Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability

Summary: Create your personal Wheel of Life, for helping you find balance in everyday life. This powerful tool puts your life in perspective and helps you set goals around creating total life balance and enhancing your quality of life. Proven Business Success Principles and Systems for Working Less, Making More Money, and Enjoying Better Work Life Balance. You will discover proven and practical ideas you can immediately apply in all areas of your business and personal life so you can achieve your goals in the time frames you desire. Wouldn’t it be great if our ‘good intentions’ worked the way that we think they should? Not even enthusiasm guarantees positive results. There’s often a wide gap between our intentions and our actions. We fail to take the action necessary to be in alignment with our good intentions. This can be very frustrating. Good intentions don’t magically lead to good results. They are a start; however, they are unfortunately not enough. This is just the truth! We all can use a little accountability in our life to help us stay focused so we can achieve all our goals in the time frames we desire. Anne Bachrach is author of Excuses Don't Count; Results Rule!, Live Life with No Regrets; How the Choices we Make Impact our Lives, No Excuses, and The Work Life Balance Emergency Kit. Listen to the Podcasts and you can create the kind of life you have always dreamed of having. Go to www.AccountabilityCoach.com/landing today and take advantage of 3 Free gifts that you can immediately use to help you achieve your professional and personal goals. Visit www.AccountabilityCoach.com and receive 10% off all high-value products and services along with many complimentary resources and tools available to you under the FREE Silver Membership. You have access to tools like the Quality of Life Enhancer™ Exercise, a Wheel of Life exercise for helping you find balance in everyday life, assessments, articles, and so much more. Subscribe to the high-content Blog and receive valuable information. https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/blog/

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  • Artist: Anne Bachrach
  • Copyright: © 1992-2020 Anne Bachrach. All Rights Reserved


 Effective Time Management for Increased Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:20

Today we are going to talk about Effective Time Management and Calendaring so you can focus on the ‘right’ activities and have increased success. One of the success principles of any successful person is effectively calendaring and time management. In order to create your ideal life, you must learn to schedule EVERYTHING and be extremely effective at time management. What are the highest payoff activities you can do to achieve your goals in the timeframe you have set? You may want to make sure you spend more of your time on these activities versus other lower payoff activities. Work on those activities that produce the results you want and not the ones that might be easier to do or more fun or don’t cause you to go outside your comfort zone. Prioritization is very important in effectively managing your time. Start making a list of activities you would like to put on your calendar for the next week or few weeks. Put them on your calendar and then honor thy calendar. What do you want to accomplish today, tomorrow, next week, this quarter, and this year? I can’t stress enough the importance of calendaring and then honoring your calendar. You will find yourself more in control of your life and you will be even more efficient. You becoming very effective at time management will have a positive impact on your life – personally and professionally. You might be amazed at how much more productive you will be when you apply effective time management in your life. This is an important and key success factor and you must be skilled at maximizing your time. Focus on the results you want today, next week, next month, this year, and with every conversation and activity you do. Create your reality! You can do it!

 Effective Time Management for Increased Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:20

Today we are going to talk about Effective Time Management and Calendaring so you can focus on the ‘right’ activities and have increased success. One of the success principles of any successful person is effectively calendaring and time management. In order to create your ideal life, you must learn to schedule EVERYTHING and be extremely effective at time management. What are the highest payoff activities you can do to achieve your goals in the timeframe you have set? You may want to make sure you spend more of your time on these activities versus other lower payoff activities. Work on those activities that produce the results you want and not the ones that might be easier to do or more fun or don’t cause you to go outside your comfort zone. Prioritization is very important in effectively managing your time. Start making a list of activities you would like to put on your calendar for the next week or few weeks. Put them on your calendar and then honor thy calendar. What do you want to accomplish today, tomorrow, next week, this quarter, and this year? I can’t stress enough the importance of calendaring and then honoring your calendar. You will find yourself more in control of your life and you will be even more efficient. You becoming very effective at time management will have a positive impact on your life – personally and professionally. You might be amazed at how much more productive you will be when you apply effective time management in your life. This is an important and key success factor and you must be skilled at maximizing your time. Focus on the results you want today, next week, next month, this year, and with every conversation and activity you do. Create your reality! You can do it!

 5 step process to improve your health and fitness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:52

Some of you listeners today may know, but not all might, one of the important tools I use as an accountability coach with the people I work with is the Wheel of Life. The Wheel of Life I use, because not all are the same, has 8 areas that we regularly focus on. One of those areas is health and fitness. Most of the people I work with and many of the people I talk to, at one point in life have tried to lose weight or thought about losing a few pounds so they could be fitter and healthier and ultimately feel better and maybe even live longer. If you have tried to lose weight or thought about it, you are certainly in the majority. If you would like to improve your health and fitness and maybe even lose a few pounds in the process – this special interview we are doing today is for you. We are honored today to have an expert with us to talk about health and fitness. Denis Collier is a Registered Dietitian, a Certified Exercise Physiologist and has a Masters degree in Kinesiology. The company he founded specializes in helping individuals reach their most valuable goals by integrating nutrition with a physically active lifestyle. We are talking about how many people say they have tried repeatedly to lose weight and had little to no success. Some have probably thought about losing weight but maybe don’t have a plan or know the best way to approach being healthier and fitter. Denis shares a 5 step approach, a system of “arguing with yourself” to rid yourself of negative beliefs and become more optimistic about doing the things you need to do to lose weight and improve your health, fitness and quality of life in general. He calls it the “A.E.I.O.U. Technique”. Listen and learn! You will receive value from this special interview with our expert, Denis Collier.

 5 step process to improve your health and fitness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:52

Some of you listeners today may know, but not all might, one of the important tools I use as an accountability coach with the people I work with is the Wheel of Life. The Wheel of Life I use, because not all are the same, has 8 areas that we regularly focus on. One of those areas is health and fitness. Most of the people I work with and many of the people I talk to, at one point in life have tried to lose weight or thought about losing a few pounds so they could be fitter and healthier and ultimately feel better and maybe even live longer. If you have tried to lose weight or thought about it, you are certainly in the majority. If you would like to improve your health and fitness and maybe even lose a few pounds in the process – this special interview we are doing today is for you. We are honored today to have an expert with us to talk about health and fitness. Denis Collier is a Registered Dietitian, a Certified Exercise Physiologist and has a Masters degree in Kinesiology. The company he founded specializes in helping individuals reach their most valuable goals by integrating nutrition with a physically active lifestyle. We are talking about how many people say they have tried repeatedly to lose weight and had little to no success. Some have probably thought about losing weight but maybe don’t have a plan or know the best way to approach being healthier and fitter. Denis shares a 5 step approach, a system of “arguing with yourself” to rid yourself of negative beliefs and become more optimistic about doing the things you need to do to lose weight and improve your health, fitness and quality of life in general. He calls it the “A.E.I.O.U. Technique”. Listen and learn! You will receive value from this special interview with our expert, Denis Collier.

 10 Principles to Eliminate Distractions and Achieve Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:37

Today we are going to talk about 10 Principles to Eliminate Distractions So You Can Achieve Your Goals Sooner. Through my years of coaching people, I have found that we're all guilty of allowing the little things to distract us from what we should be doing. This happens to all of us to some degree or another. Whether you are an employee or self-employed, your income depends solely on you. And the more efficiently you can work the bigger returns you will receive. Take a moment and ask yourself where you truly want to be? Now tell yourself how many things you did today, yesterday, and the day before yesterday that directly contributed to the future results you want. And then tell yourself how many things you did today that did not contribute to your success. Those things probably distracted you from what you knew you should have been doing. Minimize distractions and you'll reach your goals faster - plain and simple. You must minimize distractions and focus on the tasks that have a positive effect on your success. All of the ten principles we will talk about today can be applied to reduce and eliminate distractions from your life. Wouldn’t it be great if our ‘good intentions’ worked the way that we think they should? Not even enthusiasm guarantees positive results. There’s often a wide gap between our intentions and our actions. We fail to take the action necessary to be in alignment with our good intentions. We allow things to distract us way too much each and every day. Eliminate distractions and you have an even better chance of acting on your good intentions and achieving amazing results! Aim for what you want each and every day!

 10 Principles to Eliminate Distractions and Achieve Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:37

Today we are going to talk about 10 Principles to Eliminate Distractions So You Can Achieve Your Goals Sooner. Through my years of coaching people, I have found that we're all guilty of allowing the little things to distract us from what we should be doing. This happens to all of us to some degree or another. Whether you are an employee or self-employed, your income depends solely on you. And the more efficiently you can work the bigger returns you will receive. Take a moment and ask yourself where you truly want to be? Now tell yourself how many things you did today, yesterday, and the day before yesterday that directly contributed to the future results you want. And then tell yourself how many things you did today that did not contribute to your success. Those things probably distracted you from what you knew you should have been doing. Minimize distractions and you'll reach your goals faster - plain and simple. You must minimize distractions and focus on the tasks that have a positive effect on your success. All of the ten principles we will talk about today can be applied to reduce and eliminate distractions from your life. Wouldn’t it be great if our ‘good intentions’ worked the way that we think they should? Not even enthusiasm guarantees positive results. There’s often a wide gap between our intentions and our actions. We fail to take the action necessary to be in alignment with our good intentions. We allow things to distract us way too much each and every day. Eliminate distractions and you have an even better chance of acting on your good intentions and achieving amazing results! Aim for what you want each and every day!

 Creating your Ideal Client Profile and Replicating Them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:48

Today we are going to talk about Creating Your Ideal Client Profile and replicating them. I believe that if you are crystal clear about what you want and you focus on it, you will attract it. Do you believe this? If you aren’t clear about what you really want, how can you communicate this to anyone who might ask you or attract these kinds of people to you. The universe doesn’t know exactly what you are looking for – and neither do you. That is why you need to have an Ideal Client Profile and have it in writing. Life is for enjoying, don’t waste time with people you want enjoy or want to be around. Imagine your company with only clients who provide you the revenue to life the lifestyle you want and you actually enjoy servicing. We will review several options of an Ideal Client Profile during our time together. By the end of our time, you should have a better idea of what you want so you can go and attract it. Many people focus on the masses, hoping to find an Ideal Client during the process. When you focus on only attracting Ideal Clients, you still may attract other people who don’t quite fit and you can choose to accept them or not. This might be a more powerful concept to consider applying because most people typically need fewer of the “right” clients than if they aren’t focused and take anyone. Next you want to apply the power of replicating only your Ideal Clients. With this valuable information of your Ideal Client Profile in hand, you can create a business management tool I call “Slots and Replication” to track your acquisition of great clients and keep you aware of how many more are needed for you to reach your goals. You will learn how to do this from this call. Figure out exactly what you want, state it clearly, and allow the “replicators” to work for you. Reap the rewards!

 Creating your Ideal Client Profile and Replicating Them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:48

Today we are going to talk about Creating Your Ideal Client Profile and replicating them. I believe that if you are crystal clear about what you want and you focus on it, you will attract it. Do you believe this? If you aren’t clear about what you really want, how can you communicate this to anyone who might ask you or attract these kinds of people to you. The universe doesn’t know exactly what you are looking for – and neither do you. That is why you need to have an Ideal Client Profile and have it in writing. Life is for enjoying, don’t waste time with people you want enjoy or want to be around. Imagine your company with only clients who provide you the revenue to life the lifestyle you want and you actually enjoy servicing. We will review several options of an Ideal Client Profile during our time together. By the end of our time, you should have a better idea of what you want so you can go and attract it. Many people focus on the masses, hoping to find an Ideal Client during the process. When you focus on only attracting Ideal Clients, you still may attract other people who don’t quite fit and you can choose to accept them or not. This might be a more powerful concept to consider applying because most people typically need fewer of the “right” clients than if they aren’t focused and take anyone. Next you want to apply the power of replicating only your Ideal Clients. With this valuable information of your Ideal Client Profile in hand, you can create a business management tool I call “Slots and Replication” to track your acquisition of great clients and keep you aware of how many more are needed for you to reach your goals. You will learn how to do this from this call. Figure out exactly what you want, state it clearly, and allow the “replicators” to work for you. Reap the rewards!

 Eliminate the No Longer Acceptable Things in Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:48

Many of us say we’re going to make changes to eliminate the things we don‘t like about our life, but few of us actually commit to improving the quality of our life. We stay in a job we don’t like and in a relationship that does not serve us, and blame our circumstances on the “hand” we’ve been dealt in life. If you have ever felt like this - it’s time to get a dose of reality. Whether you’re sick of your financial situation, your health or destructive relationships, you have the power to eliminate the “no longer acceptables” in your life and create the life you want and deserve. Give up the excuses because they are just plain cop-outs. Creating the life you want simply begins with a choice - you choose to eliminate the “no longer acceptables” in your life. Changing your life circumstances is that easy. You choose your desired reality instead of your current reality, and commit to doing whatever it takes in order to create it. While some people will live their entire life believing they are bound by their current circumstances, it does not have to be that way for you. There is no written law that says you have to live in fear, unhappiness or depression - in fact, it’s quite the opposite. We are created with unlimited potential, but can be falsely led to believe that we are not good enough to have what we really want. Whether you were told you deserved exactly what you got, or picked up bad habits that sabotaged your success - none of that matters. Your life can change the very instant you change your thoughts - right here, right now. Eliminating those things you find yourself being most unhappy with will allow so much more peace and emotional space. You will feel like a new person when you finally eliminate the things that have been holding you back from what you really want. Here are 5 practical steps you can take to start eliminating the “no longer acceptables” from your life.

 Eliminate the No Longer Acceptable Things in Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:48

Many of us say we’re going to make changes to eliminate the things we don‘t like about our life, but few of us actually commit to improving the quality of our life. We stay in a job we don’t like and in a relationship that does not serve us, and blame our circumstances on the “hand” we’ve been dealt in life. If you have ever felt like this - it’s time to get a dose of reality. Whether you’re sick of your financial situation, your health or destructive relationships, you have the power to eliminate the “no longer acceptables” in your life and create the life you want and deserve. Give up the excuses because they are just plain cop-outs. Creating the life you want simply begins with a choice - you choose to eliminate the “no longer acceptables” in your life. Changing your life circumstances is that easy. You choose your desired reality instead of your current reality, and commit to doing whatever it takes in order to create it. While some people will live their entire life believing they are bound by their current circumstances, it does not have to be that way for you. There is no written law that says you have to live in fear, unhappiness or depression - in fact, it’s quite the opposite. We are created with unlimited potential, but can be falsely led to believe that we are not good enough to have what we really want. Whether you were told you deserved exactly what you got, or picked up bad habits that sabotaged your success - none of that matters. Your life can change the very instant you change your thoughts - right here, right now. Eliminating those things you find yourself being most unhappy with will allow so much more peace and emotional space. You will feel like a new person when you finally eliminate the things that have been holding you back from what you really want. Here are 5 practical steps you can take to start eliminating the “no longer acceptables” from your life.

 Reduce and Eliminate Time Wasters from your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:29

The bottom line is that anyone who has a demanding career or runs their own business has to practice excellent time management, effective delegation and learning to say the word, “No.” It’s just not possible to maintain the simple life while achieving a high level of success and with today’s technology; it’s harder to hide when you need a break. Your email inbox is dinging, your cell phone is ringing, and your spouse or significant other is trying to call you on the car phone because your cell phone is busy. It is at this point that you have to filter the input so you can begin to regain control over your life. As good as you think you may be with your time management; there are probably “time-wasters” that can be eliminated from your daily life. The goal is to slow down and be focused on the highest pay-off activities that will produce the results you desire in the timeframe you want – personally and professionally. The goal is not to figure out how to move faster. It’s impossible to create more hours in the day and it’s simply not healthy to run at full tilt constantly. Learn how to eliminate the time-wasters in your life to improve your quality of life and success. Stop trying to make something “perfect” right now when it is effective the way it is. It may never be “perfect.” Time-wasters do nothing but impede or delay the ideal life you are committed to creating. The good news is they are simple to eliminate. They simply become something you used to do when you were okay with staying where you were. The difference now is that you are ready to move on and create your ideal life – and letting them go is a snap.

 Reduce and Eliminate Time Wasters from your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:29

The bottom line is that anyone who has a demanding career or runs their own business has to practice excellent time management, effective delegation and learning to say the word, “No.” It’s just not possible to maintain the simple life while achieving a high level of success and with today’s technology; it’s harder to hide when you need a break. Your email inbox is dinging, your cell phone is ringing, and your spouse or significant other is trying to call you on the car phone because your cell phone is busy. It is at this point that you have to filter the input so you can begin to regain control over your life. As good as you think you may be with your time management; there are probably “time-wasters” that can be eliminated from your daily life. The goal is to slow down and be focused on the highest pay-off activities that will produce the results you desire in the timeframe you want – personally and professionally. The goal is not to figure out how to move faster. It’s impossible to create more hours in the day and it’s simply not healthy to run at full tilt constantly. Learn how to eliminate the time-wasters in your life to improve your quality of life and success. Stop trying to make something “perfect” right now when it is effective the way it is. It may never be “perfect.” Time-wasters do nothing but impede or delay the ideal life you are committed to creating. The good news is they are simple to eliminate. They simply become something you used to do when you were okay with staying where you were. The difference now is that you are ready to move on and create your ideal life – and letting them go is a snap.

 Stop Procrastinating and Making Excuses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:06

Following through is the key component of goal achievement. When you stop procrastinating and follow through on your good intentions, you turn your intentions into tangible results. Yet our intentions don’t always control our actions. Even when we start out strong and act on our good intentions, most people will slip back into their old habits in a short period of time. All the enthusiasm, gusto, and zeal in the world cannot guarantee results. Even the best of intentions will not magically move us forward. The best excuses in the world are still just excuses – and excuses are just another obstacle on your journey to achieving your goals. The biggest problem most people face when trying to achieve their goals is lack of accountability. If you are only reporting to yourself, procrastination becomes easy. “I’ll start tomorrow,” or “I’ll make this my New Year’s Eve resolution,” or “I’ll eat this cheesecake now and start my diet tomorrow,” is most people’s mantra. Unfortunately, tomorrow becomes next week, next week becomes next month, and eventually next month becomes never. People think they know what they want, but believe that they don’t have the will power or determination to actually take steps toward their goals. We are all human. We all need help and support. Nobody succeeds alone. So how do individuals who are lacking the “follow through” gene still produce results? How do you alter your good intentions to produce the follow through necessary for action? Listen and find out. Begin enjoying the experience of an even greater life quality and total life balance. Aim for what you want each and every day! Until next time, make it a great day, today and every day!

 Stop Procrastinating and Making Excuses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:06

Following through is the key component of goal achievement. When you stop procrastinating and follow through on your good intentions, you turn your intentions into tangible results. Yet our intentions don’t always control our actions. Even when we start out strong and act on our good intentions, most people will slip back into their old habits in a short period of time. All the enthusiasm, gusto, and zeal in the world cannot guarantee results. Even the best of intentions will not magically move us forward. The best excuses in the world are still just excuses – and excuses are just another obstacle on your journey to achieving your goals. The biggest problem most people face when trying to achieve their goals is lack of accountability. If you are only reporting to yourself, procrastination becomes easy. “I’ll start tomorrow,” or “I’ll make this my New Year’s Eve resolution,” or “I’ll eat this cheesecake now and start my diet tomorrow,” is most people’s mantra. Unfortunately, tomorrow becomes next week, next week becomes next month, and eventually next month becomes never. People think they know what they want, but believe that they don’t have the will power or determination to actually take steps toward their goals. We are all human. We all need help and support. Nobody succeeds alone. So how do individuals who are lacking the “follow through” gene still produce results? How do you alter your good intentions to produce the follow through necessary for action? Listen and find out. Begin enjoying the experience of an even greater life quality and total life balance. Aim for what you want each and every day! Until next time, make it a great day, today and every day!

 The Quality of Life Enhancer(tm) Exercise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:24

Today we are going to talk about a great tool called The Quality of Life Enhancer Exercise. Almost everyone has lamented, at one time or another, about not having enough time in the day. Have you ever said or thought, “I wish I had more time?”, “If I had more time, I would _____.”, “If there were a few more hours in this day, I could _____.” Most of us, at some time or another, have probably thought or said this to ourselves and heard others say something like this too. The truth is, even if we had five extra hours each day, we would probably still misuse the time and bemoan our inability to finish everything with which we task ourselves. The Quality of Life Enhancer™ Exercise is a powerful tool, created by my husband, Bill Bachrach, Founder and Chairman of Bachrach & Associates, Inc. The through-provoking and fun exercise is based on two principles. You will enjoy listening to this Podcast and completing your personal Quality of Life Enhancer(tm) Exercise at www.AccountabilityCoach.com. It is a FREE resource available to everyone. Update yours as often as you like and share this great resource with everyone you know.


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