Today's Survival Show show

Today's Survival Show

Summary: Today's Survival Show, modern survival and self sufficiency ideas and discussion.

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  • Artist: Bob Mayne
  • Copyright: Copyright 2011 Today's Survival Show


 Episode 84 – What is most likely to threaten your life? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What is most likely to threaten your life? When major catastrophes strike, like some of the recent earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc.,  the mass deaths can lead one to think that natural disasters are the most likely way people can die. Not by a long shot.   So I want to talk about life vs. death scenarios.  In other words, what’s most likely to kill you?  I’m not going to focus on food shortages, financial collapses and government take over’s in this episode.  Rather…I’m gonna talk about what’s most likely to kill you! So…I start with a question?  Why are so many survivalists spending so much time preparing for disasters that don’t pose as much of a risk as other disasters? Highlights: Statistics on the likely causes of death. What do you spend most of your time preparing for? How likely are the events you prepare for in comparison to the time you spend preparing for them? The 5 most common causes of injury and death. Violence against women and how to prevent it. Odds of an event causing injury or death? Sources:  CDC, United States Dept of Justice statistics, FBI crime statistics.

 Episode 83 – How much margin do you have? More thoughts on rebuilding after disaster. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How much margin do you have?  It may sound like a strange question but once you listen to the 2nd half of this podcast it will make more sense.  In the first half of the show, I share some more thoughts about rebuilding your life and home after a disaster hits (hopefully it doesn't, though.)  In the second half, I discuss the elusive concept of creating "margin" in your life and how it relates to survival.  If you're a businessman or businesswoman you are familiar with "margin" of profit.  This concept also applies to survival so tune in. Highlights: Slow down and survive. Do your resources exceed your needs? Animals on your property after a disaster. Food that's left after a disaster. When is it time to retreat to your bug out location after a disaster? What to do when you can return home. Dealing with injured people after a disaster. Taking on "too much." Activity Overload. Balancing your commitments. WHAT GOVERNS YOU? Thanks for listening and please remember to support the show.  You can join our forum to connect with like minded people and also check out Today's Survival Show's YouTube Channel.

 Episode 82 – Cleaning up the mess after a disaster | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Cleaning up after a disaster can be worse than the disaster itself.  Disasters are upsetting experiences for everyone involved. Children, senior citizens, people with disabilities and people for whom English is not their first language are especially at risk. Children may become afraid and some elderly people may seem disoriented at first. People with disabilities may require additional assistance. It is important to let children and elderly people know that they are safe and that you will help them find a safe place to stay. It is important that you try to talk with them in a calm way.  In this episode I also talk about personal safety after a disaster. Highlights: The 3 "messes" that need cleaning, Emotional mess, Financial mess and Physical mess. How to avoid injury after a disaster. How to check your home if it's damaged. What vital documents to retrieve. How to deal with your insurance company. How to check the outside of your home, then the inside. Resources: Don't forget to join our forum and check out Today's Survival Show's YouTube Channel. Thanks, Bob Mayne Today's Survival Show

 Episode 81 – Hazardous Chemicals In Your Home | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hazardous home chemicals are a problem that many people don't see.  From every day cleaning solutions, to dust and even your refrigerator, chemicals in your home can cause problems with your health.  A member of our forum, mbarnatl suggested that I do this show.  And based on my organic upbringing, this subject interested me so I did this podcast.  You should find it useful when planning out strategies to prevent disasters such as disease and allergies. Also, I talk about CANCER. Not someone who has it, but someTHING that has cancer.  So tune in to find out! Highlights: What products in your home have harmful chemicals? What can you do about it? What health problems do they cause? 10 ways to make your home healthier. How a vacuum cleaners makes a huge difference. Nicotine addiction and home health. Hazardous gas in your home. S.A.C. Contest. Government Cancer Dr. Gloria Gilbere audio clips on toxicity in the home. Thanks for listening to the show and remember to join our forum.  If you would like to support the show financially that would be greatly appreciated but this is not my full time job, so most importantly, enjoy what you hear and take the best and leave the rest!

 Episode 80 – House Fires | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

House fires are experienced every day by many Americans.  But most people don’t understand fire. Only when we know the true nature of fire can we prepare our families and ourselves. Each year more than 4,000 American’s die and approximately 25,000 are injured in fires many of which could have been prevented. Nearly 1,000 lives are lost to fires that originated in the bedroom and about 100 firefighters are killed in the line of duty each year. Each year in the United States fires kill more American’s than all natural disasters combined.  In this episode I talk about how to protect your home against fire, what to do if a fire occurs and developing your 60 second plan. Highlights: 4 Facts about the nature of fire. Causes of fire and fire deaths. Where house fire usually occurs. General fire safety and prevention tips. Developing a 60 second plan ( Monitored smoke detectors. Why this is such an important subject. Fire kills more people every year in the U.S. than all  natural disasters combined. Check out the new website from one of our sponsors, Knives and Gear. Please remember to join our forum and thanks for listening! Bob Mayne Today's Survival Show

 Episode 79 – Threat assessment: Negativity and the art of making enemies. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Negativity surrounds us everywhere.  Part of survival is recognizing it and doing away with it.  Even after a disaster occurs, the unprepared will be dismal about their chance of survival.  Today, we can do things now to insulate ourselves from the negative people around us, the negative news and the negative workplace.  If you don't, it will hamper your ability to survive later. Highlights: What happens if we play the "if only" game? What happens to people if they pull back from taking personal responsibility? The art of making enemies. Be careful of the toes you choose to step on today.... Winners vs. losers, how the lines are blurred. What to teach young people about surviving in the next 20 years.

 Episode 78 – Baby Steps to Financial Freedom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Financial freedom is really only baby steps away.  In the last episode I talked about the financial crisis we are facing as a country and as a world, but now I give you real solutions on how to create your own financial freedom regardless of what the government does.  It's based on Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. Highlights: The 7 steps to financial freedom. Starting the road to creating wealth. Just what is the definition of wealth? (It's not being rich.) How to start little by little. Personal examples. Remember, Today's Survival Show is a common sense survival show.  No extremism, just rooted in practicality.  Please join our forum and connect with like minded people. Thanks for listening, Bob Mayne Today's Survival Show

 Episode 77 – Threat assessment: Financial Tragedy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Threat assessment and financial collapse.  Continuing my series on threat assessment and how to respond to financial tragedies.  What happens to people personally and what is perpetrated by the government.  Tune in as I discuss the national and global financial situation and what's happening with the unemployment situation and how it affects you. Highlights: Why so many jobs are going overseas? Investing in gold and silver. America is a financial time bomb ticking away. What to look for that will signal a financial recovery. Hyperinflation and it's threat to our standard of living. Resources: McAlvany Intelligence Advisor

 Episode 76 – Threat assessment: Aftermath of a Disaster | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Aftermath of a STHF event is usually as bad as the disaster itself.  Continuing my series on threat assessment, I discuss the loss of services such as water, food, first aid, protection, power,rescue and more.  Are you prepared for what happens then? Highlights: Myth busting:  An attack from 200 yards away. Dogs for security in rural homesteads. Security in the country vs. the city. Consequences of no services available. No water. No food. No medical help. Loss of power. What if you are on well water? Disinfecting your well. Storing foods that don't need cooking. Flashlights. Crank radios. Resources: Ferfal's Blog Wisconsin DNR Website (disinfecting your well.) Thanks for listening to the show. Bob Mayne Today's Survival Show

 Episode 75 – Threat assessment: Terrorism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Threat assessment as it pertains to terrorist attacks.  This kicks off a series I'm doing on how to assess the threats in your area and what can affect you.  This subject can and will affect everyone however.  Given what we face in the world today and what's happened in the past few months and years, I think we can all agree that terrorist threats did not stop after 9-11.  In this episode I discuss how to prepare for terrorism and give you my definition of what terrorism is. Highlights: "Terror" comes from a Latin terrere meaning "to frighten." Terrorism is an act, not an ethnic classification. Quote from Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Secretary, "Violent Islamic terrorism ... was part and parcel of the Ft. Hood killings," Napolitano told the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday morning. "There is violent Islamic terrorism, be it Al Qaeda in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen or anywhere else, [and] that is indeed a major focus of this department and its efforts." Leadership failure, 5 key events to watch after a disaster. Audio of General Jerry Boykin Immigration, does it make us more vulnerable? Financial Terrorism Identity Theft Cyber Terrorism The Third Jihad Thanks for listening. Bob Mayne Today's Survival Show P.S. Remember to join our forum.

 Episode 74- Stress Management, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Stress management part 2 on how to deal with major events in our life now and after the SHTF.  I cover a little deeper definition of what stress actually is in layman's terms and how it affects us.  Also, I'll talk about the stress response.  Usually in a survival situation, your stress response will make the difference in your ability to survive or not. Highlights: The 4 Step process in treating stress (you can do it yourself.) The link between stress and survival and rescue. Stress releases, what happens if we don't have them? Specific causes of stress (stressors.) The 5 Steps in the learning process (Tom Hopkins.) How the 5 Steps of learning reduces our stress level. What type of impact stress has on your body and mind. Remember to join our forum and help support the show.  Also don't forget about our S.A.C. listener contest. Bob Mayne Today's Survival Show //

 Episode 73 – Stress Management | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Stress management is one of the most important survival skills to know.  After all, who won't be stressed out during and emergency?  Although we have a lot of tools and stocked items, they won't be much use if we can't manage our emotions, our physical stress and even our mental state.  In this episode I cover how to manage stress before and after something happens.  If you are constantly worried about "what if" then listen to this episode.  I don't get too scientific, don't worry I keep it easy to understand. Highlights: "You might be stressed out if..." How to recognize it and stop stress before it stops you. 2 Types, physical and psychological. Using the STOP principle. What causes stress, environment or emotions or both? Stress management during an emergency. Stress Response Jim Rohn audio clip, "The 4 If's that make life worthwhile." Survival Activist Club, restarted. On Maintaining a Positive Attitude from Bug Out Survival Blog Read about improvising by mbarnatl from our forum. Survivors are doers. Thanks for listening, Bob Mayne Today's Survival Show

 Episode 72 – Why you should eat organic foods. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Why should you eat organic foods?  Not only does it protect your body from dangerous chemicals, but there's a good argument that it helps the environment and in the long run, saves money.  It's definitely not easy to do, but with good planning you can obtain organic foods or grow them yourself in an economical way.  Many organic farmers aren't even officially classified as such but are still producing excellent natural food.  This is a survival topic so tune in and I'll explain why it is. Highlights: What are organic foods? Why should you eat them? Do they make you gain weight? How to they help us with survival? Does organic farming help the environment? Are organic foods  more expensive? How to achieve the balance of the benefit of organic foods and the cost of growing and buying them? Definition of organic foods as defined by the FDA. How this is a survival topic? Resources: In Defense of Food, Michael Pollan  Chemicals in Foods Can Make You Fat USDA website (Organic Food Definition) Thanks for listening, Bob Mayne Today's Survival Show

 Episode 71 – Celiac Disease, Food Storage and You Are What You Eat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Celiac Disease, Food Storage and You are what you eat.  I have celiac disease.  That makes it exceptionally difficult to store food, much less eat daily meals.  Gluten intolerance or celiac disease is a death sentence if you like to eat.  The real question is, do you eat for pleasure or do you eat to exist?  I've had to learn to eat to exist.  What does this have to do with modern survival living?  Everything.  We prevent disease and poor health by eating healthy.  This isn't discussed much in survival circles.  Lots of blogs about it, but I don't see nor hear too much of it on survival blogs or forums.  I have a lot of personal experience with this, because I have this limitation.  So you'll get the practical usage stuff from me as usual.  Remember, I'm not a doctor, nutritionist or dietary expert.  But I am an every day person, learning to survive on a diet that's very restrictive.  Tune in, even if you don't have this problem, you may want to readjust some of your eating habits. Highlights: How gluten intolerance changes your food storage methods. What is celiac disease?  I define it in laymans terms. How does it affect eating in restaurants? Short term SHTF and long term SHTF and how it affects your food storage with relation to gluten free, wheat free and barley free protein foods. What about MRE's? Packing a bug out bag if you have celiac or gluten intolerance. Does it help you lose weight? Does it help you stay in shape? Again, even if you don't have this challenge (and probably most of you don't) I bet you will gain some valuable insight as to what you should store and how to prepare healthy meals for you and your family. Resources: Bob Mayne Today's Survival Show

 Episode 70 – Denial: A Powerful Foe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Denial is a powerful foe.  I recorded this before the news broke of Joe Stack's ridiculous and violent act of flying his plane into the IRS building in Austin.  He is a killer, plain and simple.  And actions like that,  I do not condone. Many people deny there are serious problems in this world.  In this episode I discuss sheep, sheepdogs and wolves and how they correlate to the different levels of thinking among human beings.  I will discuss how many people resent the sheepdogs who protect them and take care of them until the wolf shows up. Highlights: Why some people have no capacity for violence. Why some people have the warrior spirit. Why some people have no empathy for their fellow citizens (like Joe Stack) and are the evil wolves. Armed police officers in schools and churches? All too often people's responses to the sheepdogs (the protectors) are scorn and disdain. How DENIAL actually kills you twice. Thanks for listening, Bob Mayne Today's Survival Show


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