no matter what seems to happen, they always blame someone else? The art of deflection is quite destructive. Take ownership, accountability, and responsibility rather than deflecting those as excuses. When you own it, you can really go places. Watch the video or download and listen to our audio file as well. Join us every Monday for a new Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader podcast, and every Thursday for a new in-depth episode. SUBSCRIBE TODAY for our weekly updates, and share these videos with your friends and associates by using the social media buttons below.

 #238: Rest – Is It Risk Or Reward? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Tired eyes rarely see a good future, and a tired mind rarely makes good decisions." ~ Mike Murdock One of the most damning traits of the western culture is an obsession with being busy. There is a false supposition many have bought into: if you are not busy doing something, you are not valuable. In the US, a staggering percentage of people experience depression, hypertension, disease, and so many other challenges, and so much of this is tied to stress, anxiety, and lack of REST. This episode, I want to talk to you about real rest: living from a place of stillness and quiet, even in the midst of chaos. I want to talk to you about being intentional with your life (living strategically), and re-centering in the rest that God has provided us. Today, let's discuss Practicing the Principle of Rest.


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