Foul Monkeys A Gay Podcast show

Foul Monkeys A Gay Podcast

Summary: Brought to you by Chicago-based hosts Adam and Ricky, the Foul Monkeys Podcast delivers sass with a smile. Join this delightfully deviant gay ginger duo as they entertain, titillate, and scandalize your ears with their thoughts, opinions, and adventures. Uncage these Foul Monkeys!

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 No Speak En’grish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We get the show started doing what we do best...Bitch.  What food.  Gina bitches about napkins being a condiment now.  And Ricky talks about being raped by the King...he had to pay dearly for it.  Wow! We go on a toilet adventure and Ricky informs us about his popping his back while taking a shit at work.  We go a little further on our adventure...take a listen to find out where we go. We decided that since we were having troubles with keeping the shows down to a decent time that we would start using a timer to let us know when to "Shut The Fuck Up'.  This is our "virgin" show trying out the new timer. Fuck You Gina and Ricky 206-984-FOUL get us on your cell....go to ( for more info

 Suckscock by Name | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ruicub gets the show started off thinking it's his show.  Poor guy is delusional again.  Ricky bitches him out for doing a longer interview with Gina than him. We finally have technical difficulty and it's not our fault.  Ruicub makes our ears bleed from the noise coming from his side.  Gina pisses him off with her interview, and he goes the fuck off!!! The Nasty Panty Puddin' twins meet up with Sheyla and talk about disgusting things.  Aerial tells Sheyla and everybody else what their last names are. So enjoy the sick shit!!!! Fuck You Gina and Ricky 206-984-FOUL get us on your cell....go to for more info

 Give Me A ‘Monkeys’…Give Me A ‘Foul’ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

( Since we were late with the last one... Ricky starts the show off fucking up a cheer. He forgot to put the F.O.U.L. in Foul Monkeys. Gina wants to fuck Christian Troy (Julian McMahon) from Nip/Tuck. Both her and Ricky love the show.Gina asks Ricky if the "little dick" sign was still up at his work. Unfortunately the sign is gone. But we have the pic. Gina tells Ricky about her time in the Service. Take a listen to find out what happened. See if she does any servicing. We end the show discussing our board meeting to discuss getting paid by iTunes. It's "The Ruicub Show". Ruicub interviews Gina this time. Fuck You Gina and Ricky 206-984-FOUL

 Midgets Are Well Hung….No Matter How Big They Are! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sorry the show is late guys and gals. Ricky has the case of the sickies! The second episode with Americanbadbear, with a little bit of Ruicub mixed in. Silly, foul and funny is how we roll in this episode. Sorry there are no show notes. Ricky and Gina Leave us a review at iTunes. Join the Frappr map. Leave us a message at

 I’ll Change Your Diaper…… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Headbanger beginning. Hell-to-the-yeah! Thank you Gayzok for our new intro! We love it! Mucho lovo to you-o! It's Ricky, Gina, and James. Yes that is correct Americanbadbear joins use on this show. Scary fun with just a little bit of horniness mixed in with it. James, you silly man, only Ricky and Gina can bitch on this show. We discuss the BTalk saga. Jason is back thank goodness! James tells some of Ricky's business while down in Ft. Lauderdale. "Sit down, bring your cofee and listen!" James talks about the video he is making of himself and Ricky. Then Ricky and Gina give James a trivia question, "When was the last time you listened to one of our shows?" Ricky wants to change James's diaper. Freaky...maybe. Ring! Ring! Ring! Ruicub answers. then gives us a big diss! Then he wants to be friends again so we say okay. Footing is hot. Listen to find out. Then Gina gets his trick call. Gina was horny and left my chair all wet and juicy. +Herbe takes us out! Fuck You Gina and Ricky 206-984-FOUL

 We Can’t Stand the Rain…… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Gina starts off with giving us a tsunami update. She actually had a flood in her bathroom. Gina says, 'thanks retarded neighbor." Ricky plays some booty music R Kelly style and then we talk about our crappy weather we have been getting. The storms are nasty in Florida. Ricky's new obession is vegetable oil. Nevermind. We have a local listener YAY! Type, type, type, whisper, whisper, whisper. Ricky and Gina explore the foul monkey website and explain who we are. Like how James thought Ricky was black when he first saw his picture. Fuck You Gina and Ricky 206-984-FOUL

 Pimp Daddy Digits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We get the show started off with Ricky bitchin' about his car.  He hates his fucking car.  Gina hates his car too. We discuss our favorite flavors of Azirona Teas (Trade Mark).  It's good. Throughout the show, Gina and Ricky keep getting confused about where they were and whether they are in the same room or not. Ricky gets a call from Samantha and puts her on the show.  We love her and hope to get someone else like her who's boyfriend doesn't mind her being on the show back on the show.  Samantha may be able to talk her "friend" into coming on the show in her place. Ricky announces that he is expecting a visitor at the end of the month.  Is he pregnant? Gina and Ricky agree that they had so much fun with Mike (GayzOk) on the show that they didn't want to end the show with them.  We want more of him.  Hopefully next time when he is on the show (hint hint Mike) Aerial and Tina will be nicer to him...huh, wishful thinking. Fuck You Gina and Ricky 206-984-FOUL vote at Podcast Alley for Foul Monkeys

 I Feel More Comfortable In the Backseat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Kathy's intro brings us in, we have not used it in a while. Gina shares with everyone that she will be forty today. Then Ricky tells everyone about his chinese restaurant experience. Listen it is good. Then he gets into more detail about his trip to Ft Lauderdale. Gina gets into experimenting with different things. A California listener says he is tired of us bitching, so then of course Ricky and Gina start bitching about that. Hey, that is how we do it here in the 863. Ruicub cums and goes. Ricky talks about his new obession and then Ruicub is back. And so on....... Ricky and Gina 206-984-FOUL code: FM50 for 50% OFF Hosting at: and/or

 GayzOK Hotter & Sexier…Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Continued... We continue this sick journey talking about how all men love having their asses played with.  It just takes fags and "Real Men" to admit it.  Men know they like their asses played with. We each give our version of "3's Company" since we are ingaged in a 3way.  We all agreed that we want someone to "Cum knock on our Door". Ricky reads an email from MicroAutoE (Eric) confessing that he is a bad boy and wants to be spanked.  Something about wanting Ruicub to spank him.  Sorry people, we don't know where these people come from.  We're just glad their listening.  Thanks MicroAutoE!! We discover that Ricky is a "head banger" of a different type.  Did someone say something about a "Parking Lot Head Banger?" Finally Mike (GayzOk) admits that he feels really nasty and that he needs to take a shower to wash all the nastiness off himself after having this orgy with all of us. Thanks Mike (GayzOk) for joining us and going on this long sick-ass journey.  You Fucking Rock Man!!!! Fuck You Gina and Ricky 206-984-FOUL code: FM50 for 50% OFF Hosting at:  and/or

 GayzOK Hot & Sexy…Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We finally get one our biggest fans on the show...GayzOK...ooohhh baby.  This was a hot 3way, and long too.  This is a 2 parter.  Mike tells us about his adventures at Wet 'n Wild with all the hot christian boy eye candy.  Would you like to kneel and pray? We discuss the  "gay disney" we have here in lakeland.  seems that saddle creek is so famous that it's in the Damron Guide.  Nothing like sex in the woods. Mike tells us which is his favorite episode so far. George Michael is gay?  No fucking way!! The 3 of us decide that we want to be touched in our NoNo place.  We like it when you touch us in our NoNo place. Tina and Aerial finish up part 1 totally grossing out GayzOK.  They beg him to just stick the head in.  Gayz says hell guys are grossing me out.  Aerial and Tina are 2 sick bitches. To Be Continued... Fuck You Gina and Ricky 206-984-FOUL Leave a Comment at iTunes

 We Ate Some of Him and Smoked the Rest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We get the party started with a 3some..yeah that's right, Foul Monkeys had another 3some.  We disturb Herb on his lunch break at Wally World.  He had just finished eating Ronald McDonald.  He was so into it that he didn't notice whether his carpet matched his drapes.  Inquiring minds want to know. Herb confesses to us for some reason that he has big cock.  We don't mind him telling us, but a picture would be better so that we could judge for ourselves. We discuss where we grew up, and Gina realizes that she grew up in the "realistic" version of "South Park".  Herb grew up in "Little Havana/Miami".  Ricky grew up on almost West Virginia...Luckily it was Virginia he grew up in.  Otherwise, we would be making fun of him too. We talk about some of the new Barbies coming out, including the transgender Barbie "Sam/Samantha". Fuck You Gina and Ricky 206.984.FOUL

 The More Chirrun You Have, The More Child Support You Get | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Gina starts the show off with a big fuck up. Technical difficulties of course. There is no other way for Foul Monkeys to function is there? While all this is going on, Ricky is giving it to her really fucking hard. Ricky and Gina talk about famous people and how fucking stupid they are, then Gina gives the listeners a challeng. Bring it on bitches. Ariel threatens Gina and then Ricky ruins the show by playing with plastic the whole time. He ruins the show. Nerd Alert We try to call James and get Albert who could care less about the show. We jump from there to Ricky's sister Teresa who was surprised as hell that we called her. You can totally hear all of her chirrun in the background. I love my nephews. Teresa tells the listeners of Ricky's first crossdressing experience. Laughing, laughing, and more laughing. The End p.s.-Bigg Nugg from Myspace takes us out with his song Sweat (remix). Check him out at Myspace and

 So, It Just Takes A 6 Pack? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Yes we know this is a long one, but we had so much fun doing it...LOL, that we had to go the distance.  You know you love it. We get started with the Nasty Panty Puddin twins Aerial and Tina with their segment called "T & A" time.  Mike (GayzOK) calls the hotline and leaves a message for the 2 bitches.  He wants to know their opinion on whether they prepare for anal sex or not.  Sick bitches. We have our 3rd straight guy on the show.  Angel joins us and makes Ricky cum and he aint even in the same room.  Angel is Mexican and what the gay community considers a Bear.  Enough said...Ricky was is heaven and all giddy like a school girl.  We will have to put Angel in a glass box when he is here in person.  Angel is a very open-minded straight guy...yeah we know, that's an oxymoron.  But it's true, he is very open-minded and has no problem talking about gay shit.  We had a blast with him. So enjoy this long fucking show... Fuck You Gina and Ricky ps. spread the word about Foul Monkeys. Tell people you like and don't like about us.  We're good for everyone. 206.984.FOUL Code:FM50 gets you 50% OFF hosting at: and

 Don’t Drink the Water!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

( I want to go to heaven if he is waiting for me - Gina We get started with Ricky in confessional with Mother "Gina". He confesses that he keeps forgetting about our Thursday recording days. Poor thing's starting to forget shit. Aerial and Tina gives us a "heads-up" about their new segment called "T & A" time, which the Nasty Panty Puddin' twins will try and read and answer emails sent in by the listeners, or voice mails left for the bitches...hint hint, please send them shit so we don't have to hear their bitchin'. Gina and Ricky talk about pony play and how grown adults like to put saddles on each other and ride. Getty up horsie. It's true, and then they swap out their ponies with other riders and take turns riding each other's ponies. Gina wants to be ridin'. Ricky's new obsession...Fish...yes, he's gone straight. Fergie (Black Eyed Peas) has a new song out called "London Bridge". Do like Gina and go to iTunes and buy it. Go Fergie. Thanks again GayzOK (Mike) for the gifts you sent. You're the Best!!! Love the DVD Fuck You Gina and Ricky ( 206-984-FOUL Subscribe in iTunes

 Ruicub is No Longer A Virgin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Nasty Panty Puddin twins Aerial and Tina meet Sheyla and have a 3way to get this long ass show started off.  Yeah bitches, we went way too long on this one.  3ways happen. One of our biggest fans gets deflowered on the show.  Ruicub joins the show as our first listener to be a guest on the show.  He is very excited, and we had to put alot of newspaper down because he kept getting so nervous and peeing everywhere. Gina lets everyone know that she will be used in the next Winter Olympics for the luge event.  She is very honored. And Herb makes 2.  Ricky calls Herb up to add him to the mix.  We can hear him, but he cant hear Gina or Ruicub. A drunk Ruicub ends the show with a message he and Sheyla left on our message line.  Herb also leaves a message on the voice message line. Fuck You Gina and Ricky ( 206.984.FOUL Podcast Alley ( Code:FM50 gets 50% OFF @ (  and/or (


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