Crosstalk America from VCY America show

Crosstalk America from VCY America

Summary: Reporting news and analyzing issues affecting the world, the Church, and your family from a Biblical perspective. Crosstalk is a live hour-long call in program heard weekdays on over 100 radio stations across America, hosted by Jim Schneider and produced by VCY America

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 News Roundup & Comment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

Review this edition of Crosstalk and learn more about the following stories and others as well.----The Energy Department is now saying that new intelligence shows the COVID-19 pandemic was most likely caused by a Wuhan, China, lab leak.----The COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023, that compels the Director of National Intelligence to make available to the public as much information as possible about the origin of COVID-19, passed the Senate unanimously.----Johns Hopkins School of Medicine professor Dr. Marty Makary called out the U.S. government on Tuesday at a House Select Subcommittee hearing on the COVID pandemic.----Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio called on President Biden to come visit East Palestine where a train had derailed. ----Derailment evacuation orders were lifted February 8th but many locals say that they got unexplained rashes and sore throats when they returned home.----A class action suit filed on behalf of hundreds of residents alleges that Norfolk Southern went rogue when it decided to blow up the cargo in 5 train cars containing deadly vinyl chloride 3 days after the derailment. This effectively poisoned the town and nearby region. ----Union leaders met with federal officials in Washington discussing railroad safety.----The Washington Post reviewed every possible regulatory change that was made under the Trump administration and they found that none of them contributed to the Ohio train derailment as was alleged by Pete Buttigieg.----Contaminated soil and water from the Ohio derailment were being taken to areas in Michigan and Texas without officials knowing about it.

 COVID Shots Added to CDC's Recommended Vaccine Schedule | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

Questions continue to be raised regarding COVID-19 vaccines and whether their manufacturers, and even the government, have been honest with the American public. It's now a regular occurrence to hear about those in their teens and 20's dying from myocarditis or going into cardiac arrest. Others are questioning the use of mRNA vaccines, even as the Florida surgeon general has issued a health alert on their safety. There's also great concern that the CDC is adding COVID shots to the recommended vaccine schedule for children and adults.--To sort things out regarding this issue, Crosstalk welcomed back Barbara Loe Fisher. Barbara is the president of the National Vaccine Information Center -NVIC-, a non-profit charity she co-founded with parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982.--Jim indicated that the first COVID-19 shot was given on December 14th of 2020. The narrative given then continues on. We're told that all is well and that the vaccines are safe. President Biden told America that if you get the shot, you can't get COVID. We know now that isn't the case. --So what have we learned since that first shot was given-- As you may recall, the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna were rolled out in 2020 under what's called an Emergency Use Authorization -EUA-. According to Barbara, they haven't been officially licensed for young children so these vaccines are still under an EUA for them. --When the vaccines began to be used, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System -VAERS- began to show that these vaccines were very reactive and now we know that it is the most reactive vaccine ever put on the market.

 UN Pushing New Age Spirituality on Schoolchildren | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

Children are under attack on many fronts, being indoctrinated sometimes in subtle ways, yet at other times, the efforts are more overt. This takes place through broadcast media, social media, the educational system, libraries, and even in the public square.--In Matthew 18-6, Jesus gave a stern warning about the corruption of children. In spite of that, there remain those who pursue children with a clandestine agenda. One such organization that's part of this is the United Nations. --Returning to Crosstalk to provide proof was Alex Newman. Alex is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant. He's senior editor for The New American. He is author of Crimes of the Educators and Deep State- The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes. He is founder of Liberty Sentinel--According to Alex, the U.N. has had an agenda to seize control over education from the time they set up the U.N. Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization -UNESCO- in the aftermath of WWII. Julian Huxley was the first person to lead this organization. He was also the head of the British Humanist Association as well as the Eugenics Society.--Along with UNESCO came the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This is a document that is still in effect. It states that children must go to school and that all education, -...shall further the activities of the United Nations.---Moving forward a few decades we see the establishment of the U.N. World Core Curriculum. In the forward for the teacher's manual, the writer acknowledges that the principles on which his curriculum is based come from Alice Bailey and a Tibetan teacher Djwahal Khul.

 What in the World? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

For those of you not familiar with this series, there's an old phrase that goes like this- -What in the World--- It's a phrase that someone might say after seeing or hearing something that's surprising, angering or disgusting.--Numerous recent news examples fit this framework as they simply defy, not merely common sense, but common moral sense when viewed from a biblical perspective. Here are some examples-----The Arizona legislature is considering a piece of legislation known as Senate Bill 1700. This would give parents the opportunity to review books and materials used in the schools for 120 days before they are available to students and to allow parents to request the removal of the books-materials. This concerns books-materials that are lewd or sexual in nature, promote gender fluidity, gender pronouns, or that groom children into normalizing pedophilia. A common sense piece of legislation, right-- A group known as -Equality Arizona- described the legislation as -unconstitutional,- -viciously transphobic,- and -anti-LGBTQ-.----A high school teacher in Washington state suggested that schools should hide information about children from their parents because kids, -are not safe in this nation from their Christo-fascist parents...-----In a new report, America's largest teachers union is encouraging educators to bargain for their healthcare coverage to include abortion.----In a clear example of abortion tourism, an abortion business in New York is offering a new program for women living in pro-life states. The -Out of Town- program brings women from their home state to the abortion facility in Queens, New York.

 Ultimate Infographic Guide to the Bible | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

Many people struggle to read the Bible. They may struggle to see how what they're reading fits together with other portions or the Bible as a whole. Others may wonder what the difference is between the Old and New Testaments. How are readers to make sense of the different offerings in Leviticus or the various kings in the southern kingdom of Judah vs. the northern kingdom in Israel----Even if you're a seasoned reader of the Bible, there are probably questions that have popped into your mind or perhaps you've been approached by others with questions. For example, how can you be confident that the Bible is reliable-- Who decided which books made the final cut-- --These are questions you can find answers to and Dr. Joseph Holden appeared on Crosstalk to tell listeners how. Dr. Holden is president of Veritas International University in Southern California. He is general editor of The Harvest Handbook of Apologetics, co-editor of The Harvest Handbook on Bible Lands, co-editor of The Harvest Handbook of Science and Faith, associate editor of The Apologetics Study Bible for Students, with involvement in several other books as well. He is also producer of the documentary, Archaeology and the Bible- The Top 10 Amazing Discoveries. --What moved Dr. Holden to put a book like this together-- What he believes we're seeing today is more and more resources coming on the market while at the same time our literacy is dropping. So the impetus was to make the complicated a bit simpler for Bible readers. The Ultimate Infographic Guide to the Bible deals with aspects including the story behind the Bible, the Messiah, eschatology, Bible history, and more.

 News Roundup & Comment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

The following stories were part of a much wider look at the news by Jim this week.----The operations of the Norfolk-Southern train involved in a toxic derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, earlier this month received a critical audible alarm message instructing the crew to slow and stop the train to inspect a hot axle, according to a newly released National Transportation Safety Board report yesterday.----On Thursday, Pete Buttigieg finally made it to East Palestine, Ohio. That's almost 3 weeks since the derailment.----President Biden has no plans to visit East Palestine, Ohio, in the near future.----The U.S. EPA is ordering the Norfolk-Southern to handle and pay for all necessary cleanup surrounding the Ohio derailment.----About 31 train cars carrying coal derailed in central Nebraska early Tuesday triggering a hazmat response.----President Biden made a surprise trip to Kyiv, Ukraine, Monday to show support for the war-torn nation.----One year after the Ukraine invasion, Russia has yet to realize any of its strategic goals and escalation seems increasingly likely as NATO deploys more troops to the eastern border.----The Department of Defense has announced another 2 billion dollars in defense spending for Ukraine.----On the one year anniversary of Russia's attack on Ukraine, the U.S. is hammering Russia with a new round of economic sanctions designed to undermine their ability to continue to wage war. ----6 nations sided with Russia during a U.N General assembly resolution yesterday in which 141 countries voted to end hostilities in Ukraine and for Russia to withdraw its forces. Belarus, North Korea, Syria, Eritrea, Mali, and Nicaragua all sided with Russia.

 News Roundup & Comment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

The following stories were part of a much wider look at the news by Jim this week.----The operations of the Norfolk-Southern train involved in a toxic derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, earlier this month received a critical audible alarm message instructing the crew to slow and stop the train to inspect a hot axle, according to a newly released National Transportation Safety Board report yesterday.----On Thursday, Pete Buttigieg finally made it to East Palestine, Ohio. That's almost 3 weeks since the derailment.----President Biden has no plans to visit East Palestine, Ohio, in the near future.----The U.S. EPA is ordering the Norfolk-Southern to handle and pay for all necessary cleanup surrounding the Ohio derailment.----About 31 train cars carrying coal derailed in central Nebraska early Tuesday triggering a hazmat response.----President Biden made a surprise trip to Kyiv, Ukraine, Monday to show support for the war-torn nation.----One year after the Ukraine invasion, Russia has yet to realize any of its strategic goals and escalation seems increasingly likely as NATO deploys more troops to the eastern border.----The Department of Defense has announced another 2 billion dollars in defense spending for Ukraine.----On the one year anniversary of Russia's attack on Ukraine, the U.S. is hammering Russia with a new round of economic sanctions designed to undermine their ability to continue to wage war. ----6 nations sided with Russia during a U.N General assembly resolution yesterday in which 141 countries voted to end hostilities in Ukraine and for Russia to withdraw its forces. Belarus, North Korea, Syria, Eritrea, Mali, and Nicaragua all sided with Russia.

 Christian Resistance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

Resistance takes many forms such as that from the political realm when people resist policies or legislation or even standing in resistance against nominees. We can also see resistance within crime when individuals resist arrest. However, in the realm of biblical Christianity there's another type of resistance we need to address. In this case it's a kind of resistance that knows how to resist the world while following Christ. --Joining Jim to look at this issue was James Spencer. James is the president of D.L. Moody Center, an independent non-profit organization inspired by the life and ministry of Dwight Moody. He's author of the book- Christian Resistance- Learning to Defy the World and Follow Christ.--The challenge for Christians is this- How do we go about navigating the expectations and social conventions that we experience as those things attempt to shape and form us into something other than Christ-- At some point we need to begin resisting those things because our goal is to be conformed to the image of Christ.--To begin, James defined the term, -resistance.- At one time he was a personal trainer so he used to work people out with resistance in the form of weights. He explained how those weights are the pressure that you push or pull. This is a positive kind of resistance because as you resist, your muscles break down and eventually become stronger.--The other kind of resistance he was thinking of as he wrote his book was that of a dam. On one side you have what appears to be tranquil water that is sitting against a huge concrete wall. Because the water is tranquil you can be fooled into thinking there's no great pressure.

 Christian Resistance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

Resistance takes many forms such as that from the political realm when people resist policies or legislation or even standing in resistance against nominees. We can also see resistance within crime when individuals resist arrest. However, in the realm of biblical Christianity there's another type of resistance we need to address. In this case it's a kind of resistance that knows how to resist the world while following Christ. --Joining Jim to look at this issue was James Spencer. James is the president of D.L. Moody Center, an independent non-profit organization inspired by the life and ministry of Dwight Moody. He's author of the book- Christian Resistance- Learning to Defy the World and Follow Christ.--The challenge for Christians is this- How do we go about navigating the expectations and social conventions that we experience as those things attempt to shape and form us into something other than Christ-- At some point we need to begin resisting those things because our goal is to be conformed to the image of Christ.--To begin, James defined the term, -resistance.- At one time he was a personal trainer so he used to work people out with resistance in the form of weights. He explained how those weights are the pressure that you push or pull. This is a positive kind of resistance because as you resist, your muscles break down and eventually become stronger.--The other kind of resistance he was thinking of as he wrote his book was that of a dam. On one side you have what appears to be tranquil water that is sitting against a huge concrete wall. Because the water is tranquil you can be fooled into thinking there's no great pressure.

 WHO Pandemic Treaty Warning…Again! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

Nearly a year ago, Crosstalk conducted several interviews with multiple guests about a very dangerous World Health Organization -WHO- pandemic treaty that would require the U.S. to surrender its sovereignty to this organization. President Biden had offered various amendments to the WHO's International Health Regulations, but fortunately, all 13 failed. Crosstalk warned listeners that this was only a pause in their efforts. This program is our way of letting you know that the pause has ended and the WHO is meeting right now, discussing more radical amendments.--Returning to Crosstalk to bring the latest details on the WHO's efforts was Mat Staver. Mat is the founder - chairman of Liberty Counsel. Mat is a constitutional attorney with three landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. He is an author and the host of the radio broadcasts Faith - Freedom and Freedom's Call.--President Biden is supporting amendments to what's called the International Health Regulations. George W. Bush was actually the one who signed the U.S. on to this in 2005. He used the fact that we were a member of the WHO as the reason to sign on to this international health agreement and he bypassed Congress to do so. The amendments at that time were merely recommendations and not binding. The new amendments being proposed, which President Biden wants to sign off on with his pen and again bypass Congress, would change the WHO from a recommendation agency to a binding legal authority on all member nations.--This would allow the WHO the ability to use mandatory global authority to regulate everything that they deem to be within the realm of public health.

 WHO Pandemic Treaty Warning…Again! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

Nearly a year ago, Crosstalk conducted several interviews with multiple guests about a very dangerous World Health Organization -WHO- pandemic treaty that would require the U.S. to surrender its sovereignty to this organization. President Biden had offered various amendments to the WHO's International Health Regulations, but fortunately, all 13 failed. Crosstalk warned listeners that this was only a pause in their efforts. This program is our way of letting you know that the pause has ended and the WHO is meeting right now, discussing more radical amendments.--Returning to Crosstalk to bring the latest details on the WHO's efforts was Mat Staver. Mat is the founder - chairman of Liberty Counsel. Mat is a constitutional attorney with three landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. He is an author and the host of the radio broadcasts Faith - Freedom and Freedom's Call.--President Biden is supporting amendments to what's called the International Health Regulations. George W. Bush was actually the one who signed the U.S. on to this in 2005. He used the fact that we were a member of the WHO as the reason to sign on to this international health agreement and he bypassed Congress to do so. The amendments at that time were merely recommendations and not binding. The new amendments being proposed, which President Biden wants to sign off on with his pen and again bypass Congress, would change the WHO from a recommendation agency to a binding legal authority on all member nations.--This would allow the WHO the ability to use mandatory global authority to regulate everything that they deem to be within the realm of public health.

 Hell is for Real: Why It Matters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

Gary believes Satan's greatest hurdle is to overcome the idea among people that there's ultimate judgment and condemnation by a holy God. If he can do that, it would be the greatest deception of all time.

 Hell is for Real: Why It Matters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

Gary believes Satan's greatest hurdle is to overcome the idea among people that there's ultimate judgment and condemnation by a holy God. If he can do that, it would be the greatest deception of all time.

 World Government Summit 2023 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

Last week, February 13-15, the World Government Summit 2023 was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The theme of the event was- -Shaping Future Governments.---Through the execution of over 300 sessions, over 200 speakers, high level meetings and more, this summit brought together world leaders, global experts, and decision makers to share and contribute to the development of tools, policies and models that are essential in shaping future governments.--Jim listed some of the themes and workshops that were part of this forum, as well as audio clips from featured speakers including Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum. In his speech titled, -The State of the World,- Schwab communicated that whoever masters technologies such as artificial intelligence, the metaverse, and synthetic biology will -in some way be the master of the world.- --Other speakers featured on this edition of Crosstalk included Ian Bremmer, president and founder of Eurasia Group, and Elon Musk who cautioned attendees about the problems of a singular world government.

 World Government Summit 2023 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:00

Last week, February 13-15, the World Government Summit 2023 was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The theme of the event was- -Shaping Future Governments.---Through the execution of over 300 sessions, over 200 speakers, high level meetings and more, this summit brought together world leaders, global experts, and decision makers to share and contribute to the development of tools, policies and models that are essential in shaping future governments.--Jim listed some of the themes and workshops that were part of this forum, as well as audio clips from featured speakers including Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum. In his speech titled, -The State of the World,- Schwab communicated that whoever masters technologies such as artificial intelligence, the metaverse, and synthetic biology will -in some way be the master of the world.- --Other speakers featured on this edition of Crosstalk included Ian Bremmer, president and founder of Eurasia Group, and Elon Musk who cautioned attendees about the problems of a singular world government.


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