Writing and Publishing Radio Show show

Writing and Publishing Radio Show

Summary: Are you interested in writing and publishing? You are invited to join your host, Felice Gerwitz, an author, publisher (Media Angels, Inc) and an author-consultant. Felice is the creator of the Information in a Nutshell (TM) series which includes the book she authored: Writing and Publishing ; and is publisher of "Business Tips and Taxes for Writers" by Carol Topp, CPA. This broadcast airs every Monday afternoon at 12 noon ET. Join Felice and her guests as they explore the exciting world of writing and publishing. The show offers information and advice as you work closer to becoming a published author.

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  • Artist: FeliceGerwitz
  • Copyright: 2008 BlogTalkRadio.com. All Rights Reserved.


 Writing Fiction: Information About Writing and Publishing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Join Felice and her guest, published author, Susan K. Marlow. Susan is a fiction author of an adventure series for children, The Circle C (Kregel). She has also authored a writing workbook, “Reach for the Stars: A Young Fiction Author’s Workbook” (Media Angels, Inc., 2009) and will share her insights of writing fiction for children. She will touch on the elements of good fiction, teaching aids to help children write and ways authors can use these elements to pen books that will catch the attention of a child (and perhaps a publisher!).

 Running a Successful Business From Home | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Join Felice and guest Debbie LaChusa an author of "The Career-at-Home Mom". When women think of launching a career they are normally at a crossroads if they want to also raise a family. Many think to be successful, it has to be a choice of one or the other. Debbie has demonstrated this is not necessarily the case. She is a home based business expert, and the founder and president of The National Association of Home-Based Business Moms, and has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, and Forbes.com to name a few. She will share the joys and pitfalls of running a business from home and explain the balance necessary to make this a success. Visit Debbie at her website www.DebbieLaChusa.com

 Children's Fantasy Author, Eric Reinhold | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Join Felice and her guest, Eric Reinhold, author of the Ryann Waters Fantasy Series. Eric is a businessman and busy husband and father; he will share how he managed to fit in the time to write. Eric will also discuss his success in obtaining a publisher, his book signing tour, and obstacles he has overcome to bring not bring this series to life.

 Marketing and Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Felice will share some of her tried and true marketing secrets that have helped her over the years of writing and publishing. As an author, and independent publisher the work falls clearly on her shoulders. Using a variety of media sources, she is able to stay in touch but more than that are the relationships she has forged over the years. Listen to this broadcast as it will cause you to think twice about how you make contacts and friends that last through a lifetime.

 Writing Groups | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Have you thought about joining a writers group? Perhaps you can't find, one or the one you found is just not a good fit. Join my guest Joyce Heiser as she shares her success in starting a writers group, what works, what doesn't and how to make the most of your time.

 Getting Organized! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Join Felice and her guest very special guest, and friend, Cindy Rushton, author and speaker who will share her techniques for becoming an organized author. Cindy is a prolific author who has over 100 titles. How does she get it all done? With experience and special techniques that can help anyone! Cindy has been a mentor to Felice, and is one of the best conference speakers and organizers in the industry. Her warmth and southern charm engage and bring out the best in her guests, and on her many podcast and seminar expos. Be ready to take notes as you listen to this broadcast, you won’t want to miss the live event!

 Communication Skill Essentials | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

How important is a speaking platform to an aspiring author? It could actually get you a publisher! Today's guest, JoJo Tabares of Art of Eloquence, will join Felice to discuss communication skills and how to develop a good presentation. JoJo is an author and hosts her own Grace Talk Soup weekly.

 Struggling to Write a Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Join Felice and guest Tara Jenner of The Brain Trainers http://www.TheBrainTrainers.net as they discuss how to get your manuscript off the computer screen and into the hands of a reader! Tara is a professional, business owner and busy wife and mom. She has been attempting to write a book, several for the past few years. Listen to her struggles and Felice's solutions. If you are considering becoming an author, listen in!

 Radio Programing For Authors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

If you are interested in becoming published this is the place for you. What a treat! Jonathan Jeffus, the website, software creator of Scholar Square (http://www.ScholarSquare.com) will explain the importance of creating a speaking platform and how this innovative website allows authors a place to show case their books, websites and products. Cost to the author? Nothing! Be ready to take notes and jot down sources of free software.

 Radio Programing For Authors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

If you are interested in becoming published this is the place for you. Today we are going discuss the Anatomy of an Author. Do you have what it takes to become an author? A successful published author? Felice was once interviewed on a radio show and asked the following question… “If you could have done something differently to jump-start your writing career what would it be?” Felice will answer this question and she will discuss misconceptions authors face and what it truly takes to become a published success.

 Radio Programing For Authors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

If you are interested in becoming published this is the place for you. Felice will open her membership site today! For a limited time. Training with Felice on a weekly basis. You don't want to miss this show! Callers can win a free copy of her writing and publishing book, Information In A Nutshell: Writing and Publishing.

 Information About Writing and Publishing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Becoming an author is easier than you think! Maybe you are an aspiring author, already have a manuscript, or don't know what to do next. This show will introduce you to the wonderful world of writing and publishing and give you valuable tips no matter where you are on your journey. Join Felice Gerwitz, the author of Information in a Nutshell: Writing and Publishing each week. Felice will also unveil her NEW Premium Members group for those serious about writing.


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