Made Fit TV  - Health & Fitness Entertainment show

Made Fit TV - Health & Fitness Entertainment

Summary: Made Fit TV is a show dedicated to Health and Fitness for everyone who wants a fresh look at the world of working out and weight loss. Jennifer Didonato, a NASM certified personal trainer, covers everything from strength training & cardio to diet and healthy eating. She also reviews products to inform you of what works and what doesn't. Join us every Wednesday morning as new episodes air! Made Fit TV - Where fit bodies don't just happen - they're made.

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 Made Fit TV - Ep 36 - Jenny Answers Viewer Mail | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:10:00

Every week I get many emails that consist of questions and concerns regarding health, fitness, and nutrition. Being a personal trainer in the Detroit-Metro area, I reach many clients one-on-one. But through, I am able to reach all of you - and I love that! In this week's Made Fit TV podcast, I explore the critical topic of bad eating habits, in children in particular. I also explain how you can better your eating with simple life style changes. Also, ever wondered what weights to start with when beginning a weight-training program? I'll teach you how to find out what weight works best for you and your goals.

 Made Fit TV - Ep 35 - Back Pain Prevention | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:09:49

If you're the typical working American, you may run the risk of experiencing some type of back pain or injury at some point in your life. Between the long hours hunched over a computer, hours stuck in traffic, laborious house work.. something is bound to tweak. There is a very large spectrum of back injuries and pain - which makes diagnosis and treatment a very touchy thing. And the causes are just as varied. Sedentary lifestyle can lead to improper posture that may contribute to pain. Repetitive movements and overuse can lead to wear-and-tear. Failure to use proper form while exercising or during an activity can also lead to injury. And then some of us are lucky enough (sarcasm!) to be pre-disposed to back problems through genetics. If you're not already seeing someone and you suffer from back pain or injury, consult an orthopedic specialist NOW!! But, if you are someone who wants to take preventative measures in caring for your back, check out this week's new Made Fit TV episode. I address the key elements that can be controlled in your favor in keeping your back healthy and pain-free. Print off the notes below to reference during your workout! Flexibility 1.) Low Back Stretch with Pull * Sit on a chair or fit ball with legs parallel to each other and feet facing forward * Round your back and bring your head below your knees, clasping your hands under your knees * Breathe normally and hold for 20 - 30 seconds * Next, pull your chest up and away from your knees while still keeping your back rounded and hands clasped, holding for another 20 - 30 seconds 2.) Twisted Hip Stretch * Lie down on your back with arms extended at your sides * Keeping your left leg straight, bend the right leg and twist it, aiming your knee toward your left shoulder * Twist your torso to the left while keeping your right hip against the floor the best you can * Hold for 20 - 30 seconds and repeat on the left leg Balance & Stabilization 1.) Fit Ball Single Leg Raise * Sit on the fit ball with legs parallel to each other and feet facing forward, hands on your hips * While maintaining a straight back, slowly lift your right knee straight up and then slowly lower it back to the ground * Repeat on the left leg, alternating legs for a total of 20 reps per leg Strength & Functionality 1.) Wall Deadlift with Shoulder Blade Contraction * Place your back against a sturdy wall and place your feet hip-width apart and slightly in front of you * Using light to moderate weights in each hand, place arms straight down in front of you * While maintaining a straight back, bend your legs and slowly lower your torso by bending over at the hips and keeping your butt against the wall * When torso is at or near parallel to the floor, keep your arms straight down and squeeze your shoulder blades together for a count, and then release * Return to the starting position while keeping your back straight and butt against the wall, repeating the movement for a total of 12 - 15 reps

 Made Fit TV - Ep 34 - Recipe: Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:10:00

There aren't many things in this world that are better than a warm, gooey, fresh baked chocolate chip cookie melting in your mouth. But, too much of this indulgence will sabotage your fitness program! The average fresh baked chocolate chip cookie contains at least 100 calories, and is packed with butter, 5 grams of fat (including 1.5g of saturated and 1g trans), 13 grams of simple carbohydrates, 8 grams of simple sugar, and only one measly gram of protein. And, that's only if you actually make the cookies based on their recommended size. I guarantee that your average batch of cookies are bigger when you make them. Mine sure would be! Not many people can only eat ONE cookie. Hell, we're practically struggling not to polish off the raw dough before we stick it in the freaking oven! Plus, the ingredients like the butter, white flour and sugar will spike your insulin, contributing to fat-storage and fatigue. Rather than taking the approach to deprive yourself until you lose control, replace your chocolate chip cookie recipe with my Double Chocolate Protein Cookies. They contain slow digesting complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, lots of protein, and minimal sugar. Watch this week's Made Fit TV episode to see how simple they are to bake. Print off this recipe below. Double Chocolate Protein Cookies Bake time: 10-12 minutes Serving size: 20 Ingredients: 1/4 cup Splenda brown sugar blend 1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce 3 egg whites 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp cinnamon 3 cups oats 1/4 cup whole wheat flour 1 cup chocolate protein powder 1/2 cup chocolate chips 1.) Pre-heat oven at 350 degrees 2.) Beat together the egg whites, apple sauce, brown sugar blend and vanilla 3.) Gradually mix in oats, flour, protein powder and cinnamon to the above combination, stirring well before adding in the chocolate chips 4.) Drop a table spoon of the cookie mixture onto a non-stick lightly sprayed cookie sheet, baking for 10-12 minutes 1 cookie = 170 calories, 3.5g fat, 18g carbs, 7g sugar, 13g protein

 Made Fit TV - Ep 33 - 10 Things NOT To Do At The Gym | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:09:36

Whether you've been a member of a gym for five years or five days, the rules still apply to everyone. Rules? What rules, you ask? Being able to utilize your gym membership to your best potential -- and not offend anyone in the process -- requires some guidelines you should follow. Sure, you know not to leave your towels laying around, or to not spit on the track (I hope). But there are other simple "social" rules of the gym that you may be violating. No worries, though. Just watch this week's episode of Made Fit TV to see my top ten list of things you should NOT do at the gym.

 Made Fit TV - Ep 32 - Tabata Training Method | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:09:36

Guys, when you're at the gym do you get reamed by your woman every time you glance at chick bouncing on the treadmill? And, ladies, do you wonder why the hell he's checking out girls when he should be working out?!? Here's something that you may both like: Pole Dance fitness! Essentially, we as humans exercise to feel sexy about ourselves and others. So, why don't we sex it up a bit while we're at it -- and, better yet, on a pole! Pole Dancing is more than just scantily clad working women getting naughty with an inanimate object. It's really an art that incorporates technique, strength, core stability, endurance, and (the best part) the ability to be yourself. Not only does the power of the pole allow you to let go of your inhibitions, but it gives you a great workout by challenging your musculature with movements your body just isn't used to doing -- equalling faster results. It ain't too hard on the eyes for you fella's, either, I would imagine. So, check out this week's Made Fit TV video on this new craze that's sweeping fitness rooms, workout videos, and bachelorette parties alike. You'll see me join pole dance instructor, Patricia Pelto, as she shows me some moves that may be coming to a bedroom near you!

 Made Fit TV - Ep 31 - Pole Dance Fitness | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:09:55

Guys, when you're at the gym do you get reamed by your woman every time you glance at chick bouncing on the treadmill? And, ladies, do you wonder why the hell he's checking out girls when he should be working out?!? Here's something that you may both like: Pole Dance fitness! Essentially, we as humans exercise to feel sexy about ourselves and others. So, why don't we sex it up a bit while we're at it -- and, better yet, on a pole! Pole Dancing is more than just scantily clad working women getting naughty with an inanimate object. It's really an art that incorporates technique, strength, core stability, endurance, and (the best part) the ability to be yourself. Not only does the power of the pole allow you to let go of your inhibitions, but it gives you a great workout by challenging your musculature with movements your body just isn't used to doing -- equalling faster results. It ain't too hard on the eyes for you fella's, either, I would imagine. So, check out this week's Made Fit TV video on this new craze that's sweeping fitness rooms, workout videos, and bachelorette parties alike. You'll see me join pole dance instructor, Patricia Pelto, as she shows me some moves that may be coming to a bedroom near you!

 Made Fit TV - Ep 30 - The Office Workout | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:08:30

The New Year brings about new goals and attitudes toward our health and fitness. The problem: our schedules are the same 'ole stressful, time consuming routine that allows us little time for our newly found urge for exercise. Many of you have emailed me looking for answers as to how to fix this. So, how can you easily fit exercise into your work day? It's much simpler than you may think. In this week's episode, I demonstrate exercises you can do without stepping outside your office or cubical. Even better -- you don't necessarily need equipment, either! My video shows you creative ways to use your office chair... for exercise that is (get your mind out of the gutter!). I also demonstrate movements using objects that are most-likely right on or inside your desk!

 Made Fit TV - Ep 29 - Stretching Basics | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:09:59

Happy New Year to all! Not only does January 1st bring a new year, it is accompanied by the urge for people to get in shape. But jumping in too quickly into a fitness program that you haven't done in ages may do more harm than good. Starting out slow is a guaranteed way to help you pick up the pace through the next few months. A good way to ease into your fitness program is to learn how to warm up properly and stretch. There are several different ways of stretching reserved for different activities and movements. One of which is static stretching. Static stretching is most common where you hold a position for a period of time to relax and elongate the muscles. The reason this is good for the muscles is because it helps keeps muscle fibers elastic and keeps the blood flowing to prevent tears, strains and injuries. It's important to note that before you perform this type of stretch, you must warm up. Stretching stiff, cold muscles is like trying to stretch a rubber band that was left in the refrigerator -- it snaps. Ouch! If you are doing cardiovascular exercise, walk at a brisk pace for five minutes and then stretch before getting back on the treadmill for your run. If you're wanting to stretch a muscle that has been stiff from weight-lifting, always stretch it AFTER your workout. Studies show stretching before weight-lifting may inhibit muscle contraction performance because the muscle has been elongated. Make sense? To see some good stretches to incorporate into your routine, check out this weeks podcast. The notes below will also help you follow along. Seated Hamstring (Leg) Stretch: Sit with one leg extending in front on you and the other leg tucked close to your torso. Lean your chest forward while keeping your leg straight. You should feel the stretch behind your straight leg. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat on other leg. Gluteal and Piriformis (Butt) Stretch: While seated, place your left foot flat on the ground. Take your right leg and bend it so the side of its ankle rests on your left knee. Hold your butt off the ground with your hands under you and lean your weight forward. You should feel the stretch on your right glute. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat on the other leg. Pectoral (Chest) Stretch: Find a wall or a pole and stand facing it with half of your body overlapping it. Place your right arm against the wall or pole at a 90 degree angle so the entire inside of your forearm from your wrist to your elbow is against it. Lean your chest forward and hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat on your other arm.

 Made Fit TV - Ep 28 - Recipe: Healthy Peanut Butter Balls | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:09:26

Happy Holidays! From now until January 1st you will most likely be eating three times the calories your body burns in just one day. That said, we should probably cut corners where we can -- and I'm not talking about cakes! Good habits to live by during this "season of splurging" is to avoid drinking your calories, cutting back on portions, and not going back for seconds. Notice how I'm not telling you to avoid the sweets? Cutting it out cold turkey -- especially during the Holidays -- may prompt you to completely lose your mind from sugar-deprivation, steal the entire pumpkin pie, and down it in two minutes while hiding out in the hall closet! So instead of doing away with the sweet-stuff, watch this week's podcast and try whipping together this healthy dessert recipe that's both tasty and satisfying. If you love peanut butter, this one's for you! Peanut Butter Protein Balls Ingredients: 1 cup plain instant oats 1 cup honey 1 cup natural peanut butter (drained) 1 1/4 cup vanilla protein powder 1.) With peanut butter still in the jar, drain the oil off of the top 2.) Mix all of the ingredients in a large bowl with a spatula 3.) Wash your hands and continue mixing the ingredients until there are no dry spots 4.) Roll up balls of the mixture about the size of a half-dollar and place them on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper or parchment paper 5.) Cover with wax paper or parchment paper and refrigerate Optional: You may also melt down two cups of semi-sweet chocolate morsels and dip one side of each ball in it before refrigerating Servings: approx. 24 balls One serving, plain= 103 calories 3.5g fat 11.5g carbs 7.5g protein 6g sugar One serving w/chocolate= 138 calories 5.5g fat 17g carbs 7.5g protein 10g sugar

 Made Fit TV - Ep 27 - New Ways to Use Your Ab Roller | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:09:34

Tired of your Ab Roller taking up space? Tired of trying to sell your Ab Roller? Tired of looking for your Ab Roller? Tired of being tired of looking for your... Alright! I know, you get it! I just thought I'd slam you one more time with some of that infomercial garbage -- because that's where you got your Ab Roller through, right? Well, if you think it's just an out-dated piece of metal that used to give you the fantasy of having your own "six-pack" someday think again! There are many ways to use your Ab Roller to exercise other muscle groups besides your core... and I'm going to show you! Now, pull that baby out of the closet. First of all, you should never use your Ab Roller other than what's intended of it. But we're going to make an exception on that (wink, wink). I came up with some simple moves you can do by incorporating your Ab Roller. Check out this week's podcast for the step-by-step instructions on how to perform new movements with an Ab Roller. They include incline push ups, tricep dips, elevated split squats, and inverted back rows. Just make sure you follow along carefully so you don't get hurt!

 Made Fit TV - Ep 26 - The Really, Really Good Leg Workout | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:09:51

So, after showing you The Really, Really Good Arm Workout two months ago, I figured that you'd want to administer the same amount of awesome-ness to other muscle groups, right? So, I'm making it a series and continuing with this week's podcast devoted to legs. For most of us, our legs are what we depend on to get us around most of the day (unless you have a really helpful assistant willing to carry you to wherever you need to go. We can dream...) That said, I still can't quite understand why people -- guys and girls -- feel the need to forget about strength-training them! Sure, you say that you run or rock-climb or walk three miles a day. But the only way to keep your legs injury-proof, strong, and toned is to condition the specific muscles that all work together that allow you to do your running, rock-climbing, and walking. In this week's Brides Made Fit podcast, I show you three compound leg movements that are sure to deliver the results you want (as long as you also keep up with your cardio and lay off the junk food -- I always have to say it!) These movements are great for beginners all the way to the advanced. The plie squat to calf raise activates the hamstrings, quadriceps, hips, glutes, and calves. Isolating the glutes and quadriceps to the point where you feel the burn is the alternating reverse lunge to squat. Pliometrics (jumping) is another unique way to challenge the muscles, and I show you through jump squats. All of these movements can be made more challenging by adding dumbbells or barbells.

 Made Fit TV - Ep 25 - Tips for Healthier Grocery Shopping | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:10:00

This Weeks Referenced Links I may preach and live the healthy and fit lifestyle -- but that doesn't mean that it's so easy for me all the time. I'm just like you; I can't get in all of my fruits and vegetables every day. I can't stay away from non-whole grain carbohydrates all the time. And I sometimes can't eat just one portion. Now, these are innocent humanly flaws. But if they become a constant habit, then I may be headed down a slippery slope of malnutrition and love handles! The trick that keeps me level with my overall health and fitness is that I try to control the situation with options that are best for me and my lifestyle. Because nutrition accounts for 75%-80% of the results we see from exercise, starting with your shopping cart is the best way to gain control of eating healthy, without really feeling like you are. Another important variable is understanding and following the serving sizes and nutrition facts on the food labels. Only you can control what you put inside your body -- and how much. Check out this week's video for some simple and easy ways to clean up your grocery list and nutrition habits while staying within your comfort zone. This is geared toward the everyday person just looking for a little guidance!

 Made Fit TV - Ep 24 - The Holiday Pre-Binge Workout | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:09:54

For many Americans, Thanksgiving is the official kick-off of the holiday season. It's also a big excuse for many to kick their fitness program. Well, not if I can help it! You don't have to throw away months of hard work and training just because you go overboard on one or two days. So, to ensure from the get-go that you don't get crazy with the gravy... the first thing you should do on your holiday morning is get moving! Working out before you even touch all of the fixin's may make you less likely to splurge later on. Why? Click on my video and I'm going to show you a workout that will kick your butt so hard you won't want to undo it (I hope)! Plus, working out right off the bat as opposed to saving it for later (which is code for "not at all") will burn off some of those extra calories you'll consume when you're gorging on your second slice of pumpkin pie. So, watch my video and then print out these notes to follow along for when you do your pre-holiday workout. You'll need a treadmill and two dumbbells that are light enough that you can perform 15 repetitions, but still challenging that you feel the burn at the end of every set. Total workout time: 35-40 minutes 1.) Warm up on the treadmill for one to five minutes at a comfortable pace 2.) Walk at a minimum of 3.5 miles per hour at a 4% incline for one minute 3.) Carefully grab your dumbbells and perform 15 overhead presses while still walking 4.) Next, walk for one minute and then perform 15 hammer bicep curls while still walking 5.) Now, get off the treadmill -- but keep it on -- and perform a total of 20 alternating reverse lunges while holding your dumbbells at your sides 6.) Get back on the treadmill, lower the incline to zero, and crank up your speed and run at a medium to high pace for five minutes 7.) After your run, bring your pace back down to at least 3.5 miles per hour and bump your incline back up to 4% for one minute 8.) Repeat three times

 Made Fit TV - Ep 23 - Workout For Beginners | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:09:43

Health and fitness is a necessity to keep us living long, fulfilled lives. But if we need it to live, why is it so damn hard? Because we unnecessarily make it that way!!! Whether you need to lose 50 pounds or just want to get back in shape, beginners can't expect to jump in head first and see instant results. That, more likely than not, may lead to really sore muscles, injuries, malnutrition, and a strong for exercise. I don't blame you. But there is a way for you to kick your program off easier --and correctly-- so you eventually do see lasting results. If you're getting your butt into shape for the first time, you need to initially take it slooooooow. Forget about what other people are doing! They may not have the same goals as you! Instead, start out with lighter, but challenging, weights that allow you to do higher repetitions while still feeling "the burn." No matter where you are now and what your goal is, EVERYONE should ALWAYS lift weights. To prevent injury that will keep you away from exercise even longer, use correct form while focusing on every movement and muscle you work. Also, perform compound movements. They work more than one muscle group and are great for conditioning yourself for overall performance. You want more? Click on my video to see what I'm talking about! After you watch it and try out the exercises, comment on the blog or email me at jenny[@]

 Made Fit TV - Ep 22 - Strengthen Your Lower Back | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:08:00

Lower Back. Even the name sounds like it's not a priority so why the heck would you consider it? Well, you should! If you're a living being right now, your lower back is being engaged constantly -- and most-likely being mistreated. I know you don't mean to disregard your back when your slouching in your work chair, helping your buddy move, or racking too much weight at the gym... but you are. Now is the time to start incorporating lower back exercises into your routine. If you're one of the lucky ones who has 6 months of snow-shoveling to look forward to like me, then you're especially in need of a good exercise to get you going so you don't injure yourself. Deadlifts are the answer. A deadlift can include a barbell or dumbbells being lifted from your shins to standing position, using primarily your lower back, along with the hips, butt, and legs. You may typically see men doing this movement at the gym, but ladies need to do them too!! Because deadlifts require sufficient form and strength of the lower back, injury is very common if you get lazy. But, I don't want you to avoid this movement all together either. So, click on this week's video, watch, and learn the correct way to perform a deadlift for a strong, sturdy, sexy lower back! And finally I give a big shout out to Jon over in the UK who just finished the 26 mile New York Marathon. He raised over £2,500 for the Orchid Male Cancer Charity. He said that he used some of my workouts to help with some of his resistance training and he actually shed 5 minutes off of his time! That is awesome! So, congrats to Jon!


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