Successful Women Talk | Relationship Marketing | Work-Life Integration | Productivity | Online Marketing | Social Media | Content Marketing show

Successful Women Talk | Relationship Marketing | Work-Life Integration | Productivity | Online Marketing | Social Media | Content Marketing

Summary: This is THE BUSINESS SHOW for women, helping you take your business to the next level by working smart, being productive and reclaiming your time. We talk real business, real women and we even explore the mystery work-life balance. Shelia Butler started her first business in 2004, helping take it to multi-seven figures within a few short years. She sold that business in 2010 and started professionally consulting creative and product based business owners. She has a passion for helping women and is a self proclaim no-nonsense productivity and systems nut.

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 Rubbing Elbows with Millionaires and The Power of Mentorship with Jaime Tardy [Episode #63] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:38

Jaime Tardy is my guest today and we're talking about how she paid off $70k in debt, started her own business and the importance of mentorship. I've followed Jaime for awhile, but we finally met in person at New Media Expo and she's just as fun and amazing in person as she is on her show. Jaime has interviewed over 80 millionaires, she's a speaker and is in the process of writing a new book.  Check out my interview with her to learn more about her story, how she manages work-life success and tips for getting yourself on the entrepreneur path. Here are some actionable highlights from our Interview: Have a plan before you quit your day job -- discover what your good at and come up with an exit plan for your day job. Try out things before you jump in with both feet - you might discover that your dream business is not really your dream business at all.   Jaime didn't know anything about being a business coach, so she tried it out before starting her own business. Find a Mentor - The Power of mentorship is important - and might actually teach you more than formal training. Don't be afraid to ASK for what you want - even if it's from your competitor. Follow your gut - even if it means going against what you thought your initial plan Leverage the power of The Mastermind Group - find like minded, smart people to help you. PR can be huge for you if you're considering writing a book - have a platform. Define what your normal is - find your own work-life blend. Make Your Schedule Your Best Friend - keep everything scheduled. Get clear on exactly what you need and want - If your considering starting a business, get clear on what you business idea is and what business really is. Have a NO Excused approach if you want to be successful. About guest Jaime Tardy                       Jaime Tardy is a business coach, speaker, and host of the WebTV show The Eventual Millionaire where she's interviewed over 80 millionaires.  She has been on CNN, MSNMoney, Kiplingers Personal Finance,, Top 40 Bloggers to Watch from ProBlogger, and Yahoo's homepage. Links Mentioned: Jaime on Twitter Pat Flynn - Atypical Tips for Writing Awesome Blog Posts   Live Giant, Shelia

 You Don’t Have To Be Famous To Build A Fiercely Loyal Community [Episode #62] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:39

Sarah Robinson is my guest today and we're break down the nuts and bolts of building a fiercely loyal community.  She shares her research on community building and gives lots of tips and tricks to help you get started and stay the course. Check out my interview with Sarah to learn more about her story, her business, and her roadmap to community building. Here are some actionable highlights from our Interview: Niche Finding Tip - Go back through your resume and figure out what the one thing that you do over and over and you're really good at.  Stop Assuming - Often times we assume that the things which come easiest for us, everyone else already knows how to do and that's just not true.  It's most often the thing we need to teach.  Give First - provide value to your community long before you need them Relationships Matter - Building a community is just like building a relationship Happy Community = Happy Clients - Happy clients complain less and buy more Find Out Where Your Community is Already Gathering - Find relevant conversations online -- Google search blogs, Google Alerts for keywords, Keyword search on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn The ROI of Fierce Loyalty - Free Marketing, Built in R & D Department, and Happy Clients Before Building a Community, Know You WHY - Building a community is hard, so make sure you know why you want to build a community Sarah's Tip for Someone Thinking About Starting a Business - It's not for the Faint of Heart - make certain that you can't make money any other way, because it's tough! About guest Sarah Robinsons                         Sarah Robinson is President and CEO of Sarah Robinson Co. She is a seasoned business coach, strategist, advisor and speaker who helps business owners set their companies apart from the pack. Based in Birmingham,Alabama, Sarah advises her international clients on how to build a thriving, successful community, how to increase social media effectiveness, and how to develop a remarkable online and offline business presence. Sarah’s newly released book, Fierce Loyalty: Unlocking the DNA of Wildly Successful Communities,  is available here   Links Mentioned: Fierce Loyalty Website Fierce Loyalty Book Sarah on Twitter   Live Giant, Shelia

 Overcoming Obstacles: How To Change Your Life and Do What You Love [Episode #61] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:27

Amy Clover is my guest today and the topic is overcome obstacles.  Her story is such an inspirational one that I wanted to share it with you. Like most of us, Amy has faced some big hurtles and obstacles in her life, but she chose up - she chose one foot in front of the other. She chose to make a difference and you can too. Check out my interview with Amy to learn more about her story, where she is today and a few nuggets that might help you get through those rough times in your life and business. Here are some actionable highlights from our Interview: You can overcome obstacles in your life - half the battle is mindset - we discuss how she overcame clinical depression and OCD Look fear in the face and say NO MORE! - Amy talks about the journey of sharing her story with the world and how difficult, but amazing it was. Be OK with NOT being OK!  The quicker you are to admit your "not" ok - the quicker you can get the help you need to overcome obstacles. Find a mentor - Discuss how her mentor and friend Steve Kamb from Nerd Fitness helped her realize her Unique Awesomeness Proposition. Get yourself and life organized - discuss how being overwhelmed can keep your from accomplishing thing both physically and mentally. Give back - discuss her 30 x 30 project and her mission to share her story and give back. Find You Why and Your Outlet - Amy discusses some possibilities for her future. About guest Amy Clover                 Amy Clover is a personal trainer, wellness coach, travel addict, and self made positive-maven.  She blogs at Strong Inside Out where she empowers you to overcome your obstacles.  Her story is inspiring, her smile is contagious and she's making a difference in the work her 30 x 30 project. Links Mentioned: Strong Inside Out Amy on Facebook Amy on Twitter To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA)   Live Giant, Shelia

 Marketing Case Study: How Jenna Herbut is Helping Rebrand The Handmade Market [Episode #60] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:22

Jenna Herbut is helping revolutionize the Handmade market by rebranding the way we think about craft shows.  You might say she's pumped up the volume. If your thinking old school craft shows with hand knitted doilies, you'll be in for a bit of surprise when you learn more about Make It: The Handmade Revolution.  It's more than a show, it's an experience which fuses indie shopping, a fully licensed bar and live music. Check out my interview with Jenna to learn more about her story, passion and advice she has for women who are considering starting their own business. Here are some actionable highlights from our Interview: Don't be afraid to look for and take opportunities - Talk about how a college project sparked the creation of her first business -- Booty Belt. You can make money in spite of yourself - Discuss the success of Booty Belts in spite of the fact that Jenna knew nothing about the wholesale market or business in general. Be open to new opportunities and don't be afraid to launch - Discuss the Craft Industry and the impact Etsy had on her business. Look for gaps in the market - Talk about how the gap she saw in the market related to the Craft Industry and the "not so sexy" reputation it had and her plan to revolutionize the Craft Brand. Industry standards can change - Discuss the evolution of "Make It: The Handmade Revolution" and how she and her brother have totally revolutionized the Craft Fair. Find a platform that works for you and where your customer are - Discuss the importance of Social Media and Online Marketing related to her show and the vendors they accept for Make It: The Handmade Revolution. Talk about the power of great Customer Service and making people feel appreciated. You have skills that others can learn from - Discuss Make It University and the value it's adding to the Craft Industry. Find a mentor or coach - Discuss the importance of coaching and the  impact Marie Forleo had on her starting Make It University. Talk about the power of networking - especially for a solopreneur. About guest Jenna Herbut                 Jenna is the co-producer of the rapidly growing Make It show and Make It University. With a deep love for creativity, she always knew a conventional path wasn’t for her. In 2003 as a University of Alberta business student, Jenna founded her first business, Booty Beltz and has never looked back! Her passion is to help other creative entrepreneurs do what they love as a fulltime career, which is the inspiration behind Make It University. Links Mentioned: Spring Cha Ching Make It: The Handmade Revolution Live Giant, Shelia

 How To Succeed In Business: Launch, Learn and Pivot [Episode #59] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:27

Jules Taggart and Krystina Feucht from KickStart Kitchen are my guest today and we're discussing the power of launch and learn when it comes to a successful business. These ladies have started multiple business and networking communities for women and they say you'll learn much from the process of launching and learning than you will from trying to be perfect.  Perfect is overrated so "forget about it" -- imagine me saying that with an Italian accent. Let's jump right in to learn a little more about Jules and Krystina -- including how listening to their clients is totally changing their business model. Here are some actionable highlights from our Interview: Having an accountability partner can be key in business - consider masterminding to help you learn and grow Systems and schedules are great and needed, but remember to build flexibility into your schedule When it comes to having several ideas on what type of business to start, most people really do know what they want to do - they are usually struggling more with what they think they are supposed to do vs. what they want to do. The key to being successful is to be able to ask yourself WHY you're doing something - sometimes we continue down a certain path because we started and we feel as if we must finish.  Know when it's ok to step away.  Pivoting in business is OK - it's not a sign of failure, it's a sign of being aware of marketing needs and your strengths. Listening is key in business - speak less, listen more. Time management and work-life balance are key for women entrepreneurs - especially since we tend to want to do everything.  Tip: schedule, systemize and delegate. One more course isn't going to fix your problem - implementation is key and seek help if you can't figure out how to apply the learning. Launch and learn - you will learn much more from the activity of launching and learning than you will from trying to be perfect. Tools they use:  Google Drive, Podio, Basecamp. About guest Jules Taggart and Krystina Feucht               Links Mentioned: Kickstart ThriveHive Community Bootstrap Book Club   Live Giant, Shelia

 Farnoosh Brock: Redefine Your Truth and Live Your Dream [Episode #58] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:15

Farnoosh Brock is my guest today and we're talking about overcoming fear, leaving a prestigious 6-figure job and choosing to live your dream. If you're in a job you hate, life your not happy with or unsure how to live your're going to love this interview with Farnoosh. She's smart, funny and passionate...check out my interview with Farnoosh to hear her story of success and the steps she took to get there. Here are some actionable highlights from our Interview: TIP #1:  Stop looking at your blog as a Hobby and start looking at it as a Business. TIP #2:  Don't be afraid to try new things - even if you don't know what you're doing.  Farnoosh knew she wanted to do something, but didn't know exactly what she wanted to do. Live your dream. TIP #3:  Find your point of no return and let that experience help you find your new path. TIP #4:  Don't be afraid to believing different truths - life changes and your definition of happiness might have changed as well. TIP #5:  Not everyone will support your decision to make changes in your life.  Be ok with this and surround yourself with like minded people. TIP #6: Continue to learn and push yourself  - be a life long learner. TIP #7: Realize that you will have some failures, but use those as stepping stones and keep moving forward. TIP#8:  Systemize all repeatable tasks. About guest Farnoosh Brock                 Farnoosh Brock is the passionate founder of Prolific Living where she'll  show you how to live out your brilliant potential, how to stop settling, and serve the world from your highest self at the same time. There is no fluff, no tolerance for nonsense, denial and excuses, and generally none of this is for the faint of heart. Everything you find on Prolific Living is what she has personally experienced, lived through, intimately know and feel compelled to pass on to you. Links Mentioned: Podcast: Prolific Living Media The Daily Interaction The Power of Habit The Healthy Juicer's Bible   Live Giant, Shelia

 How This Entrepreneur is Helping Expat Women Connect Globally [Episode #57] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:45

Katya Barry is an international business and expat coach for women - she's also known as a Global Attitude Architect.   She specializes in helping expat women across the world get plugged into their communities so they can thrive both personally and professional. Katya shares her story of having difficulty finding a job even though she was highly qualified and educated.  She finally took matters into her own hands and has the freedom to work on her own terms. Check out my interview with Katya to hear her story of success and the steps she took to get there. Here are some actionable highlights from our Interview: Talk about the life of an expat - the fun, sexy and boring.  Discuss the fairy tale of world travel vs. the reality of living abroad Talk about the unique challenges of living abroad [Even if it's in your own Country] How Katya had difficulty finding a job and how she came to the reality that she didn't really want to work for someone else [how to overcome FEAR] Discuss work-life balance and the tips she has for juggling a busy family and business Talk about the frustrations and challenges as a "trailing spouse" Discuss her upcoming Foreignator Summit 2013 About guest Katya Barry               I’ve always been a great connector—helping women across the world get plugged into their communities so that they can thrive both personally and professionally.  As part of my extensive training, I developed a unique form of coaching that meets the special needs of women living in countries other than their native ones. I’m your architect—the person who’s here to assist you in tapping back into your creative power so that you can design the life of your dreams.  We’ll shift your attitude to open you up to the best possibilities, and we’ll create structures that are truly global so that you can take them with you wherever you go in the future. Links Mentioned: Foreignator Summit 2013 Live Giant, Shelia

 How To Lead With Meaningful Influence [Episode #56] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:16

Bernardo Mendez teaches people how to live fully and love deeply.  He has a new program called Meaningful Influence and it focuses on how to influence more deeply by simply being you.  It's a great course! Today Bernardo and I are talking about meaningful influence, how to lead by influence and how knowing your "why" will help you live more fully and without fear. Let's learn more about Bernardo, his business and how he's doing his part to influence the world. Here are some actionable highlights from our Interview: Tip #1  -  In order to influence others, you must be fully present - with positive body energy Tip #2  -  Have a high standard of for what you accept in terms of giving and what you accept in terms of receiving from others Tip #3  -  Stop trying to be perfect or worrying about being good enough, just be you. [Learn how to overcome fear and Be The Best YOU] Tip #4  -  Being real is much more authentic than being perfect; get real to lead by influence. Tip #5  -  Get out of your comfort zone; find little ways each day to expand beyond your comfort zone in terms of risking more, sharing yourself with more vulnerability. [Sometimes Life Throws you Curve Balls] Tip #6  -  Worry less about logic and more about reaching someone's heart. Tip #7  -  You can't REALLY hear someone if you're focused on hearing yourself. About guest Bernardo Mendez               Bernardo is passionate about connecting, about seeking my truth, about the chaotic but electric intersection of all earthly stuff with that which doesn’t change. He's also passionate about helping women reconnect back to their hearts, cut the BS game of staying stuck in a story, and crack open to REALLY love and be loved with devotion and infinite passion (on many cases for the very first time). Yourgreatlifetv is a space for you and about you. It’s his personal way of sharing wholesome ideas that have made a BIG difference in his life (and the lives of many others) and can help you experience a life you’re inspired to live, not “someday” but today. All it takes is a vulnerable, open heart and a willingness to go within. Links Mentioned: Your Great Life TV Meaningful Influence Course   Live Giant, Shelia

 How This Woman Solved A Problem By Creating Thigh-High Fun Socks [Episode #55] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:02

Jennifer Dutcher is the owner and designer of Rock-a-Thigh Baby, a busy mom of 4 and as far as I can tell...hasn't resorted to pulling her hair out yet.  She made the business of socks both functional and fun. She shares her story on how she found a gap in the market, designed and created a functional knee-high sock and has now taken her company global.  She says it's all because...She never left any stone unturned. Let's learn more about Jennifer, her company and her plans for growth. Here are some actionable highlights from our Interview: Discuss how a cold evening walk lead to the creation of her product line - throw a curve ball to a smart mommy and she'll hit it out of the park. [See how a crying baby lead Alicia Overby's to create her baby product line] Talk about how Jennifer fell into the wholesale side of her business, how she prices her products and how she's found both domestic and international distributors. Jennifer how simply reaching out and making a connection lead to her partnered with Beco - a baby carrier company. Leave no stone unturned is her motto and message to anyone considering starting a small business We discuss Jennifer work-life balance and what tools she uses to run her life and business. Jennifer and I discuss the importance of scheduling and making certain her family is a part of the business.  She's a mom of 4 and she involves them in the business. Talk a little about her marketing and social media. [make sure you're not making this error on Facebook] About guest Jennifer Dutcher               Jennifer is an interior designer turned mompreneur.  She's the owner and designer of Rock-a-Thigh Baby which offer thigh high socks for the little ones.  She's a busy mom of 4 who recognized the need for a children's sock that stays up and stays on, while providing full leg coverage as tights. Links Mentioned: Rock-A-Thigh Baby Website Rock-A-Thigh Baby on Facebook   Live Giant, Shelia

 Why You Need More Than Creativity For Business Success with Kristen Fischer [Episode #54] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:55

Kristen Fischer is a professional copywriter and author.  Her most recent book When Talent Isn't Enough - Business Basics For The Creatively Inclined offers extensive, practical, and easy-to-apply business advice for writers, designers, and other self-employed creatives. We're cover the major points in her book, talk about her path to success and provide great take aways to help you take your business to the next level. We had some technical difficulty with the video, so you won't see Kristen and I chatting, but i've included a few photos so you can put a face with a name. Here are some actionable highlights from our Interview: Tip#1 - It starts with a Vision, but you need to know your WHY and realize income only follows when you treat your creative venture like a real business. Tip #2 - To be successful, you have to master sales, proposals, and customer relations - talent comes after these things. Tip #3 - Make sure your client can afford you in the first place - if you say no to the wrong things, you can say YES to the right things. [Learn To Say NO] Tip #4 - Know when to hire professional team members - legal, financial, and accounting. Tip #5 - Learn to set healthy boundaries - know your skills, manage your time, and know when to break up with a client. Tip #6 - Be a well rounded freelancer - continue investing in yourself and skills which can help you consider potential alternative revenue streams. To win a FREE copy of Kristen's book leave me a comment on what you're doing to take your business to the next level.  About guest Kristen Fischer                 Kristen has run her own copywriting business for over seven years.  She an author, journalist, and professional resume writer.  She's a graduate of Richard Stockton College of New Jersey and currently lives at the Jersey shore with her husband. Links Mentioned: Kristen on Twitter   Live Giant, Shelia

 What Would Your Marketing Look Like if Your Customer Signed Your Paycheck with Ann Handley [Episode #53] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:32

Ann Handley is the Chief Content Officer at MarketingProfs.  She's a speaker, author, and if content is king - she's queen.  She’s a 13-year veteran of creating and managing digital content to build relationships for organizations and individuals. We're talking content creation, multiple personalities (you'll need to tune in to learn more), story telling, branding building and the truth around why most business blogs are boring. Watch my video interview with Ann to learn more about her story and what she's up to today. Here are some actionable highlights from this Video Interview: Tip#1 - Figure out who you're selling to - who is your specific client.  Have a visual in your head of who they are. [learn more about Brand Visualization  - it's a must see] Tip #2 - Find their pain point - what are their problems, what content can you help them with. Tip #3 - It's not about your or your product - it's about who your selling to and what their problems are. Tip #4 - The key to good content is making the customer the hero of your story - it's what you can do for them. This tip will help you create customer focused content. Tip #5 - Useful and fun is important when creating content.  Show your human side - people want to do business with people. [see how to incorporate Story Telling into your marketing] Tip #6 - Don't consider content creation a task - it's an OPPORTUNITY to connect with. Tip #7 - Just start - this is the first step to finding your voice and greatness About guest Ann Handley                 Ann Handley is a veteran of creating and managing digital content to build relationships for organizations and individuals. Ann is co-author of the best-selling Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business.   Links Mentioned: How Ann Invented Blogging Vine: Stupid, Simple and Brilliant Content Rules Book   Live Giant, Shelia

 From Stuck To Unstoppable with Sandy Sidhu [Episode #52] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:18

Sandy Sidhu is the founder of SidekickPM where she helps entrepreneurs move from idea to action. Her new e-book shows you how to move from stuck to unstoppable. Watch my video interview with Sandy to learn more about her story and what she's up to today. Here are some actionable highlights from this Video Interview: Step #1 - Learn Why Your Stuck - Often times we are our barrier because of the fear of the unknown.  Don't let fear keep you down - you can, you do, you will.  Just start. [check out this interview with Carrie Wilkerson on overcoming fear - it's a must see] Step #2 - Your idea should solve a problem based on what you know, what you're good at and what you enjoy. Step #3 - Nurture your idea - for better success you need to narrow down your niche. Step #4 - Think Big, but start small - every good business needs a plan and every successful business needs systems and processes. Step #5 - Don't get overwhelmed by the TECH side of things. Go basic, clean and keep you target customer in mind. [see how Nathalie Lussier has made business tech easy] Step #6 - Just start, have goals, don't re-invent the wheel, timing is important - don't shoot for perfect, have an accountability partner. About guest Sandy Sidhu             Sandy helps women entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life by supporting them with the techy stuff that gets them stuck and overwhelmed. She's equal parts tech consultant, mentor, coach and friend. Think of her as your secret-techy weapon for your online business. With over 12 years experience in the tech industry, she earned her stripes working in every role from software tester to developer, team leader and on the business side as a Product/ Marketing Manager.  She has a degree in Software Engineering which gave me a pretty solid foundation for the real world.   Links Mentioned: SidekickPM From Stuck to Unstoppable   Live Giant, Shelia

 Social Media, Productivity and Removing The Word Impossible From Your Vocabulary [Episode #51] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:01

Erik Fisher is the Social Media Manager at Indiana Wesleyan University and the host of the podcast Beyond The To Do List - where he talks about personal productivity. I asked Erik on the show to discuss social media, building your list and engaging through podcasting and relationship marketing.  Erik has interview a number of thought leaders and I wanted to get his insight into their productivity and success strategies. Watch my video interview with Erik to learn more about his story and what he's up to today. Here are some actionable highlights from this Video Interview: If you want something badly enough you need to ask for it.  Remove the word impossible from your vocabulary. Don't be afraid to try something new - we were all new to Twitter and Facebook at one point.  Learn to use these platforms as tools. [see previous interview with Cliff Ravenscraft- on podcasting and finding your passion] If you want to be productive find out how you work best - early morning, late night.  Find it and focus on getting amazing work done during your "on" times. Social media is not LIFE SUPPORT - it's nothing more than a tool to help you engage and build relationships. [see previous interview with Angela Giles on 5 tips for mastering social media] In this world of massive content overload, take the time to work through books and important content and spend time understanding and applying concepts. There is a way to turn on notifications for business pages in Facebook - you can ask your community to like and get notifications. Don't lump everything into any platform other than your own - your website. About guest Erik Fisher           Erik is the Social Media Manager at Indiana Wesleyan University  and the host of Beyond the to do list, the show where we talk with people about their perspectives on personal productivity. I talk to a variety of people from friends to personal heroes about how they have managed their time, prioritized their tasks, and taken steps to avoid burnout. Links Mentioned: Erik on Twitter Beyond The To Do List   Live Giant, Shelia

 How To Overcome Fear and Become The Best You With Carrie Wilkerson [Episode #50] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:56

Carrie Wilkerson went from over worked, over weight, depressed and in debt to one of the leading mentors and thought leaders in online marketing and women in business. She's a Texas girl who's down to earth, has a non-BS approach to business and she's making a difference in the world. Watch my video interview with Carrie to learn more about her amazing story and see what she's up to today. Here are some actionable highlights from this Video Interview: Don't let your own fear stop you from achieving great things - Carrie was over weight, over worked, depressed and couldn't even get an interview.  One day she said "Enough is Enough" and she's paved her own way ever since. If you want success - step out of the place you don't want to be.  There's no "Easy" card and you must do the hard work, but it's a choice.  [see previous interview with Dyana Valentine - Making Choices and Turning Your Flaws Into Awes] The reason you haven't achieved what you want to achieve is because you haven't decided that you WILL - you may want, but you must decide you will. You will have critics and negativity in life - don't let it get you down.  Learn from it and look at it from a measure of grace.  You don't know what path others are walking [see my previous interview with Basma Hameed to see how  adversity and bullying has helped her succeed] On work life balance - balance is in the eye of the beholder.  Maybe rhythm is a better way to label it instead of balance.  Schedule important things on your calendar. On systems and processes - Carrie uses several tools such as Time Trade which sync's to her Google Calendar, she has a VA for support 10 hours per month, she only accepts scheduled incoming calls and she tries to take off every Friday to spend time with her family. Don't let fear stop you - you can be scared and broke or afraid and well paid. You're going to be scared either way, so you may as well be paid for it. About guest Carrie Wilkerson               Carrie Wilkerson is the voice of experience. From corporate life to teaching high school to direct sales, to information marketing and coaching she has ‘been there and done that’ professionally and personally. An ‘overnight mom’ to 2 toddlers through adoption, her priorities instantly changed and so did her workplace. She’s now built several businesses and coached others to do the same while overcoming extreme debt, losing 110 lbs and having 2 more children, for a total of 4, aging from toddler to teen! Links Mentioned: CarrieWilkerson.comBareFoot Executive Book Live Giant, Shelia

 Success, Survival and The 7 Business Lessons Learned From A Brain Aneurysm [Episode #49] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:42

Maria Ross is the Creator and Chief Brand Strategist at Red-Slice where she helps entrepreneurs tell their stories and position themselves uniquely in the market. Although she prides herself on helping her clients tell great stories, few of them can compare to hers.  In 2008, her life was storybook perfect -- great husband, successful company, cute dog. Until the unthinkable...she suffered a brain aneurysm. Watch my video interview with Maria to learn more about her amazing story and see what she's up to today. Here are some actionable highlights from this Video Interview: When building your network think about building relationships, not simple connections. Networking is a quality game, not a quantity game.  [see previous interview with Sandy Jones-Kaminski - great networking tips] Focus is key to branding - you can't be everything to all people.  Choose your niche and focus. Be Authentic, embrace who you are and play to your strengths. [Learn more about being authentic from Mayi Carles] Practice patience - set your goals and make progress toward those goals. Celebrate the small wins. Learn to say NO - if you say no to the wrong things, you can say YES to the right things. Find the ideal customer you want to work with and focus your time, energy and marketing efforts on that niche.  You can't boil the ocean - so narrow down. About guest Maria Ross                   Maria helps companies discover the features that make them completely irresistible…and then translates those qualities into strategies that stick. Prior to creating Red Slice, she crafted branding and marketing strategies for Silicon Valley start-ups, global software firms, Internet companies, entertainment powerhouses and consumer businesses — including Business Objects (an SAP company), Discovery Networks and — and created communication and training strategies for Fortune 1000 clients at Accenture. Links Mentioned: Red-Slice Website Indie Brand Bootcamp Book - Rebooting My Brain   Live Giant, Shelia


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