#238: Rest – Is It Risk Or Reward?

The Strategic Living Podcast with Brian Holmes show

Summary: Tired eyes rarely see a good future, and a tired mind rarely makes good decisions." ~ Mike Murdock<br> <br> One of the most damning traits of the western culture is an obsession with being busy. There is a false supposition many have bought into: if you are not busy doing something, you are not valuable.<br> In the US, a staggering percentage of people experience depression, hypertension, disease, and so many other challenges, and so much of this is tied to stress, anxiety, and lack of REST.<br> This episode, I want to talk to you about real rest: living from a place of stillness and quiet, even in the midst of chaos. I want to talk to you about being intentional with your life (living strategically), and re-centering in the rest that God has provided us. Today, let's discuss Practicing the Principle of Rest.