Rodney Lake - Thinking Matters, New Zealand

Stand to Reason Weekly Podcast show

Summary: Host: Greg Koukl Guest: Rodney Lake - Thinking Matters, New Zealand (00:00) Commentary: Tolerance or Discrimination on Campus? (01:00) Commentary: Did Early Christian Recycle Pagan Myths? (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. What are our moral obligations to conscious machines? (00:24) 2. Does sovereign election undermine evangelism? (00:43) 3. Are modes of communication affected by our Christian relationships? (00:51) 4. How can a Christian inform their conscience? (01:22) 5. Is all we need to know in the Bible? (01:45) 6. Is the Apostle’s Creed clause about Jesus descending to Hell heresy or heterodox? (02:20) 7. What should you do if you are the only one who knows of a moral problem with a church leader? (02:27) 8. Is Genesis Jacob’s promise in Genesis 38-39 for blood descendants or a prophecy? (02:39) 9. Would you let your child visit the home of homosexuals? (02:47)