Awakenings  with  Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment  show

Awakenings with Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment

Summary: Awakenings is Your place for insight, tools and the 411 to track & navigate the Path of Awakening, Soul Expression, and living your life more fulfilled in all areas. Learn and share in living more awake, aware and conscious in your everyday life. Gain the insight and learn the tools to find your Soul purpose and Path to live your Soul Expression more happily and abundantly Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT Call in for intuitive readings and with your questions and to share. #347-539-5122 Michele gives a talk every week and answers listener's questions; as well as does readings for callers. Awakenings Podcasts are available on Itunes Through Awakenings you can get the support and tools to make the changes to live more fulfilled, authentic, Soul expressed and prosperous. Be a part of awakening Dialogues, Interviews, Meditation, Healing & learn the tools to Navigate the individual & collective Shifts of Awakening. Email to get your questions answered on air; or for guest and topic suggestions. _____________________________________________________________________________ Michele is an artist, guide and creator focused on inspiring and empowering other in their own life. She is a constant student of life and the Mystery of The All That is... She shares what she has learned along the path in hopes that others will live more fulfilled, happy and life the life the dream. Michele is also a published author of transformational audio CDs and the book and companion CD “Meditation for Everyday Living”. Michele focuses on useful tools for transformation, healing and empowerment for life enhancement. She gives us an idea of what we can expect in this new phase of human Evolution and assists personally and collectively. For more information email:

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 Rob Wilson -- The Wisdom of a Cowboy Crossing the River Climbing the Mountain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Rob is a Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, Time line, Past Regression Parts Integration Reiki Master published author of Wired for Change by a Journeyman, with a new book coming out at the end of March or April 1st called The Wisdom of a Cowboy Crossing the River Climbing the Mountain Rob's book, Wired for Change is his personal story of how his life transformed from being a journeyman electrician to becoming a life possibilities coach and motivational speaker.

 Carolyn Coleridge -- Intuitive Soul Healing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

"When You Spirit is Honored, Your Soul Shines" ~ Do you feel disconnected, purposeless or stuck? Feeling depressed, anxious or lost? Are you a spiritual being, but don't know how to connect on a deeper level? Intuitive Soul Healing, helps you to honor the different aspects of your spirit, and provide you with the clearest answers. I can help you remove blocks that prevent you from living your life to the fullest.

 Robert Wilkinson - Astrologer, Futurist & Metaphysician explains the Grand Irrationality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

The Grand Irrationality & Pluto Square Capricorn Looking at the Astrological Cycles of 2010 emphasizing the beginning of the year. Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology

 Michele Meiche -- Understanding the Law of Resonance & the Law of Attraction.... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Why Are You Attracting the Relationships & People that are in Your Life? What does Healing mean on a Soul Level? How people heal What are we “here”...and “where is here”? What are you really to be doing “now” Michele will also do psychic readings and be open to channel Psychic Medium & Transpersonal Therapist Michele assists others as a Spiritual Life Coach, Healer and Psychic Medium She is also able to scan to read what is in the psychical body and etheric field. She also, teaches meditation & is the author of “Meditation for Everyday Living” And a library of transformational CDS including “Understanding the Universal Laws & Activating the Law of Magnetic Attraction”

 Denise Lescano -- "The Messenger" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

"Denise Lescano is a world renowned Professional Spirit Medium, Intuitive Consultant, Metaphysical Teacher and Author. She is well known and widely respected, for the groundbreaking and unprecedented work that she does with non-profit Grief Support and Addiction Recovery groups. She specializes in working with those who have lost loved ones by sudden or accidental death and suicide. Denise is recognized and sought after for her highly developed intuitive gifts and her ability to deliver very detailed, personal and evidential messages from loved ones on the spirit side of life. Her penetrating insight and abilities are like no other. She teaches seminars and reads for clients all over the world and maintains an office in Naples, FL"

 Amanda Dowel -- Psychic and Medical Intuitive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Amanda stated: My first psychic experience occured at the young age of 7, when my grandmother passed away. After her death, she appeared to me and "spoke", telling me that I would see things more clearly, going forward. Although I did not really understand her message at the time, I did begin "seeing" things that others did not see, as well as hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting and touching when others could not. Since then, I have learned to use energy as both a healer and a psychic. I am a psychic and a medical intuitive and I work with deceased loved ones, do mediumship, and am a skilled tarot card reader. I am also an angel communicator and one of my greatest joys is working with and teaching about healing and communicating with angels. I focus on a broad range of spirituality, including shaminisim and animal communication. My mission is to empower people and coach them, giving them a road map to aid in their journey in life. To accomplish this, I combine a holistic approach with psychic messages. I particularly enjoy helping children that are psychic and/or indigo, as well as working with both living and passed on animals (the innocent's of life). Using light work and energy, I am here to help you on your path of self-discovery. I prefer to have specific questions so that I may activate the strongest connection with you. I look forward to reading for you.

 Tina Fiorda and Tilde Cameron -- A Book of Insight -- Wisdom From the Other Side | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

As long as mankind has had conscious awareness, he has yearned to know and understand himself and the world around him. He has sought answers to questions about his true purpose here on Earth. Questions about his existence, and about God and his connection to this infinite Source. Questions about love, reality, life and death. What really happens to us when we die? Are heaven and hell real? And are we alone in this Universe or do other realities exist? One day, in September of 2004, Tina and Tilde began receiving the answers to these questions, and many more. Deep within each and every one of us, lies a storehouse of knowledge and information, and we need only to learn how to connect, to access it. We all have an intuitive connection to God, and we are all co-creators with this Source. We have the ability to tap into its energy at any time and utilize this energy to manifest our desires and create our personal reality. There is an awakening that is now beginning to take place within the collective consciousness of humanity. According to Tina and Tilde’s guides, humanity is undergoing a tremendous transition towards the opening of its third eye and "A Book of Insight" will help us to understand the meaning of it all. Join us as we discuss all this and MORE!

 Stephen Lewis -- The AIM Program of Energetic Balancing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Everything is energy, therefore everything has a frequency. Imbalances are energetic vibrations that are not in harmony with our natural state of well being. Each imbalance has a frequency that can be brought into balance and neutralized by applying a balancing energy. The AIM Program is a process performed by exposing your photograph to subtle-energy balancing frequencies. EMC² uses both the QED and QID to assist them in identifying energetic imbalances and delivering balancing frequencies. Energetic evaluation is done through use of your photograph and the QED. We could have used your blood, saliva, hair or anything unique to you, however photographs are easier to identify and contain your energetic signature. After evaluation, your photograph is placed on the QID i.e. "Balancing Trays". Your photograph works as your energy stand in for your bodily presence. It allows you access to all the balancing frequencies via your higher consciousness. As an AIM participant you are balancing energies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is important to understand that The AIM Program of Energetic Balancing does not, and cannot, heal you. Only YOU can heal you. Neither EMC² nor AIM diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The AIM Program is a tool that you can use to remove energy imbalances. Every AIM participant is unique and every participant's experience on The AIM Program is unique. EMC² is organized as a church and protected under the first amendment of the US Constitution. We are a church with the sole mission of delivering The AIM Program to our participants. We believe our technology is a spiritual technology because it is impossible to separate healing and spirituality.

 Ulrich Bold -- International Astrologer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Evolutionary Astrology -- The focus for 2012. Ulrich was trained and educated in the field of sales and communications management. He worked for many years as a manager, coordinator and coach for a well respected fashion company in Germany until 1991 when he chose to follow his inner call towards a more meaningful orientation. In 1994 Ulrich successfully completed his education as a holistic counselor and traditional Reiki-Master/Teacher in the Dr.Usui-System. Since then, he has given numerous Reiki workshops, although he has dedicated most of his time to the studies of astrology, including the ‘Jeff Green School of Evolutionary Astrology’. In 1995 Ulrich became certified with excellence as one of the first Evolutionary Astrologers worldwide. Ulrich immediately began teaching his own synthesis of traditional and Evolutionary Astrology at the Paracelsus-Institute in Germany as well as at other professional workshop organizations in Germany, Austria, Italy and England. Visit Ulrich's online store for home study material at and his website at

 Dr. Rita Louise -- Dark Angels:An Insider's Guide to Ghosts, Spirits & Attached Entities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Rita Louise, PhD, grew up in a haunted house but that is not where her interactions with ghosts, spirits & attached entities ended. At the age of 12, Dr. Rita became fascinated with the concept of extrasensory perception (ESP), a passion which has lasted a lifetime. After years of intense study and in-depth research into the fields of health and wellness, psychology, philosophy and the esoteric arts and sciences, she has emerged as a leading voice in the field. She is founder of the Institute Of Applied Energetics, host of Just Energy Radio, Dr. Louise is also the author of the books Avoiding The Cosmic 2x4 and The Power Within. See

 Dr. Maisha Hazzard -- Some Things Scientists Know About DNA May Change Your View of Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Factors beyond the the DNA sequence may have more to do with things that come into expression--like cancer or cerebral palsy--than scientist ever suspected. The new field of Epigenetics is revealing more and more about the role of attitude, thoughts, feelings, environment, and life styles in the appearance of cellular "abnormalities" or cellular health. In other words,there are many changes that occur in the body under stress, for example, that appear even when there is no evidence that any changes have occurred in the DNA or that messages for changes have been sent from the genes. How does that happen? What role does consciousness play in healing or in illness? AND if everything is light and light is information, how does this relate to messages (information) in the genes? Maisha Hazzard holds advanced degrees in Communication (Ph.D.); Transpersonal Psychology (Ph.D.); Behavioral Science (M.A.); and Metaphysics (M.Msc.). Other graduate studies have included Information Science, Neuroscience, Comparative Religion, International Studies, Telecommunications, Education, Performing Arts, and Cultural Studies at various universities and institutes in the United States and West Africa.

 Lee Harris --- Living and Loving Without Fear | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Lee Harris is recognized as one of the great transformational teachers and intuitive leaders of our time. Whether working with individuals or facilitating worldwide seminars, Lee combines a developed psychic ability with his gifts as an emotional intuitive, energy healer, spiritual speaker and a channeler to facilitate growth and healing on multiple levels. Lee's monthly energy forecasts and private sessions are guideposts for many. As we collectively navigate the energetic changes toward 2012 and beyond, it is Lee’s joy to help those on the path of enlightenment to integrate their divinity, release limiting beliefs and thought patterns, and embrace their authentic selves. For the past 3 years, Lee partnered with Story Waters at to host the popular monthly podcast, ‘Invitation to Remember’, and produce a wealth of audio and video recordings on diverse topics, both metaphysical and emotional in nature. In addition to his healing work, Lee is an accomplished singer-songwriter who currently resides in Brighton, England.

 Dr. Jude Currivan -2012 a Positive Beginning & the Path of Hope | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

2012 offers us the opportunity of a new beginning. Our choices here and now can transform the possibility of a global breakdown into the promise and reality of a collective breakthrough. The Mayans say the choice is ours to make. Dr Jude Currivan PhD is a cosmologist, planetary healer, international award-winning Hay House author, visionary and educator. Growing up as the daughter of a coalminer, she is now based near Avebury, England. Jude has experienced multidimensional realities and researched consciousness, perennial wisdom and metaphysics since early childhood. She holds a PhD in Archaeology researching ancient cosmologies and an Oxford University Masters Degree in Physics specializing in cosmology and quantum physics. During a highly successful business career she obtained extensive experience in merging her intuitive gifts into practical and creative approaches for managing organizational and cultural change. Her corporate career culminated in her being the Group Finance Director of two major international companies and to her being in the early 1990s the most senior business woman in Britain. In 1996, Jude was guided to take her work beyond the corporate world. In a well-grounded and accessible way, her work reconciles leading edge science, frontier research into consciousness and spiritual wisdom to explain and experience the emerging awareness of integral reality and is a leading pioneer of this revolutionary and empowering worldview. Jude works worldwide aiming to empower others, raise awareness and facilitate practical and sustainable harmony, co-creativity and wholeness. In addition to her writing and healing work she speaks regularly at international conferences, leads workshops and appears on US and UK television and radio.

 Conscious Creation - Creative Expression & Expansion a focus for 2010 - Michele Meiche | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

We are moving into a time of living from the Template of Your Soul and from resonance. In doing so one can then align to their True Nature to experience more abundance, health, self expression and abundance in your life. Every sign, every symptom has meaning and a focus to guide you to greater congruence & fulfillment. Finding the Next Step on your Soul Path. Aligning to the Path of Soul Alignment. How to make your inner riches seen & experienced on the outside.

 Camilla Chance --- Wisdom Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Despite a life filled with discrimination and hardship, Aboriginal Elder Banjo Clarke never lost his faith in the human spirit and the goodness of people; his dedication to kindness and forgiveness made him a beloved teacher and inspiration to all whom he met. Author Camilla Chance has truly captured the essence of this much-adored tribal leader. Very much a man of his place and time, the lessons of Banjo's life are universal and timeless. You will never forget Banjo and his inspiring journey.


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