Walk Breaks show

Walk Breaks

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 Walk Breaks~Jessie Discusses Nutrition... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Walk Breaks~Jessie Discusses Nutrition...

 Walk Breaks~Progress... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hey my friend, it's just Norm. It's Wednesday morning and as we know this is Heavy Wednesday. Yes this is the day that I do not look forward to but put that aside as I mean to talk about my training yes my training and my weight loss. This is going very well. I will tell you that upon waking this morning. The scale seemed to indicate that I was about two hundred and twenty two twenty twenty three but the graduation are are very small. I know you in with my class since very hard to see. I do believe that ___ go to two twenty found which means I've lost ten pounds and it's not ten weeks yet. No. I'm not unrealistic. I know this ___

 Walk Breaks - Continuing On... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Warning. No coffee ingested yet. Good morning my friends my brethren my sisteren(?) sisteren(?) I don't know if that's a word. This is Jeff Norm and it is Tuesday what make it February the something I'll say February the 12th cos Thursday is the 14th which is Valentines Day so guys gals I hope you strategically placed yourself in position to give to the one you love. You know that came out fairly eloquently(?) considering I've not had any coffee yet. Let's keep the streak alive. So yes this is Jeff Norm down at West Central Florida with another edition of Walk Breaks number who knows what and I simply wanted to reach out and say hello cos it's been a bit last week

 Walk Breaks~Adipose Roller Coaster... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ok ok good day my friends. Jess Norm. It is five forty nine AM and I am on my way to the house of pain house of blues the location of the infirmed(?) the dwelling of emotional roller coasterism(?) which surely is not a word. Yes in other words I'm going to work. Couple of things I wanted to talk about this morning. I wanted I've been wanting to put out like a water break on this every everyday sometimes twice a day this week. Just cos a lot of things have been feeling and going through mostly the inner demons the battles in my own mind but I've been up this morning since about.

 Walk Breaks~The Day After... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Alright my friend(?). It's just normal(?) and it is Tuesday morning at six o'clock. I'm on my way to work. I see here that I am now getting sick for allergies are just screaming gonna be here because I can't stop sneezing in training in shipping(?) but I don't think you wanna hear about that. So if you hear any case and forth(?) through clear or sneeze excuse me but I wanted a little something out this morning that because yesterday I a little something out and boy(?). Yesterday was a really bad bad day for me in terms of just reading in meeting(?) myself over real or receive(?).

 Walk Breaks~Catharsis... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Alright my friends this is Justin work and I don't quite know where to begin. But yet(?) I do. First of all let me give very side you know I debated(?) on whether I should do this as a walk break or whether I should do it as a part my podcast(?). I was gonna do this is apartment. podcast(?) in the upcoming week and I don't know what this is how I.

 Walk Breaks~A Rare Interview With Jesielle... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ok so, it's about oh gosh 8:30 8:30 or 9:00 it's early isn't it Jesse. ___. And I'm in the bed and I went for a run today and where did you go. Go to Colby's. You went to Colby's Steak House. Aha. And you had dinner the jump(?) steak. Yes. Was it good. Yes. What else did you have beside steak. A cup cake ___. You had steak and a cup cake that's it. Aha. Are you full. Aha. That's pretty healthy. And did you go with mommy. And Ati(?) and auntie Tess aha yeah and why did you go. Was any one it's somebody's birthday or just you guys just felt like going out to dinner. Cos in my birthday. Your birthday is not till October.

 Walk Breaks ~ What A Difference A Day Makes... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Alright. Well good morning. This is Just Norm and boy what a difference a day makes. Deep breath out sigh. Well last night I put out a podcast. I was feeling the woes(?) and the doldrums(?) as a result of well I guess let's just say a hard day and we all have them you know. We all have those days at work where it just drains us and I mean as the day wore on and even into the night it just seems getting worse for me. Worse and worse like I was more miserable and more miserable but I confess I have a ___

 Walk Breaks~1 Of Those Days... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hey everybody. Just Norm on a Wednesday night. I am walking up to the local pharmacy to pick up my medicine my acid and digestion(?) medicine and it's very breezy and I thought what a good opportunity to get a bath after dinner and glad go for a walk and just not just lay on the couch or watching news or lay around and dinner become a bumble tumble to ___ for a little walk out the I think it's been a while I think I I don't think I have pulled one out in about a week. So I wanted to ___ say hi and let you know they'll be a new edition of the roomanate(?) running this weekend however let's take that put in respective of course I love if you listen it's ___

 Walk Breaks~Hey, Whats New With You Folks? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Oh good morning. My friends this is Justin Horn(?). It is five thirty seven. Five thirty seven. And that's something early I think. But I'm out, I am in the car. I am on my way to the land of the informed. Oh I will seek to guide council Hill talking empathize with those who are less fortunate. Yes I'm on my way to work and were taking a chance here because I'm not really had too much coffee yet. Oh couple of soups as a matter of fact. But and neatly I felt it so it was time for a walk break. I felt like I haven't talked to you my friend in at least for two days maybe a week and I just wanted to put a shout out ___

 Walk Breaks~Just Like Old Friends... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ok, this is just Norm. I'm staring at my phone. The reason I'm staring at my phone is because excuse me twice this week I've attempted to put out an Ipadio(?) walk break. Each time as I looked down the timer the counter showed zeros across the way and my walk breaks were all for not and because they didn't capture. So I would then push the pause button if anything any of you know that Ipadio(?) and I would look down and then I would see that there would be approx eight to ten minutes of time to material but it wouldn't play so it didn't capture. I don't know what's going on with that I'm gonna have to mail or email Ipadio(?) people but

 Walk Breaks~10 In 10'ers, Be Of Good Cheer. We're In This Together... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Well there's plenty to talk about. I just don't know where to start. And how to make it cohesive(?) let's start with a good morning. It's where we should beginning. Good morning to you. Everybody. I think that pretty much says it all. Everybody. This is just norm and I am in West Central Florida. I'm travelling to work at about six ten this morning. I'm almost at work. I've actually got at the very early start and my work phone is far away from my home. I guess that segways(?) to my first piece of information I've been travelling around trip three hundred miles a week to get to work for many many years now. Almost five. And those numbers might sound minuscule or maybe there are those of you that are travelling more than that I don't know. But I ___

 Hey John Ellis~A Bit About Brennan Manning... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ok yes this is just Norm and I head a run and first let me say this hey John Ellis this is for you. Yeah I know ___ so I'm I'm recording a walk break because I am out on a five mile and it's Tuesday afternoon and it's probably approaching five thirty six o'clock and before I got involved with this one I started cooling around Facebook as I usually do which I may should not have done but.

 Walk Breaks~Go Get 10 In 10. Don't Forget To Thank The Guy Giving It To You... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Alright. Good morning. Good morning my friends. January the seventh two thousand and thirteen Monday morning on my way to work. This is just Norm. You can tell by the sound of my different say the least voice. I consider hideous but anyway so this is my third run on making an iPadio Walk Break this. Walk Break is the portion of my podcasting and blogging and communicating and we'll try have a short conversation with you while on the phone through the iPadio application for who are very good people by the way, very supportive and very good tech support but anyway I had to grass. I do have a regular podcast called the Ruminative(?) Runner for those of you that don't know about it but really.

 Walk Breaks~Misty Rain... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Alright well, this is just Norm. It is Thursday, Thursday eve six o'clock. I was rolling down the highway trying to loosen my load no I'm just kidding I was coming home from work actually putting a few last thoughts on some voice notes to get a pod cast out I was thinking about going for a run today was a scheduled run for me and lonely ___ into a giant traffic jam with rain storm. Well that's not a good combination for running I don't know if anybody who would enjoy that and I certainly was about to go home and just say oh I'm not gonna run it's too nasty out but you know what it was just a drizzle and it was ___


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