Made Fit TV  - Health & Fitness Entertainment show

Made Fit TV - Health & Fitness Entertainment

Summary: Made Fit TV is a show dedicated to Health and Fitness for everyone who wants a fresh look at the world of working out and weight loss. Jennifer Didonato, a NASM certified personal trainer, covers everything from strength training & cardio to diet and healthy eating. She also reviews products to inform you of what works and what doesn't. Join us every Wednesday morning as new episodes air! Made Fit TV - Where fit bodies don't just happen - they're made.

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 Made Fit TV - Ep 6 - The Playground Workout - Part 2 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:06:57

School is out for kids across the country. That means more room for you on the playground! It's no surprise we were in better shape in grade school than we are now. Let's rekindle the energy we had back then and resort back to out childhood ways...but with a little twist! Check out my video for some great exercises that you can do at your local park or school playground. It's the second in two Brides Made Fit workouts to get you looking and feeling great!

 Made Fit TV - Ep 6 - The Playground Workout - Part 1 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:05:20

No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks... oh, and no more exercise, apparently, for the 60% overweight American population! It seems as though adults are forgetting that they can't eat like they did when they were 12 years old without gaining weight. So what's to blame for packing on the pounds? Lack of accountability to exercise is the main thing, but another is lifestyle. Sitting at a computer for 8 hours a day munching on fast food is a far cry from spending several hours a day out on the playground at recess, after school, and on weekends. As children, we didn't think that swinging on a swing would work our abs, or that climbing the monkey bars would tone our arms and back muscles -- we just did it! Funny, huh? So, instead of making excuses of a slow metabolism, bad genetics, and no time... just get outside again and play! But this time, you only need about 15 minutes and a little direction. Check out the video above for some great exercises to try out at your local park or playground. It's the first in two Brides Made Fit workouts to get you looking and feeling great!

 Made Fit TV - Ep 5 - Roll Your Pain Away With Foam Rolling | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:04:29

Flexibility should never be ignored in a health and fitness program because it allows for better range of motion (ROM) in your muscles and tendons. As a result, you're at lower risk for injury and you perform better during your workouts. There is more to flexibility than just the typical hamstring static stretch. I want to introduce you to the techniques of self-myofascial release (SMR), or better known as "foam rolling." SMR is implemented through a foam roller to relax and inhibit over-active and tight muscles. This is done by targeting the fascia, or connective tissue, that surrounds our muscles, bones, and joints. The way it works is that when pressure is placed on the tight muscle, a mechanoreceptor in the muscle-tendon causes the muscles to relax. This reflex is automatic to protect us from injuries. You may foam-roll virtually any muscles that are tight or causing you pain, such as the calves, hamstrings, glutes, piriformis, lower back, ilotibial band, hip flexors, and upper back. As you roll slowly over the muscle, stop at any point you feel a knot or a slight cramping pain (trigger point), and hold that position for 20-30 seconds. You may repeat this three to five times on each muscle. Click on the video for step-by-step demonstrations. It is very important to note, however, that you should not practice foam rolling if you are elderly, pregnant, have varicose veins on the legs or any musculoskeletal disorders. It could lead to severe health complications in these populations. As always, consult your physician before doing any exercise routines or movements. Incorporate SMR in your program for just five minutes daily, and you will notice a decrease in muscle tightness and pain, improved ROM, and increased flexibility. Foam-rollers are light and very portable and you can purchase them through SPRI, Dick's Sporting Goods, and

 Made Fit TV - Ep 4 - Why Is Balance So Important? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:03:36

We’ve all been exposed to the “Core Craze” that’s swept television infomercials, magazines, and fitness classes—but why is it so important to our everyday fitness rituals? It’s not just all about getting sculpted hard abs, it’s about conditioning the very muscles that promote balance and stability in our bodies. The better your balance, the better your body functions and reduces the chances getting hurt. Plus, incorporating more muscles burns more calories! The root of balance and stabilization lies within your core, which consists of all of the muscles in the abdominals, obliques, and muscles in the lower back and along the spine. When your body’s center of gravity is challenged, it automatically activates the above muscles to recruit stabilization to force your body to be balanced. When incorporated in your workout, the stronger and more conditioned your core will become to do more advanced movements. Someone with a weak core may have difficulties performing simple exercises—even daily activities—without compensating their form in some way to maintain balance. This can be especially dangerous for the elderly because it can lead to all-too-common slip and falls, muscle sprains and strains, and broken bones. There’s no better time than now to get a leg up on balance… literally! Many pieces of equipment can help you recruit core strength and stability: Stability Ball, BOSU, Core Board, etc. But you can begin by just standing on one leg at a time for as long as your can. Make sure to keep your abdominals contracted and back straight for control. The easier that becomes, combine it with an exercise movement like a bicep curl or shoulder raise. Remember that the harder your body has to work, the more calories it has to expend while doing it! So, balance and stabilization training is great for total body exercise!

 Made Fit TV - Ep 3 - Myth busting: Women & Weights | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:04:42

If you’re a woman, do you skimp on the weights – or avoid them all together – because you are afraid weight-lifting would turn you into a female body-builder? This myth is likely created from body-building magazines. But in reality, those women get their size from an intense and strenuous training program, and "some" gain it through the use of anabolic steroids and other drugs that promote muscle gain. Genetically, women have less muscle and only a fraction of testosterone and other growth hormones as men – so you couldn’t even get that big naturally if you tried! Thinking you could look “manly” from weight-lifting would be like your fiancé saying he can shoot hoops like Michael Jordan just because he practices plays basketball in the driveway. Now, you know that’s ridiculous! Another myth that frequently worries women is that strength training will lead to weight-gain. Initially when hitting the weights, women may see a minimal and temporary weight-gain (by about 1 to 5 lbs.) in the first month or so of a strength training program. Why? Because muscle fibers develop tiny micro-tears in response to the resistance and stress placed on them. This may cause water retention, but it also allows the muscle to grow, become stronger, and eat up more calories. Unfortunately, this process may happen faster than initial fat loss. But if you’re challenging your muscles consistently over a period of months, you’ll begin to drop the pounds and get that firm, sculpted look you can’t get just through diet and cardio. So don’t be scared – get on that bench and start pumping!

 Made Fit TV - Ep 2 - Posture | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:01:55

Millions of Americans spend hours upon hours a day slumped in front of their computers. Don't believe me -- look what you're doing right now! It may be great for your work ethic, but it could be detrimental for your posture. Why should you care about your posture? Because the way you sit, stand, and move incorporates the function of your muscles and joints. If just one area of your body is too tight, too weak, or injured, your body may begin to adapt to those abnormalities and encourage incorrect movement, throwing your posture out of alignment. Common causes are sedentary lifestyle, repetitive stress on a joint or muscle, or impact -- which can all be treated and/or managed. However, more permanent or severe postural dysfunctions may stem from injuries from an accident, muscular or skeletal conditions, and disease. The first thing to do to when addressing posture is to identify the area's on your body that need attention. This can be done through an assessment by a Brides Made Fit certified personal trainer. Next, a specific program designed just for you must be implemented incorporating flexibility techniques, strengthening, and integrated movements. As you continue through at least 12 weeks of a program, your body will begin to correct itself, allowing for better range of motion, strength, symmetry, and flexibility. You may even notice that some annoying aches and pains have gone away. Addressing posture is essential in optimizing your workouts because it allows your body to work with you -- not against you.

 Brides Made Fit Podcast - Ep 1 - Welcome! | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:01:55

Welcome to the first episode of he Brides Made Fit Podcast. The first episode is strictly introductions. You'll meet Jennifer DiDonato, certified personal trainer and health enthusiast. We will get you started on what the show will be about and what to expect in the coming episodes.


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