Awakenings  with  Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment  show

Awakenings with Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment

Summary: Awakenings is Your place for insight, tools and the 411 to track & navigate the Path of Awakening, Soul Expression, and living your life more fulfilled in all areas. Learn and share in living more awake, aware and conscious in your everyday life. Gain the insight and learn the tools to find your Soul purpose and Path to live your Soul Expression more happily and abundantly Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT Call in for intuitive readings and with your questions and to share. #347-539-5122 Michele gives a talk every week and answers listener's questions; as well as does readings for callers. Awakenings Podcasts are available on Itunes Through Awakenings you can get the support and tools to make the changes to live more fulfilled, authentic, Soul expressed and prosperous. Be a part of awakening Dialogues, Interviews, Meditation, Healing & learn the tools to Navigate the individual & collective Shifts of Awakening. Email to get your questions answered on air; or for guest and topic suggestions. _____________________________________________________________________________ Michele is an artist, guide and creator focused on inspiring and empowering other in their own life. She is a constant student of life and the Mystery of The All That is... She shares what she has learned along the path in hopes that others will live more fulfilled, happy and life the life the dream. Michele is also a published author of transformational audio CDs and the book and companion CD “Meditation for Everyday Living”. Michele focuses on useful tools for transformation, healing and empowerment for life enhancement. She gives us an idea of what we can expect in this new phase of human Evolution and assists personally and collectively. For more information email:

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 Story Waters -- Spiritual Author | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Story Waters is a spiritual author seeking to empower people to experience the light within their own being. "The light to follow is the light within yourself." Through his writing he empowers people to connect with, trust in, and follow their own spirit above any external person, organization, religion, or dogma. He inspires people to develop their own inner voice and to love and completely accept their own being without limitation. Story has adopted the term 'limitlessness' to describe the state of being where spirit naturally resides. So rather than encouraging readers to become 'other than they are' he empowers them to realize 'All That They Already Are' through freeing the self from the limited beliefs that it may have taken on in forms such as fear, shame, guilt, and lack of self-worth. In Story's eyes everyone is a uniquely special expression of God and he feels that if we must name a purpose to life then it is to step into the power of that realization, live in the love that is our being, and to share that joy with the world. By simultaneously experiencing our unity as well as our individuality, Story sees the world transforming into a Unified Diversity where love is seen as the natural state that occurs when we let go of fear. Story was born in Brighton, England where he currently resides.

 Randolph J. Rogers -- "The Key of Life" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Randy Rogers is the president of Telefilm, Inc., a Los Angeles-based production company handling the promotion of Hollywood blockbusters like The Matrix, Harry Potter, Pearl Harbor, Batman, Superman, Shrek and Indiana Jones.A career spanning four decades in newspapers, television and motion pictures—working for and with such companies as NBC News,Disney,Warner Bros., Paramount,Universal Pictures,MGM, Lionsgate,Sony and DreamWorks—has earned him several Emmy nominations and numerous press club awards. Growing up in Johnstown, a western Pennsylvania steel town, Randy began his lifelong path as a photographer when he asked for his first camera from a Green Stamps catalog on his 10th birthday. His first job, that of a part-time usher at the State Theatre in 1969, subtly foretold where that path would be heading, for from that day forward, his real career would be in the news and motion picture businesses.Starting with a newspaper internship at Johnstown’s Tribune-Democrat during the summer of 1970, Randy progressed to television news cinematographer with WJAC-TV the day after his high school graduation in 1971. Two years later, he headed west, spending thirteen years in Phoenix, Arizona. From a beginning with KPHO-TV there, he moved over to KPNX-TV, the local NBC affiliate, picking up the Emmy nominations and press club awards along the way. Randy’s career was a fast-moving escalator whisking him to the top of his field. His baptism in the pool of metaphysics began with breakfast on the morning of April 23, 1986, when he read this horoscope to his wife: What seemed a “no exit” proposition will be brighter. You will have more love and money as result. Get ready for new start. Display pioneering spirit. “Maybe the network is going to call me today,” he jokingly prophesied to her and then left for the office. An hour later, as he walked into the newsroom, the receptionist handed him a phone message: NBC News was calling to offer him a job!

 Paolo D'oro -- Maui Shaman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

To paraphrase an old nursery rhyme "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall " " had a great fall and all the Kings Horses and all the Kings men couldn't put Hump D back together again until now the Age of Super Glue It is very clear that all around us we're seeing evidence of a great fall, structures are collapsing right and left the Economy, government etc. And like Hump D we are feeling the internal rumble with the buzz from 2012 are we going to crack! Since we are in an age of reflecting so many changes I feel it is our role to become like the top of an old ancestor pine tree and flow with the winds, which requires us not to be attached to the stories and the forms that are really just myths and now it is up to us to reshape and mold new myths.. I feel it is not our role to be just witnesses to this melee, and take action so as not to end up as Hump D. Whether conscious or unconscious we have within each of us the memory or intention for these new blue prints. With the guiding energies of Paolo & Michele by stretching out the story we can sometimes help to reveal the patterns that affect each of us. Sometimes we are so involved in maintaining the necessary energies to keep our stories alive that we become our own obstacles and do not see the sources that are hidden. By reaching out or in this case calling in is taking action and this movement is a sign of growth, and growth is not stagnant. Remember Just like Humpty D "It Takes a village"

 2010 – The Focus Individually & Collectively -- Michele Meiche | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Numerology & Mapping the Path of Your Unfoldment -- Michele will be discussing the focus of 2010 and doing individual readings and answering questions What will people, systems, groups and individuals be completing, integrating and leaving behind? What is the new focus coming in personally & collectively. We all come in with a natal or vibratory frequency that outlines the path of our focus, expression, and integration. If we are in alignment with our natal energy and what it represents we experience fulfillment We will look at natal energy and the cycles of transition and what the focus will be for each cycle. Michele will tuning in psychically and using the numerology to focus on the energetic cycles.

 Darwin Stephenson -- Inspiration Divine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Darwin Stephenson is a contemporary spiritual teacher who is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition. In his writing and workshops, he conveys a simple yet profound message that we are divinely inspired beings with a common purpose that we are called to fulfill. Darwin travels extensively, taking his teachings throughout the world and making the discovery of purpose his life calling. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and children.

 Veronica Drake -- Soul Expressions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Veronica Drake is a gifted intuitive who speaks Soul to Soul in her readings, as well as the founder of Soul Expressions, workshops for Spiritual Development. As a Self Development Practitioner she inspires clients to explore their spiritual self. In an era when the pursuit of self-improvement often means hiring personal trainers, fad diets and therapists, as the spiritual advisor – Veronica is heeding the call of people who speak of inner guidance systems and reconnecting to their heart to enable them to live balanced authentic lives She is a professional, extremely gifted and uniquely talented intuitive who blends compassion, and humor with charisma. Creating an open and safe environment she supports her clients to reveal and release. Her gift of intuition supports people to move past obstacles and live life with Purpose and Passion. People Veronica worked with Mariel Hemingway, actress & author Cynthia Lee, Fox News anchor and Founder of Motah Joan Borysenko, author Lynn Robinson, author and intuitive Jean Slatter, author Alison Baughman, numerologist & radio host Jarrod Spencer, Psy.D. Founder of Mind of the Leader, Scott Blum, author and co-founder of Daily OM Janet Attwood, author of the Passion Test Veronica has a new ebook "Thoughts, Food, Whine & Bubble Wrap".

 Sharry Edwards -- Nutrasounds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Sharry Edwards has been named as a “modern keeper” of the Holy Grail Mysteries by writer Sylvia Franke (Tree of Life and the Holy Grail). Her work has shown that health issues previously thought to be incurable can be influenced using the body’s complex biofrequency network to help the body diagnose, prescribe and heal its own dis-ease. As the Director of the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology and Sound Health, Sharry and her crew have been able to develop databases and computer software that allow a 30 second sample of your voice to be used to reveal information about genetics, biochemistry, physiology, psychology and environmental toxins. Her recent work deals with sound based antidotes to the swine flu (man-made by her calculations) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for returning soldiers (a project she is doing with the army). Sharry’s award winning work, has positioned her in the pioneering leadership position in the field of BioAcoustic Biology where she has been able to show that we are very sophisticated robots; managed and predictable via a complex matrix of intrinsic frequencies.

 Dr. Maisha Hazzard- Spiritualism & Metaphysics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Maisha Hazzard holds advanced degrees in Communication (Ph.D.); Transpersonal Psychology (Ph.D.); Behavioral Science (M.A.); and Metaphysics (M.Msc.). Other graduate studies have included Information Science, Neuroscience, Comparative Religion, International Studies, Telecommunications, Education, Performing Arts, and Cultural Studies at various universities and institutes in the United States and West Africa She is also co-founder and president of Khepra International Ministries and co-creator of Khepra's healing energy process, Heart-Mind Transformation.

 Sheila Z Stirling -- Intuitive, Empath, Conscious Channel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Join us and our Guest Sheila Z Stirling as we explore raising the frequencies and consciousness of all humanity. Living an inspired life is Sheila's dedication. An international speaker, author and visionary, She is an inspiration to us all. Her book The new 2010 edition is now available at, barns & or an autographed copy at As an international inspirational speaker and author, sound, vibrational healer, Sheila is often introduced as one who connects us to the angelic and divine energies. Sheila lives in the energy of gratitude and brings her extensive experience in bridging healing and wellness for the body, mind, spirit connection as she shares healing channeled information for the betterment of all. Sheila has been leading seminars and teaching self-healing, inner connection and manifestation of a joyous life for over a decade. With divine direction She has created a breakthrough all day “Experience” she calls “Intentional Wellness TM” where she teaches a technique that enables anyone to take the trauma off all 100 trillion cells and relieve the need for illness. Sheila is a gifted intuitive, an empath and conscious channel. A hands-on healer, she facilitates workshops and seminars on Higher Consciousness. A Reiki Master, Spiritual Advocate, Advocate in Holodynamics, certificated in kinesiology. ATransformational Life Coach, Sheila's healing practice (intuitive touch) utilizing her expertise as an Acutonics Practitioner. Her meditations have helped countless people and assisted accelerated healing worldwide. She facilitates large gatherings,Sacred Ceremony and one-on-one sessions. Sheila is the creator of "Soul Sonics, " an up and coming sound healing modality which uses sounds and tones of her channeled music, combined with applying unique Acutonics© TONING FORKS which align with the tones and vibration of the planets. certified light therapist and Kinesology.

 Risa D’Angeles Astrology & Esoteric Wisdom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Risa focuses on Soul-centered astrology based on the Ageless Wisdom teachings, to articulate a practical and harmonious way of living. > Risa is the author of “Night Light News”- Night Light News follows the monthly movements of the Sun, Moon and > planets and explains how their light, falling to Earth, not only affects us > physically, emotionally & mentally, but provides us with information that guides our lives. Night Light News website assists in using astrology (personality and Soul astrology) to bring about understanding, Goodwill, and Right Human Relations -- aiding in the spiritual unfoldment of humanity and all the kingdoms. This leads to constructive changes between individuals, communities, and nations.

 Naisha Ahsian --The Healing Property of Crystals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Does size matter? Does polishing a crystal hurt or change its energy? How important is color in crsytal healing? When a stone breaks, can it still be used? These and other frequently asked crystal questions will be addressed in this show, sorting out folklore from factpinion on the subject of crystals and crystal healing with best-selling author Naisha Ahsian. Naisha is the creator of The Crystal Ally Cards: The Crystal Path to Self-Knowledge, co-author of the best-selling The Book of Stones, and creator of The Infinite Abundance Program. She is the director of Crystalis Institute, and developer of the Crystal Resonance Therapy system of crystal healing.

 Michele Meiche -- Transpersonal Life Coach & Psychic Channel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Myth & Magic... Connecting to the Soul’s Template & the Archetypal Energies of Life Connecting in to the Cosmic Mother & Father Energies Living from the Template of the Soul & using the Archetypal energies that we express from Soul Path Readings It is a time of Thanks Giving... A time of Appreciation & Gratitude... I am thankful for connecting with all of you. :-) I would love to assist you in gaining clarity and understanding of you Soul Path and Life Purpose

 the Song of Spheres -Sound Healing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Simon Ashaan, Maurício Businari, Andre Luiz Salibi and Kathleen Casey, an amazing group of sound healers and musicians, will be joining together to discuss sound healing and "The Song of the Spheres". Maurício Businari is a creative musician, writer, composer, journalist and digital artist in Brazil. He is the founder of HI-BRAZIL, a collective of artists who are working to "wake people out of hibernation" through art. HI-BRAZIL was founded in 2007 in partnership with Andre Luiz Salibi a talented businessman, musician, composer, writer and designer also in Brazil. Simon Ashaan is an intuitive musician, inventor, producer, and channel from Aotearoa, The Land of the Long White Cloud (New Zealand) living with his family in the North Island. Kathleen offers sound experiences, practices and intuitive coaching/counseling as a catalyst and support for your journey to wholeness, happiness and true freedom.

 John Morton -- Spiritual Director of MSIA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

With warmth, loving, and a unique ability to see the blessings in all things, John Morton, Doctor of Spiritual Science (D.S.S.), regularly travels throughout the United States and the world to promote peace and support people in finding the good in everything regardless of any challenges. Dr. Morton is the current Spiritual Director and past President of the non-denominational Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. As part of his ministry he has traveled extensively around the world facilitating programs in support of spiritual awareness, peace, and charitable causes. Along with his colleague, John-Roger, John has also led numerous groups of up to 150 people through journeys focusing on the study of peace and spiritual awakening in Israel, Egypt, Japan, South Africa, Greece and many other countries. John co-founded and currently serves as President of the Travelers Foundation, dedicated to the study and development of spiritual awareness, peace, and service. He also serves on the Boards of Insight Seminars, the New Visions Foundation and the University of Santa Monica where he is also serving as Vice Chancellor.

 Zacciah Blackburn -- Intuitive, Teacher, Sound Healer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Zacciah Blackburn is a gifted intuitive, teacher, and sound healer, trained in classical healing and shamanic traditions, and sacred sound cultures. He teaches internationally, and practices in Vermont, USA, at the Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies. He offers in depth trainings in the therapeutic application of sound healing practices, private sound therapies, and extraordinary workshops, programs, and sacred tours, for spiritual development, personal growth, and awareness of the vital nature of the Living Consciousness of the Earth, its sacred sites, and elemental allies. See He is Director of Education at the International Sound Healing Network (, an international community of practitioners, educators, researchers, individuals and organizations interested in furthering the understanding of the use of sound as a healing modality. He is Co-Founder & Program Director of the World Sound Healing and All One Now Network of organizations (, offering the teachings of world leaders in human consciousness development, and the wisdom of indigenous elders, all working for global transformation and peace. Zacciah is also an internationally respected flutemaker. He offers World Musical instruments, and Sound Healing tools and instruments of sacred sound cultures at, offering over thirty five years of experience and knowledge to assist others in both understanding the use of, and selecting the appropriate tools for, their sound practice.


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