Let Me Strive to Never Be Defined show

Let Me Strive to Never Be Defined

Summary: Let us strive to never be definable. The Libertarian Ann Experience Ron Paul Girl Show a Girl's Guide to Liberty. Now we are back to "the story of a girl"

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  • Artist: RonPaulGirl
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 Who Wants To Get Funked Up? - Dec 24,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:00

Do not adjust you're radio... Make my funk the P Funk. Lay it on your radio. Let the vibes flow through.Good evening. Do not attempt to adjust your radio, there is nothing wrong. We have taken control as to bring you this special show. We will return it to you as soon as you are grooving. Welcome to station WEFUNK, better known as We-Funk, Or deeper still, the Mothership Connection. Home of the extraterrestrial brothers, Dealers of funky music. P.Funk, uncut funk, The Bomb. Coming to you directly from the Mothership Top of the Chocolate Milky Way, 500,000 kilowatts of P.Funk-power. So kick back, dig, while we do it to you in your eardrums. And me? I'm known as Lollipop Man, alias the Long-Haired Sucker. My motto is: Make my funk the P.Funk I want my funk uncut (make mine the P) Make my funk the P.Funk I wants to get funked up. (wants to get funked up) I want the bomb, I want the P.Funk (yeah) I want my funk uncut. (make mine the P) Make my funk the P.Funk I wants to get funked up. WEFUNK, y'all. Now this is what I want you all to do: If you got faults, defects or shortcomings, You know, like arthritis, rheumatism or migraines, Whatever part of your body it is, I want you to lay it on your radio, let the vibes flow through. Funk not only moves, it can re-move, dig? The desired effect is what you get When you improve your Interplanetary Funksmanship. Sir Lollipop Man! Chocolate coated, freaky and and habit forming. Doin' it to you in 3-D, So groovy that I dig me. Once upon a time called Now!

 Dark night - Dec 22,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:00
 Quite Your Mind... Move into the Vortex - Dec 22,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:00

Me going to sleep listening to some lectures. By RAm Dass , Anraham Hicks clips. attitude in life. Not terribly entertaining

 I Need a Girly Night - Dec 20,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:00

It might be short show, might be long. I don't know. I don't recommend listening. I can't guarantedd entertainment. I just wasnt to talk about girl stuff. I think, I could change my mind by then. Or I may not even show up. Yep. That's my plan tonight. Sorry if I don't make it. See ya later if I do... Ann

 Pros and Cons of Me Moving to New Hampshire - Dec 19,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:14:00

This only halfwy adresses the topic. It's a rather random show and I was very tired! Before you judge this whole radio show listen to a few previous episodes please. I tell some of my dumb blonde moments in this one for no reason! Go to previous nights episode. Its better. This one has nothing informative. Sorry. I give it a C - I've always been thinking about it for 3 years now. A few things came up recently that made me thinnk it might be more plausible to go now, but still unsure. Weighing the pros and cons. (for me personally mainy) Call in if you live there. What if I lived in Texas and NH? Hard to imagine when I've never left the 30 mile radius area in which I was born.... And of course talk about everything else and anything else ya'll feel like. I'm 95% sure I will be here on time for this show tonight. No I'll be there, even if I have to call in from the road for the first few minutes. Hmmm, its been a while since I did a remote broadcast from the bathroom stall at some bar/restraunt in Dallas. Those are always fun! Might think about it... If I don't do something, I might be stuck with in "limited government" hell forever. I'll still be pushing for Ron Paul as Gov of Texas and for us to secede from USA and then him step down to become first anarchist land. Not giving up on that possibility.Since most of what l I like to do is get arrested, film people undercover, and talk on the radio. It's kinda the perfect place for that. And you never know when you will get "tied down" by something or someone again. Gotta use the short time I'm still free to do stuff. Wish I could live in Texas, NH, Peru, and Cabo and just commute. http://ronpaulgirl.com/support http://facebook.com/BrookeAnnLiberty

 Late Night with Libertarian Ann - Dec 18,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:59:00

I talk with a Republican/Libertarian trying to change the system through the system. This is indicativee I think of the main divide through the liberty movement, poste Ron Paul election 2012, about how to change things. I argue the anarchist position yet we both try to come to some agreement or see how to work together. This is a frequent deabte I have and others on this show. I think we are gettign somewhere, however slowly itis taking. Love you all. Ann

 The Astonishing Power of Emotions - Dec 16,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:35:00

changed topics... Again considering it. I've always been thinking about it for 3 years now. A few things came up recently that made me thinnk it might be more plausible to go now, but still unsure. Weighing the pros and cons. (for me personally mainy) Call in if you live there. What if I lived in Texas and NH? considering I hate flying, prob not the best idea. If flying were free, or I could get my sister to fly me in a private plane... I'd just go back and forth every other week. That could be cool? Hard to imagine when I've never left the 30 mile radius area in which I was born.... And of course talk about everything else and anything else ya'll feel like. I'm 95% sure I will be here on time for this show tonight. No I'll be there, even if I have to call in from the road for the first few minutes. Hmmm, its been a while since I did a remote broadcast from the bathroom stall at some bar/restraunt in Dallas. Those are always fun! Might think about it... See ya then. Peace.LOVE TEXAS! I JUST CAN"T LIVE WITH THE STATE ANY LONGER. If I don't do something, I might be stuck with in "limited government" hell forever. I'll still be pushing for Ron Paul as Gov of Texas and for us to secede from USA and then him step down to become first anarchist land. Not giving up on that possibility.Just for the time being. And since most of what l I like to do is get arrested, film people undercover, and talk on the radio. It's kinda the perfect place for that. And you never know when you will get "tied down" by something or someone again. Gotta use the short time I'm still free to do stuff.wish I could live in Texas, NH, Peru, and Cabo and just commute. I just need a plane and my sister can fly me with out being assaulted by the TSA. It might be fun to move every 3 months!

 Late Night with Libertarian Ann - Dec 14,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:58:00

Pretty good show tonight. Random. Skip around for any subject! Trying to think of more creative names for show, but hard when it's every day! Libertarian Ann's Show

 Doing What I Want To Do - Dec 13,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:57:00

My Birthday Show. Random, Pretty Entertaining tho. A show where I just do what feels good. Random

 A Statist Calls In - Dec 12,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:35:00

On tonight's show we have a special statist guest calling in! REad the update below with the link to the guy posting comments on the other profile and you can see what he plans to call in and clear up for us... it should get you pretty heated up. I d rather you guys call in and talk with him, thank me tonight! lol Remember 3472020391 at 12 am every night. Easy. I'm kinda scared of him, not going to lie. lol POLITICAL DEBATE CONTRACT For honest, rational, and meaningful discussions about important issues. All Parties Agree to Avoid Red Herrings Clause #1: Clarification of Purpose Before proceeding, all parties must communicate the goals they are trying achieve through this argument/conversation. More importantly, all parties must identify the intellectual or emotional needs they are trying to have met through such an interaction.Clause #2: Ethical and Logical ConsistencyBecause almost all political arguments grow from the need of all parties determine right from wrong, or moral from immoral, each party must articulate a clear foundation of principles or axioms upon which all of their political positions are built.Please avoid abstract language and subjective claims like: ?America is the greatest country in the world!? OR ?Freedom is the only answer.? OR ?Obama says...? All your subsequent arguments and statements must not contradict the principles you put forward at this step. All elements of your current political belief system must be consistent with these principles.Clause #3: Avoiding the BoxWhile the discussion must stay on the agreed upon topic, all parties must agree to abstain from the tactic of putting their opponent(s) "in a box." This refers to attempts to control the context of the discussion in a way that is advantageous to you.Clause #4: Foundation of Facts

 Talking it Out - Dec 11,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:58:00

Random episode. Talking about Mckenna controversy, people judging others, relationships, organic, Huxley's, 2012, Dec 21st, letting go of the past, LSD, DMT, cannabis, psychology, child development, rape, aboption, stories, migranes, esalen, Gnostic Media, sinuses, health, water, GMO's flouridation, etc... the usual. a pretty interesting show. About everything. inda starts off with me talking about myself.... Changes up at the end. It's just random, skip around! Kinda one of my personal therapy shows. Texas. Cool callers tonight. Skip past the beginning if you get bored!

 Me and My Statist Sister : Live from Mexico! - Dec 09,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:00

Where are my comrades on the anarchist side? Or the very strict Libertarians... you know who you are. I need ya in an hour to help me convert my statist sister. It could be my last shot! I have her cornered!OK so my sis says its an hour behind here in Mexico. I don't think so . But whatever. go to http://libertyannlive.com/ which is also http://tinychat.com/ronpaulgirl and sign on and come talk with us. Help me explain to her what a statist is. She doesn't even know. ... Shhhh. I'll do the radio show at the same time. But if your online go to the link above. I could use some savvy Anarchists to call in.... PLEASEMr. P if you are out there. I need ya now. Turns out my sister isn't a Statist after all. She is just a quiet libertarian, possibly overshadowed by her big sisters ereme views and she'd rather lay low and keep the peace. (I mean Kokesh is a statist compared to me) She is actually more pro-liberty than many ?libertarians? I know, but the freedom and truth ?bug? hasn't caught her quite yet. For all the time she has spent & spends in Government institutions as a nurse, she is still the same non-conformist little sister I used to know! We just never get a chance to talk about theses things. I hope I can get her to discuss liberty more often on the show with me. The state just wants to take up all her time so she can't possibly look into ?alternative? treatments for patients, good heavens no! Now I just have to makeT coming on the show once a week something that sounds ?FUN? for her and worth her time. Which is the hard part. Maybe if more of you watched next time she would? I actually go her to sing at the end of the show, only Watt Smith and a few others were watching though. Thanks for coming on again, Wattt :) Was a long show but I only could record 3 minutes of it, due to tech difficulties…She sings at the end too

 A lot of different stuff to discuss - Dec 08,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:58:00

Talked with Susie Machado Clark tonight. She says, "Had a great night tonight talking with Libertarian Ann and Brett Pedersen on alot of the issues about Rand's NDAA and Ron Paul and his association with Campaign Liberty and alot more!" I liked what you both said about focusing more on the positive things that happened this year and ignoring the rampant criminalism. What we focus on, we get more of, so better to focus on the good. Yes I think it is a shame how everyone has split apart but I agree we need to focus on the positive things in life or all the bad things we see will drive us absolutely insane.

 Choosing Heart over Mind - Dec 06,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:40:00

Be here now. Know? thyself to be this moment. All is One and One is all. Freedom is within. The Kingdom is within. Our Kingdom is here/now. We simply need to accept it, give thanks and share it with one another. I send peace, love and harmony with all that is here/now. Love is the way. Be pure and be true to yourself it is not about names, titels. or even the words. its about LOVE. and nobody can do that but YOU...only you can feel the truth for your self, only you can feel the love in? your own heart, nobody else, can and have to do that for YOU it ist your own howly responsibility to love and find the truth, but you can first do that when you STOP fight against others We are God, individualized. We are Univerese, individualized. We are the Wave individualized as quanta. It is? not a great, or small significance. It is, just, so. It is so for everything, always. I know nothing you do not also know. I have nothing, you do not also have. I am nothing. Meet shaman, Kiesha Crowther also known as "Little Grandmother", as she speaks about the recent, worldwide Return of the Ancestors gathering. At age 30, Kiesha was told that the supernatural lessons she had been taught over a very difficult childhood, all had a purpose. Her purpose makes her one of today's leaders showing the way toward a lifestyle we must adopt to continue on this planet.

 Live from Mexico: Day 2 (Bad Connection) - Dec 03,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:00

It's a bad conection for this episode


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