#251: Monday Mastery – The Push/Pull Effect

The Strategic Living Podcast with Brian Holmes show

Summary: Welcome to our video blog and Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader Podcast with Brian Holmes! Each Monday, we provide a video &amp; podcast audio segment designed to encourage, motivate, challenge, and develop you as a leader and influencer.<br> [youtube id="ugbhvlADUsg"]<br> I'm sure you have mentors in life who are positioned in places, or who have accomplished objectives you aspire to. I'm also certain you have people who look up to you and want to go or do similar places and objectives as you have. The important thing to remember is not everyone is helping you get where you need to be. As others are pulling you in the direction you need to go, it is also your responsibility to push others and inspire them to reach their goals and dreams. Listen in for more on the push/pull effect.<br> Watch the video or download and listen to our audio file as well. Join us every Monday for a new Monday Mastery Edition of our Strategic Leader podcast, and every Thursday for a new in-depth episode.<br> SUBSCRIBE TODAY for our weekly updates, and share these videos with your friends and associates by using the social media buttons below.