Joshua Jeremiah Broadcast  show

Joshua Jeremiah Broadcast

Summary: The personal audio broadcast of a good-looking Mac nerd.

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 Jeremiah: 17) Audio Broadcast 17 - Work-cast II, a walk in the hidden nouveau riche | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:41

Before putting up each and every one of my broadcasts, I make attempts to optimize my audio ("master" the audio) and I do brief edits to get rid of trailing static at either the beginning or the end of the recording. For the most part, however, what I put up was recorded in its final form. Nonetheless, I end up listening to some of my recordings due to the minor edits I perform. After listening to the beginning of this broadcast, I felt as though I came across as a complete asshole. During the course of the broadcast, I walk down the street, pass by some advocates for Children International and make a comment that I have ZERO dollars to give to these people. Then, I proceed to talk about how I'm having trouble finding a way to SPEND MY MONEY on some vermiculite. Good god! In the moment of making that statement, I had very little idea how juxtaposed those two ideas were time-wise. In my mind, while thinking of the two entities - Children International advocates and vermiculite - these two items were very separate; however, when actually vocalizing these two entities, they became related. It's funny how context transforms ideas, subjects, individuals and anything within the confines of intellectual capability. I can begin to fathom why political life CAN be so difficult for those lacking the proper monetary funds to correct their mistakes. Words are powerful. I believe that action is one of the few corrections to wrongly spoken words. This is a search for the words "children international". It's both heartbreaking and heartwarming to see how many sites this search reveals.

 Jeremiah: 16) Audio Broadcast 16 - Cycling to Homo Depot while talking about tricks, Madge and the need for water | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:31

I'm taking my broadcast to work and back! Yes, dear readers and listeners, my headset microphone has found its way into my bicycle panniers and is now traveling with me to work. I actually spend a majority of my life at work (which I have much contention with - there is much in life I wish to accomplish and much of that wish finds hinderance in the lack of time taken up by regularly being away from home), so I think work is the ideal place to start doing broadcasts! Well, in this case I did record the broadcast after work. Details, details. In any case, I went to Home Depot and I didn't find any vermiculite. Now I've got to go to Gethsemane Garden Center and make an attempt to get some there. Ugh, nevermind, I just called them up and they don't have any either. What the fuck?! Is this a conspiracy against gardeners? Fuck you all. Sometimes I feel like a brick wall is constantly put in my way just for the shits and grins of some higher power. Christ on a stick.

 Jeremiah: 14) Audio Journal 14 - High times and low times during the course of a Saturday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:22

I spend a majority of my work-week on the computer and what do I on a wonderful-weather Saturday? I spend a majority of my Saturday on the computer! Another Oy! My friend Jennifer invited me to RedMoon Theater's production, "He Love Me...He Loves Me Not...", so I chose to enjoy my Saturday night via the theater friends (her daughter Autumn came along). RedMoon Theater is a visual-oriented troupe and their simplistic stories lend credence to their lavish, yet simplistic set-productions. I believe it quite important to understand the base nature of RedMoon theater productions. While attending their spectacle, a good amount of patrons got up and left, most of them exclaiming that they "didn't get" what they were watching. I think that's the point. RedMoon Theater is a "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" school of thought. I actually saw a RedMoon program several years ago, so I was familiar with their message. Had I been missing this key information, I may have had the same thoughts as others who had left during the course of the production. RedMoon theater is candy for the eye lacking the post-production editing methods of television and film. It's a simplistic Cirque du Soleil and I quite enjoy the human, organic nature of RedMoon Theater's form.

 Jeremiah: 12) Audio Journal 12 - A chat with my brother, Zak. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:31

My brother, Zachary, is an awesome guy. He's got a heart of gold, despite the fact that he insists on worshipping Satan. Oh well, most people bow down to men in long flowing robes while worshipping a 2,000 year old work of fiction (remember, the DaVinci code includes many facts but remains a created tale). In any case, I love my brother and with the advent of VOIP and iSight (for the Macintosh) we communicate more often now than we ever have previously. My brother currently lives in Texas and he's get his eye on Seattle. Yes, Zak loves the atmosphere of the granola countryside more so than the smell of cattle-ranchers in Texas. I can hardly blame him. Men smell better if they're open-minded...I think it's a pheromone thing. Zak is fairly fluent in sign language and he does instructional modeling for universities and colleges. Yes, he's got a great body. Isn't he cute sitting with his boyfriend's dog?

 Jeremiah: 11) Audio Journal 11 - A walk around a nice neighborhood while doing some ugly, geeky bitching. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:58

I'm a nerd. Yes, on my days off I quite enjoy taking a walk, a stroll (if you will), down to fancy neighborhoods and spouting-off about computer programs and computer hardware. It's quite my style, actually, and I probably put most people to sleep. Oh well, such is life. What my rant boils down to is this: incompatibility. Some technological achievements, standing all on their own, are great feats of engineering. Some technological achievements, when brought together with other technological marvels, fall short of their claims of glory. Now, on this audio broadcast, I rant about how angry I become when problems I am experiencing on the computer are being ignored. Well, in retrospect, I think I may have jumped the gun. I've been placing blame for my audio difficulties on both M-Audio and Apple. After going through more trials and errors, however, I believe that my problem finally boils down to a piece of software, namely Digital Performer by MOTU.

 Jeremiah: 10) Audio Journal 10 - Time for some dessert and chat with some good friends (and their kid) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:23:13

I spent my Saturday evening with my friends Jennifer and Joshua (yes, another Joshua - although I think he prefers being called Josh), along with Jennifer's daughter Autumn. I think Autumn is a very pretty name. Both Jennifer and Josh are easy-going folks who had wild party-days in their youth. I like to think that I had some good times when I was younger, but these two have me beat! We went out for dessert at a place called "Taste of Heaven". The desserts pretty much fit the name of the restaurant and I was rather plump after our dining experience. This broadcast is a little bit lengthy as it involves my ride over to Jennifer and Josh's apartment, our night with sweets and my journey back home. Think of this broadcast as good background conversation for your next house-cleaning day, laundry-time or tripped out enterntainment.

 Jeremiah: 9) Audio Journal 9 - It's a Friday after work and I'm good for the weekend. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:40

It's a wonderful Friday and I'm enjoying a walk to Target. Since I took off yesterday as a sick day (and I really was sick) I decided to give myself a break from cycling. I figure that my body can use the rest to recuperate Just for some "Joshua" knowledge: I cycle to work every day of the Spring, Summer and Fall that weather permits. Even if it's raining I sometimes trek out there on my good ole' bike and make the journey to work. Work is about 9 miles from where I live, so I get a good 18 miles in per day. Oy! I walked to Target (the former home of one Ms. Wanda Wisdom to purchase some exciting, new...shower rings. I'm attempting to spruce up my bathroom and those old plastic rings that came with the apartment (originally) are screaming out for sanitization!

 Jeremiah: 8) Audio Journal 8 - Some musings and whatnot...I'm home sick. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:20

Hardly anything fabulous going on today...I'm home sick from work. Of course, I had a great weekend and this is how I pay for it! I swear, I wish I could have one pleasing day lacking any consequences of balance (if I have some fun, I've got to endure some pain). Ah well, such is life.

 Jeremiah: 7) Audio Journal 7 - This is the third time that I have done this...I have said goodbye to a friend. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:00

Jeremiah: 7) Audio Journal 7 - This is the third time that I have done this...I have said goodbye to a friend.

 Jeremiah: 6) Audio Journal 6 - Bicycle cast...part 2 of 2 - returning home. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:37

The return trip home on my bicycle from the club, Y-bar, where Sunday nights are gay nights (at least for now, anyway).

 Jeremiah: 5) Audio Journal 5 - Bicycle cast...part 1 of 2 - a night of fun! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:08

A night of fun on the town with my friend Lee and his friend Wendell from St. Louis. Wendell is special...very special. Actually, he has his own show called The Wendell Show.

 Jeremiah: 4) Audio Journal 4 - I didn't record DimeBagRadio! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:10

Jeremiah: 4) Audio Journal 4 - I didn't record DimeBagRadio!

 Jeremiah: 3) Audio Journal 3 - It begins with the Fountainhead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:26

I'm off of work today, so I'm journaling early. Living as an individual to enable a greater good for society. The book, The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand), takes an idea that the individual is the fountainhead for all proceeding action and transforms it into a consuming, instrumental story. Ayn Rand then takes the idea of the fountainhead one step further with Atlas Shrugged, a narrative following the collective effort of a group of individuals. The idea behind all of Ayn Rand's works is objectivity.

 Jeremiah: 2) Audio Journal 2 - NOT Podcast! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:37

I'm off work tomorrow, so I'm staying up late working on this puppy. Poor New can my own audio blog compare to such a disaster?

 Jeremiah: 1) My venture into Podcasting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:47

Personal audio blog about daily life. Musing, stupidities, philosophy, and talk.


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