Black Talk Radio News show

Black Talk Radio News

Summary: Black Talk Radio News covers national & global social/political news with a focus on the Black community. This program is part of the Black Talk Radio Network. Visit online @

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 The Stephen Lendman Interview "Glenn Beck's Demagoguery, Right Wing Extremism, and Racism" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

One Black Man's View is heard live on Friday Nights at 9pm Est on the Black Talk Radio Network. I had the pleasure to interview Mr. Lendman on 9-18-2009 and found his comments to be very insightful. Born in the 1930's and having been a witness to the racism and rabidness of the right wing over decades, I believe he is very qualified to speak to these issues today. - Scotty Reid aka One Black Man At a time of 24-hour news and a proliferation of television and radio talk shows featuring hatemongers and demagogues like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck may stand out as the most unhinged and extremist of all as evidenced by his jihad against anyone to the left of his views, disadvantaged minorities, Muslims, Latino immigrants, and progressive change in some of his most outlandish comments. Help The Black Talk Media Project Build Better Black Media - Donate!

 Consumer Advocacy with Harold Cameron | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00
 What Did You Think About President Obama's Speech To Students? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Did you think it was good, bad and did he leave anything out that he should have addressed? Today Black Teen Empowerment Radio welcomes a new co-host, Mr. Jeffrey Hilliaire of Hood Success! Today's Guest: Sumeka Jackson - "Who Am I" Sumeka, a native of Welsh, Louisiana, is eady to share with the nation the music in her soul and the songs in her heart. She grew up surrounded by a family of singers on her father’s side and a dancing mother that branded music in her soul, she fell in love with R&B as a little girl. Her sound is a soulful R&B style, with a hint of Hip Hop, House, and not to mention swagger, yet packing a powerful message that in her own words, “At the end of the day, though the beat is hot, you will always remember the Message over the Music”. She is told by many that though her music will be embraced by all, the message in “Who Am I” is a strong addition to women’s empowerment that will become an anthem for woman all over the nation. Sumeka is also a song writer as well as the vocalist. She wrote “Who Am I” from her heart to encourage all that hear it to be comfortable in their own skin and love who you are not letting what others think of you impact your life negatively. Love you! Currently she is working on her freshman album self entitled “Sumeka: Who Am I? I’m ME”, she is dedicated not only to her family, but to her career as an artist geared towards touching the lives of all that experience her music.

 Why Some Conservatives Are Stupid and Should Shut The Hell Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

Special Broadcast: Some conservatives are just plain idiots. Run Sarah Run! 2012 woo-hoo!

 Waste Dumping In The Historic Black North Carolina Community of New Hill in Wake County | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Tonight we are joined by members of the New Hill Community, Rev. James Clanton and Mr. Louis Powell to discuss this issue. Sommer Brokaw of The Triangle Tribune writes: A black community is in close proximity to a proposed sewage treatment plant designed mostly to benefit other areas surrounding them. The site would impact 231 residents, over 75 percent African-Americans, according to the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, a Durham-based multidisciplinary group that promotes justice. The proposed Western Wake County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant would serve the growing needs of Apex, Cary, Morrisville and Holly Springs as well as the Wake County portion of Research Triangle Park south to the year 2030. But black residents near the site say they are bearing the burden of the towns dumping their waste on them without getting the benefit of clean water/sewer lines. Site 14 is adjacent to a black community in New Hill, an unincorporated town near the Shearon Harris nuclear power plant in western Wake County. The New Hill Historic District, on the National Register of Historic Places since 2001, includes two churches – New Hill Baptist Church, built in 1888, and New Hill First Baptist Church, built in 1910, and other buildings with Colonial Revival-style architecture. "I think they need to select another site other than site 14 because that site adjoins our property. It's pretty much in our backyard. The only thing that separates our property from that site is a little creek," said Edna Horton, a resident who has lived in New Hill for over 30 years. Horton, who uses well water, said she is concerned about waste water contaminating the groundwater if there's a spill.

 Opposition To President Obama's Speech Shows Deep Seeded Hatred & Racism Among Conservatives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Exploring the reasoning behind the overly strong opposition by so-called Right Wing Conservatives and many Republicans, to allow school children to watch a education speech given by President Obama. Many repeated the same talking points of conservative propagandist on the public airwaves who said the President was out to "indoctrinate" their children to liberal socialist/communist agenda. Were these legitimate concerns or just cover for the racist feelings they really hold in their hearts for a President who no longer shares their skin color? In one North Carolina county, the computer servers went down minutes before the President was to speak and conspicuously came back online after the speech was over. Right wing conservative host Tara Servatius, after being hit with calls in support of the speech decided to change the topic and refused dodged a question about whether or not she and other conservatives have a problem with military recruiters having access to their children with out parental consent. These racist attitudes being passed on to children were evident in some of the calls made to Obama hater Tara Servatius show by children. After a caller suggested that children were not viewing President Obama's speech in the partisan political manner that their parents were making it, right wingers prompted their children to call in and a few made obvious racist comments directed at inner city youth. Of course this was all encouraged and applauded by Tara Servatius. President Obama did leave one important message out of his education speech by not addressing the widespread cheating among so-called "high-achievers" in high school and college. "In some studies, up to 80 percent of high-achieving high school students and 75 percent of college students admit to cheating, a percentage that has been rising the past 50 years."

 Automobiles Buyer Tips - Consumer Advocacy with Harold Cameron | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

Harold will continue his topic from last week discussing things you need to know when purchasing or leasing a new or used automobile. He will give you great resources to use when you shop for an automobile.

 What is Wrong With Acknowledging Your African Roots? - Black Teen Empowerment Radio™ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

In 2009, Barack Obama was sworn in as the first President of African descent. Many African American children considered at risk because of their environment, in Barack Obama they saw someone who looks like them who overcame many obstacles including racism, to obtain what many consider the most powerful position in the world. In a world were they have to deal with constant negative images about people of African descent, there are people who look like them telling them there is something wrong with considering themselves to be African Americans. Today's Guest: Wendy Franklin Muhammad, known as The Authenticity Coach ™, is, among other things an Author, Seeker, a Woman and a Creative Being. She expresses herself professionally in many ways as an Entrepreneur, Business Consultant, Life Coach, Emotional Intelligence Coach, Public Speaker and Writer, to name a few. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors for Motivate Me For Life. A 501(C)3 Non-Profit organization that helps to prevent "at-risk" youth from becoming "at-risk" adults. A June 2000 study by the U.S. Department of Education and Justice more than 28 million school age children have parents who work outside of the home. This study also estimates that as many as 11 million youth do not participate in any type of after-school activity. Instead, they are challenged by situations that threaten their safety and ability to develop healthy social habits. In the targeted area, children of school age face daily challenges from violence to peer pressure. Motivate Me For Life’s! unique life skills approach will prepare youth to act in accordance with acceptable societal norms so that the participants can be successful later in life.

 The Curious Case Of Former Alabama Judge Herman Thomas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

DSL/Broadband Listeners Click Here Herman Thomas at the age of 29 years old was the youngest judge appointed to the District Court in Alabama in 1990. In the same year, Herman Thomas would later be the first Black judge to win an at large seat on the bench in what was described as a hotly contested election. In 1996, Judge Herman Thomas was nominated to become the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama by President Clinton but was not appointed to the office. Judge Thomas has been recognized for his work with the community through intervention programs and award winning work with 100 Black Men-Greater Mobile, which is non-profit organization. In 2006, two-white Circuit Judges made allegations that Judge Thomas was involved in a criminal drug enterprise using alleged drug dealers who appeared in his court to run the operation. The Judges would later give an interview to an Alabama paper alleging Judge Thomas owned a fleet of 17 luxury vehicles but like the previous allegations, Judge Thomas was investigated and all allegations were determined to be false. Now Judge Thomas is being accused by the same Judges, according to his defense team, of having improper sexual relationships with fifth-teen inmates. In 2009, Judge Thomas was indicted on 57 counts with charges ranging from ethics violations to kidnapping, extortion, sex abuse and sodomy. There is also a question about whether Judge Thomas is being convicted before trial by the Alabama and national Media coverage of the case. Join Scotty Reid, former Alabama Judge Herman Thomas and his attorney Attorney Bob "Cowboy" Clark will make their case of his innocence on One Black Man’s View at 10pm Est., 9:00pm Est. and 8:00 pm Pst.

 Taking Our Communities Back - East Dallas North Carolina Raise Up! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Image courtesy of Gastonia Gazzette DSL/Broadband Listeners Click Here Dallas, North Carolina is located in Gaston County, which is only 20 miles from Charlotte, which is North Carolina’s largest city. While Dallas is what many would consider a small southern town, it has had its problems with “Big City” crime. The East Dallas community is fed up with violence, drug related activities and other problems in the community and this has some residents and community leaders determined to take their community back! Join us on North Carolina News and Views for this special segment as we talk to Gaston County Activist James Muhammad and Pastor Lisa Sanders of Ascending Faith Ministries, two people helping to lead the charge to take the community back. Visit National Black Teen Empowerment Expo *The views and opinions expressed by the host, guest and callers do not necessarily represent the views of the Black Talk Media Project, Black Talk Radio Network, Sponsors/Advertisers or Partners.

 Ryan Shell, Candidate For Greensboro City Council - Right Wing Host Taken To Task By Callers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Speaking with Ryan Shell About His Platform and Vision For Greensboro, North Carolina In The News: Clean Energy Forum Draws Crowd - Questions Arise About Sponsors - Greenville Online Rally Against Police Use Of Excessive Held In Greensboro - Carolina Peacemaker Tarboro Man Arrested In Rocky Mount Murder of One Out Of Six Murdered or Missing Women - Groups Oppossed To Bikini Carwash - Baba Jahi, BTMP News Correspondent - Rocky Mount John McCain Says Slow Down on Health Care Reform At Invitation Only Charlotte Event - Charlotte Observer South Carolina Boycott Ongoing - Greater Diversity News Media Audit Report Says Urban Radio Offers Value - To Who? - Target Market News Justice Depart To Ramp Up Civil Rights Division Weakened By Bush Administration - New York Times Right Wing Talk Host Tara Servatius Taken To Task By Callers - Commentary

 Consumer Advocacy - Automobile Issues: Things You Need To Know | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

Join Harold Cameron for Consumer Advocacy as he discusses some of the issues he has been working on and he will also discuss automobiles and some of the issues that can arise and things you should consider whether you are buying or leasing, purchasing new or used and if you purchase from a dealer or individual. *The views and opinions expressed by the host, guest and callers do not necessarily represent the views of the Black Talk Radio Network, Black Talk Media Project, Sponsors/Advertisers or Partners.

 Race To Lead Local County NAACP - McCain & Burr Health Care Town Hall - Re-Taking The Community | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

In The News: Charlotte NAACP to pick leader - BTMP Michael Lawson Interview - Charlotte Observer Over 250 Former QVC Employees Will Not Get Unemployment Benefits - Baba Jahi, BTMP News Correspondent - Rocky Mount Telegraph N.C. native wrongly deported to Mexico - Charlotte Observer Burr, McCain, McConnell to hold NC health forum - WLOS Perdue signs all but 6 bills from NC Legislature - WLOS A month after shootout, Dallas residents march against violence - BTMP James Muhammad Interview - Gaston Gazzette

 Holding The Hip Hop Industry Accountable and Returning Hip Hop To Its Roots | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Today's Guests: Attorney Lauren P. Raysor & The Regiment DSL/Broadband Listeners Click Here "Following the second anniversary of the shooting of her client, Makeda Barnes-Joseph, by rap and hip-hop artist Remy Ma, attorney Lauren P. Raysor announced on August 24 that she is asking all record companies to include a "morality clause" in their contracts with new artists. Ms. Raysor says this will act as an incentive for these artists not to engage in violent or criminal activity and also provides protection for these artists from other people who may intend to inflict great harm on them." Modern day hip hop has become a battleground where blinged out messiahs of materialism have often gained the upper hand, but MCs OSI and IseQold of the Regiment are the positive force for change in music. OSI had originally formed the Regiment as a vehicle to showcase his skills along with those of his partner C. Reid. Based in Detroit, they had done several shows locally before being selected to be part of the Rawkus 50, a compilation selected by Rawkus Records that represented a who’s who of today’s hottest emerging Hip Hop artists. The project was a success and the Regiment stood alongside some of the best upcoming hip hop in the nation. And while that would’ve been enough for some, OSI was wanting more. After the departure of Reid, OSI connected with IseQold, another Detroit MC who also shared a desire to make music that could speak to more than the materialistic.

 North Carolina Company "Blackwater" (Xe Services LLC) Face War Crimes Hearing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

DSL/Broadband Listeners Click Here Greensboro City Council At Large Candidate Jorge Cornell's Campaign Repsonds To Questions About Dodging Questions - Black Talk Media Project N.C. initiative explores escaped slaves' route to freedom - Charlotte Post Confirmed swine flu at 9 Rock Hill schools - WCNC North Carolina Company "Blackwater" Face War Crimes Hearing - Rebel Reports Mayoral candidates square off at forum - Charlotte Post Looking at the platforms of leading Charlotte, NC Mayoral Candidates Anthony Foxx (D) and John Lassiter (R) National News - Did the GOP suggest that if Democrats pass Health Care Reform, Republicans would be denied Healthcare? - Huffington Post National Black Teen Empowerment Expo The National Black TEEN Empowerment Expo (NBTEE) will show our teens how much we care about and believe in them! *The views and opinions expressed by the host, guest and callers do not necessarily represent the views of the Black Talk Radio Network, Sponsors/Advertisers or Partners.


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