Stand to Reason Weekly Podcast show

Stand to Reason Weekly Podcast

Summary: This podcast rebroadcasts our weekly radio program. Our purpose is to help Christians think more clearly about their faith and to help them make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity. Released every Wednesday and Friday.

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  • Artist: Greg Koukl
  • Copyright: ©2006 Stand to Reason; All Rights Reserved.


 The Explanatory Power of Christianity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:38

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: The Explanatory Power of Christianity (00:00) Commentary: What’s Your View on Same-sex Marriage? (01:00) Caller/topic: 1. Will there be movies in Heaven? (00:24) 2. Is forgiveness really unconditional? (00:38) 3. How does free will work with election? (01:11) 4. What are the limits of prolonging life through medicine and technology? (01:28) 5. Should an adult daughter talk to her parents about verbal abuse in their relationship? (02:00) 6. How can you answer the charge that morality is circular reasoning? (02:18) 7. Should remarried people who didn’t have biblical grounds for their divorce separate in their new marriage? (02:26) 8. Disappointed in the strategy lawyers defending traditional marriage argued before Supreme Court. (02:39) 9. Remain in PCUSA despite unbiblical teaching? (02:48)

 Kevin DeYoung - What the Bible Teaches about Homosexuality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:26

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: The Challenge to Be Christian in Canada (00:00) Commentary: Defending Islam, Attacking Christianity (00:20) Guest: Tim Barnett - New STR Speaker (01:00) Guest: Kevin DeYoung - What the Bible Teaches about Homosexuality (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. How do you counsel a nine-year-old who says he can’t believe in God because he can’t see God? (00:32) 2. What do you think of a pediatric surgeon who won’t treat a child who hasn’t been vaccinated? (00:45) 3. Religious exceptions aren’t needed for same-sex marriage laws. (01:17) 4. Are we obligated to tell a mosque they are accidentally passing out Christian literature? (01:32) 5. Conversation on a plane as a winsome ambassador (01:48)

 "Pray the Gay Away?" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:47:51

(Shorted broadcast) Co-hosts: Alan Shlemon and Amy Hall Commentary: “Pray the Gay Away?” (00:00) Commentary: Blog Features (00:53) Commentary: Is Allah a Generic Term for God? (01:00) Caller/topic: 1. When should you leave a church? (00:40) 2. Define evil. (01:06) 3. What’s a quick way to explain why he’s not participating in the campus LGBTQ+ week activities? (01:26)

 The Death of Two Babies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:26

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: The Death of Two Babies (00:00) Commentary: Listener Mail (01:00) Commentary: Serving at Same-sex Weddings (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. Is a single person adopting the same as a same-sex couple adopting? (00:23) 2. How do you balance being useful where you are and pursuing new goals? (00:40) 3. Challenge the greater good and justifying lying (01:18) 4. An idea for working at same-sex weddings (01:38) 5. Is the conscience a biblical idea? (01:53) 6. How do we know how to apply the Old Testament Law? (02:04) 7. Should children attend the main service with their parents? (02:20) 8. What’s the difference between serving at a wedding of a same-sex couple and a wedding of a couple who lived together? (02:30) 9. What does the unification church believe about Jesus? (02:39) 10. Is it ethical to get vaccinations if fetal tissue was used to develop them? (02:51)

 Alan Shlemon - Dealing with Homosexuality and Transgender Issues in the Church with Truth and Compassion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:29

Host: Greg Koukl Guest: Alan Shlemon - Dealing with Homosexuality and Transgender Issues in the Church with Truth and Compassion (00:00) Commentary: Clues to the Historicity of the Resurrection Accounts? (01:00) Commentary: Attending Church with Kids (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. Forgiveness doesn’t end the consequences of sin. (00:30) 2. What would Jesus do about baking a cake for a same-sex wedding? (00:40) 3. Different kinds of discrimination (01:23) 4. God was unfair to the Israelites in Egyptian slavery. (01:39) 5. Recommend a book on Bible difficulties (01:52) 6. Confusing marriage and partnership (02:11) 7. Should Christian wedding photographers take a stand in their industry? (02:31) 8. How to lead his wife to Jesus? (02:49)

 Indiana Freedom of Religion Law | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:22

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Tribute to Trova, Paducah Trip (00:00) Commentary: Indiana Freedom of Religion Law (01:00) Commentary: Easter Bunny and Christians? (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. Indiana freedom of religion law (00:22) 2. Goodness of God and evil (00:40) 3. Indiana freedom of religion law (00:45) 4. Why do Christians only have conscience issues with same-sex marriage? (01:24) 5. Should Christians impose their views on culture? (01:41) 6. Indiana freedom of religion law and a Canadian law (02:06) 7. Is morality objective or a construct? (02:29) 8. Are dreams in the mind or the brain? (02:44)

 Nancy Pearcey - Finding Truth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:26

Host: Greg Koukl Guest: Nancy Pearcey - Finding Truth: Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes (00:00) Commentary: Review of Cinderella Movie (01:00) Commentary: Christian Education and Biblical Authority (01:20) Commentary: Visit to Glen Eyrie (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. How does God affect our free will? (01:39) 2. How should Christians think about traitors? (01:50) 3. Can Christians get any benefit from non-Christian religious sources? (02:19) 4. How far do you go in participating in secular activities and trying to redeem opportunities? (02:40)

 New Prophets and Words from God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:58:27

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: New Prophets and Words from God (00:00) Commentary: Questioning Salvation (01:00) Commentary: Truth and Compassion in Action (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. New idea defending the deity of Christ (00:19) 2. Should you tithe when you’re in debt? (00:28) 3. Why is inerrancy of the Bible a big deal? (00:36) 4. How does patriotism fit with Christianity? (00:47) 5. How do you know if you have eternal security? (01:20) 6. How can we have free will in Heaven if we don’t have the choice to sin? (01:31) 7. What does John 10:35 mean? (01:46) 8. Can science disprove science? (02:17) 9. How can you be faithful to the Bible and gracious to a homosexual coworker? (02:41) 10. How do you decide the greater good in a moral dilemma? (02:52)

 Frank Turek - Stealing from God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:23

Host: Greg Koukl Guest: Frank Turek - Stealing from God (00:00) Commentary: Trip to Calgary (01:00) Commentary: New Apostolic Movement (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. Personal experience with the New Apostolic Reformation (01:09) 2. What is Satan’s access to God? (01:29) 3. Does Hell demonstrate more intrinsic human value than annihilation? (01:46) 4. How do you deal with moral dilemmas? (02:07) 5. God’s punishment and judgment are fair. (02:23) 6. How to evaluate different theological systems (02:43) 7. Are Christian wives obliged to obey non-Christian husbands? (02:54)

 Doug Geivett - The New Apostolic Reformation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:24

Host: Greg Koukl Guest: Doug Geivett - The New Apostolic Reformation (00:00) Commentary: Destroying Speculations: Spiritual Warfare (01:00) Caller/topic: 1. Family member going to a medium (00:26) 2. Who are some examples of teachers in the New Apostolic Reformation? (00:42) 3. Disagree with death before the Fall (02:00) 4. Can God choose not to remember? (02:20) 5. How can you start spiritual conversations with strangers? (02:32) 6. What do you think of Sam Harris’s definition of evil? (02:43) 7. Do you think we can love someone into the Kingdom? (02:54)

 Choosing Your Gender | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:27

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Choosing Your Gender (00:00) Commentary: Gay Reformation in the Church (01:00) Caller/topic: 1. What does the Bible teach about women leaders in the church? (00:23) 2. Should a Christian be concerned about working for a company with “Talisman” in the company name? (00:39) 3. How did you manage the adoption process? (00:41) 4. What were the effects of the Fall in an old earth scenario? (01:24) 5. Can God choose not to know something? (01:43) 6. What was the tree of life? (01:52) 7. Was C.S. Lewis an inclusivist? (02:00) 8. What should you ask to know if a child is ready to accept Jesus? (02:19) 9. Should a Christian participate in Pink Shirt Day (in Canada)? (02:39) 10. How can I talk to my pastor about conflict in the church? (02:47)

 Does Evolutiion Explain Morality? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:24

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Does Evolution Explain Morality? (00:00) Commentary: Idioms and Interpretation (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. Mt. 27:46 Did the godhead split? (00:29) 2. What is a husband’s responsibility to his wife who is divorcing him? (00:45) 3. Explain what Catholics believe about Mary’s perpetual virginity. (01:00) 4. What is your view of the reliability of the biblical manuscript evidence? (01:14) 5. What is your opinion of the modern state of Israel? (01:31) 6. Were the Pharisees and Sadducees resentful of Jesus’ miracles? (01:51) 7. Comments on creation and geology (01:45) 8. How to present creationism in class? (02:12) 9. What is the definition of Christianity? (02:25) 10. Can the inflationary view of time make sense of creation days? (02:38) 11. Should children be baptized? (02:45)

 Are You Part of the Wheat or the Tares? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:06

(1 Hour Broadcast) Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Are You Part of the Wheat or the Tares? (0:00) Commentary: Examine the Trajectory of Your Life (0:28) Caller/topic: 1. Do you have any tips for prospective foster parents? (0:41) 2. Do the tares realize they’re tares? (0:47)

 California Judges Can No Longer Be Affiliated with Boy Scouts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:24

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: California Judges Can No Longer Be Affiliated with Boy Scouts (0:00) Commentary: The Danger of Politicizing the Medical Profession (1:00) Caller/topic: 1. Would discovering sentient life on other planets have implications for the Christian worldview? (00:27) 2. Would there be a problem with humans marrying Neanderthals? (00:45) 3. Can I continue being a Boy Scout leader for a troop that’s pushing to allow gay leaders? (00:52) 4. What’s the difference between a formal pastor and someone who’s just doing faithful ministry? (01:11) 5. Is it ethical for Christians to attend a wedding they don’t approve of? (01:21) 6. How can the biblical qualifications for leadership be absolute if Paul didn’t meet them? (01:30) 7. Do you agree that Calvinism is “universal, divine, causal determinism”? (01:36) 8. What do you do to be disciplined and productive? (01:50) 9. Productivity – part two of previous question (02:00) 10. Should you question your salvation if you can’t identify the moment you were regenerated? (02:20) 11. Were the Canaanite children saved? (2:31) 12. How do you keep apologetics conversations from straying off the key point? (2:44)

 Worship Music and Aesthetics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:58:22

Host: Greg Koukl Commentary: Worship Music and Aesthetics (00:00) Commentary: God Ordains Ends, but He Uses Means (01:00) Commentary: Religious Incoherence (02:00) Caller/topic: 1. How do I respond to a friend who wants to pursue same-sex relationships? (00:25) 2. Is 1 Corinthians 14:34 about women teaching in church? (00:46) 3. Why do you see a comparison between McCarthyism and the fired Atlanta fire chief? 4. Is spanking wrong because Jesus is a pacifist? (01:25) 5. How do I respond to someone who thinks Bible study is “putting God in a box”? (01:45) 6. How much say does a father have in saving the life of his unborn child? (02:09) 7. What are some guidelines for discerning which kids’ books reflect a Christian worldview? (02:21) 8. What are pastors saying about using marijuana where it’s legal? (02:39) 9. The problem with subjective reasoning. (02:46)


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