Today's Survival Show show

Today's Survival Show

Summary: Today's Survival Show, modern survival and self sufficiency ideas and discussion.

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  • Artist: Bob Mayne
  • Copyright: Copyright 2011 Today's Survival Show


 Episode 113 – College Survival Preparations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Some of us have family members that are in college or perhaps you're in school and wondering how to prepare with limited space. At the request of a listener, I rolled back time a little and remembered my college days and offer some experiences and thoughts to you on college preparation and dealing with the unique circumstances of living in a dorm or off campus housing. This podcast has some similarities to the Apartment Prepping interview with Frazer, but I've added some new ideas. Tune in and enjoy information on dealing with difficult people, preparing with limited space, keeping your belongings secure, preventing a physical attack, how to handle theft, weather disasters, communication breakdowns and more, while trying to get an education. Please remember to join our forum and rate this show on iTunes too.

 Episode 112 – HAM Radio’s, CB’s and Emergency Communications | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

HAM Radio's, CB radios and Emergency Communications. Another interview with a listener to this show and forum member Isaac Goldman, a.k.a. atomic17 on the forum. He's extremely knowledgeable about communications equipment for emergencies and even as a hobby. He also wanted me to pass this along after you listen to this show: for those people who are self studying instead of taking a HAM class, dont just get the study guide, learn that and go take your exam. You'll get your license but have no clue whats really going on inside your radio, and if/when something breaks or goes wrong no way to fix it. He highly recommends you get and at least skim the ARRL ENGINEERS reference manual. You dont need the latest version but it explains very well how your radio works as well as several intiresting peices of gear you can build for yourself. You'll love this interview and get ready to beef up your disaster communications.

 Episode 111 – Planes, Trains and Automobiles Survival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Surviving while traveling or on the road is the subject of this week's show. This is mostly from personal experience. I've been traveling for business or pleasure for 26 years. A little while ago a listener asked me to do a show on bug out bags for travelers. I decided to go a step beyond that and make it an entire show on tips and tricks on what to do if you find yourself in trouble while on a trip. Highlights: The 5 Clothing rules for travel survival. Travel Finances Travel Hygiene Travel First Aid Kits. Travel Medication. Travel Paperwork. Travel tools. Keeping clean while on the go. Thanks for subscribing and downloading. Please comment on the show using iTunes or on our Forum.

 Episode 110-Travel Light, Think Right, Talk Straight: Functional Simplicity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Functional simplicity is what this show is about. Survival has a lot to do with how you set yourself up in case something happens. In this show I explore some of the simpler things in life. I call it Functional Simplicity, because you can still be quite functional and happy and successful and survive quite well with less complication in life. Often times preppers ponder the question, "should I stay or should I go?" In this episode I talk about "stay where you should," "leave when you must," "never look back." Also, please tune in because I'll discuss speaking the truth to others when discussing survival plans, analyzing threats and skill sets. Risk taking is another from of survival. I take the opposite view of many in the prepper community. I advocate taking risks. Carefully calculated risks. Have you ever heard the story of Ron Wayne, 3rd Co-founder of Apple Computers?  Tune in, it's an interesting story. Please join our forum and if you use iTunes, please rate this show.

 Episode 109 – Survival Skill: Learning to shoot | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Skills are more important than gear in my opinion. Supplies and gear are necessities for a survival plan, no doubt. Don't get me wrong, I just think that if TSHTF it will be easier to acquire gear than it will be to learn a new skill. So once a month, I'm going to discuss a skill necessary for survival. This time, it's learning to shoot. Even if you listen from a country where you cannot own guns, you may learn the importance of learning some type of combative skill from this podcast. If you're legally allowed to own a firearm, then learn how to use it. This is not a gun podcast and I'm not a gun nut. Yet I do recognize the importance of survival firearms. In this podcast after talking about the importance of learning to shoot I also discuss some thoughts on what to buy if you can own only one gun, what makes a good survival gun and why it should be on your list of preps. I also discuss inexpensive but good quality survival firearms and inexpensive training on how to use them, hunt with them and use them in self defense. Don't forget about hunting, a necessary survival skill. This is the last day for the Freedom Raffle. If you still want to support this show and help preserve one of your fundamental rights, consider a $10 or more ticket purchase to my Freedom Raffle. Click the page (at the top) to get the details. Related Links: Mosin Nagant Rifles Close Range Gunfighting Course (Suarez International) Hunting for survival article Handgun World Show

 Episode 108 – It’s my “job” to prepare. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Another listener interview with Steve from Alabama. He's a former MP and a family survivalist. He's been prepping for about 4 years and I brought him on the show to discuss preparing as a family, learning how to grow blueberries, home security, storing food and water, why we should prepare, his philosophy on how preparing helps his marriage, taking care of an elderly mom, what other survival shows he listens to such as The Survival Podcast and building a community of like minded people. I've posted this show earlier than expected because I have a busy weekend planned and a busy start to next week. Hope you have a great Labor day weekend and I'll talk to you again later next week. Don't forget to join our forum and support your rights by getting a Freedom Raffle ticket.

 Episode 107- Handling yourself after a personal attack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Handling yourself after a personal attack is something everyone should know how to do. We don't like to think about it, but it can happen. In this podcast I interview Greg from Northern Minnesota who is a deputy sheriff and has been for 18 years. We discuss what and what not to say to the police, how to handle yourself, how to seek legal representation and what would upset the investigating office and what would not. We also discuss what types of weapons are usually frowned upon and what your intent was if you used it. The importance of being the first to call 911 is also important. My apologies but I've had some trouble with my software so this accidentally got published more than once. Don't forget about the Freedom Raffle, click "Freedom Raffle at the top of the page and also join our forum, both links can be found at the top of the page.

 Episode 106 – Modern Technology for Survival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Modern technology can be a good asset for survival. Too often many preppers discount it stating that most technological devices are "unreliable." In this episode I will try to bust that myth. I will concede the fact that you can't rely 100% on technological devices to save your butt. However, there are common disasters that do not necessarily cause cell phone towers or satellites to go down. I did this entire podcast with my iphone to prove that there are a lot of creative ways to use technology now, before the STHF. Highlights: Using Facebook and Twitter as survival tools. Using your camera phone and video function on your smartphone. Ham Radios. CB Radios. Using your computer as a survival tool. Using CD's, flashdrives and DVD's as survival tools. Power inverters are simple emergency items that come in handy. Text messaging as a survival tool. Using your camera phone to record inventory. Getting accident reports and weather reports using technology. 11 iphone apps that could save your life. Modern medical technology that saves lives. There's a good thread on our forum on this subject too. If you're not a member, sign up! Don't forget about the Freedom Raffle, time is running out, click the link at the top of the page. Freedom Raffle Sponsors:

 Episode 105 – Apartment Survivalism, Interview with Frazer Kon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Apartment survivalism is entirely possible and very realistic. Too many people think that because they don't have a large homestead with a lot of rural property, that they cannot take steps to get prepared for common every day disasters. In this episode, I do an interview with Frazer Kon from our forum. He joins me from Canada and discussed what he's done to prepare while living in a first floor apartment. A lot of what you will hear him say also applies to anyone and applies to living a more secure life right now! Highlights: Storing food in an apartment. Storing water in an apartment. Gardening. Apartment security. Financial planning for renters. Preparing for power loss in apartments. Modifying furniture to provide storage space. Present day bartering example. Having a plan. Remember to get your tickets for the Freedom Raffle, time is running out and join our forum.

 Episode 104 – Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) is a multi-disciplinary approach to deterring criminal behavior through environmental design. CPTED strategies rely upon the ability to influence offender decisions that precede criminal acts.  So in this episode, I get into detail as to what you an do to strengthen your resolve against criminal activity. CPTED was originally coined and formulated by criminologist C. Ray Jeffery. A more limited approach, termed defensible space, was developed concurrently by architect Oscar Newman. Both men built on the previous work of Elizabeth Wood, Jane Jacobs and Schlomo Angel. Highlights: The importance of a network of people in your neighborhood dedicated to security. This is NOT a SHOW about GUNS! Tips to keep the perimeter and your interior of your home safe. Where to start. A checklist for securing your property.' How to form groups of like minded people. Please join our forum and don't forget the Freedom Raffle!

 Episode 103 – How to start preparing and avoid “beginning prepper stress.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This podcast is one year old today! Thank you! Whether you are a new prepper or experienced prepper, I think it's safe to say that it's easy to get overwhelmed by the task of getting ready for what may come. That's why I'm convinced some people don't do it. They want to, but it's too overwhelming or they don't know where to start. They also don't want people to make fun of them so they don't even try. Can you relate? Tune into this show for some tips on how to take it one step at a time. This show is inspired by an excellent blog post on The Survival Blog. Highlights: The social, political, and psychological themes encountered in TEOTWAWKI seems to make some people bristle, why? The amount of information to be taken in, the sudden awareness of your vulnerability. How to figure out "where to start?" How to take it one step at a time. How many preparations is enough? Home Security Tips. Why physical fitness should not be neglected. Audio soundbite from Austin Adventure Boot Camp. Remember to support Gun Rights and get a ticket for my "Freedom Raffle." Also, join our forum.

 Episode 102 – Global Inflation, Doctor Prepper Show, More on Bartering and Negotiation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Inflation is a huge issue and it's not discussed nearly enough. Survivalists are often so worried about natural disasters, apocalyptic events and TEOTWAWKI that money and investments are sometimes neglected. If you are buying gold, silver, real estate and other diversified investments, tune in to hear some important info about global inflation and the world situation.  Also tune in for more information on bartering and negotiation from my guest appearance on the Doctor Prepper Show. Please remember the Freedom Raffle, get your tickets to support gun rights and this show, win a gun, a holster, or a knife! Thanks for listening,

 Episode 101- Investment Strategy for Survival: Firearms? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Investment strategy for survival is a multi-faceted approach. I was recently asked if I thought firearms and ammo were a good investment for survival. So in this episode I'll discuss it. I'll give you both sides and let you decide. In segment 2 I will tell you about a personal experience at a luncheon on Wednesday where there was an OK2A representative and they were also soliciting for the GOA. It was a negative experience. Tune in for details. Remember the Freedom Raffle, get your ticket, don't waste $10 this week and buy a ticket!

 Episode 100 – The 16 Founding Principles of Practical Survivalism on TSS. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Today's Survival Show has evolved into 16 principles of success, survival and preparedness.  But I couldn't have done it without you.  Tune in and I'll discuss: 1 Never see failure as failure, but only as a learning experience. 2 Your mind is like a parachute, it works best when it’s open. 3 You get what you negotiate. 4 All problems cannot be fixed at the voting booth. 5 Children are the future of survivalism. 6 Failure is also a chance to develop your sense of humor. 7 Prepare mostly for every day emergencies, not unrealistic  theories. 8 Become an independent thinker,  check every idea with your “common     sense barometer.” 9  Get out of debt! 10 Prepare for Water and Food storage. 11 Prepare for Self Defense. 12 Develop a" sphere of influence." 13 Learn a new skill every month. 14 Read something new every day. 15 Your home is your castle, be prepared to defend it. 16 Never neglect physical fitness. Also, a tribute to the listeners and major contributors to this show and forum! Don't forget about the "Freedom Raffle." Get your ticket now.

 Episode 99 continued – “It’s About Freedom” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It's About Freedom and this is a short continuation of Episode 99.  What do we have if we don't have our freedom?  Now more than ever, people are worried that their freedom is eroding.  I don't ask for much from you.  I just ask that you give me an hour a week or so to tune in.  I'm worried the curmudgeons in the Government are going to chip away at what this country is founded upon. So please tune in and take a moment to support some good "freedom building" causes.  I've got an exciting raffle going on right now, click here for more details and tune in to this show. Thanks, Bob Mayne "Freedom Raffle" sponsors:


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