Successful Women Talk | Relationship Marketing | Work-Life Integration | Productivity | Online Marketing | Social Media | Content Marketing show

Successful Women Talk | Relationship Marketing | Work-Life Integration | Productivity | Online Marketing | Social Media | Content Marketing

Summary: This is THE BUSINESS SHOW for women, helping you take your business to the next level by working smart, being productive and reclaiming your time. We talk real business, real women and we even explore the mystery work-life balance. Shelia Butler started her first business in 2004, helping take it to multi-seven figures within a few short years. She sold that business in 2010 and started professionally consulting creative and product based business owners. She has a passion for helping women and is a self proclaim no-nonsense productivity and systems nut.

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 How To Transform Your LinkedIn Profile in 5 Easy Steps with Debbie Saviano [Episode #48] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:22

Debbie Saviano has spent the last 3 years mastering the LinkedIn platform.  She's a consultant and coach who has helped hundreds of people transform their LinkedIn profiles and presence.  She previously shared her success story on SWT. I've designated 2013 as the year I'm transforming my profile and today's course has given me the foundation to make it happen. Debbie is the founder of Debbie Saviano LLC - a consulting company and the creator of Transform Your LinkedIn Profile in 30 Days - a step by step course on LinkedIn. In this Video Course, Debbie shows you how to transform your LinkedIn profile in 5 easy steps to dominate and leverage the platform. Here are some actionable highlights from this Video Course: What is LinkedIn and why is it important to your business. Go where your clients are - find and use the platform which works best. Your Headline is the most important REAL ESTATE on LinkedIn.  Use this are wisely, include keywords and let it explain why you're on the platform. Take advantage of the "CONTACT AREA" - you can include up to 3 websites or URLs. Use your HOME ACTIVITY feed to build relationships, post information and build business. Use RECOMMENDATIONS to build relationships and prospect clients. ENDORSEMENTS are key for building connections and relationships. LinkedIn GROUPS are a great way to build relationships, prospect clients and build business. Use the INBOX to your advantage - respond to emails and let people know you're paying attention. Most of us do not need the paid version of LinkedIN - the free version works great. The SEARCH function is a great tool for learning and prospecting. About guest Debbie Saviano                   Live Giant, Shelia

 From Blogger To Six Figure Consultant: Behind The Scenes with Nathalie Lussier [Episode #47] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:41

Nathalie Lussier is my guest today and we're discussing online marketing, how to master the technical side of the web and the power of investing in yourself. Here are some highlights from our Interview: Discuss how she turned down a job on Wall Street to take a risk and start her own business Discuss the one question Marie Forleo asked her which changed her business and help her reach 6 figures in the first year of launch Discuss how she launched her first business Raw Foods Witch and how she got traffic to the site Talk about why she suggests saving your money on advertising and attend a like minded networking event instead - the power of networking Talk about the power of taking your online business offline to grow and build relationships Discuss the power of SEO in building online traffic Talk about the power of the EMAIL list and tip for building the list on autopilot Discuss the power of investing in yourself and hiring a coach About guest Nathalie Lussier               Nathalie has master the possibilities that the Internet and technology can bring to your small business.  She's a pro when it comes to explaining technical details, and marketing know-how to make sure you don’t just end up with a great looking web site that doesn’t sell. Links Mentioned: Live Giant, Shelia

 5 Tips for Mastering Social Media with Angela Giles [Episode #46] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:44

Angela Giles is my guest today and we're discussing social media for relationship building, the abundance mentality, and how to stand out in a noisy market. Here are some highlights from our Interview: Discuss the tipping point in her life which caused her to quit her six figure corporate job to save her family Talk about how ambition, out of the box thinking and hard work ethic helped her start her first business in network marketing Discuss how she self educated herself on lead generation and eventually launched an ebook on the same subject Talk about the art of finding your ideal client and determine which social media channel meets your needs and why you don't need to be on all social media channels Talk about how to use social media for relationship building which leads to business Discuss tips for mastering social media and the value of the 80/20 rule related to sharing content Talk about the importance of using tools such as Google Alerts to help you define key words and find clients About guest Angela Giles               Angela Giles is a believer in Simple Secrets BIG Results. She has a ten-year background of proven performance in the world of social media relationships and Internet marketing technology. She helps independent women entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals to accelerate their business profits by using an integrated social marketing strategy, with particular focus on Facebook and Twitter. Her broad scope focus runs across all channels ranging from television, major magazine publications, radio stations, influential blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Google Play, and more. Links Mentioned: Angela on LinkedIn Live Giant, Shelia

 Turn Your Flaws Into Awes with Dyana Valentine [Episode #45] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:24

Dyana Valentine is my guest today and we're discussing how to start with WHY and defining your Super Conditions. The most exciting thing about having Dyana on the show was the extreme sense of inspiration and motivation I had after the interview. She is one of those types of people - smart, positive and to the point. Here are some highlights from our Interview: Discuss why most people elevator pitch REALLY doesn't tell us who they are - or what they do Talk about the power of defining what her Super Conditions and the impact it's had on her life and career Discuss how Super Conditions are the descriptions of our why's and why we are on the planet. Talk about how to make a list of your life long flaws and figure out how and why they are actually the things that make you special and who you are. Talk about why having your Super Conditions defined helps you succeed and stay sane in your career Discuss why you must know you "WHY" before you can figure out your "WHAT" - Start with Why About guest Dyana Valentine                   Dyana is an instigator with a non-BS approach to life and business. She works closely and intensely with clients who are truly ready to make something happen. In her 13+ years of working with hundreds of clients, she has developed tools and conceptual approaches that help high-performing creatives move and shake. Links Mentioned: Dyana's TedXOjaWomen's Talk - I'm Not Sorry Live Giant, Shelia

 Why You Need To Learn The Art of Storytelling, Self Promotion and Asking For What You Want [Episode #44] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:03

Ashley Milne-Tyte is my guest today and we discuss the importance of storytelling in life and business.  We also talk a great deal about why women are afraid to ask for what they want. I want you to watch this episode with Ashley. Did you see how easy that was -- I asked for what I wanted.  So grab a cup of tea -- or glass of wine -- and let's get this party started. Here are some highlights from our Interview: Discuss the art of storytelling in radio and business Discuss her time at NPR and Talk about what inspired her to start reporting on women in the workplace and why too few women lead Discuss her exploration into why women seem to fall out in the middle versus reaching the top C level positions Talk about how women are changing the workforce landscape Talk about the importance of stepping outside of your comfort zone and not being afraid to try things your not an expert in Discuss the art of asking - this topic is also covered in detail in my interview with Suzanne Duret Discuss the how she's marketing and promoting her show Discuss the possibility of using Kickstarter to fund your media show About guest Ashley Milne-Tyte               I became fascinated by the topic of women in the workplace while reporting for Marketplace, the public radio business show, and developed The Broad Experience while studying on CUNY's entrepreneurial journalism program. As well as gleaning a lot of interesting insights while researching those Marketplace stories, I have several decades' experience of being female and 20 years of experience in the workplace. I was raised to be a people pleaser and have undermined myself at work on numerous occasions. Links Mentioned: The Broad Experience Ashley on Live Giant, Shelia 

 How Being Proactive Works In Business and Parenting With Sharon Silver [Episode #43] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:56

Sharon Silver is my guest today we discuss how she's built a passion community and business around proactive and positive parenting. Her work has been featured in Parenting Magazine, CNN Health and on the Oprah Winfrey Show.  We have a great conversation about online business, list building and we even discuss the taboo topic of charging for content.  This and much, much more. Here are some highlights from our Interview: Discuss the story of Sharon's parenting mishap that caused her to enter the field of child psychology and parent coaching Discuss how she has built an online community around positive parenting Talk how she built her list and how she's kept some of those readers for more than 10 years Discuss the difference between her list and her tribe Talk about how she acquired a big brand client while speaking at a networking event without even pitching them Talk about how women sell themselves short and a few tips to get overcome the fear Discuss how to find your passion and how to help encourage your children to find their passion Discuss the importance of parent coaching - talk about the importance of being proactive vs. reactive Discuss paid content vs. free content - we discuss her approach and model related to content development About guest Sharon Silver                 I am a mom, parent educator, author, speaker, TV segment host, coach, andblogger. I have a passion for helping parents better understand what's behind their children's behavior, what they can do about it, all without yelling or using constant timeouts. My parenting career began with an education in parenting, early childhood development, and interpersonal dynamics. My expertise includes 4 certifications in parent education, facilitating for the Cline Fay Institute and Redirecting Children's Behavior programs, the creator of the ProactiveParenting Approach and the author of Stop Reacting and Start Responding: 108 Ways to Discipline Consciously and Become the Parent You Want To Be. I do a monthly Proactive Parenting TV segment on Sac & Co, an ABC affiliate in Sacramento CA. I’ve appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, AM Northwest and have done numerous local and national radio, newspaper and magazine interviews, including Parenting Magazine, CNN and CNN Health. I am also a weekly blogger for Circle of Moms, AOL’s Patch, Life 360 and a frequent contributor to Ask Moxie. Links Mentioned: Proactive Parenting Website Sharon on Twitter Live Giant, Shelia 

 How To Use Video To Engage and Hook Your Viewers [Episode #42] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:09

Share Ross is my guest today we're talking about what it takes to become a video rockstar - how to engage and hook your viewers. Share's story is quiet unique as she spent her early years in the Metal Rock Band Vixen and accidentally became an early adopter and creators of webTV and video content. Here are some highlights from our Interview: Discuss how being in the rock band Vixen helped prepare her for entrepreneurship Discuss what was her first eye opening experience to just make something work - how to make a situation work for yourself Talk how stepping outside  your comfort zone can put you in a successful position Discuss how years of touring and the death of her mother lead her to a new career path of video and video production Talk about her honesty of being camera shy and initially being uncomfortable with being on video - and how she overcame the fear Talk about how she got started in video and actually started a webTV show 2005 - before web video show's were the in thing Discuss the current world of online relationships and the true need for face to face interactions Discuss 4 tips on how to use video to help you engage and hook your viewers About guest Share Ross               Share Ross is an ADVENTURER.  She spent her early career as a bassist in the all female metal rock band Vixen.  She and her husband Bam Tastic started a band called Bubble, which won song of the year in the John Lennon Songwriting Contest in 2000.  Share pushed herself as a musician and learned to play lead guitar.  In 2003 she became the host and producer of the podcast Rock n Roll TV - a webTV show. Share has also published a book on knitting and is the host and creator of RockStar University. Links Mentioned: Video Rock Star University Free Training Share on Facebook Couch to 5K App     Live Giant, Shelia 

 How To Become A Digital Leader and Build Online Influence [Episode #41] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:28

Stephanie Sammons from Wired Advisor and is my guest today.   I love Stephanie, but I must admit I'm a little jealous at how good she is at building online influence. You're going to love my conversation with Stephanie because she breaks down the steps to building online influence and shows just how simple it can be to stand out in a noisy crowd. I get a little jazzed up because she shares how important systems and processes have been to her business - you know I'm a little bit of a nut when it comes to systems - and she explains how process implementation makes social media and digital leadership that much easier. Here are some highlights from our Interview: Discuss how Stephanie had a job waiting for her after college although it wasn't her passion and how a guest speaker changed her life and career path Discuss how early in her career as a 24 year old she gained the trust of her much older clients -'s all based on the fact that people want to be lead Talk about how she jumped into digital leadership and how her coaching background has been parlayed into every aspect of her business Discuss the importance of collaboration and how to build a loyal network Talk about why she didn't fear leaving corporate America to start her business Talk about the importance of targeting and defining your niche Discuss why she feels it's important to  manage your own social media platforms and the importance of relationship management Discuss how to build online influence About guest Stephanie Sammons               I help business professionals and professional services firms excel at digital leadership and business growth in a wired world through building online influence. As Founder and CEO of Wired Advisor™, my company works exclusively with financial advisors and financial advisory firms to develop and implement a digital leadership strategy for maximizing client loyalty and new client acquisition opportunities. For most of my career, I’ve been immersed in the art and science of developing and scaling high-trust and high-touch relationship-centered businesses. I believe that in the digital age, in order to stand out from the crowd you must lead your clients and prospective clients. The reward for establishing yourself as a digital thought leader and building trusting relationships with your target audience is digital equity. Digital equity is the result of happy, loyal clients and advocates for your company. Links Mentioned: Wired Advisor   Live Giant, Shelia 

 What Everyone Ought To Know About Podcasting [Episode #40] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:28

Cliff Ravenscraft  -- The Podcast Answer Man -- is my guest today and we're discussing what everyone ought to know about podcasting and the impact it can have on your business. Cliff started podcasting as a hobby and has since turned it into a profitable business.  He has produced over 3000 different podcast and has introduced multiple podcast training modules and courses. Here are some highlights from our Interview: Discuss how he turned his hobby into a business Discuss how thousands of people found him by accident and the impact it had on his future Talk about how in January 2008 he had no idea how to monetize his business and the steps he took to become profitable with podcasting Discuss how to build a community and the importance "passion" plays in community building Talk about women in tech and podcasting in general Talk about the term podcasting and the future of podcasting in general Discuss the impact podcasting can have on your business ABOUT guest Cliff Ravenscraft               In January 2008, I left my career in insurance, after 11 years, to pursue my passion in podcasting full-time. It was the first time in my life that I felt like I honestly knew what it mean to LIVE BY FAITH. The first year was extremely difficult at times (Details Here). Though my wife got her husband back and my three children, got their dad back. The second year was much better than our first (Details Here). Today, I make a very decent living as a podcast producer and as a Podcasting and New Media consultant/coach. I have produced more than 2,800 individual episodes of more than 20 differentshows, and I’m effectively sharing my life and ministering to tens of thousands of people around the world. I am a firm believer that if you Pursue Your Passion, The Money Will Follow! Links Mentioned: Learn How To Podcast Live Giant, Shelia 

 How Small Town Tactics Can Help You Build An Online Community [Episode #39] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:04

Jessika Hepburn -- the wizard of the what might be the most creative community on the internet -- Oh My! Handmade -- is my guest today. Oh My! Handmade is what I would call Seth Godin's Tribes on STEROIDS.  Jessika has mastered the art of 'How To Build An Online Community' and she demonstrates her art by orchestrating a team of  30+ contributors, who explore a monthly theme enriched by diverse backgrounds, insight and perspective. Here are some highlights from our CHAT: Discuss how Jessika stumbled upon Oh My! Handmade and ended up buying the site Discuss the importance of community and how to build an online community by finding a gap in the market Talk about the importance diversity when building an online community Discuss the fact that Jessika was not a blogger and had to learn the daily ins and outs of blogging and building community Talk about tips for building an online community by treating it like a small town Talk about the importance of paying it forward and engaging ABOUT guest Jessika Hepburn                 Oh My! Handmade is the realization of my life-mission to build diverse communities where innovation and greatness happen through creative collaboration. What started as a multi-author blog evolved into a unique online community and portal for creative entrepreneurs to connect, collaborate, and cooperate to build supportive networks. Community, creativity, andcollaboration are the foundation of my work and key words to unlocking my purpose on the planet. OMHG is where all my passions intersect and those paths connect with you.   Links Mentioned: Oh My! Handmade Jessica Hepburn on Twitter Live Giant, Shelia 

 Brand Visualization: How To Determine The Story Your Brand Is Telling [Episode #38] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:25

Ameena Falchetto - the master of brand visualization - is my guest today.  She's a serial entrepreneur with experience in both the online and offline world and she's a self proclaimed advertising geek who enjoys a mailbox full of adverts. Ameena and I talk branding, marketing and the good, bad and ugly of social media. Here are some highlights from our CHAT: Discuss Ameena's background and how she got to where she is today Discuss branding and visualization Talk about the importance of known what story your brand is telling Discuss why it's important to know your who your ideal client is and to actually have a visualization of them Talk about her recent hiatus from social media and the impact it had on her and her business Talk about the importance of not following the crowd and sticking to your core beliefs and skill sets ABOUT guest Ameena Falchetto               Ameena Falchetto is a serial entrepreneur who has started businesses in the Middle East and France. Five years ago she ditched her corporate suit to share her straight up business and marketing style with the world. She’s worked with multinational companies, government agencies, small business and solopreneurs. She has a wealth of offline experience which she now applies online. With a Masters in Marketing, a background in Fine Art and History of Modern Art, Ameena creates Brand Identity Visualisation – a product that captures a brand’s essence in a single hand drawn image. She also illustrates her business and marketing articles. Ameena is a citizen of the world, she’s half English, half Egyptian, was born in Dubai. She currently lives in a small village on top of a hill in the South of France with her husband John Falchetto, their daughter, two cats and a dog (who were rescued from the United Arab Emirates). Links Mentioned: Ameena Falchetto Website  Live Giant, Shelia 

 Changing Your Life Is Up To You – No More Excuses [Episode #37] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:53

Jennifer Boykin is the mastermind behind the project -- Life After Tampons -- where the motto is "Quit Your Bitching. Change You Life."  Changing your life is up to you. I must admit I was immediately intrigued simply by the title of the blog and after reading some of Jennifer's work -- I was hooked. She's snarky, funny, to the point and does not apologize (any more) for her beliefs and her mission to help others get their lives back.  Her "Quit Your Bitching. Change Your Life" motto is EXACTLY how I feel, but I don't always have the nerve to say it. Life sometimes sucks, but you have to pick yourself up and move on.  I have...Jennifer has...can you? Here are some highlights from our CHAT: Discuss how the death of her daughter changed her life and how it helps her be who she is today Discuss the story that lead to her getting published in The Washington Post and why this caused her to stop writing for 10 years Talk about the importance of letting go of what others think and embrace who you are Talk about the harm it does to compare your insides to someone else's outsides Discuss why it's important to trust your heart and go AGAINST the common solution Talk about why it's important to start now -- we don't know if life is too short, but we do know it's uncertain Talk a little about the work she's doing with Jonathan Fields ABOUT guest Jennifer Boykin               Jennifer Boykin spent 25+ years in branding, sales and marketing leadership.  She's an international speaker and published writer.  After spending most of her life doing what others expected of her...she called it quits and got her life back. Links Mentioned: Life After Tampons Jennifer on Twitter Live Giant, Shelia 

 How To Be Yourself and Find Your Authentic Voice [Episode #36] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:34

Mayi Carles, the Columbian Firecracker, is my guest on today's show .  Mayi describes herself as a tiny artist with a T-Rex heart.  We have a great discussion about being yourself and finding your authentic voice. Mayi does a great job with online videos and has paved her own path by being herself, standing out from the crowd and dominating her market. Here are some highlights from our CHAT: Discuss how Mayi was born to create and the fact that she bought her domain name at the age of 15 Discuss how she helps creatives get organized and how she's created a business out of this Talk how she's made a living out of what she calls a "mess"  - a creative mess Talk about the importance of finding your voice and simply putting yourself out there to do great things. Discuss how important it is to deal with who you are and embrace it - highlight your specialness and emphasize it for greatness Talk about how to market yourself via video and how to show your personality and develop it as you go Discuss the importance of small talk and using social media to develop great relationships Discuss the importance of mentors and fining other to model and follow ABOUT guest Mayi Carles My name is Mayi Carles + I’m on a mission to craft an imperfectly perfect life worth living + inspire others to do the same. That’s my thing. That’s why I’m here. Prior to becoming a full time artist, I was Program Coordinator for The Aspen Institute's leadership program The Central American Leadership Initiative Foundation (CALI), a non-profit organization that seeks to inspire leaders across the region to transcend from success to significance. I also won a pretty swescholarship to attend The Aspen Institute's prestigious leadership program, The Executive Seminar. I now live + love + create full time in Panama City, Panama, where I also wear the hats of Vice President + Image Director for Life Blends Inc., a natural juice company I co-created with my father; Board Director of the Bio Museum, designed by Frank Gehry + curated by Bruce Mau; wife to the love of my life David. Links Mentioned: Mayi Carles Website Heartmade Blog Live Giant, Shelia 

 The Secret of Social Etiquette and Networking [Episode #35] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:55

Mindy Lockard, who's best known as The Gracious Girl, is my guest today.  Mindy is a nationally recognized writer, speaker and television expert.  She's mastered the art of social etiquette and she knows which side of the plate to put the fork on. Mindy and I have a great conversation about the importance etiquette, manners and networking - including how to increase your "success" at a networking event. Here are some highlights from our CHAT: Discuss the difference between manners and etiquette  - talk about social skills Discuss the importance of Emotional Intelligence and the role manners play in this area Talk about the importance of good eye contact and conversation skills for networking Talk about why networking can be challenging discuss tips and tricks for mastering a networking event Discuss the importance of small talk - even though a lot of people find it trivial or awkward Discuss 3 P's when attending a networking event:  Plan, Prepare, and Participate   About guest Mindy Lockard               Mindy is the president of the Mindy Lockard Gracious Living, which includes seminars and training materials, stationery, and industry coaching. Mindy teaches formal etiquette courses for people of all ages and provides valuable corporate training for schools, government agencies, and private companies. Mindy writes for Crane & Co.’s, The Crane Insider as well as Stationery Trends magazine’s column “What’s Write.” She is also a monthly guest and contributor for Fox 12's More Good Day Oregon. Links Mentioned: The Gracious Girl Website Mindy on Twitter Live Giant, Shelia 

 How Burn Survivor Basma Hameed Took The Cosmetic Tattoo Industry To A New Level [Episode #34] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:55

Basma Hameed is a successful female entrepreneur, but she had to beat the odds to get there.  When she was 2 years old, Basma suffered severe facial burns in a kitchen accident.  She underwent hundred's of surgeries, was bullied by other children and at times was afraid to come out of her room.  When she was sixteen her physicians told her they could do no more for her scaring and she looked the best she ever would.  Well...they underestimated Basma. After having an eyebrow tattoo procedure she had an aha! moment.  Check out my interview with Basma to learn more about her, her story and how she's making a difference in the lives of others.   Here are some highlights from our CHAT: Discuss her accident and the effect her scaring had on her life - including being severely bullied Discuss how her receiving a cosmetic tattoo lead her building a successful business around the art of tattooing Talk about her aha! moment and how she decided to tattoo her own face Talk about her current business and how mission and passion to help others Discuss the importance of fixing your insides before your fix your outsides. ABOUT guest Basma Hameed               As founder and owner of Basma Hameed Clinic (BHC), Basma has distinguished herself as a professional leading in the field of Micro Pigmentation Implantation. She provides clients with the most thorough and professional care using the highest industry standards of sterilization in Micro Pigment Implantation. Basma Hameed Clinic has established an excellent working relationship with plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and others in the medical community who regularly refer clients. Captivatingly, Basma pioneered the possibilities of permanent make-up by experimenting on herself and using her own life experiences with scars to frame her expertise and fervor in the fine art of Scar Camouflage and Areola Reconstruction. Her pioneering success is not only clear by her comprehension of the science of Micro pigmentation but her outstanding talent for enhancing the beauty of her clients. As a highly accredited clinic, Basma Hameed is dedicated to changing lives of her clients for the better as a jovial, professional, trusted, and effective artist.   Links Mentioned: Basma Hameed Clinic Basma on Twitter Live Giant, Shelia 


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