100 Not Out show

100 Not Out

Summary: Want to know what the secret is to aging well? To live with quantity AND quality of life? To live independently, with vitality, vigour, energy, enthusiasm and complete love for your life? Well, there are hundreds of “secrets”, you can have both quantity and quality, and on 100 Not Out Dr Damian Kristof and wellness coach Marcus Pearce interview the people that are living their lives with all of the above. What makes two guys under 45 so passionate about longevity? Well the answer is because we both see the self-esteem of the aging process at an all-time low. People don’t want to grow old like their parents, people are doing whatever they can to stay “forever young”, people are hoping their genes will get them through, and denying their bodies and themselves the opportunity to transform through each phase of life. So no matter what your age now, come on a journey with us to being 100 Not Out. Learn the scientific AND anecdotal principles of longevity, so that, with confidence you can

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 100NO 204: Damo Embarrasses Marcus & Lessons From Fasting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:40

Damo does the unthinkable and brings up an off-air conversation with Marcus whilst ON-air. In short, Damo stitches up Marcus on this episode. Marcus shares details of his water-fast that were previously for private conversations only, and the two also discuss the benefits of apple cider vinegar, salt flushes vs enemas, parasites, fungal infections, digestive Listen In

 100NO 203: [Funny] Water Fasting, Enemas & Salt Flushes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:45

This podcast is very “intimate” and so if you don’t want to know gory details then this may NOT be the episode for you! OK, so warning over. Marcus recently completed a 5-day water fast (for reasons he shares in the episode) and also added in some enemas and a salt flush. If you haven’t Listen In

 100NO 202: The Incredibly Transformational 40/60 Rule | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:57

This is a remarkable life philosophy! Thanks to Damian’s friend Dr Simon Kelly for living it! Damo shares the story of a phone conversation he was having with his good friend Simon. 24 hours later Simon was on a plane to spend quality time with his good mate Damian. Why? The answer lies in the 40/60 Listen In

 100NO 201: Celebrating life or commiserating death? The tricky bind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:57

Damian has recently farewelled his step mum, Dawn, who passed away following a short battle with cancer. In this episode Damian shares some of his emotions and observations, particularly around whether one’s passing is an opportunity to celebrate life or to commiserate death (or both?). A very honest, open and vulnerable episode of 100 Not Listen In

 100NO 200: Our most powerful mentors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:30

100 Not Out turns 200 Not Out! On this very special episode we reveal our greatest mentors in life – and the answers may surprise you. There is no denying the influence of mentors in our life – both empowering and disempowering. Anyone who has had a troubled upbringing via disempowered parents can attest to the struggle Listen In

 100NO 199: Longevity Wisdom & Retire On Fire with Shona Olykan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:29

Shona Olykan was the most senior member of the 2016 100 Not Out Longevity Retreat to Ikaria. At the ripe young age of 76, Shona was a great source of insight AND entertainment. Months on from the retreat we’re busting to know what impact the Ikaria experience has had on this septuagenarian angel from New Listen In

 100NO 198: From Extreme To Balance With Hillary King-Sullivan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:23

This is an inspiring story about someone who, liked thousands of others in the health and wellness world, thought that her “extreme” behaviour was a “balanced life”. Can you relate to this? For Hillary King-Sullivan, attending the 100 Not Out Longevity Retreat to Ikaria was the turning point. She described the event not as a Listen In

 100NO 197: Bette Green: 92 & Flying | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:56

Bette Green is not your average 92 year old. A remarkable woman who has made the headlines for her active exercise habit – you can read more on that here – but what you’ll find in this interview is that Bette is an incredible example of living the 100 Not Out Lifestyle. She has grieved Listen In

 100NO 196: China’s Hottest Grandpa Challenges Our Thoughts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The incredible story of Wang Deshun (aka China’s Hottest Grandpa) was the tipping point of inspiration for Marcus to do an about-face and jump in the ocean with Damian, Don Riddington and a group of 100 Not Out Lifestyle Event attendees. Wang Deshun is not unlike many of the 100 Not Out legends we have Listen In

 100NO 195: 2017 Predictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:54

The annual fortune telling episode of 100 Not Out is here! Since 2014 we have accurately identified the nature of the universe and all its deviations to within a nanosecond! Hehe, OK seriously. There are always trends developing whilst others are on the decline, particularly when it comes to food, movement and personal growth. We Listen In

 100NO 194: Christmas Stress Tips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:54

It’s easy to fall in a heap at Christmas time. Family stress, financial stress, logistical stress, year-end functions and social gatherings, and so on. On this episode of 100 Not Out we work through some of the more challenging parts of Christmas (dealing with grief, sickness, etc) and provide some insights as to how to navigate Listen In

 100NO 193: One Year No Beer With Andy Ramage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:11

Our guest on this edition of 100 Not Out is a fascinating human being. Andy Ramage is a former professional athlete turned oil broker who decided to go one year without beer – and it has stuck. Andy is also a master practitioner of NLP, a mindfulness based awareness coach and is currently studying for Listen In

 100NO 192: Blue Zones to Green Zones with Carina Aaltonen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:48

During our time in Ikaria we were fortunate to meet Carina Aaltonen. Carina has been a Member of Parliament in Aaland (near Finland) since 2003 and is on a mission to create one of the healthiest and fulfilled communities in the world. Carina travelled to Ikaria to observe just how they had not only created Listen In

 100NO 191: Weight Loss Christmas Style | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:54

Weight loss. Is it ever OFF the agenda? It’s a constant source of desire, stress, self-esteem sapping energy for many, and most, if not all of us have changed our diet or lifestyle to shed a kilo or two over our lifetime. On this episode of 100 Not Out we explore how to approach weight Listen In

 100NO 190: Probiotics Confusion To Clarity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:56

Prebiotics, Probiotics, Antibiotics, Synbiotics & Symbiosis … does it ever end? And we haven’t even mentioned the mother of them all, the microbiome! In this episode of 100 Not Out we track the ever-confusing progression of probiotics. Whilst most people on the wellness path recognise that probiotics are important for every single one of us, Listen In


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