CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: "Look, Dad." Nate held out the camera his mother had brought home from a neighbor's garage sale. He pointed to some words on the front of the camera. "This says 'Automatic Focus.' What does that mean?" "It means that a little mechanism at the front of this camera automatically opens or closes the shutter to let in just the right amount of light," Dad explained. "No matter how close or how far you are from your subject, you won't have to adjust anything to make each picture come out clearly." Nate held the camera up to his eye and looked through it. "You know what?" he asked. "My science teacher says our eyes work a lot like a camera does. She says the colored part of the eye is like the shutter. It's called the iris, and when the light is real bright, it makes the pupil--the round, black spot in the middle--get smaller. When it's dark, the iris opens up wide to let more light through the pupil." "That's interesting, isn't it?" Mom joined in the conversation. "I read somewhere that the eye also has a lens that allows things far away to be in focus, as well as things close up." "The eyes God has given us are very unique," added Dad. "They not only take pictures, but those pictures are recorded for us. Pictures taken with a camera are recorded on film, and the ones taken by your eyes are recorded on your brain." "Wow! So the stuff my eyes see is recorded like a picture on my brain?" asked Nate. "That's right, and that's why your mother and I don't allow you to read certain books or watch certain TV shows," said Dad. "We want your brain to be imprinted with better things." "Yes," agreed Mom. "We should be careful to use the cameras in our heads to record good pictures." She smiled as she added, "And let's be sure to thank God for our eyes and the wonderful way they work." Nate nodded thoughtfully. "I promise to do my best to keep my brain film as clean as possible." He looked down at the camera. "Hey, there's film in here already! Take a picture of me, Mom. It will remind me of my promise to keep my brain clean!" Mom grinned as she snapped a shot of Nate gleefully posing for the camera. How About You? What do your eyes see? Do they see things that leave a good impression on your brain? Does what they see on TV or online cause you to honor God in your thoughts and actions? Be sure to appreciate the wonderful gift of sight and thank God for it.You can thank Him best by using your eyes to look at things that are good, wholesome, and pure. Today's Key Verse: I will set nothing wicked before my eyes. (Psalm 101:3) Today's Key Thought: Look at good things