Stand to Reason Weekly Podcast show

Stand to Reason Weekly Podcast

Summary: This podcast rebroadcasts our weekly radio program. Our purpose is to help Christians think more clearly about their faith and to help them make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity. Released every Wednesday and Friday.

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  • Artist: Greg Koukl
  • Copyright: ©2006 Stand to Reason; All Rights Reserved.


 Atlanta Chief and Discrimination | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:25

(1 Hour Broadcast) Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Atlanta Chief and Discrimination (00:00) Commentary: Jesus Came for Everyone (00:20) Caller/topic: 1. How do you interact with your adult daughter who wants to covert to Judaism? (00:43)

 Change of Circumstances or Change of Heart? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:26

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Change of Circumstances or Change of Heart? (00:00) Commentary: No Resolutions, New Habits (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. Does the Reformation affect how we interpret the Bible? (00:23) 2. Is lusting adultery, and if so, is it grounds for divorce? (00:38) 3. What about the new research supporting the “gay gene”? (01:01) 4. What do you think of online ordination to perform a wedding ceremony? (01:24) 5. How do you convince a Roman Catholic that praying to Mary and saints is not Biblical? (01:38) 6. Have you ever witnessed to Dennis Prager? (02:20) 7. Are the standards for elders in the Bible standards to attain or to pursue? (02:39)

 Bobby Conway - The Fifth Gospel - How to live out the Gospel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:25

Host: Greg Koukl Guest: Bobby Conway - The Fifth Gospel - How to live out the Gospel (00:00) Commentary: Christmas Carol Theology (01:00) Commentary: Christmas Reflections (02:50) Caller/topic: 1. What is the blessing in 1 Peter 3:8-9 after being wronged? (01:10) 2. What is a good resource to give to a new Christian? (01:29) 3. What did God create Satan when he knew it would introduce sin into the world? (01:46) 4. What are good resources for junior high ministry? (02:00) 5. Advice on direction in ministry; and how best to attract students to youth ministry? (02:08) 6. What does “filled with the Spirit” mean? (02:24) 7. What happens when the young die, who have had no opportunity to develop their virtues and souls? (02:36) 8. What’s the affect of Calvinism on teen’s view of salvation? (02:42)

 Christmas Suggestions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:24

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Christmas Suggestions (00:00) Commentary: Advent Devotions (01:00) Commentary: Tolerance and Intolerance (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. For moral freedom, do agents have to be able to do otherwise? (00:25) 2. How do you maintain humility when your goal is to reach more and more people? (00:39) 3. Is God morally free? (01:07) 4. What are the ethical implications of torture? (01:19) 5. How to answer a question about same-sex marriage tactically? (01:41) 6. Should Christians observe the Old Testament feasts? (02:07) 7. Why pray when God provides all we need? (02:28)

 Thanksgiving Trip to Seattle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:26

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Thanksgiving Trip to Seattle (00:00) Commentary: Decide If You’ll Be Faithful to God (01:00) Caller/topic: 1. How do you distinguish design from chance? (00:13) 2. Discussing relativism (00:27) 3. What about a Christian facilitating same-sex couple adoptions? (00:44) 4. How do you distinguish discrimination of race and same-sex couples? (01:10) 5. How can dreams surprise us when it’s our mind? (01:48) 6. His niece is becoming a nephew. (02:01) 7. What Bible verse gives the meaning of life? (02:17) 8. What about witnessing? (02:29) 9. What about police officers asked to enforce unjust laws? (02:40) 10. Where to draw the line on mysticism? (02:49)

 The Importance of Parents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:24

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: The Importance of Parents (00:00) Commentary: Religious Freedom and T-shirts (01:00) Commentary: Relativism and the Elephant (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. How do you deal with disappointment? (00:25) 2. How can pro-life be reconciled with pro-capitol punishment? (00:50) 3. Suggest resources for Reformed Theology (01:10) 4. Good questions for how creation and evolution are taught? (01:24) 5. Can a Christian believe only that Jesus is Lord and nothing else is necessary? (01:46) 6. Is Biblical Unitarianism biblical? (02:20) 7. Can someone avoid damnation by responding to general revelation? (02:47)

 Death with Dignity? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:58:26

Host: Greg Koukl (2 Hour Broadcast) Commentary: “I used to be Courtney. Now I’m Kenny.” (00:00) Commentary: Death with Dignity? (01:00) Caller/topic: 1. What does a Christian do when there’s a moral dilemma between their profession and Christianity? (00:23) 2. Is there a moral compromise for pro-lifers using vaccinations? (00:40) 3. Why do some apologists defend only mere theism? (01:25) 4. Dealing with homosexual family members who get married? (01:40)

 Angie Mosteller - Christian Origins of Halloween | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:25

Host: Greg Koukl Guest: Angie Mosteller - Christian Origins of Halloween (00:00) Commentary: Houston vs. Pastors (01:00) Caller/topic: 1. How should Christians respond to Houston’s subpoenaing pastors? (00:45) 2. What does the Bible teach on divorce and remarriage? (01:28) 3. Is grace irresistible? (01:44) 4. Can Satan repent? (02:02) 5. How do you show Protestantism is more biblical than Catholicism? (02:18) 6. Is open theism heretical? (02:44)

 Before a Hostile Audience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:24

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Before a Hostile Audience (00:00) Commentary: Houston Subpoenas Churches and Pastors (01:00) Commentary: Tribute to Gretchen Passantino (01:32) Caller/topic: 1. Challenge Greg on his view on surrogacy (00:23) 2. Can believers lose their salvation? (01:09) 3. What does Hebrews teach about eternal security? (01:34) 4. Are the only moral acts those that glorify God? (02:01) 5. How do we apply the Bible today when it wasn’t written to us? (02:17) 6. What about the Rapture? (02:33) 7. How to respond when someone says they’re “called”? (02:42) 8. How to study philosophy without going to school? (02:48)

 Julie Loos - Ratio Christi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:34:25

(Shortened Broadcast) Host: Greg Koukl Guest: Julie Loos - Ratio Christi (00:00) Commentary: The Fallacy of Complex Question (01:36) Commentary: Gordon College Lose Accreditation? (02:16) Caller/topic: 1. What’s the New Perspective on Paul all about? (00:40) 2. Must pastors be married? (00:50) 3. Conceding the definition of sin to the culture (01:00) 4. Appealing to emotion in discussion (01:15) 5. Should I go to a Joel Osteen event? (01:24) 6. Clues to the historicity of Genesis (01:46) 7. How to talk about Christianity to a homosexual friend? (02:00)

 Rodney Lake - Thinking Matters, New Zealand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:22

Host: Greg Koukl Guest: Rodney Lake - Thinking Matters, New Zealand (00:00) Commentary: Tolerance or Discrimination on Campus? (01:00) Commentary: Did Early Christian Recycle Pagan Myths? (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. What are our moral obligations to conscious machines? (00:24) 2. Does sovereign election undermine evangelism? (00:43) 3. Are modes of communication affected by our Christian relationships? (00:51) 4. How can a Christian inform their conscience? (01:22) 5. Is all we need to know in the Bible? (01:45) 6. Is the Apostle’s Creed clause about Jesus descending to Hell heresy or heterodox? (02:20) 7. What should you do if you are the only one who knows of a moral problem with a church leader? (02:27) 8. Is Genesis Jacob’s promise in Genesis 38-39 for blood descendants or a prophecy? (02:39) 9. Would you let your child visit the home of homosexuals? (02:47)

 Jonathan Morrow: Questioning the Bible - 11 Major Challenges to the Bible | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:24

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Using Evidence for Christianity (00:00) Commentary: Logis Is for Life, Not Just the Quiz (01:00) Interview: Jonathan Morrow: Questioning the Bible - 11 Major Challenges to the Bible (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. Presenting the Gospel message accurately (00:20) 2. What would you say to someone considering converting to Catholicism? (00:39) 3. How would you deal with an antagonistic professor? (01:12) 4. How do you answer the Jehovah’s Witness claim that Jesus was not crucified on a cross? (01:26) 5. How do you explain the Trinity to a Jehovah’s Witness? (01:37) 6. On the atheist view, what basis provides human rights? (01:46)

 Soul Development Is a Higher Priority than Academic Development | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:24

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Valuing Animals More than Human Beings Puts People in Danger (00:00) Commentary: Soul Development Is a Higher Goal than Academic Development (01:00) Caller/topic: 1. How orthodox does a person have to be in order to be saved? (00:17) 2. Is there a problem with serving in a ministry with someone who’s erring on the essentials? (00:45) 3. Why are people religious? (01:18) 4. Thoughts on getting an MA in Apologetics at Biola vs. getting an M.Div? (01:30) 5. How do I respond to “God made people gay, so why would He condemn them?” (01:42) 6. What’s the biblical view of surrogacy? (02:06) 7. Should I be concerned that the technology I’m working on could be used as the Mark of the Beast? (02:23) 8. How do I get someone to think for himself? (02:34) 9. What motivates outspoken atheists? (02:41) 10. Was evil necessary? (02:50)

 First Day of School | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:24

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: First Day of School (00:00) Commentary: The Design of Decay (01:00) Commentary: Head vs. Heart (02:00) Commentary: “My Sheep Hear My Voice” (02:24) Caller/topic: 1. How can he find a church that teaches apologetics? (00:26) 2. Is it okay for someone in chronic pain to pray to be taken to Heaven now? (00:40) 3. How do you respond to Lawrence Krauss’s problem of marriage? (01:13) 4. Does practicing biblical modesty lead to a rape culture? (01:29) 5. Should we have children when so many people end up going to Hell? (01:43) 6. How do you respond to someone who has no reasons for their viewpoint? (02:15) 7. How do you reconcile free will and Calvinism? (02:31)

 Should Christians Try to Influence the Culture? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:24

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Should Christians Try to Influence the Culture? (00:00) Commentary: Facts about Jesus’ Death and Resurrection (01:00) Commentary: Advice to College Students (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. If birth control has an abortifacient function, is it up to a Christian’s conscience whether or not to use it? (00:26) 1. Are there modern parallels to Old Testament judgment? (00:42) 3. What do you think of the ethical concerns about the ALS bucket challenge? (01:23) 4. If something is unclean, are they automatically evil? (01:43) 5. oes objective morality have to be independent of God? (02:17) 6. How best to persuade a youth leader to teach apologetics? (02:39) 7. What do you think of Zane Hodges’s theology? (02:49)


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