Blog - Joseph Clough show

Blog - Joseph Clough

Summary: Free Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy and Self Development Podcast by #1 Bestselling Author Joseph Clough. (Over 50 hours of free audio, downloaded over 2,000,000 times to date and gets 100,000 downloads a month) I will teach you to master your life and have no excuses. This is only for genuine people who are committed to living a life of passion and success. It’s time to crush it, hit it hard, take control and live life with freedom for the perfect mind/body health. I will give you free tips, knowledge, wisdom,, information and processes to change your life no matter what problem or obstacle you may have through his Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy/NLP/Coaching


 Free 8 hour Confidence Programme | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:29

Quick podcast on how you can get your hands on my free 8 hour Complete Confidence programme. I just know if you follow through with each lesson you will see your Confidence grow to new levels that you have always wanted. Whether you suffer from Low Self Esteem, Anxiety, Depression or in fact any issue this program will help you realise the power of you. In this first lesson we go over the first initial yet vital foundations of understanding how your mind works that sets us for the success throughout the programme. Discover the secrets of success in your very own mind. Important: This programme is completely free, no sign up needed, with many many hours in the planning, recording, editing and hosting. If you could do just one thing for me it would be to share this using Twitter and Facebook and also comment on what you have learnt so others can take your learnings. Life is about sharing knowledge for a greater happiness in the world, so please share. Joseph :)

 Happiness Coaching/Hypnosis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:48

Thats right in this blog I have recorded a Happiness Free Coaching and also Hypnotherapy/Hypnosis Session MP3. It covers my last blog on Happiness where I go into that Happiness is not something we need to acquire but instead its something we become. That its always there within you. In this podcast which is also available on iTunes here - I give you the insight and practical advice needed to be happy and then guide you into a trance to tap into the inner resources of you, combined with learnings so that you can be happy in this moment. I also add becoming more confident and developing a higher self esteem being good enough and worthy - why? Because you are amazing, I believe in you and its time for you to know that too. Let me know what you think by 'liking' and commenting below! Many thanks Joseph

 Something I have never told anyone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:09

I want to be honest with you. I wanted to take a moment out to give you a little bit of insight of a thought/feelings - are you ready?

 Live Meaningfully Being Free | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:30

Hi Guys, Just recorded a MP3 for you covering quite a few things to kick of 2012 with a bang! I speak about the following: * An exciting announcement * How to free yourself from feeling down or depressed * We are only kept in cages we cannot see * The Art Of Kindness * Living a meaningful life, a change of perspective from goals to living meaningfully Enjoy, please 'like' and leave me a comment on my blog! With love, Joseph

 Inspirational Hypnosis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:45

Joseph Clough Quotes in his powerful Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy mp3 containing his Thoughts, Ideas, Aspirations In Health, Relationships, Career, Success, Happiness, Peace and Love for you here.

 Giving Thanks & Gratitude | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:34

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Despite being an American holiday, the holiday itself can allow us anywhere in the world to look within us to give thanks internally and externally, for the past, the now and the future, for the material to the non material. In this free gift (to say thank you for being a part of my life) I take you on a process of thanks, gratitude that leads us on to how to find more happiness and contentment for the things we have and the things we are about to receive by sending the signal to the unconscious mind and beyond. Want to do something cool? Go to my blog and write a comment below and tell me and the world what you give thanks for as it might allow someone else reading your comment to realise what else they can be thankful for! :) Spread the thanks you wonderful people Joseph

 Changing Your State | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:17

Learn how you can change the way you feel instantly in this free coaching podcast. I guide you through a process of how you can change anxiety, fear, worry, depression, or any negative feeling straight away in this powerful process. But thats not just it, as I also show you how you can increase and expand good feelings so you can really allow your experience of life to be one of happiness, confidence, peace and so much more. Its all your to learn and its all free.

 Changing You & Others | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:41

Hello from Boston, MA, USA! I'm presently on a holiday/vacation over hear, but wanted to record you a free gift to help you and others make powerful changes. The audio quality is not as high as usual, but still good, however the main thing is the message I speak of. I believe its fundamental in make changes in yourself and others. To realise what you are and what you are not. Some may say its a little 'woo woo laa laa' but its my truth and I believe applying this philosophy into your life you will see so many changes on the inner and outer world of you.

 Happiness & Confidence Hypnosis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:25

Joseph here, I have the most wonderful free hypnosis hypnotherapy mp3 download gift to give you. Its very special because it was created by you, your chosen positive affirmations and positive statements (get on the next one by joining me on facebook and twitter). We cover so many things for example: Getting you to consciously and unconsciously to realise, Yourself worth A deep confidence Living in the moment Happiness Letting go of the past Learning Getting the power of focus Gratutude for life Being free to be you Getting the perfect health Being whole, content, empowered Being the best you Worthy amazing relationships and following your true self when making decision Being authentic Love more at every opportunity That Life is a journey to be embraced and enjoyed relax and be at peace. Self belief, Positive thinking To live life with passion Release the unconscious creative genius And much much more! With love, Joseph

 Facing What I Feared Most | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:50

Joseph here, I once had anxiety, naturally i did not like it. I would do anything to get away from it, but it kept rearing its ugly head in my life. No matter what I did to exscape it or replace it with other thoughts, it caused me to feel conflicted. Why? Well the more I tried to build up barriers of protection from it, I became separate from it, but when it came, it came quicker and faster and then would loose myself in it. So on the one hand I lived this escapist mindset building barriers and on the other hand the anxiety remained bubbling and building up ready to consume me when I least wanted it. It was like it was always there, that the outside confidence was built on an anxious ground. One day I pondered that this was not right. Maybe there was something deeper for me to learn. So here is what I got…are you ready? I battled this anxiety. I built walls against this anxiety. But what was this anxiety? Well it was me. What a weird idea. I was battling and conflicting with my self, I was hating it, therefore hating my own behaviour. So if it was me, and I was building divides between me and my behaviour which was me. Would I ever get the solution by masking or developing escapist alternative behaviours? No, maybe short term safety by escaping but it was still there. Also whatever we resist grows stronger. So I decided for a moment to face it, to become the anxiety, to put my full attention on it, to allow it to move or grow but to stay with it no matter what. It was daunting, it was scary as it was about doing everything I tried not to do for many years. I had been running from it but now I intended to face it… so I did. I put my full attention on it. I went where it went, I became aware of how it moved, how it vibrated, how it looked in my mind, the colours, the sounds, the movements, everything, but I became it, I sat inside that feeling, minutes went by, it was not pleasant, but it was also a curious moment understanding its form within me, knowing I was actually it, that somehow someway I was producing it. I began to consider learning from it, by simply asking what do I need to learn that will allow me to be safer and happier. I remained within it, I became it, I learned more and more and then….. something curious did really happen, I felt an integration happening, the realisation I was it, that it was not safe for me, that there were other ways. I felt a subtle shift happen, that the barriers were breaking, the separateness became wholeness. I felt the feeling of becoming one and the anxiety began to disappear and a deep sense of peace occurred within me and grow around me, even beyond me. My greatest fear was one I had to battle it and never ever surrender to it. But when I let go, became it, studied it, learnt it, became one with it the anxiety disappeared. Did it ever come back? Sure, but as soon as i put my attention onto it it would go, and become one once again in that sense of peace. And in time it would go quicker and faster, had the spaces between it became further and in no time it went. So I say, become one with yourself and you will not feel conflict. Be one. Joseph

 My Truth - Joseph | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:06

Just a quick note, a few thoughts. If i could say only a few things this would be it. I remember when I was sad, unconfident, and not good enough, it took me a long time to know the truth. So what is the truth. Well I can only ever tell you my truth, it may sound a little bit ‘woo woo laa laa’, but it is my truth and all i ask you is to be open, that is all I would ever ask of you. So here it goes, I know without any doubt or worry that you are here to realise your power. I have no doubt that any obstacles or problems you are going through are ones that allow you to grow and develop to a place of being. Bare with me for a moment. All self doubt is an illusion, for that matter, as I speak to you, the deeper part of you, I want you to know that everything is an illusion but one thing. i will get to that soon. You see, we go through ‘stuff’, for some its absolute horror and trauma, for others its the general things we go through that conflicts us in regard to our wants, needs and our ideals. At the end of the day ‘things’ happen, life will throw obstacles at us thick and fast, but its not what comes to us that is the issue, its how we respond to them. When life throws us the trauma it can allow you to know who you are. It causes us to dig deep within us, to look within to the deepest part of who we are. It will enable us to go to places that we have never been. Here is the counter intuitive part, I am so happy and grateful to have had my own issues, I am grateful to of blushed chronically, to feel unworthy and not good enough. Why? Because first of all I would not be who I am or achieved my aspirations or know what is like to truly live. But more importantly beyond all of that and the path I have taken, it has allowed me, to realise this has given me the opportunity to find who I am. It made me look within the inner world of me to understand my outer reality. That all I think of me is a thought I have created. let me say it again…listen to this. That all I think of me is a thought I have created, I have created. I wasn’t made be a bit part player, to be a product of my environment. I was here to shine, as are you. I am here to grow, as are you. My thoughts are my creation, no one else’s. The way I chose to act, to think or behave was a choice that I can undo. Listen up, hear me. everything is a choice, we chose everything. When I put my attention to the inner world of me I change the outer reality of me and the results I get, let alone those around me. This is an opportunity to give up our excuses and limitations, this is our time to say ‘this is my life, I am the creator, the instigator, the person who makes things happen‘. You are not limited, that maybe our greatest fear that we are limited, but it is an illusion, the truth is you are unlimited, you are powerful, you are god damn amazing in fact everyday that when i see you, i think of you (I am talking directly to you here), I know you are beautiful beyond all being. This is our moment, this your moment. This is life. Right now is this the time to be aware of your power , the infinite power of you, Now is the time to decide what you stand for, what you believe in, to believe in yourself, to know that all is well, that there is a deep presence of peace and happiness within you. If you only realise this from my words remember this. We are one, we are love and everything is an illusion as you are love now and forever more. I love you, so love yourself as I do, as that is what you are. With love, Joseph

 Grief Hypnosis Session | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:57

I have a really wonderful free hypnosis coaching gift to share with you. I asked the other day if you would like a Hypnosis and Coaching gift on resolving grief. The response I have had from my Facebook page was immense, so it had to be created and given away to you for free. Before you listen, lets talk about this first. On the free download I go into why we experience grief and why we keep hold of it when we are consciously ready to move on. This process is great for anyone who has: Lost someone and want to develop a better relationship/connection Anyone has experiences a sense of loss, grief, heaviness, sadness, lost and in general to much negative thoughts or feelings Also it doesn't have to be about a person, it can be if you have lost a job, a business, a pet, a material thing. You will develop new beliefs, resources, behaviours and really connect with the real you, the powerful resourceful you. You will preserve enlightening unconscious, even conscious learning's to help you now and in the future. All of this means that you will not feel that loss as you will be fulfilled with the true resourcefulness of the wonderful you. Please got to my blog on ‘Like’ and absolutely share this with everyone you know, so you can help people enrich their life and reaching and being the true happiness and peace we deserve. With love, as always, Joseph

 Misplaced Faith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:46

Hi Guys, In this free Coaching MP3 download I go into the curious subjects of misplaced faith, beliefs, and your identity, I explain: The importance of becoming conscious How to change limiting beliefs yourself The identity model that points you into the right direction of where to change and why many people do not because they focus on trying to change the wrong thing. Your friend, Joseph

 One Reason To Never Give Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:52

For every reason or excuse to not go for your dreams there is one simple reason as to why you should go for them. We all have dreams, goals and desires in life. For some it’s to be rich, to be loved, to be famous, to run their own business or retire at 30 years old. Whatever the dream is we all have one. Many people have these thoughts when thinking about their dreams. “I’m not capable of achieving the dream” “It will be too hard” “What if I fail?” “What if I get it...then what”? “I’ve tried before, and I don’t want to go through that” And quite frankly there’s many more. It can be that our partner, family and friends think we are crazy to go for the big dream. And sometimes it’s because we feel indebted or committed to someone else that we daren’t go for the dream. These are my thoughts though. The doubts and thoughts are something we need to be conscious of. Thought “I’m not capable of achieving the dream” Truth: Yes you are, you have survived up to know, you are intelligent and capable. Do not buy into your own illusionary thoughts, as it is simply an illusion. Thought “it will be too hard?” Truth: Yes most probably, why is that a problem? Most children today want to be a reality star without the hard work. The most successful people have failed more than once and they decided not to see it as a failure just a learning. If it was easy to be honest you would not probably go for the dream. No one likes it to be easy, we like challenges. So yes it could be hard, but it’s a challenge were you reap the biggest rewards of your life. Thought “What if I fail?” Truth: This thought on failure is simply a protection mechanism to keep you from getting hurt. But these thoughts keep us in the comfort zone and you know what? The comfort zone is the most static, unhealthy and lost place you can be. Acknowledge the thought and then ask the question. What would happen if I succeeded? And then focus on that. There is no failure just feedback to evolve and grow to be the real you Thought “What if I get it...then what?” Truth: Sometimes we like the idea of the unattainable dream, the struggle, the excuse or ‘poor me’ attitude. But playing small does not serve you or anyone else. The truth is there always more to learn, to experience and gain. When one dream is completed another one is created all geared up to being the best you can be. Also remember that everything we achieve comes with some potential negatives. The fame hungry people get little or no privacy. The millionaire acquires a hundred new ‘friends’ wanting a piece of him or her. Be aware of these potentials, acknowledge them and then embrace them. Thought “I’ve tried before, and I don’t want to go through that” Truth. Once again a safety mechnicsm to help you from feeling failure. But the real question is, wouldn’t it be more of a failure giving up on you and your dream and never trying? And when it comes down to what our partner, family and friends think should not concern you. Sounds strange but read on. They are simply coming from their own model of the world which has been formed from what they have been taught to believe in through people and experience. They are making clouded judgements through their own limiting thoughts. Appreciate their good intentions and allow your inner voice to be far louder than the external world’s voice. Show them who you are. When you become the real you and you strive you give them permission to do the same and you actually help them in getting clarity on what is possible which is anything is possible. For every reason or excuse to not go for your dreams there is one simple reason as to why you should go for them. You are worth it. With Love, Joseph Clough

 3 Simple Rules For Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:17

Three simples rules for in life Free Coaching MP3 Download By Joseph Clough 1) I you do not go after what you want, you’ll never have it. 2) If you do not ask the answer will always be no. 3) If you do not step forward, you’ll always be in the same place So.... 1) Go for what you want in life; make a clear plan (if not take time out of life to get clear on what you want. The focus on what you want the positive, take inspired action/ 2) Ask, you can always ask, the more you ask for help, advice, and support the more likely you will get it. I try my best to do what I can with the time I have to help, ask anyone who can help you. It’s commonly thought that asking is a negative thing, because it A) you may feel needy or your pride may hurt. B) The person we believe will not have the time. The truth though is that people want to be need or liked and they enjoy helping others. Its a simple truth. Be thankful verbally if they have time to help you, that’s your payment to them and that can be more than money. 3) Its all about moving forward. Never stand still, they say if you are not growing you are dying. Push yourself to learn more, to better yourself to grow. This is your life, your reality and you deserve the best, but only you can give yourself permission to step forward and live it. Martin Luther King once said ‘ you may not see the whole staircase, you just have to take the first step' Let me know what you think!


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