Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff

Summary: Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."

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 Best of BAM: Cloning, Embryos, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions he is revved up. He just recorded a Hank Unplugged podcast with Gary Habermas. Also, this morning he read an article titled, "Scientists successfully clone monkeys. Are humans up next?" This article lays out the potentials we face as biological science marches forward. Producing a human clone would require testing on thousands of human embryos that would end each of those lives. Who would own the clones? The scientists who perform the ghastly experiments? Hank also answers the following questions: The Gospels, Hebrews, and Revelation were written to the Jews. Only the Pauline books were meant for the Church. Only the KJV is the correct Bible. You are part of the Alexandrian cult! My background is Baptist, but I've been attending a Catholic church. Should I be concerned about the doctrines and traditions taught there? My father is transgender, and I've told him I don't agree with him, and see him as a man, as my father. How do I discuss this with him and stand strong biblically, and yet be respectful? I have been studying reformed theology with a friend, but am having trouble with certain parts of it. What are your thoughts?

 Best of BAM: CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL, Hip Hop, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank discusses the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL, available through CRI. The current issue includes an article on Hip Hop, "Spirituality in Modern Hip Hop: The Theology of Kendrick Lamar and Chance the Rapper" by Vocab Malone. Referring to the article, Hank discusses the troubling elements in Hip Hop. Hank also answers the following questions: Who coined the term Trinity? Is there a hierarchy within the Trinity? Is suicide forgivable? Do you think that the ark of the covenant is resting in Ethiopia? In Genesis 19:3 Lot feeds the angels who come to his home. Do angels actually need to eat and sleep? Were these beings truly angels, or just men? Matthew 1:21-23 says the baby shall be called Jesus. In Isaiah 7:14, the baby's name shall be called Emmanuel. What am I missing? Are they the same person? In Matthew 7, Jesus says not everyone who says to Him, "Lord, Lord" will enter into heaven, and that is very terrifying to me. How can a person know with certainty that they belong to the Lord?

 Best of BAM: Q&A: Hell, Homosexuality, and Alien Atonement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions: How can I properly explain the eternal nature of Hell? What can you tell me about the passage of scripture that says Jesus went down into Hell to preach to the captives there? As a Canadian teacher, I am being required to teach students about homosexuality and gender issues. How can I refuse to do this as a Christian, and keep my job? Is everything Ravi Zacharias believes and teaches doctrinally sound? Did people in the Old Testament have last names? Is there any evidence for the existence and lineages of Noah's sons, Ham, Shem, and Japheth? What is your viewpoint on life in the cosmos beyond earth? Could there be morally responsible beings on other planets that need the salvific work of Christ as we do? What is the New Covenant; when did it start; who is involved in it; is it in effect today? What version of the Bible do you prefer, and why?

 Best of BAM: Bible Answer Man, Evolution, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank reminds his listening audience that not only the Bible Answer Man program is available, but also the Hank Unplugged podcast. He encourages us not only to listen, but to rate the podcast as well to help expand the reaches of CRI. Drawing an example from the book Zombie Science, Hank also discusses the scientific invalidity within Darwin's theory of evolution. Hank also answers the following questions: Why doesn't the Bible give us more information about Joseph? Are homosexuals saved? Do they have the opportunity to be forgiven? How do I answer an atheist who says that we get our morality through the means of human experience? Upon reading the biblical account of Abraham, it seems to me that his "obedience" came about after he had received an inheritance, and had ample goods. What are your thoughts? I've been troubled by the view held by many Christians that drinking any alcohol is sinful. If this is so, why was Jesus' very first miracle one of transforming water into wine? Is it OK to force violent Muslims out of our country?

 Best of BAM: Hank Unplugged, Os Guinness, and Fool's Talk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's special edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, we present an episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast in which Hank talked with prominent author and social critic, Os Guinness.

 Best of BAM: Giving, Zombie Science, and R. C. Sproul | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions that he is live in studio with Dr. Larry Johnston, the Chief Advancement Officer at CRI. Hank also mentions an upcoming Hank Unplugged podcast featuring Johnathan Wells, author of Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution. Hank received a call from Ligonier Ministries called to let him know that R. C. Sproul had gone home to be with the Lord.

 Best of BAM: Theology of Giving | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank discusses the "Theology of Giving." He touches on the biblical teaching of stewardship as well as a biblical outlook on debt. Hank also answers the following questions: Can you tell me the reason why some books are missing from the Old Testament? Could Jesus really be tempted?

 Best of BAM: The Persecution of Christians and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank talks about his trip to Washington, D. C. where he was the keynote speaker at the 3rd International Conference on Religious Freedom. The conference brought leaders together to discuss the following topic: "The Persecution of Christians in the Holy Lands and Middle East: Consequences and Solutions." Hank also touches on near-death experiences and their validity. Hank also answers the following questions: What can you tell me about the people in the Bible who had sexual relations with their servants in order to produce heirs? Jeremiah 29:10 talks about the inhabitants of Jerusalem being in exile for 70 years, but it also mentions Babylon. Does this have anything to do with Israel being in the land today, with Jerusalem as its capital? Can you explain how angels can be non-corporeal, without a physical body, yet they can appear to humans as they did in the Bible? Joyce Meyer teaches that we should think positively. I believe we should think about a positive God. What do you think about that? Also, could you give me a synopsis of your spiritual travels, and your conversion to Orthodoxy?

 CRI Resources, the Theology of Giving, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank begins the broadcast by highlighting the resources available at CRI this month--The Case for Christ DVD, Life in the Trinity, by Donald Fairbairn, and Why Does God Allow Evil, by Clay Jones. Hank also spends some time discussing the "Theology of Giving." Hank also answers the following questions: How are your treatments going--how are you doing? What is meant by the phrase "new wine in old wineskins?" Is there any validity to the prosperity theologians?

 Bible Answer Man LIVE!, Israel, Transgenderism, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions that the Bible Answer Man LIVE! on Facebook and YouTube was split away from the normal Bible Answer Man broadcast time. Hank received a question regarding Israel's Capital during the LIVE! broadcast, and decided to answer it on tonight's broadcast. Hank goes on to discuss the biblical land promises to Israel in light of both the Old and New Testaments. Hank also talks about the problems associated with treating transgendered people according to their perceived sex, rather than their biological sex. Hank also answers the following questions: Should the U.S. continue to recognize the current status quo of the Capital of Israel? Who was Cain's wife, and who were the people in the land of Nod? Can you tell me the reason why some books are missing from the Old Testament? Why is the term "Mystery Babylon" in the Bible, and what does it mean? What can you tell me about the new film, The Star?/li> Is the Big Bang biblical?

 MUSLIM, Islamic Terrorism, and Materialism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank discusses the critical issues facing the world today. CRI has resources to prepare you to deal with these issues. One resources especially helpful is Hank's, MUSLIM: What You Need to Know About the World's Fastest-Growing Religion. In light of today's terror attack in New York, it is critical that Christians remain equipped to deal with this issue specifically, and Islam in general. Also, Christians need to be equipped to face the onslaught of materialism, especially as it is found in our schools, causing the faith of many students to be stripped away. Young people need the answers to the questions they are faced with.

 Best of BAM: Hank Unplugged with Joe Dallas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's special edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, we present an episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast in which Hank talked with Christian counselor and former gay activist Joe Dallas, concerning same-sex sexuality, transgenderism, and the Church.

 The Persecution of Christians and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions that he returned to the studio yesterday following his trip to Washington, D. C. where he was the keynote speaker at the 3rd International Conference on Religious Freedom. The conference brought leaders together to discuss the following topic: "The Persecution of Christians in the Holy Lands and Middle East: Consequences and Solutions." Hank also answers the following questions: What can you tell me about the people in the Bible who had sexual relations with their servants in order to produce heirs? Is it true that the Pope wants to change the words of the Lord's prayer? What is "replacement theology" and is it taught in the Bible? Can you explain how angels can be non-corporeal, without a physical body, yet they can appear to humans as they did in the Bible? Joyce Meyer teaches that we should think positively. I believe we should think about a positive God. What do you think about that? Also, could you give me a synopsis of your spiritual travels, and your conversion to Orthodoxy?

 The Persecution of Christians in the Holy Lands & Middle East | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions that he just returned from his trip to Washington, D.C., where he spoke at the 3rd International Conference on Religious Freedom. The conference brought leaders together to discuss the following topic: "The Persecution of Christians in the Holy Lands and Middle East: Consequences and Solutions." Hank also mentions that John Dominic Crossan denies the validity of the census as described in the book of Luke. Did Dr. Luke make a colossal mistake in recording the facts, and is Scripture therefore unreliable, or has Crossan made a fatal error? Hank also answers the following questions: Jeremiah 29:10 talks about the inhabitants of Jerusalem being in exile for 70 years, but it also mentions Babylon. Does this have anything to do with Israel being in the land today, with Jerusalem as its capital? I know mercuryone started by Glenn beck asked his audience to donate to help move Iraq Christian's to safer countries away from ISIS. Have you ever pondered the origin of the human races in its possible onset at the Tower of Babel?

 Hank Unplugged and Francis Beckwith - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's special edition of the Bible Answer Man broadcast, we present an episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast that we began on our previous broadcast. Hank is talking with Professor Francis Beckwith, Professor of Philosophy and Church-State Studies at Baylor University.


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