Let Me Strive to Never Be Defined show

Let Me Strive to Never Be Defined

Summary: Let us strive to never be definable. The Libertarian Ann Experience Ron Paul Girl Show a Girl's Guide to Liberty. Now we are back to "the story of a girl"

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  • Artist: RonPaulGirl
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 Thank You Ron Paul - Oct 24,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:00
 NOBODY for President! - Oct 22,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:53:00

Nobody for President! Nobody keeps all campaign promises As you read this, Nobody is in Washington working for you I believe that Nobody should have that much power I want Nobody to run my life Nobody bakes Apple Pie better than my mom Nobody for President 2012 On December 8, 1975, I spoke with Wavy Gravy at the United State Cafe on Haight Street in San Francisco, about voter apathy.I pointed to statistics showing people were not registering to vote and approximately fifty (50) percent of the people who could vote were not showing up at the polls. Wavy responded, "You mean Nobody is winning the Presidential elections?"That question became the spark that ignited the Birthday Party's "Nobody for President Campaign." Wavy Gravy became "Nobody's Fool," Curtis Spangler, became "Nobody's Campaign Manager," and the rest is history! CompTIA poll shows more support in IT industry for President Obama vs. Mitt Romney in every area, including tax policy, access to capital, tech exports, education and privacy. "Not Sure" actually the big winner. By Jason Knott, August 24, 2012, Article Source, Slashdot Source, via Hank ?As we gear up for the elections this fall, we're finding that messages from the candidates have yet to resonate with the IT sector and the challenges and opportunities before the industry,? says Todd Thibodeaux, president and chief executive officer, CompTIA. ?Despite global economic uncertainties, the United States remains a leader in innovation, particularly in technology. Any candidate hoping to win the support of the industry will need to provide a stronger vision for how we retain and expand our leadership in this growing and vibrant IT sector."

 Weekly Recap and Video Broadcast - Oct 20,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:00

Try to do video and talk show at the same time again. 12 am CST http://tinychat.com/ronpaulgirl

 The Secret History of Humanity - Oct 19,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:06:00

Ummm it's kinda about everything actually. Didn't really stick to the topic.......

 The Best of Carol Paul - Oct 16,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Listen to the best First LAdy ther ever could be. Clips from [past interviews with Mrs. Carol Wells Paul.

 The Ron Paul "Write In Campaign" Part 2 - Oct 15,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:00

Still going. And I even cut off the last 40 minutes too!

 The Ron Paul "Write In Campaign" Part 1 - Oct 15,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:18:00

The beginning is a long intro, sorry. Losten though, it's a summary of the 2 years of the show. Kinda. at about 8 minutes intro ALMOST over.. @12:30 funny clip from Carol on Rand... keep listening....starts soon. http://www.spreaker.com/user/ronpaulgirl/the_ron_paul_write_in_campaign Having another show more focused about the "write in" campaign. I just want to hear for info on it. we will have the leaders of it on the is week. So tonight we just talk about everything! (the intro here is very long. sorry....) I had fun with sound effects though :) O at 23:40 I don't know where that clip came from!!! lol Gets offf to a slow srtart as usual, but then much berter 30 minutes in. Lots of topics. Mona Fishman, a true Girl 4 Ron Paul, states: Do YOU want to take back America?? I spend every waking hour working on getting Ron Paul elected. I'd Suggest you do the same! Winners NEVER quit and quitters NEVER win!! Ron Paul is the ONLY one who can Beat Obummer! It's officially national news people... the man is unstoppable and he is doing nothing its all his suppporters. That's a real revolution. If Mona can come on the show tonight to explain too. Also REcap of What's Going on With the show aminly, perhaps I'll recap the global events too. lol. No really I just want to explain lat nigh't episode andwhy it made no sense and then tell ya what you missed after it.

 Psychology of the "Elite" - Oct 13,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:00

Re-cap vP debate first. Then: What is it about them that makes them different from us. Are they morally lacking or would we all fall into the same roles if we were in their position? I think not.

 Do Something Besides Worry & Shop! - Oct 12,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:00

Breast Cancer Sham. I can't stand people making profit of of women with cancer. Cancer is not pink or pretty! Regular show starts in 2 hours....

 Childhood's End - Oct 09,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:18:00

Comedy/Philosophy The passage from childhood to adulthood happens when the child begins to realize that life is hard, death is certain and the chances are pretty good that he or she is going to be struggling for the rest of their life. These harsh realities wash away the idealism, naiveté and illusions of youth. Also this maturation process causes the youth to have a new understanding of what responsibility and stewardship means as well as the desire to make an impact on reality and leave the world a better place. This process occurs as a result of both experience and information. As a youth gathers more information through the experience of life he or she reaches certain inevitable conclusions. If the Powers That Be do not destroy the freedom on the Internet and poison our environment beyond repair, by 2030 our collective human neuro-system will have matured and developed into a great font of collective wisdom. In that situation, decisions will be made not according to how much money can be made, but how much benefit can be created. The scrapes and bruises of our childhood folly will be repaired as we see the puerile remnants of these false lives and shed them. Nuclear power plants built in areas where tidal waves hit will seem ludicrous to the coming human race. Stockpiling nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, assuming a mutually assured destruction posture and much more of our current experience will seem silly to the people of the future. It should be noted that through this process there will be much resistance. No one resists with more adamancy than a child. We can expect countless temper tantrums over the next 20 years. With the awakening power of Internet, the shedding of the phantasm, and the rising experience of our true spiritual nature, no one can hide from the truth. Wise people know the value of spiritual truth, but they also know when someone is lying to them.

 Maybe Show tonight, Maybe not? - Oct 05,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:00

It will be short if so, so don't get your hopes up! lol I might fall asleep early tonight. I'm going to try at least...

 Last Night's Debate = Double Failure - Oct 05,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:00

Big Surprise! I think I got dumber just listening! (Consider Seceding with Texas and Ron Paul and me? lol) Vote if you want, I am not a mean anarchist or anything. The political system of America is officially a crock of shit in my mind. Some may say "I told you so" but I had to learn it on my own and it takes at least two times voting in a presidential election to figure out the game. I had to give it one last shot (going all out) before I realized there is no fixing the system through the system. So no excuses for anyone over 30 who still votes. And if they are under 22, give em a break and let them "cast there vote" without any hassles, they will become anarchist sooner or later. I think eventually we all do before we die. We all say "screw the system" to our grand kids.. NO? Well we should! ~ (I don't usually use fowl language, but thefed.com) http:youtube.com/libertarianann http://ronpaulgirl.com and http://blogtalkradio.com/ronpaulgirl (that should keep you busy until next episode... lol) Ron Paul is and will always be, my hero :) ...then Eustace Mullins, Terence Mckenna, and Dolly Parton... Please excuse the annoying spreaker radio intro...

 Ron Paul, The Man I Can Never Forget - Oct 01,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:00

A short clip. Regular show on at 12 am central in 4 hours! Love ya, Peace!

 Mr. P Convinces Ann Visit NH Free State - Sep 29,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:00

NH Free State talk show

 BTR Presidential Electons? - Sep 28,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:06:00

Clips from Rose's Show when we discussed upcoming elesctions. I'm still confused on what or when it is.


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