Awakenings  with  Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment  show

Awakenings with Michele Meiche -Spirituality & Metaphysics for Empowerment

Summary: Awakenings is Your place for insight, tools and the 411 to track & navigate the Path of Awakening, Soul Expression, and living your life more fulfilled in all areas. Learn and share in living more awake, aware and conscious in your everyday life. Gain the insight and learn the tools to find your Soul purpose and Path to live your Soul Expression more happily and abundantly Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT Call in for intuitive readings and with your questions and to share. #347-539-5122 Michele gives a talk every week and answers listener's questions; as well as does readings for callers. Awakenings Podcasts are available on Itunes Through Awakenings you can get the support and tools to make the changes to live more fulfilled, authentic, Soul expressed and prosperous. Be a part of awakening Dialogues, Interviews, Meditation, Healing & learn the tools to Navigate the individual & collective Shifts of Awakening. Email to get your questions answered on air; or for guest and topic suggestions. _____________________________________________________________________________ Michele is an artist, guide and creator focused on inspiring and empowering other in their own life. She is a constant student of life and the Mystery of The All That is... She shares what she has learned along the path in hopes that others will live more fulfilled, happy and life the life the dream. Michele is also a published author of transformational audio CDs and the book and companion CD “Meditation for Everyday Living”. Michele focuses on useful tools for transformation, healing and empowerment for life enhancement. She gives us an idea of what we can expect in this new phase of human Evolution and assists personally and collectively. For more information email:

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 James Baird Ph. D -- Happiness Genes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

James D. Baird, Ph.D. has more than forty years of experience as a successful inventor and graduate engineer. His inventor background instilled in him a persistent curiosity about how things work, translating from mechanisms to life. His passion for understanding the bioengineering that makes us human combined with his religious and spiritual beliefs has led him to research the subject of happiness for more than 20 years, and in the process, earned him a Ph.D. in Natural Health. Happiness Genes: Unlock the Potential Hidden In Your DNA is his fourth book. It presents convincing evidence of our genetic spirituality, and the nature of its rewarding happiness. To help the reader develop natural happiness habits, it provides epigenetic methods that suppress the subconscious thinking that hinders spiritual expression.

 Hans -- 33 Bowls - The Healing Quality of Tibetan Singing Bowls | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

33 Bowls produces Tibetan (or Himalayan if you prefer) Singing Bowl recordings for relaxation, meditation, yoga, massage, holotropic states, natural endorphins. Complex harmonies and particularly sub-harmonic "beats" both match and induce deep, meditative states in the brain and mind. There are indeed 33 Singing Bowls as a complete tuned set of pairs of do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do tuned Bowls. Plus larger "bass" Bowls, also pitch matched. Not exact western pitch, but close to western ratios between pitches. The distribution is intended to provide as good a value as possible: pricing is rock bottom for physical CDs and Amazon mp3 downloads. The entire recordings are available for free listening at as streaming players, so you will know what you are getting. The fidelity of downloads is better than what is heard on the free streaming players, and of course, the CD is even higher resolution. The packaging of the CD is as green as possible: vegetable based inks printed on 100% recycled paperboard, the plastic tray is 100% recycled, even the shrink wrap is recyclable, and the CD itself is recyclable, although it is hoped that the CD would be listened to rather than recycled. 33 Bowls is 100% organic heavy metal, as there are no electronic tricks or artifices. Although categorized as New-Age music, it might better be described as Chameleon music, as an intention of 33bowls is to "hold the space" to enhance whatever feelings, sensations, experiences are present rather than to tell a particular story, or communicate emotions as much music does. So it's "there", but it's not intrusive. Even though it's not telling you anything, it's not boring, it's facilitating you telling what you need to tell, being present in the moment.

 Ping Li -- Awakening: Fulfilling Your Soul's Purpose On Earth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Ping Li is a best-selling author, speaker, soul healer, inner transformation experts and creator of 22 steps of awakening to your divine essence. She helps spiritually seeking leaders, experts, coaches, and light workers who are ready to claim the power of their divine self, awakening their soul's infinite wisdom, tap into the source of their true being and the unlimited universe to take their personal and professional life to a new level of being, having and creating. Ping's book launch link:

 Sara Wiseman -- Author and Psychic Counselor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Author and psychic counselor Sara Wiseman experienced a spiritual awakening in 2008, when she received The 33 Lessons via channeled writing—a collection of spiritual teachings which begin “The purpose of life is soul growth.” These writings are part of her book Writing the Divine: How to Use Channeling for Soul Growth & Healing (Llewellyn), which teaches how to receive and follow Divine guidance. A second book, Your Psychic Child, will be released in December 2010. An award-winning musician, she has released three healing CDS with her band Martyrs of Sound: Songs for Loving & Dying, Uncoiled and Mantra Chill. She offers private consults and FREE music at Website: Includes FREE ebook, FREE healing music download of song “Angels” and an interesting Ask Sara forum.

 Unifying the Shadow & Light to Live from Wholeness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

An awakening discussion and dialogue with Michele Meiche The Power of the "Law of Resonance" How can the "Law of Resonance" can guide you to new levels of awareness & fulfillment. facebook: Awakenings Radio

 Paolo D'oro --- Psychic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Paolo D'oro has been a psychic since his first breath and he has collected visions throughout his childhood sharing them from Europe to India where he has had the opportunity to study many rites and attend many rituals from the Yoruba in Africa to the Candoble in Brazil. He believes it is time to meld all cultures and join in the dance of life, and as Ama states "We're all in service". He has known many spiritual leaders and galactic travelers that continue to break through the old patterns and assist in de-mystifying ancient dogmas to use in our daily lives. Allowing others to grow and activate which will help each other.

 Chuck Wild -- Liquid Mind Music | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Liquid Mind is the name used by Los Angeles composer and producer Chuck Wild. There are few composers with as much love for slowness in their music as Wild. Chuck draws from classical and pop influences as varying as Beethoven and Brian Eno, Bartok and Rachmaninoff, Bach, Chopin and Fauré, Duruflé and Brahms. Early live and studio experience with the Capitol Records’ group “Missing Persons”, and studio work with Frank Zappa, Michael Jackson and many others have helped Chuck to develop high production values. Spending many studio hours over the years with five time Grammy winning engineer Bruce Swedien and famed producer Ken Scott has inspired Chuck to explore unique and subtle gradations of sound and feeling in his music. In November 2005, Chuck presented at the American Music Therapy Conference regarding the use of slow music in treating anxiety. Liquid Mind VII: Reflection won the Coalition of Visionary Resources Award for Best Meditation/Healing Music album of 2005. Chuck's musical experience spans three decades, including writing 125 songs and compositions used in TV/Film and albums. The Pointer Sisters, Tommy Page, Timothy Leary, Wink, Jennifer Rush, Thelma Houston, Glen Medeiros and Philip Bailey are just some of the artists who have recorded his songs. Wild co-composed music with Michael Hoenig for the Emmy (TM) winning ABC-TV series Max Headroom. In 1992, his first composition for two pianos, Los Angeles Fantasy, was premiered by Zita Carno and Gloria Ching at the Bing Theater in Los Angeles. The same year, Wild co-scored the Academy Award (TM) winning film The Panama Deception. In 1989, he co-wrote (with Marti Sharron) the song "You're My One and Only," #1 hit in Europe for Jennifer Rush. Over the last twenty years, Chuck has lent his studio talents to projects with Michael Jackson, Paula Abdul, Missing Persons, Philip Bailey, Frank Zappa, and many other artists.

 Stephen Lewis -- The AIM Program of Energetic Balancing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Everything is energy, therefore everything has a frequency. Imbalances are energetic vibrations that are not in harmony with our natural state of well being. Each imbalance has a frequency that can be brought into balance and neutralized by applying a balancing energy. The AIM Program is a process performed by exposing your photograph to subtle-energy balancing frequencies. EMC² uses both the QED and QID to assist them in identifying energetic imbalances and delivering balancing frequencies. Energetic evaluation is done through use of your photograph and the QED. We could have used your blood, saliva, hair or anything unique to you, however photographs are easier to identify and contain your energetic signature. After evaluation, your photograph is placed on the QID i.e. "Balancing Trays". Your photograph works as your energy stand in for your bodily presence. It allows you access to all the balancing frequencies via your higher consciousness. As an AIM participant you are balancing energies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is important to understand that The AIM Program of Energetic Balancing does not, and cannot, heal you. Only YOU can heal you. Neither EMC² nor AIM diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The AIM Program is a tool that you can use to remove energy imbalances. Every AIM participant is unique and every participant's experience on The AIM Program is unique. EMC² is organized as a church and protected under the first amendment of the US Constitution. We are a church with the sole mission of delivering The AIM Program to our participants. We believe our technology is a spiritual technology because it is impossible to separate healing and spirituality.

 Kathleen Casey -- Sound Alchemy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

The vibration of sound both internal—the sound of silence, and external—inspired singing, toning, chanting and instrumental, has the power to shift consciousness quickly. This shift in consciousness makes it easier to achieve objective awareness, and to remember your true nature. I offer experiences and practices, which facilitate and integrate those shifts in consciousness into your every day life. As your objective awareness increases, your brain and heart can learn to operate in harmony, and challenges you face become catalysts for the expansion of your powerful, Essential Self. You live more often in a state of Inspiration, spontaneously knowing the next step to take or unexpected events, information and resources may synchronistically appear. As you learn to easily access information and ideas, and to create in a fluid, organic way, life becomes more fun and enjoyable. Every “problem” is an opportunity to watch your life unfold in ways you might never have expected.

 Dr. Susan Shumsky -- Divine Revelation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Susan Shumsky, DD, is the author of Exploring Auras, How to Hear the Voice of God, Exploring Chakras, and other well-known titles. She appears regularly in the media and has been featured in Woman’s World, Cosmopolitan, and GQ. Dr. Shumsky has practiced self-development disciplines for more than 40 years. For 22 years she was the student and personal assistant to the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation and guru of the Beatles. She then studied New Thought and metaphysics for another 20 years. Dr. Shumsky has taught thousands worldwide to meditate, develop their intuition, and attain self-realization and enlightenment.

 Diane Lerner -- Transformational Astrologer- The Power of Uranus in Aries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

What will be the impact of Uranus in Aries for you? Starting in May we move into a time that is similar to the time of the American Revolution... Are we living in similar times? How is this time different? How can we use this energy positively? Certified Hypnotherapist and Transformational Astrologer dedicated to empowering others on their unique path. Offers a loving and objective setting for transformation and growth. Graduated with honors from a nationally accredited hypnotherapy college. Dedicated to inspiring clients by enhancing their self-awareness and highlighting one's purpose; as well as pinpointing time frames for progress and opportunity. With a base in Transpersonal Psychology, her goal is to enlighten and nurture one's highest good.

 Gayle Powell -- Astrologer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Gayle’s life path is to facilitate self-healing. Through divinely inspired jewelry and using astrology and other intuitive tools, she is able to provide spiritual guidance to those in need. Gayle has learned from childhood, that painful experiences can be transformed through self-love, compassion, understanding and creative expression. Each transformation has strengthened her sense of self and provided a roadmap to help others through their struggles. Gayle has studied astrology with many well know teachers and branches of astrology. She has taken from each of them and gleamed her own individual approach to doing a chart from a multiple-dimensional perspective. Every chart has it own unique entry point that allows her to see the psychological makeup of her clients; what is being triggered astrologically for them to promote spiritual and soul growth. Gayle uses evolutionary and psychological astrology to help the client see where they can be the most they can be; if they so choose to take that path. Everyone must pay homage to the Gods in their charts in order to be happy in life, and understanding what they are asking of you and the myths and archetypes involved in this is very helpful information to have at one’s fingertips.

 Jack Allis -- Author and Spiritual Teacher | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Jack Allis is the author of the blockbuster novel Infinity’s Flower – A Tale of 2012 & the Great Shift of the Ages, and since its publication in September 2007, he has become the living embodiment of its message. Infinity’s Flower is an epic thriller, dealing with these monumental times of shifting energy, and the challenge facing the forces of light to create the new world. Its message echoes the ancient prophecies from indigenous cultures spanning the globe, telling us that our higher consciousness and spirituality are the primary source of our protection in the face of these colossal Earth changes, and the primary source of our power to create the new world of light and spirit.

 Michele Meiche -- Your Soul’s Purpose and How This Relates to the Universal Plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Michele will be doing Psychic & Channeled Readings and Etheric Scans We all come in with a Soul Group and an Individual and Soul Plan. We all are have a soul's purpose that is integral to the universal life plan. Each of us is needed to share our gifts and talents. Each of us is meant to live & express abundantly. Sometimes there are blocks to our Original blueprint unfolding and fully expressing our soul's purpose. We are all dreaming………. Each a similar; yet different dream.. Know that you do have what it takes if you believe you can. Fear and distrust are the barriers that block you from obtaining your ultimate positive goals and may cause you to settle for less . Be willing to accept some risk and move forward in new directions. Adopt a pioneering spirit. Connect at for more information on Actualization Programs.

 Paolo D'oro -- Psychic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Paolo D'oro has been a psychic since his first breath and he has collected visions throughout his childhood sharing them from Europe to India where he has had the opportunity to study many rites and attend many rituals from the Yoruba in Africa to the Candoble in Brazil. He believes it is time to meld all cultures and join in the dance of life, and as Ama states "We're all in service". He has known many spiritual leaders and galactic travelers that continue to break through the old patterns and assist in de-mystifying ancient dogmas to use in our daily lives. Allowing others to grow and activate which will help each other.


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