Up For A Chat show

Up For A Chat

Summary: Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall when three international speakers, best-selling authors and celebrated business women get together and have a chat discussing issues on health, wellbeing, relationships and mindset? Well here's your chance to hear a trio of professional specialists working with the guys on the Wellness Couch - and they're up for a chat! These girls are about challenging the norm and challenging traditions. Wellness nutritionist extraordinaire Cyndi O'Meara, mindset wellness expert Carren Smith and wellness health and lifestyle educator Kim Morrison believe tapping into one's innate intelligence and using a common sense approach is what makes positive change. They are your professional reminders teaching new truths about health, discussing issues you have thought about - even issues you may not have thought about. Up For A Chat is not just facts, figures and status quo this podcast series is about thinking outside the square, doing things differently so that you can make a difference in your life, in your families life, and not become a sickness statistic mentally, emotionally and physically. And most importantly this trio of girls are a reminder that learning can be fun!!

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 UC 44: Sleep – The more you get the longer you live | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:51

This podcast is on sleep. It started with a snooze from Carren, she is the sleeper of sleepers.  Why do some people find it hard to sleep and others fall asleep at the drop of a hat.  Carren, Kim and Cyndi explore sleep and why it is important, not only to rest the body but Listen In

 UC 43: Understanding Food Addictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:17:19

Carren, Kim and Cyndi start this podcast with the discovery of a new book and mentor they have discovered in the field of addiction.  They all have AHA moments as to the similarity between all addictions, but they find it perplexing as to why a food addiction is treated so differently to drugs or alcohol Listen In

 UC 42: Eating for fuel or eating for emotion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:14:09

The Up for a Chat Girls talk about the two reasons we eat.  Some people eat to fuel their bodies, other people eat because of emotion.  No matter what the emotion is; love, happiness, depression, sadness, anger, some people want to eat for reward or punishment.  Kim and Cyndi are fuel eaters and Carren admits Listen In

 UC 41: The Chiropractic Adjustment for the Soul | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:44

Carren has just been to the US speaking at a huge Chiropractic Conference in San Francisco, her AHA’s about Chiropractic begin a conversation of healing, physically, mentally and emotionally.  What is chiropractic?  Is it a healing art or a philosophy or is it a wonderful mix of both that not only helps the physical but Listen In

 UC 40: Manifesting Matisse – Contemplating Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:37

Cyndi has just been in Greece learning about how to get what you want in a systemised manner.  She has learnt the art of manifesting and talks about the 10 steps to create your ideal life, love and vocation.  And don’t think for a minute it is all about thinking, the 10 steps are all Listen In

 UC 39: Why Cant You Be Normal Like Me | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:07

Kim has just been to the US to study in Houston. Her studies took her further into her love of who we are and why we do what we do.  Is it Nurture or Nature or a mix of the two.  Why is someone orderly and neat and others playful and fun, what drives us Listen In

 UC 38: Foods of the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:19

Foods of The World – Edible Gardens; Kim, Carren and Cyndi have been traveling over the last month, and they discuss the foods of the world.  America does not come up trumps and Kim becomes desperate looking for a Wholefoods during her stay in the US.  Carren falls in love with gelato, pizza and tomatoes Listen In

 UC 37: Laughter Is The Best Kind Of Medicine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:01

The average 4 year old laughs 300 times a day, the average 40 year old only 4. Now you know Kim, Cyndi and Carren love a good laugh they especially love a good belly laugh.  Cyndi thinks that Kim is the funniest person she knows, while Carren believes she is hilarious (but we’ll let you be Listen In

 UC 36: The Magic of Aromatherapy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:46

The Magic of Aromatherapy is Up For A Chat this week.  Carren and Cyndi sat dumbfounded and in aure while Kim taught them about plants, oils and therapies and how aromatherapy can by used throughout your days and life as instrumental tools in mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.  Kim explored how oils were extracted, how they can Listen In

 UC 35: Travel Tips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:13:29

Travel Tips – Kim, Carren and Cyndi love to travel, they are all experienced with traveling around the country and internationally.  Carren is off on a beautiful trip around Europe and this prompts them to talk about all things travel, from security, currency, travelling with children, essential oils, food, time zone changes, things to pack, healthy Listen In

 UC 34: Depression | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:58

The rate of depression and mental illness has increased dramatically in the last decade.  The question is asked as to – do you wake up one day and have depression or is it a slow slide – before you finally go to your doctor?  How do you get out of the slow slide, what are the steps Listen In

 UC 33: Cholesterol | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:13

Is it as bad as they all say?  Cyndi starts the discussion on cholesterol and how it has been given a bad rap, she goes into how the rate of people with high cholesterol and taking statin medications has risen from 4.5% of  over the age of 45 taking cholesterol lowering medications in 1995 to, in 2010, Listen In

 UC 32: All Things Dairy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:13

The Up For The Chat girls talk all things dairy.  The good, the bad and the downright ugly.  How they manage to talk about dairy for an hour surprises them but when you get down to the nitty gritty our dairy has been changed so much it’s not surprising that it seems everyone is intolerant to dairy.  Cyndi Listen In

 UC 31: Jelly Babies for Fundraising! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:24

JDRF – Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation have just finished their annual fundraising campaign using the sale of Jelly Babies with the following ingredients; glucose, sugar, water, thickener 1400 (wheat), food acid 330, 331, humectant 422, gelatin, flavours, colours, 102, 133, 110, 122, wheat starch, vegetable oil, glazing agent 903, preservative 220. May contain sulphites. Do Listen In

 UC 30: Declutter Your Emotional Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:59

The Power of NOW.  Carren leads the Up For A Chat girls on another rabbit hole experience, each of them have AHA’s as the chat turns into an exploration of how to cope with emotional distress of death, relationship breakdown, financial ruin, loss of job and rejection.  Their pearls of wisdom in this podcast will Listen In


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