Inside the Champion’s Mind show

Inside the Champion’s Mind

Summary: Inside the Champion’s Mind is hosted by Laurence Tham. It is focused on the strategies and tactics to help you becoming the best you can be and become a WORLD CLASS leader in anything you do.

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 ITCM 50: The Mediocrity Threshold | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 35:12

Firstly, Marcus & LT celebrate the 50th episode of Inside The Champion’s Mind with a special competition! Marcus has had a wake-up call after a conversation with his Mum and LT provides his insights into what creates a threshold to mediocrity. Marcus & LT also discuss the concept of achieving greatness in one area of Listen In

 ITCM 49: For the Hate of Mediocrity | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 34:11

Marcus has had enough of dealing with mediocre minds over the last week or so and as a result goes to LT for some “therapy”! The pair discuss the path to progressing along the path from mediocrity to world class and come up with three essential ingredients that cannot be ignored if we are to Listen In

 ITCM 48: Rising from Adversity: Mario Malik | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 38:07

Mario Malik left school at the age of 16 to go and “get myself an education.” By age 19 he was running music events across the country with a net worth of $250,000. And then everything fell apart. Now, at age 23, Mario shares his story with Marcus & Laurence to describe in detail the Listen In

 ITCM 47: Fitting It All In | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 35:16

How do you possibly fit all you want to do in to an already busy life? Marcus and Laurence discuss how our commitment to work (or play, whatever you chose to call it) and the time we commit to it changes with the seasons of our life. And most importantly, how to be OK with Listen In

 ITCM 46: Stop Learning & Start Doing | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 34:31

Marcus and Laurence compare their internet browsers and reveal that they have 24 and 8 tabs open respectively! This leads into a discussion on when is there such a thing as too much learning. and knowing when it’s time to execute what we have learnt.

 ITCM 45: Evolving Yourself | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 31:49

In this episode Laurence and Marcus discuss what’s involved in creating change. Whilst we are all creatures of change there’s a voice inside all of us that’s demanding to maintain the status quo. The guys talk about how to overcome that voice and go about the process of evolution.

 ITCM 44: Are You Lying To Yourself | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 32:21

“There is no such thing as an inconsequential lie”, says personal growth leader Gary King. In this episode LT & Marcus describe lying as a behaviour of mediocrity and at the same time “fess up” to some pretty big lies they have been telling themselves recently.

 ITCM 43: Success’s Secret Ingredient: The Slight Edge | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 31:48

Marcus and Laurence discuss the often overlooked “secret” ingredient to major success – The Slight Edge. Marcus has been reading the book with the same name and together, Marcus & LT go through the major “Slight Edge’s” in all areas of life that are predictors for success, and also the consequences if we don’t apply Listen In

 ITCM 42: Dealing with Change | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 31:22

How do you respond when change strikes? WHen a child is born, when you lose a loved one, when a new job is offered, or when you lose a job – how do you respond? In this episode Laurence and Marcus discuss how we all deal with change differently – both change that feels good Listen In

 ITCM 41: Quit the Stinkin Thinkin | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 31:59

After Laurence’s visit to the dentist and the subsequent removal of plaque, the guys discuss how “plaque” builds up in our mind to create “stinkin thinkin” and what we can do to rid ourselves of it, or at least temper it. Both Laurence and Marcus draw on recent life events to draw out the process Listen In

 ITCM 40: The 90 Day Reset | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 32:12

With the first quarter of the calendar year almost done, Laurence and Marcus use LT’s 6-step process to reflect on the first 12 weeks of 2014 and re-set ourselves for the next 90 days. A great podcast if you feel like your goals or plans for the year need to be jazzed up and re-clarified. 

 ITCM 39: Finding Perfection | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 33:10

In the midst of flat-out lives and with so many stressors and “bad” events going on in either our lives or the world around us, it can be easy to think that the world is making LOTS of mistakes and that we live in an imperfect world. In this episode, Marcus & LT explore the Listen In

 ITCM 38: Fighting Procrastination | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 32:25

If you are listening to this you are more than likely a very driven, focussed person. But even the most focussed people get procrastinated, and Laurence is the firs to put his hand up as a big one! In this episode the guys thrash out just why we procrastinate, it’s advantages, disadvantages, and strategies for Listen In

 ITCM 37: Overcoming Loss | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 31:45

Following another epic loss by Laurence’s beloved 49ers (which left LT gutted!), Marcus & LT take it a step further and discuss just how we deal with loss in our lives, be it big or small. People deal with loss in so many ways and whilst there is no right or wrong way to do Listen In

 ITCM 36: Getting over overwhelm | File Type: audio/x-mpg | Duration: 32:03

Marcus recounts his overwhelm at all the plans he has for 2014 and Laurence works through just how to recognise overwhelm and more importantly get over it so that we can be the best versions of ourselves. 


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